《Stay with me》Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Defne said:
- It hurts.
Omer rose up and, without releasing her hand, bent over her. Frightened, peering into her face, he asked:
- Darling, where does it hurt? What hurts? - she frowned and opened her eyes. - Allah! Did you come to your senses ?!
"Don't shout," her eyes closed again and a wrinkle appeared between her brows. - Fingers hurt ... Let go ... crush.
Not yet fully believing what had happened, Omer instantly let go of her hand and cupped her pale face in his hands. Looking at her face, ordered:
- Defne, look at me!
She opened her eyes. Her gaze, albeit blurred, was quite conscious. Omer was dizzy and his hands shook. Euphoria comes over him. He laughed and leaned over to kiss her, but Defne turned her face away and asked:
- Where I am?
"In the hospital," Omer touched her forehead with his hand. Cold and wet. - How do you feel?
Defne frowned and rubbed her lips.
- I want to drink.
"Now, my love," Omer pushed the doctor's call button. - Wait a minute. The doctor will examine you. As soon as he does, I'll give you some water.
- Why are you here?
She spoke slowly and detachedly. Looked wary. The vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows became deeper. Omer ran his thumb over it and looked into her eyes for a long time.
- Because you are here.
A doctor entered the ward. The sight of the patient waking up caused a wide smile on his face. He, pushing aside Omer and examining her, said:
- Mrs. Defne! I am happy to see your eyes. They are beautiful! Never hide them again.
Saying that the doctor threw the sheet and began to examine. He felt her stomach, arms, and legs, and then pulled out from his pocket a ballpoint-like gadget and pricked Defne in the big toe. She screamed and Omer rushed to her. Squeezing a small foot in his palm, he indignantly shouted at the doctor:
- What are you doing? It hurts her!
"And that's great," he answered, not at all embarrassed. - In this case, pain is our friend. It says that the nerve endings are alive.
Defne, who had been watching the manipulations of the doctor cautiously all this time, looked at Omer and asked:
"What is the doctor talking about?" And why am I in the hospital?
- You were on the waterfront. Fainted and fell into the water ...
Don't you remember anything at all?
In the brain, in bright flashes, incoherent images appeared. A black SUV drives into a street near the house ... A gray-haired man with faded blue eyes gives her paper ... Nihan's frightened face ... The fascinating depth that calls to her ... Iso cry ... That's just Omer did not fit into these pictures at all. He was not in any ... And again a bright image - a white veil on the red carpet. Serdar, hugging her shoulders ... And in this picture, Omer also wasn't ... Where is he? She closed her eyes and concentrated. The receptionist in the red cloak ... "Yes", - Omer ... Dance ... Luxurious hotel room ... Icy look and the door closed with a loud bang like a shot.
She remembered. Everything. To the smallest details. The memories poured into the brain that was awakened and hurt. Much stronger than a finger shot.
Defne opened her eyes. The doctor and Omer watched her with intense attention. The first smiled contentedly while the second grew gloomy with anxiety.
"Please, I want to drink," she asked hoarsely. – Can I?
"You can," the doctor said.
Omer poured water from a bottle into a cup and helped Defne lift herself.
She clutched at it with both hands and greedily drained to the bottom. The water softens her throat and the breathing became easier. Giving the empty cup to Omer, Defne lay back on the pillows and closed her eyes. The doctor patted her hand encouragingly and ordered:
- Rest. You need to gain strength. - He looked at Omer. - Let the monitor remain on until morning. And then we'll see. If your wife will ask to drink - you can safely give water. In the morning, try to feed her. She is very exhausted and the restoration of physical strength is no less important than the return of consciousness.
Omer nodded and thanked the doctor. When the door closed behind him, he carefully covered Defne with a sheet and sat down beside her. As usually took her hand in his, but she freed her and turned away to the wall.
Omer sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair and with mixed feelings looked at the thin back and redhead of his wife. She came to her senses and his happiness was boundless. But it seems that the presence of her husband was not at all pleased. And from this thought melancholy ached in his chest.
When Defne's breathing became quiet and measured, he went out into the corridor and wrote messages to Nihan and Sinan. There were only two words in them: "Defne awoke."
