《Our Little Moon》Chapter 34 - first ever sleepover
"I can't wait for Isabelle to come here, Daddy." Luna squealed excitedly that Zues couldn't stop himself from smiling. Seeing her like this makes his heart melts into puddle.
"Me too Mia figlia, me too." He replied while kissing her velvety redhair that shines so bright under the light of their living room. They're sitting on the couch while waiting for Isabelle and the little Luna couldn't contain her excitement that makes her little legs swung back and forth.
It's 4 in the afternoon and the two girls marked this day that they will having a sleepover at the De Luca Residence that Isabelle's father didn't hesitate to approve of.
After Isabelle told her father how Luna came to her where no one else does and depend her from Natasha's humiliation about her living status, the father couldn't believe that a certain young-billionaire was capable of doing such things specially to them. And because he has nothing else to give to his daughter Isabelle but education, he didn't turn down the opportunity for her to enroll in that prestigious school.
So after driving for less than 30 minutes, finally, they reached the Mansion and Nathan and Isabelle couldn't supress their fascination of how big it is. Luna and Zues already waiting at their porch and as soon as Nathan helps his daughter to get out from their car, the two girls immediately run and gave each other a sweet and tight hugs that both fathers' eyes twinkle in happiness while gazing at them.
"Good afternoon Sir, I'm Nathan, Isabelle's father and thank you for inviting her today." Nathan said to Zues who shakes his hand and smiling back at him.
"It's our pleasure, and please call me Zues, Nathan. I am so happy that my daughter found her new bestfriend—- anyway would you like to come and have some drinks." Zues offered but Nathan politely refused as he needs to come home and do his house chores.
"Isabelle I'm going now. I love you." Nathan told her and Isabelle gave his father a warm hug before saying it back to him.
Once he's gone, Luna and Isabelle held each other hands while skipping as they go inside the house, followed by Zues who's walking with crutches and has smile on his face. As a father, he would never stop appreciating every single thing that she does, as it sends his heart into eternal bliss.
Once they entered the living room, Zues told them to take their seat.
"Hi Isabelle, I'm Zues , Luna's father and you can call me Zuzu." Zues said while offering his hand to the timid Isabelle. Luna gave her an encouraging smiling and told her to not feel shy.
"Hello Zuzu, and you can call me Belle." She finally said while shaking Zues's hand. Luna claps her hand before she ushered Isabelle to her room.
"Alright girls I will not disturb you but please if you need anything, I'm just here downstairs or in my room. Luna you can use your intercom to call me, okay?"
"Yes Daddy!" She happily replied before giving her father a peck on his cheek. Zues kissed her forehead in return before the two girls started to walk to her room.
Outside of her room, Isabelle saw a man that looks familiar and she thoughts it's probably her bodyguard and that didn't go unnotice by Luna.
"Oh, Isabelle that's my bodyguard Lucas. Don't worry he will not disturb us, right Lucas." She asked.
"Yes Ma'am." Lucas replied in soft manner before opening their door for them to enter.
Isabelle's eyes grew bigger when she saw her room. And you can't blame her though as her room was really magnificent in design, that you could feel you're a true princess in every disney movie.
"Come Belle I'd like to show you all my barbie dolls and stuff toys and also I'm gonna introduce you to Mr. Choco." Belle couldn't wait to meet this Mr. Choco and when she saw the teddy bear, her smile immediately appear on her face.
"Hello Mr. Choco, I'm Isabelle and because your my new friend, you can call me Belle." She said while pretending that Mr. Choco can talk back to her.
Soon, Luna asked her to wear the tiara and the princess dress that she prepared for this day. Isabelle's favorite color was yellow and because she has one already, she doesn't need to ask her brothers to buy it for her. Luna then took the blue princess dress and the tiara and wear it to start their tea party.
After few minutes, the two looks so pretty on their dresses and tiara's. Isabelle's dark hair and blue eyes accentuates her beauty because of her yellow dress while Luna's blue-green eyes and red hair that was perfectly done in cute bun does really emphasized her beautiful-innocent face.
While they were playing the tea party, Lucas couldn't stop himself from smiling because outside her door he could here their cute conversation. Well, let say that the two pretends that they were grown up woman and have their own businesses that they manage on their own. The pink table was filled with delicious cupcakes and chocolate cookies that Zues and his sons had tried to prepared for them. While pouring the tea, Luna asked Belle to taste the cupcake and the cookies that the latter didn't have second thoughts to do.
"Hhmmm, this cupcake was heaven Luna, thank you." Belle told her while sipping her tea with her pinky out in the air. Luna smile sweetly at her and took a bite of her Cupcake before drinking her own raspberry tea with her pinky out in air too.
"I'm glad that you liked it, it's Mr. Hugo who baked those." Luna informed, while Belle told her to say Mr. Hugo that his cupcake and cookies are so delicious.
Time passed and the two were suddenly interrupted with their party when the twins knocked on her door.
"Come in." Luna said and suddenly two heads appeared on their sight with smile on their faces. Hades and Apollo waved their hands to Luna and Isabelle, as Luna invited them to come.
"So how's the tea party my princess?" Apollo asked while taking the cookies and put on his mouth, gaining smack from his twin.
"It's fine Poly, thank you for asking—-by the way, this is Isabelle my bestfriend. Isabelle meet my brother Apollo and Hades." Luna introduced before Hades kissed Luna's cheeks.
"Hi Isabelle." The twins greeted in unison making her giggles because they were really are twins for greeting her at the same time.
"Hello Apollo, hello Hades."
The twins soon joined the party and has no shyness to wear tiara, for the sake of their sister and the food on the table. Luna and Isabelle were both happy because the two were very friendly and joke a lot that caused them to smile and chuckles that erupted throughout her room.
