《Alethiology in Volterra (Volturi Kings/OC)》8.1
Chapter VIII - I: Hello, Welcome, and... Goodbye?
Part I
In the succeeding days after accomplishing her first task, Altheia found herself listless as she tread the castle grounds. Apparently, Edward's thoughts were a little too judgmental towards Aro about his student's non-existent sleeping schedule and recently diminished appetite, which led the black-haired king to promptly summon her to the throne room. There, he announced that she was temporarily barred from returning to the library and conducting any scholarly work, and ordered her to spend the next few weeks recuperating from the cognitive strain of the month before.
She did try to argue with the monarch, saying that Edward's thoughts were simply exaggerated to get a rise out of him, but Bella had piped up from her secretary desk. In her white button-up blouse and smart pencil skirt, her human friend stated matter-of-factly, "Altheia, you don't even sleep anymore. You just black out when people aren't talking to you. Take a break."
Unable to refute Bella, the scholar shied under Aro's darkened and disapproving stare. "If Carlisle were here, he would lecture us all about human limits," Edward added very unnecessarily. Behind the calm façade, the scholar knew that Aro was positively considering killing her that very moment.
"Edward, shut up," she hissed at him, glaring meaningfully.
When Aro finally spoke again, there was no hope for compromise. "Perhaps you would rather be changed?" he smiled obligingly at her, fangs showing. "Then, you would no longer have the need for sleep."
Shoulders hunching in defeat, she shook her head and accepted the break. Leaving the throne room, she sent a betrayed, scathing glare over her shoulder. Bella rolled her eyes, while Edward just looked satisfied with himself.
Begrudgingly, Altheia acknowledged that maybe she did need the rest. See, with nothing else to do, and the guards ready to tell on her when she even neared the bibliotheca, the Italian found herself drifting between the kitchens and her bedroom. Before she even knew it, most of that week was spent collapsed on her bed, mind in deep sleep. When she did truly feel well-rested and finally started eating normally again, her break still hadn't been lifted, and she was forced to her free time wandering the castle grounds alone.
Apparently, as she slept through the week, pressing reports of disappearances and murders in the Americas made its way into coven's primary agenda, leaving her usual companions hectic and unapproachable. Edward as the interim informant of the kings, Demetri as the commanding kingsguard and tracker, and Bella acting as the coven secretary assured that their daylight hours would be spent in endless meetings and duties they were obligated to attend to, and left them testy when the night came. Bella was about as sweet-tempered as a viper these days, so no thank you, she would rather haunt the castle grounds by herself.
Often choosing to seclude herself in the outskirts of the Volterra fortress, lying down under the shade of acacia trees, Altheia startles when she turns and sees a pale, red-eyed king reclined on the grassbed right next to her.
"Jesus Christ!" she cried out of fright.
Marcus smirked as he looked down at her startled form. "Hardly."
"Don't you have meetings to be in?" she asked wryly, watching him cross his arms under his head. He curved a brow at her. "Since, you know, you govern the vampire world."
The notion of skipping out on his kingly duties put an arrogant, taunting smirk on the monarch's face. "And who's going to tell on me?"
"Oh yes, I heard all about your work ethic," the woman responded as she resumed her position. "Imagine not doing anything for two thousand years." she barks out a laugh. "I think Caius hates me because you chose to teach me instead of doing your actual job. But that's ok, Marcus. I know I'm irresistible."
"I see you need a lesson in humility as well," he replies. "Do you often address your superiors this way?"
"Superiors? Where?" There is a ghost of a smile on Altheia's face when he glances at her. Her eyes are closed, deep brown hidden from his gaze, and the swaying shadows of the leaves trace shapes on her sunlit skin.
"Impudence." He murmured in a low voice as his eyes fixed on the human lying beside him. The woman turned onto her side to face towards him, long, bronzed hair cascading on the grass bed in shades of russet, eyes opening to look up at him as she laughed. His fingers twitch behind his head, and he stops himself from reaching across to feel the silk of her locks on his fingertips.