In the morning, the entire Topal family, as well as Iso and Sinan, appeared in the hospital. As an exception, the doctor allowed everyone to go to the ward. But at the same time, he made a condition that her relatives would behave with restraint. Topal easily agreed to the demand. The reason was simply explained: when Nihan read Omer's message into the voice, each family member threw out his raging joy and quite calm people came to the hospital. There were tears and embraces, but without hysterical crises. Nihan and the grandmother were seated in armchairs, the others surrounded the bed of Defne and did not take happy eyes from her. Omer stood by the window and watched his wife and her relatives.
Interrupting each other, they told their Defne the latest news. She was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, half-sitting on the bed and, smiling with bloodless lips, listened to her relative's voices.
Defne tried not to attach great importance to the fact that Omer was in the ward. She did not understand why he is here. Why he was with her at night. There was no logic in his presence here in the hospital, and she decided not to think about it yet.
When there was a pause in the conversation, Defne looked at Iso and asked:
"Tell me what happened."
- And what's the last thing you remember? - in reply asked Iso.
Defne frowned thoughtfully.
- I remember sitting on the bench. Then I got up and went to the water's edge. In the eyes darkened ... I heard you calling me by name ... nothing else.
Omer held his breath. He, like Defne, wanted to hear this part of the story.
"Nihan called me," Iso began his story. - She said you went to the waterfront. I ran after you. You stood at the very edge. I had to reach some hundred meters, as you swayed and fell into the water. I jumped for you. But in that place, it is very deep and the water is muddy ... I had to dive three times until I saw you and could lift you to the surface. Thanks to the people on the waterfront. By the time I pulled you out, they had already called an ambulance. It arrived quickly. You did not breathe and there was no pulse. I tried to give you artificial respiration. Then the doctors arrived ... You came to your senses. You even recognized me and spoke. And then turned off again. An ambulance brought you here ... That's the whole story.
- And how long have I been here?
"Ten days," Nihan answered instead of Iso. In her voice, the whimsical notes that had disappeared earlier appeared again. - You frightened us, girl! If I give birth prematurely, just know - you are guilty!
Defne looked at her friend and smiled. For the first time in two and a half months. Her smile caused a storm of joy among those present. They looked at each other and their eyes shone with happiness. Omer moved away from the window, approached Defne's bed and took her hand. He gently shook it and reminded her of himself with this gesture.
- Why is Omer here? She asked and looked at her relatives in turn. They were silent and averted their eyes. And only Sinan looked at her. He answered:
"I told him that, and he flew out of Marseille on the same day."
Omer felt her fingers tighten, and he squeezed them tightly in his palm. But Defne with silent insistence removed her hand and said quietly:
- Oh, yes ... From Marseille, - her lips quivered and her face again became sad and detached. - I'm tired. Drive home. Come tomorrow.
Relatives did not argue. Grandma kissed her on the forehead, looked at the amber eyes surrounded by dark shadows and said pitifully:
- You have not forgotten that you are my life? Don't scare me like that anymore, Defne. Good?
-Well, grandma,-promised Defne, and her throat was intercepted by spasm. She just now noticed how in recent months her grandma aged. Her face was completely exhausted. What a selfish girl she was all this time. She closed in her grief and saw nothing and no one around. Frustrated grandmother and pregnant Nihan. Scared Esra. Never again, never will she allow it.
Stroking her grandmother's wrinkled cheek, she smiled at her and nodded at the door.
- Go home and have a good rest. And tomorrow you cook me your pilaf and meatballs.
Aunt Turkan blossomed with a joyful smile. Her beauty wants grandma's pilaf and meatballs! Wants to eat again. She's going to do her best, she'll cook the most delicious.
Relatives, and after them, Iso and Sinan left. Omer stayed. Defne looked at him in surprise and asked:
- Why aren't you going?
This question hurt his heart. The alienation of Defne scared. He understood the reasons for its occurrence, understood that he was very guilty before his wife, understood that it would be difficult to return her trust, but hoped that her generosity and good heart would be stronger than resentment and she would allow him to explain everything and forgive him.
"I'll stay with you," he said affectionately and reached out to stroke her cheek.
