《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 26: Her Blue Eyes
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My eyes scanned the picture, taking in every detail of the slightly blurry photograph. I admired the way she blushed as I hugged her small body. I can distinctly remember the feeling of her being in my arms, her natural human warmth was a most enjoyable sensation.
My thoughts were disturbed when the sound of Theo's annoying voice came from behind me. "What is he doing?"
"He's been staring at that photo for a while now," Sebastian responded and I felt the slightest muscle twitch on my face.
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, noticing how the length had increased significantly. Even in the picture, parts of my hair touched Saige's fair face. I should probably get a haircut soon, but I really wasn't up to visiting the center of town where it was most populated.
Directing my attention back to the photo, I once more took in the features of Saige's face I could get from the awkward angle. The one feature that stood out to me were her eyes. On the verge of being ocean-like to an electric colored blue, it was one of the first things that attracted my attention.
"That's so unlike him. Look at that creepy face he's making." Theo whispered even though he knew I could hear him clearly.
"I know right." Sebastian agreed with him, making my annoyed meter turn up a notch.
Dropping the picture by my side, I glared at my friends who were watching me with amused stares. "Would you two stop talking? The sound of your voices are extremely deafening."
Theo scoffed at my somewhat exaggerated statement and turned his head to the side, trying to hide his wide grin from me. I carefully placed the tiny square photograph inside the right pocket of my blazer, making sure the edges wouldn't fold over.
Even though the air had gone silent between the three of us, I could tell by the way Theo and Sebastian were simultaneously making eye contact every few seconds that they were having a mute conversation. Did I care? Not really, but it was beginning to seem like they were intentionally antagonizing me.
I began to walk away, heading in the direction of the unoccupied classrooms during lunch. A stumble of footsteps and rubber squeaking followed me and I secretly grinned to myself. Theo's obnoxious breathing bounced off the walls and I turned my head to look at him as he came up beside me.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Theo hummed at the end, a smirk starting to form on his face.
His question was suggesting. I could tell by the way his voice was drawn out and by how his eyes shined brightly. My eyebrow raised at the hidden motive behind his words, though a second feeling ran through my body. It was defensive but yet warmed at the person who entered my mind.
"To eat lunch," I said, watching the smirk disappear instantly. "I'm starving."
He scoffed and nudged Sebastian who was walking beside him. "He's the most boring vampire at this school."
I scowled at his comment, watching the way Sebastian smiled and nudged Theo back, edging him to continue on irritating me. As I watched the two banter with each other, I noticed Sebastian's blazer tied around his slim waist. Theo had his folded across his shoulder, being held in place by one hand.
"I'm not boring," I mumbled the words under my breath with an annoyed tone.
The two stopped giggling like school girls and turned their attention toward me. Theo let out a bellowing laugh, which didn't surprise me at all. His outgoing and laid back manner could be a bit intimidating sometimes. It's no wonder Saige stared at him with shock that first day at lunch.
I'm still mad at him for embarrassing me in front of all those people. The nerve of him, throwing a banana at my face.
Two female students passed the three of us, their average looking faces suddenly turned our way. They both gave us brightened wide smiles, which I didn't return the gesture. The two buffoons beside me, on the other hand, gave the two girls their own smirks. They immediately snickered.
No smile will ever compare to Saige's. I immediately shook my head, trying to rid of the sudden weird thought that came to mind.
"You've been spacing off a lot lately." Theo unnecessarily pointed out. "Have you been thinking about a certain someone?"
My body went stiff for a split second, the images of the dark-haired girl entering my mind. Although it seems that she never left in the first place. Ever since I visited her late last night, I'm being constantly reminded of her.
I narrowed my eyes at the asshole. "I have not been spacing off."
"Dude, you stare off into the distance with this sparkle in your eyes," Theo stated in a monotone voice, but there was the hint of amusement in his words.
