《Alethiology in Volterra (Volturi Kings/OC)》8.2
Content Warning: please do not read Chapter 8 Part 2 if you are sensitive to blood/gore. Otherwise, proceed as usual.
Chapter VIII - II: Hello, Welcome and... Goodbye?
Part II
Signorina Isabella Marie Swan was welding herself into Volturi history, whether she liked it or not. Taking over Gianna's obligations as coven secretary and interim spokesperson, she held in her hands the announcement that had over thirty of the coven members watching her with bated breath.
The thrones behind her were currently vacated, and that in itself implied that the documents she beheld were possibly apocalyptic. Ariana, the new understudy, assembled a lectern in front and center of the ornate hall.
When her wristwatch struck 11AM, Bella nodded to herself once and assumed her position on the lectern. Heartbeat calm, breathing even, and brown eyes facing forward, she spoke in a modulated voice.
»»—- ❈ —-««
WHEREAS, Aro Volturi and Sulpicia Viti, and Caius Volturi and Athenodora Volturi, have reached the mutual decision to dissolve their marriages after careful consideration.
WHEREAS, Sulpicia Viti and Athenodora Volturi have been released of all their official obligations to the Coven, and have been granted liberty to pursue independent lives upon settling the matters of shared properties and assets.
WHEREAS, Aro Volturi, Caius Volturi, and Marcus Volturi remain to lead the Coven.
WHEREAS, Mele Giovanco has been discharged from her obligations to the Royal Guard and the Coven after careful deliberation.
WHEREAS, the Masters are confirming the induction of Miss Altheia Beneventi into the Coven, and have decided on the date of her transformation.
We ask that the Coven refrain from engaging in speculative comments on these matters. Pressing concerns arising from this announcement must be directed to the immediate superior of your branch of service.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Demetri." Heidi marched up to the kingsguard later that day, expression positively murderous.
"Yes?" he looked up from his book.
"What's this I hear about an induction party for the human, and—" she hissed at him. "Why did I have to hear it from Jane of all people?"
"Because I told Jane to tell you." The tracker grinned as he set his book aside, pulling out a bundle of invitations from his coat pocket and handing them over to her. "There. Make sure only those invited will know about it, capisci?"
Heidi almost squealed as she took the invites. "Nobody will miss this party. I can promise you now."
"Great," he muttered, noting the crazed glint in her eyes. "I just need help with everything else to make it happen."
"Consider it done," Heidi murmured distractedly as she scanned the separate guest list. Eyes widening at the names at the bottom of the list, she sent him a knowing smirk.
"What?" the kingsguard smiled at her, blinking innocently.
"You," Heidi tutted, smile stretching wider. "You're always up to no good."
Demetri hummed, returning to his book. "I can't possibly know what you mean."
The Coven invites you
to the scholar's induction party.
We have prepared a short,
bloody, and entertaining night
at the open courtyard.
Come Sunday night.
High honors await
those who prove their allegiance.
Altheia is lounging next to Marcus in the gardens when the news of the induction party finally reaches her. Her face was a study in mortification. Thinking she already knew, Marcus had showed her the small invitation each king had received from Heidi.
"So that's what Bella was warning me about the other day," she whined. "Is this really necessary?"
Marcus was just about to answer when steps rounded the corner. Sulpicia and Athenodora emerged, greeting the pair warmly, before showing the scholar the invites they had received as well.
"We shan't dare miss it," Sulpicia promised.
"You were very considerate to think of us," Athenodora smiled. "It will give us the chance to spend some time with the others before we move to the Viti palace."
"Like a despedida of sorts," Sulpicia beamed, before turning to Marcus. "Will Aro and Caius attend as well?"
"I suppose," he shrugged. "If they are no longer sulking."
The change in Altheia's expression is immediate, a determined smile overtaking her features. She pushed herself up from the grass bed, and dusted her slacks from dirt before running back into the castle, waving to the three as she left.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Edward, Demetri, Bella." The scholar greeted as they convened at the kitchens. "You might wonder why I called you here."
