《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 25: Skipping Class
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I carefully peered around one of the hallway corners, scanning every individual that was there. The uniforms made it difficult to pick out a specific person, but that didn't stop me from conducting a thorough search. I sighed in relief, the tension that had built inside of me starting to ease away.
"What exactly is she doing again?" Zaylee's whisper made me turn my head.
"I think she's searching for someone," Rowan suggested, the two of them giving me strange looks.
Zaylee's eyes went wide with realization. "More like hiding."
My teeth tugged at the soft flesh of my bottom lip out of nervousness. All morning I had been extremely anxious about coming to school. Images of last night's late event kept stirring around all the butterflies that were trapped inside my stomach.
His fingers ran through my hair, only pulling slightly. The electrifying shock of his lips touching mine made my brain turn to mush. I stayed frozen at first, unsure of what to do. Then he began to slowly move his lips on mine, igniting the passion inside my body.
My cheeks burned like a hot flame. "I'm not hiding."
"Look! She's totally blushing!" Zaylee nearly squealed and rushed at me. "Who are you hiding from?"
"I bet it's Carson." Rowan grinned at me, cocking her hips to the side.
My own fingers began to intertwine with strands of his hair, resting at the base of his head. His hair was surprisingly soft and it was smooth to the touch. I felt my own lips begin to move in sync with his, my hidden desires coming forward. Carson leaned in more, deepening the kiss.
I instantly turned away from Rowan and Zaylee's intense gazes. Their eyes burned lasers through my body and I wasn't sure if I should deny the statement or not. My heart was beating loudly and a smile began to form on my face. This was happening all because they mentioned his name.
"It's totally Carson." Zaylee agreed, coming closer to the wall I was pressed up against.
Rowan sighed, sounding a bit delighted. "Did you guys do something yesterday?"
My eyes widened at Rowan's suggestion and I turned my head sharply to give them both narrowed glares. Which was rather difficult to do when my cheeks were burning as hot as the sun at midday. Pushing forward off the wall, I could only hope I wouldn't come in contact with Carson this morning.
I don't think I'd be able to keep my emotions in check.
The kiss was gentle at first, but now it seemed to take a more passionate route. I was expecting him to run his tongue across my lower lip, asking for entrance, but that didn't happen. Instead, Carson removed his lips from mine. I was about to open my eyes, but before I could, I felt something sharp poke my bottom lip.
"We didn't do anything in particular," I mumbled, knowing that my two friends were giving me incredulous looks.
Suddenly, pale slender hands came at my face and I slightly flinched backward. I was too slow and before I knew it my sensitive cheeks were being pinched. My head moved from side to side along with the motion as I tried to focus on Zaylee in front of me. In a quick motion, I swatted her hands away.
"Oh, I'm sure you guys did absolutely nothing." Rowan rolled her eyes, her lips moving upward to form a large smirk.
I rubbed my throbbing cheeks. "I'm telling you, we didn't—"
"I can't believe you had the nerve to steal my Prince Charming away from me." Zaylee's swooning interrupted my denial.
Whatever had poked me began to gently tug on my bottom lip. My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted with a heart-melting sight. The air hitched in my throat as I stared into the dark orbs of a very sexy Carson. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw that it was his fangs glowing in the moonlight.
"Fine. I was with Carson yesterday and we didn't do anything but talk." I admitted, feeling utter defeat and embarrassment. "Happy?"
Zaylee squealed with delight and did a little jump in the air. "You two are now officially my favorite ship!"
"Ship? What are you talking about—" A full-on blush spread from my cheeks to my neck.
"Rowan! What should their ship name be?" Zaylee averted her attention from me and turned toward the brown-haired girl who stood a foot away from us.
Carson's fangs peeked out from under his lips, illuminated by the shine of the moon. He tugged gently on my lower lip, not piercing the fleshy skin. A sense of fear struck my mind and I instinctively wanted to pull away but I didn't. It sent a wave of tingles each time he pulled and I realized he wasn't going to bite me.