Sebastian grinned at me. "I guess the myth about vampires sparkling isn't really a myth after all."
I gave them both a flat look before turning my head away from their childish jokes. We were nearing closer to the classroom, the hallway we were in was instantly recognizable. The same old chipped painted walls and faded wooden doors. A dreary scene, really.
My feet halted a few doors down from the classroom, both of them stopping to turn back at me with perplexed expressions.
"What about you two jokesters? Don't think I haven't noticed." A smirk replaced my agitation as I turned the tables on them.
My eyes watched closely, catching that Theo reacted sooner and more noticeably surprised than Sebastian. Theo nervously laughed, immediately scratching the back of his neck. He shifted the weight on his feet, swaying from side to side while Sebastian glanced away, a blush reddening his olive cheeks.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Theo denied, glancing away and then back at me every few seconds.
"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about," I smirked, my body swelling with a feeling of triumph.
His demeanor changed, to that of defeat. His shoulders sagged and he stopped acting like a nervous child about to be scolded by a parent. An audible sigh escaped his lips and he made steady eye contact with me instead of glancing around nervously.
Sebastian was still acting in denial, not giving either one of us his attention. His arms were folded across his chest and I could he tell was trying to calm himself so his would blush would disappear before I could notice. But I did notice, I always do. Because unlike them, I pay attention to my surroundings.
"How did you find out?" Theo asked, an undertone of bewilderment in his question.
"It is very obvious dude, same for you Sebastian. I was talking to you too." My eyes fixated on Sebastian, inviting him to join the conversation.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at me, increasing the length of my smirk. The blush still evident on his cheeks, but it was still a strange sight to witness. He often portrays himself as a somewhat emotionless person, one that doesn't follow the rules.
I would dare say it was amusing to watch him become tongue-tied from my words. Same goes for the sometimes obnoxiously goofy Theo.
"So how do we get their attention?" Sebastian still held his glare, directing it toward me fully.
I shrugged my shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. My feet began to move once more down the hallway. "Don't ask me, I don't give girl advice. Ask Saige, they're her friends."
Theo groaned loudly as I passed by him. Most likely stimulating from the fact I knew about his little crush and that I wasn't willing to help him out. What can I say? I prefer moving the pawns into place rather than risking myself by moving forward. That's how games work.
The heat from Sebastian's fading glare was beginning to burn a hole in the back of my head, but that didn't diminish my pride one bit. You might think I was acting harshly toward them for bringing their little crushes up, but this was my version of revenge for earlier. Hey— they deserved it.
Sebastian and Theo followed behind me, echoing my own footsteps. I stopped in front of the classroom door, my hand reaching for the metal handle but it immediately froze as my ears perked up at all too familiar voice. My head steadily swiveled around to meet my friend's confused glances.
"What is it, Carson?" Sebastian whispered to me but he wasn't quiet enough.
How could they not hear her? Her voice is uniquely different from the other girls here. And now I sound like sappy romance novel reader.
"Shh." I held one of my fingers up to my lips, motioning for them to stay quiet.
When they both nodded their heads, my hand gently wrapped around the cool metal handle. My muscles were tense as I pushed the handle down quietly until the door popped open with little noise. My peripheral vision caught both Theo and Sebastian flinching at the sound of her voice. It became louder and clearer when the door creaked open.
My eyes scanned the room until they locked onto the dark beauty that I had become fascinated with. My heart swelled for a moment, but it instantly dropped into the pit of my stomach when I noticed who she was with. The King twins, fragile Hadlee and loner Harley.
The words that were exchanged between the three of them didn't reach my ears. I focused on the fact she was with Harley and he kept staring at her, watching and observing her every move the way I like to. My body shot away from the classroom and I instantly sped walk away, hearing Theo and Sebastian run after me.
"Carson, dude, calm down. Your vampire is showing." Theo was out breath as he spoke to me, whether it was nerves or he was out of shape I didn't care.
