《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Accepting my rejection



It's been almost two weeks now and still no sign of that damn mutt. I continued my search, in hopes of finding him so I can get the elders off my back. They were planning on visiting, just to make sure I was carrying out their orders and that's the lowest point I have fallen so far. I was not one to follow, I was the one who leads.

That's why I'm an alpha, no other title would fit my description and I was happy about that. The alpha title was originally for my brother and I since we are twins, we both have alpha blood but he was the immature one. He didn't want the title and was already running from it, only showing his face around here when necessary.

' alpha can you come outside? There's someone here to see you.' Damian said, disturbing my thoughts. I sighed as I made my way outside to see what was so important and why he sounded so..scared. Max was pacing in my mind, finally showing his presence which had me wondering why he chose this moment.

Once outside, I saw a crowd that had already formed, some seemed surprised while others looked confused. A path cleared for me so I can get a good view of who was there and when I saw it was none other than my mate a sadistic grin started making its way on my face. All the thoughts of what I would do to him came rushing at once as I stood there taking him in, looking at him like he was my new favorite toy.

I marched up to him with confidence, but somehow it seems as if he wasn't afraid of me. When I came face to face with him, I laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Did Selene think I would fall for someone so scrawny? My mate had to hold the same power as I do, any less and it's a no for me.


" ahh look who's here, did you miss me?" I asked trying to get him to talk. The last time I did he didn't say anything so I was only messing with him a little now. He closed his eyes and the next thing I knew my mind was taken over by something, by his presence.

I fought against it, but no matter the amount of strength I possessed it was impossible.

' this is the only way I can communicate with you, through your mind. Raina made sure of it.' Max growled a little at the mention of someone else's name coming from his so call mate.

' word got out that you were searching for me. I'd like you to stop.' I was about to say something but he interrupted me.

' I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries or to beg you to take me back. I came here to do the one thing that you want and that's to accept your rejection.' This wasn't how I saw this coming.

' it's what you wanted after all right? Now I'm able to move on without worrying about you, without feeling the pain from you cheating on me. Now I can finally be free from you so I Elias Emerson accept your rejection and hope to never see your face again.' I fought against his power on my mind and won.

Right as I was about to tackle him, to take him back to the dungeon and chain him for being such a fool he disappeared. I had him in my grasp, just his shirt and he disappeared. Everyone stood there staring at me with their mouths open from the shock of what they had just witnessed.

" Ryker I..." Ryland said as he tried to find a way of comforting me. I felt the pain slowly making its presence known. My chest was ripping apart which was too much even for a strong alpha like myself. So I did the only thing I could, I screamed and fall to the ground writhing from the agony that had just taken place. I thought it was a myth.


I thought that the pain wasn't real but it was and now I was feeling it. Ryland was somehow experiencing the same effect but not as bad as me, maybe it was because we were twins and they did say twins sometimes feel each other's pain. I couldn't bear it anymore so I closed my eyes and lost consciousness right there on the ground where I belonged.

" how long has it been now Kimberly?" I heard my dad asking in a worried tone.

" it's only been eight hours sir. Getting rejected can be deadly as well, he is already deteriorating as we speak." Dad sighed as I heard crying which seemed to be coming from mom.

" he is one stubborn man, so foolish. Why couldn't he have gotten over his pride and accepted his mate? None of this would have happened. Now he and Ryland are suffering and I don't even know what Ryland has to do with this but he is also feeling the pain. Both my pups are in pain and I don't know what to do." Dad. The strong and powerful man I saw him be started crying. I couldn't take it anymore so I opened my eyes to let them know that I was alright.

Mom was the first one to rush over to me, she started hugging me and making sure I was alright while dad shakily made his way over to my side.

" will he be alright Kimberly?" Mom asked in a desperate tone as she continued to fuss over me.

" it all depends Mrs. green. He won't be the only one in pain, his mate will also feel it as well. It is up to them to fully accept each other for it to be over. But if they don't then you know what's coming next. Given it will be the full moon soon, they will both lose their minds. That's just the beginning, they will go into a feral mode with no way of controlling them. But even after that happens, there will be one more thing that is far worse." I knew what she meant, she didn't have to say it did me to figure it out.

" if they don't accept each other soon then death will come their way. I can try and lessen his and his brother's pain but not fully. The effects from getting rejected will outweigh everything else." Mom nodded her head and looked at me with pain in her eyes. It was even harder to breathe as I try to get through the pain.

This was what I deserved, I didn't know what it was like until it was too late. I was foolish enough to let my ego get the better of me, now I hadn't only put my life on the line I also am the cause of ryland's pain. I just hope that this will all be over soon and we can move on from this before it's too late.

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