"I've decided. Their ship name shall be Caige." Rowan stated proudly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
My jaw unhinged and I know I looked ridiculous with my mouth hanging open from shock. Ship name? The hallway suddenly got a hundred degrees (Fahrenheit) hotter. My cool palms pressed against my burning face, hiding me from my friend's intense stares.
"That's absolutely perfect! I was thinking Sarson, but that one is so much better." Zaylee clapped her hands together, the sound bouncing off the walls of the empty hallway.
"You guys are insane," I mumbled, but I knew that they both had heard me.
"Aw! I know you're just denying the facts." Zaylee had a wide smile, showing her bright teeth. "Look! You're blushing!"
Damn. Not even my hands could hide the crimson red blush that painted my entire face. I felt slender fingers grasp my hands pull them away from my face, exposing the truth of my feelings. Rowan stood in front me and I studied her sharp facial features, trying to focus on something other than Carson.
His fangs released my bottom lip and he suddenly leaned closer, kissing my nose. I wiggled away out of embarrassment but the feeling of his lips still on mine made my heart continue racing. Meeting Carson's brown eyes, I saw he had a cheeky smile on his face. His arms suddenly pulled me into his chest.
It was suffocating, yet I felt safe. He smelled wonderful by the way.
"Shut up," I mumbled, pulling my hands out of Rowan's grip.
Exhaling, I pressed myself up against the wall once more. I leaned around the corner and saw that the hallway had become even less crowded. His blonde hair was present and a sigh of relief escaped my lips. My body was tense having an override of emotions.
I wanted to see Carson, but what was I going to do now that we kissed? What were his intentions? I mean, was there a possibility he liked me in a romantic sense? There were too many questions running through my mind. Now that we kissed, I think I could conclude one thing.
I had feelings for Carson. Romantic ones.
"Are you guys dating yet?" Zaylee asked, making my eyes widen to the size of saucers.
"No!" I suddenly blurted out and my brain felt jumbled. "I mean— I want— I don't— I don't know!"
Rowan smirked and held her hand to whisper to Zaylee. "They're totally dating."
I groaned and stepped away from the wall. For a moment, I forgot that I was supposed to be hiding from Carson. My feet carried my body down the hallway, unconsciously I made my way to my first class. The small clatter of two sets of feet behind me followed me down the nearly empty hallway.
"Saige! We're sorry! You two are just so cute together!" Zaylee's loud voice nearly screamed from behind me.
My footsteps abruptly halted and I glanced over my shoulder to give my two asses of friends a horrified look. The whispers of the remaining students filled my ears as my friends caught up to me.
I frantically glanced around the hallway, fearful that Carson had somehow found me. He wasn't here.
"Who's cute together?" An all too familiar deep voice said from behind me.
Curse him. My heart rate picked up speed and my body suddenly became warm with a blush. Before I could turn around to face him, strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I nearly jumped away, but instantly relaxed when I realized it was only the guy I had a major crush on.
"No one!" I nearly shouted out of surprise.
His heart-melting chuckle entered my ears and I felt my knees go weak. A small weight hit my right shoulder and I turned my head to find Carson. He was resting his head on my shoulder, his blonde hair tickling my temple from being so close. The air left my lungs and I couldn't help but stare at his handsome face.
"Quick! Rowan! Take a picture!" Zaylee's hushed squeal must have come out louder than she expected. Because I heard her.
A small clicking sound could be heard and I saw the flash of a camera from my peripheral vision. My eyes widened and I turned my head to the side to see Rowan holding a Polaroid camera. Where was she even hiding that thing? More importantly, who even has a Polaroid camera anymore? Those things are ancient.
"Guys. Seriously, stop it." I said, embarrassed to the extreme.
Though, they both continued to ignore me. Only paying attention to the white paper that came out from the camera.
"Hurry up and dry the picture! I wanna see it!" Zaylee greedily grabbed the thin sheet, waving it in the air.
I groaned and watched my friends stare at the picture expectantly. Suddenly, I felt Carson's arms unwrap themselves from my waist. My head turned and I saw that he took a step away from me with a giant grin on his. His brown eyes watching everything with amusement.