Marcus' gaze is soft when she glances at him, and Altheia has half the mind to look away. Red tints on her cheeks, she lets the minutes pass in companionable silence, her fingers tracing the shards of grass and fallen petals on the ground.
"I have a question," she says later, easing out of the quiet. "About, er, vampires having special abilities."
"Of course you do," he sighed. "You are a potential shield, after all."
"Yes, about that too," Altheia chewed on her lip nervously. "Aro and Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, Demetri can apparently track anyone he's met before, even across the globe, and Jane can inflict excruciating pain in someone's mind like a parlor trick. But Bella and I are human and yet some of those gifts don't work on us."
"Special abilities will manifest differently for every person," Marcus confirmed. "But not all abilities will be powerful, and not all vampires will possess one."
"What do you mean?"
"Aro and Edward are both telepaths, but their gifts differ. With one touch, Aro can see each memory and hear each thought you've ever had. Edward's gift doesn't require tactile contact, and his hearing extends for miles, but he can only ever hear your present thoughts." Altheia nodded interestedly as he spoke. "With Jane, who can incapacitate anyone with unthinkable pain, or Demetri, who you can never escape, or Felix, whose strength and combat prowess knows no rival amongst the covens, any ungifted individual finding himself opposite to the Volturi will unquestionably suffer defeat. Unless..."
"Unless they're a shield," Altheia finished. Marcus shrugged.
"On the matter of your friend, I presume that Isabella Swan will become a powerful mental shield when she is turned, which Aro sees problematic for the Volturi in the future, as you should understand by now. The Cullens may not consume human blood, but their members are formidable without it." Ruby eyes look to her meaningfully. "You, on the other hand, are the Volturi's best hope for that future."
"I don't even know how I'm doing what you think I'm doing, so don't count on it," Altheia laughed as she changed the subject. "What about the others? Does Caius have a gift? Do you?"
"Each member of the Royal Guard is gifted. However, those with notable abilities are Chelsea, who can manipulate relationships; Alec, who deprives any target of all senses; and Renata, who is a physical shield and averts any attempt at aggression." Marcus answered obligingly, but narrowed his eyes at her after. "I can assess Bonds between people, pinpoint their strength and weaknesses. Collectively, our abilities ensure that the coven, ah, governs the kind, as you said. But Caius is a dangerous subject, being the first vampire, and if you truly want to know, you must ask him yourself."
"So I shouldn't piss off anyone in the castle. Got it." Altheia huffed, nodding resolutely to herself. "Is it okay if I ask... how your gift works? What do you see and how do you know what bonds mean?"
Marcus regarded her under a thoughtful stare. Curious cat.
"You're a know-it-all, aren't you."
"I've... been called that many times in this life, yes." She admitted petulantly before flushing pink and turning away. "You don't have to answer anymore," she grumbled. "I was just curious."
Altheia thought she was imagining things when she felt soft fingers comb through her locks. But when she turned back to glance over her shoulder, Marcus was still reclined as before.
Was it the wind? Weird.
"What I will tell you is," Marcus pushed himself upright as he turned to face her. "With my gift, I can understand why you agreed to become a Volturi. No, why you want to."
Perplexed, Altheia sat up and turned to him fully. "I want to become a Volturi?"
"Of course. You are not linked," Marcus spoke candidly, eyes almost dazed as he assessed her. Realizing he was actually using his ability on her, Altheia started to shrink under his all-knowing gaze. "You do not have much loyalty to anyone, but your strings are eager. In fact, you're waiting... Hm. You're orphaned now, aren't you. But your parents meant the world to you.... Homesick, yes, I see... And you are more lonesome than you seem to be. Did you not have time for friends?"
"You are happy that you met Isabella Swan," he continued. "And consider her a sister. Your bond with her is strong and reciprocated. Protective."
"Yeah you can stop now." Altheia muttered quietly. "I get it."
Marcus tilted his head slightly, red eyes fixated now that he was watching her expression. "Intrusive, isn't it? Aro once said I can be very meddlesome if I want to be."
Altheia snorted. "I'll say."
"Impudence again."
As Marcus' comments echoed in her mind, a small frown pulled at her lips. "You think I want to become a Volturi because I'm lonely?"