But he was right. My nails had grown and I was clenching my fist so tightly that they had pierced the tough skin on my palm, causing dark blood to flow. The pain hadn't even registered to me. I continued stomping down the hallway, glancing back at Theo. In the reflection of his green eyes, I saw what he was seeing.
My brown eyes had lost their humanity, consumed by a dark crimson color. Why I was angry and riled up, I wasn't thinking straight enough to tell you. The thoughts in my mind were racing and jumbled together. I had one goal, get the hell away from Saige before she saw me like this. I've already hated myself times before for lashing out at her for unjust reasons.
"I'm just so— I'm just so pissed!" I shouted in frustration, almost roaring out in the deserted hallway.
My knuckle flew and it came in contact with the pathetic metal locker. The sound of the metal denting echoed in the now dead silent hallway. I pull my fist away gruffly, not even minding the bloody and bruised skin. It would heal in a few minutes, nothing new there.
"Carson, come on man, calm down." Sebastian tried to step closer to my extremely tense body.
Nothing mattered as I whipped around and hissed at him, my fangs fully elongated. Theo immediately responded, leaping in front of Sebastian and grabbing fistfuls of my shirt. He pushed me up against the metal lockers, denting more in the process. He hissed back at me with equally extended fangs, eyes turning blood red, reflecting mine.
It lasted for a second before he morphed back into his human form.
"Dude, chill. You wouldn't want Saige to see you like this right?" His green eyes desperately searched mine, waiting for my humanity to return.
"No..." I groaned in response, looking away from Theo, feel ashamed.
Theo dropped me, my canines returning back to normal size. My breathing was still ragged and my fists were still clenched tightly together. The blood was still covering my hands, but since my nails had retracted back to normal, the cuts had already healed. I blinked several times, feeling my thoughts come back to me in an orderly fashion.
Humanity. Something so easy to lose with a blink of an eye and something so hard to keep with a breath of air.
Sebastian stepped toward with me doubt. "Are you alright—?"
"I'm fine." I interrupted, waving him off.
I didn't like when people tried to help me. It made me feel weak and defensive, and I absolutely loathed that feeling. Control was what I loved, having everything in the palm of my hand, moving to my will. I despise whenever I lose my cool. People try to help and I don't like the feeling that comes with it.
"Let's head to the nurse's office. Come on, dude." Theo pulled at my wrinkled blazer and I willingly let him drag me along.
We walked farther and farther away from where Saige was. My thoughts spun around the image of her in my head, wondering and asking all these questions. Why was she with the King twins? And in the same exact classroom Sebastian, Theo, and I used for lunch? Had she found out that's were we stayed?
A long sigh escaped my lips and I noticed how silent the two of them were being. Maybe they were just as confused as I was. Ever since the Hallow's Eve carnival, Saige hadn't really made contact with either twin. Thinking back to the night of the carnival, I remembered some commotion going on between Reece and Harley.
But I could have also sworn Harley was causally dancing with Saige that night. My fights instantly tightened into balls of anger.
Someone's fingers snapped in my face. "Dude, we're here."
I glanced up at Theo, narrowing my eyes at him. The three of us were stopped in front of the white door with a silver plaque reading Nurse. Sebastian made the first move, reaching for the handle and pulling open the door. My feet grudgingly moved forward follow the two of them into the very white room. It smelled like hand sanitizer.
I hate that smell. "Is this really necessary? My cuts have already healed."
Raising both bloody hands, I waved them at Theo. I guess he wasn't convinced because he grasped my wrist and pulled me farther into the awful smelling office. The room was completely empty, completely void of all lifeforms. Not many vampires came here. After all, we don't get sick.
The purpose of a Nurse's office in a school for a bunch of vampires with super healing, you ask? One reason is that a Nurse is trained to sedate students if a fight breaks out. Needless to say, fights don't usually occur here. Not after what happened in the past a few years ago.
