《Beast love》chapter-17


Next day in morning

A ray of light cause me to opened my eyes half.My eyes hurt so much.I tried to register my surroundings and a huge pain of emotion hit me like a truck.I tried to move but my body didn't agreed to my mind instead it glued on floor.I am still alive that surprised me because what happened yesterday,I hadn't any hope of being live .

God don't love me that's why he left me in this cruel world to suffer more.I again tried to move and again hit by sudden pain in my whole body,i cant place a fingure where it hurts.

A minimal source of light came from a little window and rays hit on my face to make me blink.I feel like a vomit,my stomach paining so much because of hit or for hungerness.They didn't give me anything and i don't know how i survived.

They enjoyed to watch me in so much pain.They also tell me i deserve this.I dont know why i deserve this.They said i stab on the back of king,i dont know who king is.I know nothing what were happening.I don't want to know , ,i want to lay down here forever. There were many questions ruining in my head.

Suddenly my head start paining probabaly from so much thinking.And cell door opened,person came in my cell and his foot were visible to me and he kneed in front of me.

" ehh hello lady" said and hit me on my knee.

" You know what bitch,king will coming in evening,so you should prepare yourself for your death"

He said and i dont know who was he saying,only his voice rang in my ear.

" That's the punishment after our this torture,the king order us to make you useless,helpless and when he come you will beg for death,that's why he is a beast,a real beast" he said and pulled my hair,i no more able to protest just accepted what they were giving. Suddenly a voice of walking feets echoed in room and everything went silent.Other unfamilier voice echoed:-


" Is she alive" he said

" I dont think so" other person said who was still grabbing my hair harshly,another pair of hands grab my wrist

" her pulse rate is so low,she might be dead if we dont gave her treatment" person said

" we dont need to,king will be coming in evening" the person. said who still hold my hair

" she will easily pass this day but cant gurantee for tommorrow" person said who hold my wrist.

" They treated her so bad and i think when king's voice echoed in her mind then she will definately pass out" the person said who hold my hair.

Then i think they get up,bcoz the hands left my body.

" so what happened to other girl, actually i am not allowed there" A voice came

" she is going to be dead in any minute" person said

A wave of emotion hit my heart so badly,i think it might be started bleeding.

nooo trac you canttt

I killed her,am responsible for everything.oh god

I am so much in emotional pain.

Then dark spots took over me and make me again unconcious and it make me smile bcoz i am not facing them for some more time.I know i have less time and i really want to die but it seems like fate was too cruel with me.

They want me to live till evening for their king.

Who are the real beast

Whom i hated with the bottom of my heart

Who is the owner of my destruction.

Who snatch me from myself.

Who kill me

words are even less to describe him.

He may be a walking demon.

These thoughts came from my mind and i just listened them and laying lifeless,but still breathing.



Peoples in pack house rushing here and there.Some were cleaning house, watering plants.All were worried because there king will arrived in any minute.So they were making preparation for king's arrival.Nobody wants to face wrath of their king.

All pack members settled in meeting hall.The hall was huge and there were ancient design on the walls.There were a long way of chairs arranged in opposite to each other .

The throne was placed in the center on high place.There were golden chandelier placed on top of king's throne.The space in center was vacant and entry door in front of king's throne.The gold work were done on walls and pillars.The peoples which were present there were discussing their problems with each other but their eyes were on door.

Suddenly front door opened immediatly from the sounds of car.The guards standing on both sides of gate and their head were down.The black audi,white bmw,camaro were coming inside with sudden rush.And arranged in order.The guards came out from front car and third car ,walk towards second car and held a door for king.

Then the king placed his foot on floor and a sudden wave of air hit him on his face,king came out from car.He was in his armani black tuxedo look like a greek god and wearing rayban brand glasses.He looked so classy.

The guards were behind him, ready to protect their king or die for their king.

A rare scent made contact with his nose and his body suddenly stiffen.He again tried to smell it like some dog.A feeling came which he tried to avoid from many days.This feel of air make him restless,it look like air try to tell him something,he can't recognize anything.This all noticed by his omega.He put his hand on dominic shouldar.Suddenly dominic came from sudden shock state.

"My king,all members are waiting inside the hall"

King nod,started walking towards meeting room where he was going to meet those filthy girls.Whom he want to finish. he entered in hall and all went silent All standing there with their head bowed.He nodded at them and started walking towards his throne.

He was standing on the top and faced all the peoples and sat on the throne like a king he was,His hands were on arm of throne and his body sat straight towards all peoples.His spine were straight and he look like a real potrait.

" I called you all here because i want to discuss about rogues attack"

" We found two girls which were passed our territory and now they were in dungeon,"

" they get all what they deserve in their but--"

" The last part still not fulfilled yet and which is definately death"

The fear rush towards all peoples faces,who were silently pray for the girls.Because in 200 years,there was never a she-wolf stepped inside territory.They never knew what king had stored for the girls.The look on their king's face was more than scary.

His omega were standing behind him and ready to follow his orders.Suddenly max came from the door and stood in a row of chairs.

" Bring them here" king orders in hatred tone.

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