"Essentially," the monarch confirmed, glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. "But not entirely."
"Do I even want to know?"
Marcus chuckled. "Aren't you the know-it-all?"
"You're right," his student sighed. "I won't be able to sleep. Tell me?"
"Humans and vampires alike, are very social creatures," he answered. "Our bonds with others can be born out of yearning, instinct, choice, circumstance, or even manipulation. But sometimes, even our souls are linked a scheme greater than what we know, and we gravitate to that pull unknowingly."
"Sorry, you lost me?"
"Your Fate has always been here. In Volterra," Marcus clarified for her. He rose from the grass and offered his hand before pulling her up from the ground delicately. "No matter what would have happened, the universe would have conspired to take you back to this place to satiate the Bonds in your soul. The Volturi would have inevitably hounded you to stay... not just because you're a shield."
"That's oddly comforting," Marcus' gaze flew to hers when she said this. Altheia mumbled. "I mean. Knowing that I would have met all of you, no matter what. It's comforting."
If only it hadn't taken so long, Marcus thought as he lifted her chin with a single finger. Brown eyes stared back inquisitively at him.
She hadn't wholly understood what he meant, but he figured that he wasn't ready for her to, either. In time, perhaps. With so many other things he wanted to say, Marcus allowed a small, tender smile to curve across his lips before dropping his hold.
"You're right," he murmured quietly as they walked back to the castle side by side. "And I am thankful."
»»—- ❈ —-««
Over the next few days, Altheia looked forward to the familiar companionship Marcus had offered under the shades of acacia in the afternoon. Unlike the first day, their succeeding meetings were spent conversing about lighter topics, like the countries they had travelled to and interesting people they'd met (because Altheia found out the hard way that asking Marcus personal and profound questions always ended up with her being psychoanalyzed by the meddlesome millennia-old vampire). When he struggled to recall events from recent years, Marcus admitted to being more ghoul than man after his wife had passed.
"Didyme was—joy, delight... Without her, I..." His expression immediately obscured when he reminisced. He felt his strength leave his limbs as they dropped to his sides. "She was the light of my life."
"Marcus Volturi," the monarch was stunned out of his trance when his companion admonished him, finger wagging at him in disapproval. "If Didyme brought everyone so much joy, why would you immortalize her this way? From now on, when you remember Didyme, I want you to smile. You smile because you met her, and you loved each other, and the joy that she left with you lives on."
Almost instinctively, his expression contorted into anger. This woman knew nothing about Didyme. Nothing about his loss and grief. She would never understand. Didyme was the light of his life. He opened his mouth to give her a piece of his mind, but furious words never make it past his lips.
Valiantly, Altheia had taken his hands into her own and turned his palms upward. Holding them open, she told him, "When sunlight falls on your skin, I want you to remember Didyme. Wasn't she beautiful? Wasn't she bright and warm?" As if on cue, specks of light filtered through the trees and created exquisite shimmers on his skin. "When the winds of the world embrace you, I want you to remember Didyme. Didn't her laughter take your breath away?" The trees and grass around them swayed softly in the afternoon breeze.
"Marcus, when you remember Didyme, please remember her happily in the world around you." The brunette squeezed his fingers before dropping her grasp on his hands, only to step closer and press her own palm on the spot above his chest where his heart would not beat. "Because when you remember her this way, you give her honor and justice. You give her love."
She pressed on his undead heart further. "You will realize that she stays, Marcus, she stays with you because you remember her. She's right here. Always."
In that moment, Marcus thinks he is finally losing his mind. He starts seeing Didyme's phantom standing right in front of him, under the rays of sunlight, sparkling, beckoning him with a smile. Just as beautiful as he remembered her, just as warm. He starts hearing Didyme's soft laughter float across the gentle wind, hair swaying, and her loving voice calling out to him.
His lips twisted.
I'm right here.
His arms shook.
I love you.
"Didyme," he breathed weakly.
Don't grieve for me, Marcus.
She opens her arms to him.
Live for me.
He surges forward, arms darting to pull the woman into his chest. Altheia squeaks in surprise when she is pulled and finds herself pressed against Marcus, but after a moment, she smiles in relief, and wraps her arms around him.