I glanced away, the blush refusing to leave my face. My heart pounded without rhythm, feeling overwhelmed by Carson's presence. Oh god, I couldn't even look at him without melting into a puddle. He just had to break into my bedroom and kiss me in the dark. And I just had to like it.
"Sweet baby Jesus! Look at how adorable they are!" Zaylee exclaimed, making me snap my attention back to her.
"He's resting his head on her shoulder with his arms wrapped her waist. They are for sure dating." Rowan nodded with approval, sending the butterflies in my stomach flying.
I shook my head frantically. "Like I said, we aren't dating!"
All of a sudden, I was pulled into a warm chest. An arm was wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me into a strong body. The blazer smelled familiar and I didn't need to look up to see who it was. Because the motion itself made my body wriggle with excitement and anxiousness. How was I supposed to explain this?
"Why not? I agree that we would make a cute couple." Carson's sexy— I mean cocky— voice said.
My hands found their way to his chest and I pushed out of his hold. I glared at him, trying to hide my crimson red cheeks.
"We are not dating," I stated, ignoring the slight pout on Carson's face.
Rowan and Zaylee glanced at each other before bursting out laughing. I waited for them to finish, watching Carson from the corner of my eye. Did I want to date him? Did he really want to date me? That would mean we would have to couple stuff right? Such as going on dates and holding hands in public.
"Here. Take it." Rowan held out the Polaroid picture and I stared at it with awe.
It was taken from an awkward side angle, showing only half of my face and half of Carson's. His large arms were wrapped around my small waist and his blonde hair stood out next to my dark hair. A grin was evident on his face while he rested his head on my shoulder. My cheeks were flushed red, that was noticeable despite the color scheme being off in the picture.
I was about to reach out and take the Polaroid picture, but before I could, Carson's fingers grasped it. He pulled it away from me, smirking. With two fingers, he held it just out of my reach. I huffed, annoyed that he was that much taller than me. I didn't even want the stupid picture anyway.
"I think I'll keep this," Carson said, holding it close to his heart.
The tardy bell suddenly rang, sending the remaining students in the hallway into a frenzy to get to their first class. Crap, I can't believe so much time was wasted. With a hurried pace, I follow Rowan and Zaylee down the hallway to where my first class was located. But I didn't get far.
After taking a few steps, I was stopped by a hand wrapping itself around my wrist. I turned my head to see it was Carson.
"What are you doing? We have to get to class!" I half-yelled at him expectantly.
"Skip with me." It was a simple command, yet I gave him a bewildered look.
Before I could respond, he gently pulled me in the opposite direction of my friends. Rowan and Zaylee had stopped in their tracks to give me identical thumbs up and smiles. I swear I'm going to kill the two of them one day. What happened to disliking Carson?
I was helplessly dragged down the deserted hallway toward a set of double doors that led into the parking lot. Even though I was being taken against my will, I liked the tingles that came from Carson's fingers making contact with my skin. The distraction that it was, I suddenly found myself surrounded by a bright light.
The sun shone brightly, now that morning had come. Carson released his grip on my wrist, obviously trusting me enough to follow him. He led me toward a black jeep and suddenly everything felt nostalgic to me. It was indeed his car at that gas station last Sunday. That was the day I had first run into him. Literally.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked and mumbled under my breath. "Better not be to suck my blood."
Although I meant it as a joke, I was being completely serious.
Carson laughed, telling me that he had heard me. "No, though I am feeling kind of hungry. That sounds better than the McDonald's breakfast idea I had."
At the mention of McDonald's, literally the best and worst possible food place to go to, I had my full attention directed at him. Did I even eat breakfast this morning? Without my mother being at home for the past few days, it was hard to remember the little things I did anymore.
Carson pulled out car keys, clicking a button that unlocked the jeep. The headlights flashed and then came a small beeping noise. I involuntarily walked to the passenger side without question. Maybe I shouldn't have disregarded Carson's hungry comment.
