《Me, Myself, & My Babies》12



My alarm woke me up. I quickly dismissed it off my phone and closed my eyes again.

"Maisie! Get up" my mom yelled through my door.

I groaned as I got out of bed. I walked to my dresser and pulled out random pieces of clothing.

I went in the hall to the bathroom and took a shower.

I got dressed and went downstairs. My mom was leaving for work and Daniel was eating cereal.

"Did you get dressed for spirit week today?" Daniel commented.

I looked down at my outfit. Jean shorts and a school shirt that read Class of 2018 on the back.

"Would this outfit work?" I asked.

He looked at my shirt, "Nope"

This week was spirit week that leads up to Daniels big basketball game.

Today was "wear a Hawaiian shirt". Our school was so American it wasn't even funny.

"Well, I don't have a shirt covered in flowers" I shrugged.

"Doesn't dad have one? He left some clothes here"

A sad feeling overcame me. I miss him, I just wish he didn't move.

"Yeah" I sighed and walked downstairs in the basement.

There was a trash bag fill with some of his clothes he forgot to grab. I looked through all of them and behold a flowery button up shirt. I took my shirt off and put the flowery shirt on. I buttoned it up and tucked the ends in my shorts. I walked back up stairs and another set of stairs to my room. I threw my shirt on the bed and walked back down to the kitchen.

"I just got a text from my coach and he said the school is throwing a dance on Friday after our game" Daniel told me filling another bowl with cereal.

"Really? That sounds fun" I sat down at the little wooden table.

"Yeah, but he said they don't have enough volunteers"

"And?" I tailed off.

"I volunteered you" he shrugged.

"What? And you couldn't ask me?" I freaked out.

"Chill out Mase"

He was right, I got up and grabbed a bowl. I filled it with cereal and started eating it dry while leaning against the counter.


"But what if I don't want to?"

"Well, you can't back out now because they're expecting you to be there"

I groaned. I suddenly felt extremely sick.

I quickly turned around to the sink and threw up bile.

"Eww, nasty" I heard Daniel say.

I grabbed a cup and fill it with water. I guzzled it down trying to wash the acidic taste out of my mouth.

"Eww, I'll be back" I walked up stairs into the bathroom. I put loads of toothpaste on my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth.

"Maisie! Hurry, we're going to be late!" Daniel yelled from downstairs.

I quickly rinsed my mouth with water and walked back downstairs. I grabbed my bag and slung it on my shoulder digging through it to find perfume.

We walked outside and into Daniels truck.

He started the truck and instantly rolled down the windows.

We were driving to school and I finally found my perfume.

"Ah ha!" I sprayed myself and placed it back in my bag.

Daniel started to cough. "Geez Mase, don't spray that stuff around me" he covered his nose and mouth by pulling up his flowery shirt.

"Dramatic" I dragged out.

The rest of the ride was quiet and short.

When we made it to the school I was greeted by Chance as I walked in the entrance.

"Sit with us at lunch" he told me.

"Why?" I feel like this is setting up to be a prank.

"Just sit with us, it won't hurt if you and Darren start hanging during school too"

"I'll think about it" I told him.

I walked to my class, biology.

When the bell rang, my teacher rushed in the room and took attendance.

"Today we are starting a project, you'll have two weeks to work on it, you can be with a partner or not, but it'll be worth a lot for your first assignment".

I looked around, there's really no one in here I like.

"This project will be a model of either a plant cell or an animal cell" I heard a couple of groans in the class, "you can build the model on whatever you want for example; an ice skating ring, or roller skate rink, but it has to be a model including everything in the cell you choose"


The teacher started handing out packets of the requirements. Then a wave of nausea hit me.

"May I use the bathroom" I said aloud urgently.

"Quickly" the teacher said.

I got out of my seat and ran out of the room ignoring the stares. I sprinted down the hall in the lady's restroom and locked myself in a stall.

I stayed in there, maybe it was just me feeling sick. I got out and looked in the mirror.

Wow, I look like a wreck.

I got my hands wet and started combing my hair back in a ponytail, tying it up with a white rubber band.

I started making my way back to class.

"Maisie!" Someone shouted my name. I looked behind and saw it was Darren, who was walking towards me with Chance.

"Hey" I said awkwardly.

"We're going to the beach, want to come?" He asked.

I bit my lip unsure, "Come on, just skip school once and you could bring your friend" Darren said.

I stood there thinking. Do I really want to skip? "Fine, just a minute wait for me" I walked to my classroom.

I went up to my teacher who was sitting at her desk.

"Could I see the nurse? I'm feeling very sick" I lied.

"Oh, yes" she quickly scribbled on a pass for me. I thanked her and grabbed my stuff from seat and quickly walked out.

Darren and Chance were waiting outside of the door.

"Nice lie" Darren teased.

"It really wasn't a lie, I actually felt sick"

"So, what class does your friend have?" Darren asked running his hand through his long hair.

I quickly grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted her.

I looked at Darren, he was wearing a flowery shirt too. He was also wearing some denim jeans.

"Hey we're matching" I pointed out to him.

He looked at his outfit, then mine and smiled.

I heard my phone buzz.

From: Mads

World history

"My friend has world history" I told the guys.

"With who?" Darren asked.

"Uh, I'll check"

I sent her a text asking who and got a reply instantly.

Mrs. Uriah

We made our way down the long big hallway that branched out into different "pods" that held different classrooms in them.

We got to the C pod and pushed open the doors. We made our way down the hallway and around a corner. We stopped at the first door on the right and peeked in.

I scanned the classroom from the door and spotted my bestfriend sitting in the corner of the room.

"Madison" I whispered yelled catching a few stares.

Someone then tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at us.

I mouthed her to come with us and she nodded.

She grabbed her bag and went up to the teacher who was teaching and whispered something in her ear. The teacher looked concerned and wrote her a pass.

She quickly walked in the hallway.

"So what's the plan Stan?" She asked stuffing the pass in her bag.

"We're going to the beach" I smiled. She looked at Darren and Chance.

"Okay" she shrugged.

We were walking towards the entrance and I realized Madison and I couldn't leave because we're sophomores.

"Wait," I grabbed Darren's wrist, "Madison and I can't leave, we have yellow cards" I held up our school ID's showing our picture, name, and a barcode. The cards were yellow indicating we were only 10th graders while Darren's and Chance's were purple, showing they were 11th graders and could leave school campus.

"Just lie and say you need to get your biology project from your car" Darren suggested.

"Or color your ID's purple" Chance suggested as he looked at Darren making both of them burst with laughter, like it was an inside joke.

I looked at the nurse and saw she was here today. She went into her office and start going through paperwork.

"I have a better idea" I told Darren and motioned Madison to follow me.

"See you guys in the parking lot" I smiled.

Hopefully this works.

I took a deep breath before stepping into the nurse's office.

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