"The induction party," they answered simultaneously.
"Well, of course, that." Altheia rolled her eyes. "I know you guys are behind it. I want to see the programme."
Demetri hesitated. "It's too late to call it off."
"I know," Altheia almost smacked him out of annoyance. "I just have... some ideas."
»»—- ❈ —-««
When the night of the celebration came, the open courtyard had been revealed to be redesigned by the team of organizers, earning awed expressions from the guests as they took their seats.
"How wonderful!" Aro said appreciatively as the coven leaders arrived at the scene, their group shortly followed by Sulpicia and Athenodora. The royal guards came to the courtyard directly after their shifts, explaining why most of the sentry were already seated at the patio chairs.
Sulpicia's smile was blinding as she surveyed the area.
A large, newly-constructed pergola spanned the open space of the courtyard, fairy lights and flowering vines cascading from its roof. The rustic pergola contained a wide, rectangular table draped with pristine, white fabric, accompanied by cushioned jute-woven chairs for the attendants. The trees and shrubs of the garden had been illuminated with colored lights, creating a mesmerizing ambience in the dark of night.
"Ladies and gentlemen, humans and vampires," Heidi's voice drifted across the courtyard as she spoke to the Coven. "We have prepared a simple treat for you tonight in celebration of signorina Beneventi's addition to the family."
"Heidi and I will serve as the masters of ceremonies for tonight," Demetri hosted from beside her. "But before we start the event, we would like to remind everyone to be in their best behavior," he warned, earning jeers from the likes of Afton and Santiago. Renata giggled, hands clasped together in anticipation.
As the emcees took their spot amongst the guard, Altheia rose from her seat and made her way to the front.
"Everyone, thanks for coming. As Heidi stated, tonight's event is in celebration of my incarceration as the Volturi scholar." The guests chuckled. "However, instead of being preyed on like the usual, I wanted to play a game with all of you tonight."
Altheia nodded at Edward, who started handing out whiteboards and marker pens to each guest. When everyone finally received their items, she continued, "I was wondering, you see, if anyone in the Coven can rival my thirst for knowledge."
At her signal, Bella and Ariana emerged from the sides, arranging four stainless dishes covered by heavy, metal lids on the wide table "Tonight, I will be asking four simple questions," the scholar said cryptically. "And if you answer correctly, you get a reward."
"You have four mysterious rewards—" Alec gestured to the covered dishes, and then looked on to the people around him. "—and twelve players, assuming that Heidi and Demetri aren't allowed to play."
"Correct. For tonight's game, the Masters, the Queens, the Kingsguard, and the Queensguard will play against each other, and only four from you will emerge victorious. No pressure, though. If you don't know the answer, you need not try and play." the scholar smirked. "But if you like, I'll allow your best guess... Shall we try the first question with the guards only?"
"Bring it on, human," Santiago taunted as he readied his board and pen.
Demetri slapped the back of his head. Hard.
"I meant. Bring it on, Altheia," he corrected, wincing.
"That's better," Demetri muttered.
"Right. This first question is easy so you'll only have ten seconds. Either you know it, or you don't. If you get it right, this will be the corresponding prize."
Altheia's hand rested on the stainless lid of the leftmost dish.
"During the seventeenth century, an Italian, Baroque-style artist painted numerous portraits containing masters Aro, Marcus, Caius, and Carlisle, which are presently displayed in the north wing. What was the painter's name?"
Heidi laughed as Santiago slumped his head onto the table, groaning. "I should have known. It's the cryptic things you're going to ask about."
"It makes sense though," Alec murmured, pen resting on his lip. "She's the scholar, Santiago."
"Time!" Demetri called at ten seconds. "Those with answers, show your boards please."
As Altheia scanned the names most of the guards had written, she laughed. "I said I'd accept your best guesses, but really, Santiago? Van Gogh?"