"Are you seriously taking me to McDonald's?" I asked as I opened the jeep door, feeling my mouth water for a breakfast biscuit.
"I was just kidding." Carson's words sending me into an over-exaggerated depressed state.
With a huff, I stepped into the car and sat down at the same time he did. "Ass."
The only response I got was a hearty laugh from him, making me unconsciously smile. We closed the jeep doors simultaneously, the sound making me jump slightly. Carson put the key into the ignition, making the jeep roar to life. I watched the school start to disappear as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove down a narrow road.
The town was beautiful, I had to admit. In the well that I've been here, I've found it to be quite breathtaking once you get used to the eerie feeling. Forests surrounded the town, making it known to me that Wintercrest was indeed protected and hidden from mundane eyes. The small and vintage styled buildings made the place feel ancient.
"What are you thinking about?" Carson's husky voice pulled me out of my day-dreaming.
"I'm thinking about what I want my epitaph to say. Write it down, will you?" My grin widened when I saw his playful scowl.
With no comeback, Carson reached for one of the knobs on the center counsel and turned it. The soft sound of rock music filled the car, making the ride even more peaceful. I didn't particularly care for this genre of music, but I was glad to be listening to it as I watched the passing trees.
The jeep suddenly turned to the left, making its way down an even more narrow and bumpy road. I held onto dear life, knowing I was wearing a wild expression. This trip was turning out to be thrilling, yet scary at the same time. The forest trees lined the road, almost as if it was leading the car to a hidden surprise.
I gasped in surprise when the trees fanned out, exposing a wide open area. Carson pulled the jeep off to the side, making it come to a halt. I glanced at him, raising my eyebrows in shock. He parked the car and then turned to me with a smirk on his face.
"Surprise." Was all he said before opening the driver door and exiting the jeep.
I quickly followed him, opening my own door. The gorgeous area before me was stunning, making me go silent with shock. I was instantly greeted with a fresh area and critter noises coming from the trees around us. There a few feet in front of us was not a very large lake, but the way the sun shone down on the water made it glisten beautifully.
"I didn't even know this was here," I stated, walking up next to Carson.
"It's one of Wintercrest's hidden jewels." Carson smiled, pulling me closer to him.
I blushed but remained in his hold. He treaded closer to the lake, taking me with him. We sat down right at the water's edge as the waves barely touched where our shoes rested on the shore. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the dazzling view. I wasn't one for admiring nature, but this was something else.
"Thanks for bringing me here." I tried to express what I was feeling to him.
"I hope I get something in return," Carson remarked with a daring look in his eyes.
With a scoff, I playfully pushed his shoulder. Even though I was blushing at his comment. What did he want? I pondered this for a moment before I shivered from a sudden freezing wind blowing. The winter air was certainly nippy today, making me involuntarily rub my hands together to create friction.
An instant warmth hit my back and shoulders, making me turn to gaze sat, Carson. I noticed his bare arms and this made me reach for whatever was draped on my back. My fingertips grazed the familiar fabric and suddenly my face was hotter than the sun. He had put his blazer around me without asking.
"Now I deserve two things in return." Carson made eye contact with me, the same old smirk seeming to stay on his face.
"Like what—" I was interrupted when he suddenly leaned forward to meet my lips with his.
A shock of electricity flowed through my body and I gripped the ends of his blazer. My eyes fluttered shut and I instantly responded to his kiss. The same feelings from last coming to the surface. His lips were softer, yet the kiss was somewhat rough. Before anything else could happen, he suddenly pulled away.
"That's one." Carson bragged and my eyes widened at him.
"I can't believe you." I pointed accusingly at him. "You're such an ass!"
He laughed, placing his hand over his stomach, not seeming to be bothered by the cold. The wind blew, making me watch his hair move in slow motion. The trees in the background shifting along with everything else. I snuggled into his blazer more to hide from the cold, even though my body was on fire.
I observed the small waves moving in the lake water with the direction of the wind. I wish I could enjoy this moment forever.
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