Laugh for me.
Marcus embraces her, cradling her head in a hand, pulling her waist closer to him with the other. "I will."
Love for me.
He doesn't immediately let go or look away, and strangely enough, for the first time in his life, Marcus is not afraid to.
Finally... a subtle, nostalgic smile. "I will."
»»—- ❈ —-««
"You want to have a what?" Bella's face was struck with horror. "Absolutely not. You know how busy we are already!"
"I didn't ask you," Demetri stated matter-of-factly, before turning back to the king in front, bowing respectfully. "I asked Master Aro."
"Perhaps after the trials, Demetri," the telepathic king decided with careful consideration. "I shall allow it."
"Ha!" The kingsguard cried in triumph. "Heidi won't know what to do with herself when she hears this."
"This is bad." Bella muttered as she returned to her work. "Altheia's not going to like this."
"Put it into the calendar, newbie," The smug look on the tracker's face makes her want to throw her pencil at him. "Because she's not going to have a choice."
»»—- ❈ —-««
Barely morning the next day, Altheia is wakened by insistent, consecutive rapping on her door. Half-asleep, she pushes herself out of bed. Rubbing her eyes as she pulled the door open, she did a double take on her visitor before yelping.
"Oh, is it still too early? Dora said 6AM should be fine... Should I come back later?"
Standing outside her door at sunrise was Sulpicia Volturi, looking effortlessly regal in the slender, emerald dress that hugged her figure. Her long hair was pulled into an elegant chignon, unveiling the Queen's kind, charming face.
"Q-Queen Sulpicia," the scholar bowed, shaking herself awake. She patted her hair down in an attempt to make herself presentable, but with her cotton pajamas and groggy face, Altheia just wanted to curl up and die on the spot. "I'm sorry, I didn't know... I would have prepared... Oh I'm so embarrassed... I'm so sorry..." she rambled.
"No, no, dear, it's my fault," Sulpicia said, tone apologetic. "May I come in? I'm currently evading Corin, you see. I don't think she's realized I'm gone yet..."
"Of course, please, come in," The scholar led her into the bedroom without much thought. Pulling the desk chair for her visitor, she asked, "But... why would you be hiding from Corin?"
"I escaped from the Tower so I could come get you myself," Sulpicia answered with a proud grin. Altheia's mouth fell open. "Could Dora and I borrow you for the day? We promise to bring you back safely," she continued.
Before Altheia could even process the question, the empress had already seated herself on the wooden chair, hands folded neatly on her lap. "I'll wait for you here as you get ready. But you should bathe quickly, I think we only have a few minutes before all hell breaks loose. But go on, take your time, you're human after all. I can be very patient."
Altheia blinked twice before shaking her head and making her way to the bathroom, bewildered. "Am I still dreaming?" she wondered aloud.
The vampire in her room beamed. "Would you like me to select your garments for you?"
»»—- ❈ —-««
As planned, Sulpicia returned to the tower unnoticed, the coven scholar in tow and castle guards none the wiser. Her attending guard, Mele, had been instructed to distract Corin in Sulpicia's bid to fetch the human woman from the west wing herself, while Athenodora collected human nourishment from the pantry.
Athenodora arrived after shortly after them with a jute, picnic basket hanging from one arm, dressed in a dark, chic slip. Taking out her pantry haul from the basket one by one, the blonde queen chuckled heartily as she arranged assorted rolls and sandwiches, teacups, biscuits, water and wine bottles on the ornate mahogany table. When Mele returned, noting the success of their operation, she exhaled deeply in relief and took her usual post next to the hearth.
"You... you've really thought this through," Altheia remarked in amusement as the group reconvened in one of the queens' sitting rooms. "I'm actually impressed."
"Yes! Oh Dora," Sulpicia giggled as she flitted across the room. "Wasn't that such a rush? I felt like I was hunting and hunted... Marvelous."
"Indeed. A housemaid almost saw me," Athenodora divulged before turning to smile at Altheia. "Hello dear. I hope we didn't frighten you."
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