"It's best that you learn now that he's the idiot of the family," Afton supplied. Santiago produces an offended sound from the back of his throat but doesn't refute Afton.
"Well, Master Aro? Who answered correctly?" the scholar queried.
"Why, dearest Chelsea did," the monarch replied good-naturedly. The guests turned to her board, which read Francesco Solimena.
"Take your prize, Chels," Heidi sniffed. "I'm a bit jealous."
The guard looked on as Chelsea made her way to her leftmost dish. Lifting the stainless lid, Chelsea's jaw dropped.
"Dude," Santiago's voice was reverent now that he stared at Altheia. "You're a bit disturbed in the mind, aren't you?" Demetri smacks the back of his head again. "Hey! I meant it as a compliment. She can keep up with us."
"Thanks, Santiago. Congratulations, Chelsea. This prize was courtesy of Edward." Altheia's smirk deepened as Chelsea lifted the wine glass of warm, animal blood to her lips. "Mountain lion's blood. Relatively fresh."
"Oh my god, Chels." Renata breathed as Chelsea downed her prize. "What does it taste like?"
"Hmm... I still prefer human blood but," Chelsea thought about it as she returned to her seat, everyone's gazes fixed on her. Finally, she said, "It tasted... very interesting. Like delicious, spicy tofu."
"Dude, no offense," Afton interrupted. "But I really don't want to play for animal blood."
"Speak for yourself," Renata barked, squaring her shoulders as she gripped her board and pen. "I'm playing to win."
While Demetri glowered at Afton, the scholar simply shrugged. "None taken. It's fair if you don't want to play anymore. You can just watch." As Bella took away the first metal dish and wine glass, Altheia gestured to the three remaining rewards with a flourish. "But who says none of these are human blood?"
"Bro," Santiago shook his head slowly as he stared at her, voice breathy. "You're definitely insane. I like you."
"I can confirm that at least one of the dishes has human blood," Ariana, the new understudy, whispered quietly from the sides. "Because I donated mine for tonight's game."
"Spoiler," Demetri muttered. Ariana pouted at him.
Judging from the darkened pupils of her party guests, Altheia knew the pin had dropped.
The hunt had begun.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"For the second question, you only have ten seconds again. Either you know it, or you don't. Since the masters and the queens have been shown how the game works, they can participate now if they want to." the scholar cleared her throat. Sully and Dora smiled kindly when she regarded them.
"In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the Southern vampire wars were fought by newborn armies," the scholar recounted.
"Oooh," Felix cooed. "I remember that. You should, too, Alec, Jane. The masters sent us to Texas and Mexico back then."
"Correct. The Volturi was called to put an end to the vampire wars of the south." Altheia tilted her head. "The question is: what was the name of the Texan vampire that concocted the newborn vampire epidemic during the Southern wars? Timer starts now."
"Cazzo!" Felix cursed, slamming his fist on the table. "I just killed him and didn't bother with the details."
"Please don't break the table." Heidi begged him before calling out, "Time! Show your answers please. Ooh, looks like someone got it right!"
"That's correct, Alec." The scholar affirmed. Felix groaned, cursing again. "His name was Benito."
"Heh. What do I get?"
Lifting the lid of the next dish, Altheia read the card that came with it. "Courtesy of Demetri, it says. 'Unsuspecting Gianna'?"
Alec's hand darted out to take the glass before Felix could steal it.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"In the library, there is one whole row of journals dedicated to the Children of the Moon. However, accounts described them as more ape-like, rather than wolf-like. They are terrifyingly strong and fast, but even more so during the full moon. Master Caius hunted them to extinction."
The scholar glanced at the first vampire from the corner of her vision, face smug when she realized that the light-haired monarch was now interested in her game.
"You have one full minute to answer this question. How does one kill the Children of the Moon?"
Ugh, Renata despaired in her mind. Master Caius was always ranting about them but I never paid attention because they're all dead now anyway. Come to think of it, did he ever...?
