《Beast love》chapter-18


"Bring them here" king ordered

" They were on their way my supreme" max said and seated

All hall went silent and a thud sound of somebody dragging heared.

A front door opened and two men entered.Those feelings rush towards dominic.The scent of vanilla and strawberry,also a smell of blood mixed in air.Dominic stiffed the scent and roam his eyes here and there.His inner self suddenly disturbed.He never smelled this sweet scent and the scent brought him peace.He wondered because it was the same scent which he may be sniffed before.

He came down from stairs and stood down.All men which were present their were stand up.The man standing at door came and stood at the center of hall.Dominic being impatient by each passing second.

" where are girls?" Now king shouted with some unknown reason.

They both bowed and about to say something but stop by door voice.

The other two men coming and opened door widely and a sight came into view of two girls being dragged harshly by two giant men's.A line of blood on floor were being drawn with their dragging.

When the sight came in front of peoples who stood at the doorway.Nothing but a sharp intake of breath heard from peoples.A look of horror came on every face.

Now a sight of girls came in front of everyone and a unexpected words echoed in silent hall:-


dominic wolf said with sudden realization.But the dreadful sight came in front of his eyes,he fumble on his place.He stood their numb bcoz the view in front was his worst nightmare.

"Mate...mine .... ours,she is here

Dominic " drew continously mumble in dominic mind unbelievably because beast like him never be mated or to have a soulmate. Dominic also went restless and the feeling of being loved one,his other half shoot him like some lava.This feeling gave him so much solace.Which he was needed most but never got it.


"she is alive human,she is

Go get her" drew impatienly going back and fourth in dominic mind.Expression on dominic face was priceless.Like he didn't able to register what going on around.Drew shaked him with full force and the word which everyone wants to hear from their king from centuries.

His heart skip a beat and one word came :-


Everyone in the hall went silent.Shocked,surprised expression came on everyone faces.At that moment,everyone realizes what happen.Their king found his mate,their queen.

Max also a witness of this scene and sudden realization hit him like fire.

His expression changed into happy,surprised and the last one fear,regret.And his legs left him and kneed on the floor.

His omega came and stood beside king.

There laid down their most awaited queen,king's mate.

The two women laid down side by side.

At last,his wolf register his mate's condition.

" ours" the words were enough to shaken up my entire world.The words kept repeating in my head again and again.

My mate body was totally in blood,only her eyes were seen.Her hands were in a pool of blood and some nails were half but bleeding continously.Her breaths came into pants.She was half alive.Her dress was tore badly only a few parts were covered.

I was unable to moved from there.My feet fixed on the place.

My eyes moved to her face and met her eye she was looking at me with so much hatred.Her eyes told me about her painful

condition.There was emptiness in pool of those hazel eyes.I stood there for a second,minute .I waited there might that be a nightmare.Seeing a scene in front of me like someone stab on my heart million times.


A hand on my shouldar that gesture brought me into worst reality.Whereas my wolf doesnot utter a word,he also shocked by this.I can't describe my feelings,what i feel.

No one there had any courage to speak.My whole world spin around me and my heart was bleeding which just beat from few minutes ago.I feel like somebody stab me on my heart.

My all emotions gather at that moment which i never felt.A shoot of pain hit me and i know she was in pain.

Now standing in front of her,i felt our mate bond why i never felt before. Drew never expect this.I took one step towards my mate and suddenly drew took over me,run like a bullet towards his mate.

"mate mate mine my mate"I carefully took her into my arm.

She was so soft.I cant saw her face properly bcoz she was totally drench in blood ,no pool of blood.There was a girl beside her,she may be dead.But my mate was alive,her low breath tell me.I stroke her hair which were fallen on his face and held her hand tight,suddenly a sharp take of breath by my mate and then her hand fall down from her stomach.And her eyes were look lifeless.

My whole fucked up world stop there.Somebody hold me from my shouldar and pulled me from my mate.


Max came

" plzz alpha,she need to be taken care plzzz plzz" with joining hand and his eyes were also lifeless staring at his queen.

"nobody will touch her means nobody"

My omega pushed me with full force and max stood in front of me.

" she is also our queen alpha but she is hardly alive,we have to bring her in hospital"

He yelled


Then it hit me that she is human

Then i took her into my tight embrace and run towards door,going deep and deep into forest towards city.Max was with me at same rush.

" my alpha you have to mark her,o-otherwise she can't

s-survive on the long way to

h-hospital" max said with feared tone.

I nodded

Because nothing came into my brain at that time,i want to go any length for sake of my mate.

Because now i felt what was mate means to you.It kept wolf alive.

Then i did that which i suppose to not.I know after that i lose her.

She going to fucking hate me but i have to ya i have to

But behind my head a little voice of dominic told me repeatedly

" dont do that drew,we almost lost her.I dont want to lose her forever" he yelled on me.

I neglect his protested

Then i did that,i bite her on neck where her shouldar and neck met.A slow take of breath came from her mouth.My saliva would meet with her blood which make her easy to survive from that condition.

A tear escape from her eye and i swipe them away with my tongue.My inside were howling from her condition.

Her most beautiful hazel eyes were close and her face was pale and her lips had a shade of blue.

I scared

I am the beast who was scared

I am the peoples nightmare who was never that helpless.

My mate brought me into that.

I am scared,might be i lose her.

Deep down,i am fucking afraid totally afraid.

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