"Oh? This is a rare treat." A slightly high-pitched voice sang.
Theo pulled me to the front and I made sure he knew I was glaring at only him. "Hello, Doctor Melody."
The woman looked to be in her twenties, but don't let the platinum blonde hair tied in a tight bun or the dark rounded glasses covering her light brown eyes fool you. The woman sitting in the rolling chair in front of me is one of the oldest vampires in this cursed town. I gave her a stern look as she continued to smile at me.
It was sickening.
"Why, hello Carson. I don't see you much very often, how's your mother?" She asked with that obnoxious smile.
My teeth gritted together. "She's fine."
The facade she was holding in front of my friends made my stomach twist in many painful ways. My expression hardened even more and I could only focus on trying not to say anything that shouldn't be said. Theo and Sebastian must have sensed the tense air between us.
"Hey doc, he just came to clean the blood off his hands. So we'll just do that now." Theo pulled me to the side, directing me to the back part of the office where the cleaning supplies and sink was.
The feeling of that old woman watching us never left, it grew stronger. My hands were shaking with so much anger that I about ripped the faucet off the counter. The water spouted and flowed in a steady stream from the gray metal contraption called a sink. I ran my hands under the lukewarm water, beginning to scrub the dried blood off my skin.
A few faded streaks of red were left behind and that was pretty damn close to clean to me. I quickly shut the water off and reached for paper towels, angrily drying my hands. My fingers balled the paper and I left it on the counter. The blonde bitch can throw it away herself.
"Let's go." My cold and icy voice commanded to Theo and Sebastian.
Both gave me doubtful glances but acknowledged my wishes. They followed me out the room, but it was when I reached the way too white door that the cursed Doctor called out to me. My fingers grasped the metal handle tightly, probably leaving dents in the damned thing.
"The dark-haired girl has a very interesting file. What was her name again? Ah— that's right, Saige Morris." The chair made an awful squeaking noise. "Would you like to read it?"
My heart hammered against my ribcage, but I ignored it. I pushed the metal handle down slowly and opened the door, but the witch of a doctor wasn't through speaking.
The doctor stood up from her chair, holding two files in her hand. "Or would you like to know why the dark-haired girl is hanging out with the King twins? Choose your pick."
Her bright teeth and red lipstick was what was most noticeable about her pale face. I gave her a final glare, a warning almost. The last time I made a deal with the devil, I almost lost everything and someone nearly got killed. They should have died, but the devil was being nice that day.
"I don't know any dark-haired girls." An obvious lie, but I wasn't going to let her walk all over me a second time.
With force, I pulled open the office door. The smell of hand sanitizer disappearing behind me as I stormed my way down the hallway. The lunch bell rang, piercing my sensitive hearing but I've learned to dull the annoying sound. The chattering of students increasing tenfold.
Theo and Sebastian must have got the memo from my suddenly hardened demeanor. They both split, heading off in opposite directions to their third-period classes. I, on the other hand, continued pushing through the crowd, trudging down the hallway. An image of black ink caught my eye and I instantly recognized the dark hair.
Saige exited the classroom, her backside was to me. My eyes observed the way her long ebony hair swayed from side to side with every step she took. And I also noticed I wasn't the only one watching. From the door of the classroom, Harley waved goodbye to his twin but kept his eyes on my Saige.
Wait, my Saige? No, that's not right.
Before I knew it, I was headed straight for the curly haired boy. "What the hell do you think you're playing?"
Harley didn't even give me a glance, a grin covering his features. "I'm pretty sure I'm just a pawn in you and Reece's game."
My eyes narrowed at him, watching the way he remained calm. His arms were resting on his hips and it was when Saige disappeared out of sight that he turned his head to make eye contact with me. I remained on the defensive and I pondered his words.
"You're wrong," I stated and he gave me a perplexed look. "You're not just a pawn, you're Reece's rook. Didn't think I was gonna let you go unnoticed, did you?"
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