Defne jerked her head back and burned him with a warning look.
-It is not necessary. I want to be alone. Please leave.
- Good. I will come in the evening.
- Do not.
- What does it mean? - he raised his voice.
Defne answered indifferently as if he was a stranger:
"So you don't need to visit me." I'm fine. You can go back to your business with peace of mind.
- You are my business! He shouted, but Defne only frowned in annoyance and touched her fingers to her temple. Omer immediately changed his tone. - Sorry. Have a good rest, and then we'll talk.
Defne did not answer. She turned her face to the window and stared blankly at the leaves swaying behind the glass.
Omer left the chamber. As soon as the door closed behind him, Defne buried her face in the pillow and wept.
He walked without noticing anything around him. The euphoria that raged in him from the moment Defne came to herself melted.
She does not want to see him.
He hurt her too deeply, hurt her too much.
On the street, near the entrance to the hospital, Iso was waiting for Omer. He stood, straightening his shoulders and thrusting his hands into his pockets, and his black eyes burned with determination. Omer stopped in front of him and answered with a calm but full of bitterness.
"Speak," he said.
- What do you want from Defne? - asked Iso!
"I want to explain everything and ask for forgiveness," Omer answered honestly.
- She will forgive and what's next? How much is enough for you? Until the next mistake of Defne? And she will do not hesitate. This is Defoe ... She is not perfect and will never fit into your impeccable principles. And what will happen next? Another reanimation? The next time she may not get out.
Omer looked ahead and was silent. Without waiting for an answer, Iso continued:
- I do not blame you. Not. Your position in life can cause respect, but it is not for Defne. Defoe will never be the way you want her to be. And such as it is, you do not want to accept her.
"You are mistaken," Omer objected. - I love Defne.
- How much do you love her? Just enough to put above your pride?
- Yes!
Omer's answer was firm and immediate. But Iso did not believe it. He shook his head and spoke with sad conviction in his voice:
- Inside you now speak fear for her life. But it will soon pass and everything will fall into place ... Leave, Omer! Go back to your ideal life and your important business. Leave Defne alone. I saw her eyes today. Life reappeared in them. Defne will be cured of this, destroying her, love for you and will be able to start a new life. Do not ruin her, do not give false hope again ... Please.
Omer looked up and looked Iso in the eyes. So hard and doomed that his soul turned upside down.
- What about me, Iso? - he asked. - How should I be? I will not recover from the love of Defne. Now I know for sure. She is in my soul, in my heart, in blood ... She is my soul and my heart ... I thought a lot ... And I understood ... I don't need pride ... don't give a damn about it! And life itself is not needed if Defne is not in it ... Do not ask me to abandon her. I can not.
They stood on the wide porch of the huge, imaginative hospital building. Men tormented by grief, but steadfastly survived. Tall, beautiful, with a proud posture and a widespread of the shoulders. Both attracted the attention of onlookers. People stopped and openly watched the drama playing before their eyes. But men did not notice either these views or the curious observers themselves. They looked into each other's eyes.
"If you break her heart again, I will kill you," Iso firmly promised.
"You'll not have the time," Omer answered firmly. – My heart will stop earlier.
Despite the sleepless night, arriving home, Omer could not sleep. Thoughts, climbed into his head, buzzed there without stopping, arguing among themselves and drove him crazy. Defne's life -threatening stone fell from his heart, but a new one lay in its place - unbearable guilt before his wife for everything he had done in the past two and a half months. And this stone could only be removed by Defne. Her forgiveness and love. But will she want to do this? Omer did not know.
Lying on the bed like that for an hour, he got up and went wandering around the house. Every corner of it reminded of Defne. Living room, kitchen, study. All the rooms kept memories of a sunny girl who came and brought with her light and happiness. And he did not appreciate it. Refused. Now, more than anything, he wanted her back, and the warmth and joy that she gave him.
Omer returned to the bedroom, went to the window. The garden behind the glass looked well-groomed and bright. The flowers that Defne once planted did not perish. They bloomed wildly and colorfully. For some reason, this circumstance calmed his shattered nerves. Flowers survived and their feelings with Defne will also overcome all obstacles. He wanted to believe it.