Sulpicia's voice chimed. "I'll try my best guess then."
"You and me both," Athenodora chuckled as she scribbled on her board.
"Time's up!"
Vampire venom
Venom and fire
Ripping its heart out?
Dismembering then setting it on fire
Silver bullets
Drying the wolf out in the sun?
Poisoned arrows
Reading the answers, Atheia clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "Looks like no one got it correctly."
"I'm disappointed in all of you," Caius bristled disdainfully from his seat. His brothers chuckled, but the guards cringed in sheepish looks. Dora flashed a knowing grin. "I have said time and time again that their weakness is the essence of the Amaryllis flower. One can dismember their limbs and set them aflame only after your claws have poisoned their system with the venom of the belladonna lily."
"Precisely!" Altheia giggled at his impassioned speech. "Since Master Caius knows, he shall receive—" When the scholar lifted the lid of the dish, Ariana grinned. The understudy lifted the tray and offered the wine glass to the light-haired monarch. "—the prized human blood instead. Courtesy of dear Ariana. Congratulations, Master Caius."
Pompously, Caius consumed the prize like wine, savoring the scent. Most of them smiling at the king's display, the guards cheered admiringly.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"For the last question, anyone from the Coven can answer. Yes—even Heidi and Demetri." Altheia smiled cheekily at her guests as they narrowed their eyes at her. "Either you know it, or you don't. But everyone has a fighting chance."
"Since this event is in honor of my induction, I wanted to show you all how... grateful I am to be part of your Coven." Whilst the human woman spoke, she uncovered the last tray from its gold, stainless lid.
Renata gasped.
Alec's jaw dropped.
"Oh dio," Demetri breathed. "Is that what I think it is?"
"You're fucking insane." Smack! "What? She is."
Biting her lip, Sulpicia savored the smell drifting from the wine glass. "Oh, that is marvelous."
Athenodora sniffed the air daintily, before her gaze hardened. "I see."
The darkened stare coming from everyone at the table made Altheia feel powerful.
"For the last question, you will be playing for my blood." Altheia stated simply. "And since this is my blood, the question will be about myself. I wonder... does the Volturi know as much as I do about them?"
"What a dangerous game we're playing," Marcus murmured from his seat, ruby eyes almost omniscient. "Pray tell, what is the question?"
"It's simple, but I'll give you all a hint, and thirty seconds to guess."
Altheia shivered under their stares, feeling giddy.
"My name is Altheia Beneventi. I am the coven scholar, and I have resided in the castle for two months now. My initials are A. A. B." she paused for effect. "What is my middle name?"
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Fucking hell," Felix dropped his head to the table as twenty seconds passed. "She's been here for two months and I don't even have an idea."
"To be fair," Renata piped in. "It looks like everyone's guessing. Even the masters."
"Well it has to be Greek," Heidi said thoughtfully. "Since her name's Aletheia."
"But she's Italian, so her middle name could be a local name," Demetri countered. Sulpicia hummed in agreement.
"Alright, time's up." The scholar called at thirty seconds, clapping her hands together. "Show me your guesses please."
Scanning the answers one by one, Altheia's eyes suddenly brightened when Jane, who had been quiet the entire night, turned her board at the very last moment.
Eyes crinkling as she laughed in delight, the scholar clapped her hands, congratulating Jane for knowing her entire name. Everyone's heads turned to read the answer of the petite blonde.
Altheia Abrielle Beneventi
Jane stood from her seat and darted to the front before taking the wine glass between her fingertips. The guests clapped for her as she consumed the red liquid with a swift tilt of the tall flute.
"Didn't you all know?" Jane smirked haughtily. "She's the youngest person Italy has ever admitted to the Bar. But you're retired now, aren't you?"
"Yes, but," Altheia barked out a laugh, highly impressed. "How do you know that?"
Placing the empty wine glass on the table not long after, Jane deadpanned, dangling her sleek phone in their faces.
"I Googled it."
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