In the stomach, he felt pain. He remembered that he had not eaten since yesterday and immediately thought of Defne. Hospital food is not super. What if she wants something delicious. Without thinking twice, Omer called at Lunch restaurant made an order and asked to be taken immediately to the hospital for the patient Defne Iplikci. And he went to the kitchen to warm up what Sukru's wife prepared yesterday.
Omer called the hospital several times a day and learned about Defne's condition. He was told that everything is fine. Her vital signs are normal, she underwent an MRI, which did not reveal any abnormalities in the brain. The patient herself feels satisfactory and even took a few steps around the ward. Having heard the last, he could not stand it - he got into the car and drove to the hospital. But near the ward, he stopped. He remembered Defne's prickly look, her frowning eyebrows, and instead of entering the ward, he sat down on the sofa in the foyer and sat on it until late at night. When there was a sleepy silence in the hospital, he quietly entered Defne's room. She slept on her side, her palms folded under her head. Barely touching he stroked her hair, kissed her forehead and whispered:
- I missed you, my soul ...
Then, silently, he pulled the chair closer, sat down, and began to listen to her quiet breathing. And he did not understand when he fell asleep. Awakened by pain in the numb neck. He shook his head and stretched, and then looked at Defne. She slept all the same calmly and quietly. Omer kissed her temple lightly and left the ward. Now he can go home. And tomorrow, or rather today, he will return, and she will not be able to put him out the door.
Today Defne felt much better. The weakness gradually disappeared, her head cleared, and she could even eat. Yesterday she was brought lunch from Lunch r-t. All tasty, healthy and exactly what she loved most. Even a chocolate souffle for dessert. Defne did not have to think long who took care of her and got rid of the hospital food. But she did not understand why he was doing this. If out of guilt, then in vain. She does not need his sympathy. And what she needs Omer can not give her. Now she knew that for sure.
How did that hurt? Her feelings have not gone away. She loved him, as before, with all her heart. Neither his departure, nor the cold silence, nor the fact that he filed for divorce made any difference. Love lived and her soul wanted Omer. She saw him everywhere. She heard his voice, felt the presence ... On waking in the morning, the first thing she sensed was his smell. So dear ... With her heart full, she opened her eyes and looked around. The ward was empty. Again, the subconscious deceived her. And again the treacherous tears ran down her cheeks ...Later came grandmother and Nihan. The first in the doorway appeared a round tummy, and behind it, a smiling girlfriend and the precious grandma Turkan followed. Upon seeing them, Defne sat up in bed and genuinely smiled. And again her smile caused the opposite effect. Both women burst into tears and rushed to hug their girl Defne.
Then the grandmother personally fed the granddaughter with her famous pilaf and meatballs. And Nihan sat beside her and told her about home news. The fact that Esra began to read a thick book of Russian classics, from one glance at which Nihan mood spoils.. And this crazy girl says she likes it. And Serdar disappears all day in a cafe. Although not in vain - things are going uphill. Nihan proudly lifted her nose.
- Imagine, my hard-headed hubby finally realized that he was the breadwinner in the family. I am delighted!
"My son is like that," her grandmother supported.Defne listened to them carefully and then asked:
- And how are the neighbors? Why not talk about Mune and Merve.
Both women fell silent. Wary glances at each other, and grandma answered:
- How can it be? Good, I guess.
- Good good! - Nihan supported her, but Defne was difficult to hold off.
- And what are you hiding from me? Just do not dodge and lie! What happened?
"Gossipers, they all, that's who!" - spitefully replied Nyhan. "They only know how to gossip all day long and discuss everyone!"
Defne went cold inside. She knew about the favorite occupation of all women in the area without exception - to wash the bones of the neighbors and discuss the news. Grandmother and Nihan were no exception. And if they are now opposed, it means ... gossip concerns their families.
- And what do we do?
Asking the question Defne already knew the answer. She returned home the morning after the wedding. Her husband abandoned her, left. What food for gossip and condemnation. Allah! For two months she was in prostration, and her family was ashamed to go out. And while she lives in their house, nothing will change.
"Forgive me," Defne asked quietly.
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