Not long after, Eros came in with frown on his face because he never expected that the twins will be there too. And because there's no more cupcake and cookies, thanks to Apollo and Hades for eating all of it, Eros went to Mr. Hugo to ask for some brownies and ice cream. Once he brought the food, Apollo's face brighten up and was about to take it from him, but Eros swayed his hand away and whispered 'f*ck off' in a way that Luna and Isabelle will never hear it. Eros introduces himself to Isabelle and asked her to taste the brownies, which she did and her face instantly lift up because it tasted so delicious too. Luna smile at her before the boys asked them if they like to watch some movies at their movie room. The girls nod their head in excitement because they really like to watch some movies.
"So, girls would you like some pizza while watching and popcorn tol?" Hades asked while looking at Luna and Isabelle simultaneously, in soft manner.
"Yes!" Both the girls replied before letting out a soft giggles. Hades looked at them in adoration before pulling out his phone to order the pizza. Apollo told the girls if they can pose for some picture because they looked so pretty that he couldn't help himself not to take some for remembrance.
"Send it to the chat group, okay." Hades told to his twin before asking him to arrange the movie room while he will prepare the popcorn. Eros asked the girls to change their dress into their pjs before he left the room to take some quick shower.
"And who told you to disturb the girls? Me, myself didn't come inside and then I will find out that my sons were invited them to the movie room."
"Oh! Hey Dad. Well I think I have no power to stop myself for being with my sister because I love her so much. Anyway Dad you're invited too." He said before giving his father a hug. Zues just shook his head about his reply because what he said was definitely true as even himself was about to do that but he didn't because he needs to do something on his room. While looking at his son's disappearing figure, his feet slowly walk towards Luna's room to check up on her and Isabelle. As he walk in, the two just came out from the bathroom on their Pajamas.
"Daddy!" Luna shout and run to him.
"Hey sweety, how's the tea party?" Zues asked her before he looks at Isabelle giving her a smile before looking back to her daughter.
"It's great Daddy, we had fun, right Isabelle?" Isabelle say 'yes' and look at Zues.
"Good, nice to hear that girls. So I've heard that you'll gonna watch some movies?"
"Yes, Hady ordered some Pizza and popcorn too." She replied.
"Hmmmm—- but dinner is about to start." And because of that Zues called Lucy and asked her to bring the food at the movie room instead.
"Does it mean Daddy that you will come to watch with us too?" Luna asks in bright eyes because she loves that her father will join them.
"Ofcourse, I will never let go this chance to be with my daughter. So come on and let's choose some movies." He said before walking towards the movie room while holding his child's hand and asked Isabelle to hold Luna's other hand.
Before they play the humongous TV, Zues told the kids and his sons to eat their dinner first. Isabelle and Luna were served with some spaghetti with meatballs that tasted so delicious.
"Thank you Zuzu for the dinner, it's really delicious." Isabelle muttered.
"You're most welcome Belle. And I am happy that you liked it." Zues replied to her with smile before his gaze went to his daughter that was done with her food too. The boys were still eating and Zues just shook his head because even before, his sons eat like a horse.
After few more minutes, helper came inside to remove all the plates. Soon, the pizza delivery came and Hades smile on his face never falter because he's craving for some pizza today.
"So which movies do you like to watch?" Apollo asked the girls sweetly. He mentioned all the chosen movies, and the two girls decided to watch Mulan—- even both of them have no idea anything about it. The girls sit beside each other at the center of the couch while Zues takes Luna's other side and Eros on Belle's side. The twins chose to sit at the single sofa while having popcorn on their hands.
As the movie starts everyone was silent, except the girls who immediately love Mulan for being herself that they both sung along with her to the tune of Reflection and to the amusement of all the boys. Soon after that, the girls couldn't hide their sadness when Mulan decides to disguise herself as a man and go in her father's place who was old and injured —- to protect himself and to fulfill what she believes is the only chance she'll have at bringing honor to her family. It's totally heartbreaking, specially the scene where her father runs out into rain after her -- and when he accepts that they have to let her go, since revealing her would get her killed.
——until the introduction of the small dragon named Mushu who attempted to make himself look more powerful than he really is. The boys laugh so hard when he makes his shadow looks larger and declared that he's "the Great Stone Dragon".
"He's hilarious." Apollo commented with his mouth full of popcorn.
Zues couldn't stop himself to chuckles when Mulan asks why her ancestors sent a lizard to protect her —— to which Mushu clarifies that he's indeed a dragon because he doesn't do "that tongue thing", that even Luna and Isabelle joined him.
As the movie goes on, the room filled with the girls laughter that send amusement to Zues and his sons, that they didn't realize that Ares and Diony walk in with little crease on their foreheads when they've noticed how engrossed they were at the film.
Worried came to Ares when he saw the misty-eyed Luna at the scene where Mulan's true identity came to light specially when the guy named Shang Li turn his back on her ——- especially after she just saved his life.
"Hey Bambina—- are you alright?" Ares asked her before kissing her forehead and to her surprise, because she didn't feel his arrival as well as Diony who joined his brother for being a worried-freak about her sad moment.
On the other hand, Isabelle stiffened on her seat when she saw another set of giant men in front of her. They looked so scary because of their height, but she could feel deep inside that they are good-heart-people too.
"I'm good Ari. Don't worry about me." Luna replied. Hades paused the movie for the meantime to give them time to talk while nibbling on his pizza.
"Ari, Diony, this is Isabelle my bestfriend—- Isabelle meet my eldest Bubbas, Ares and Dionysus." Luna happily said even her voice was bit hoarse.
Isabelle introduces herself while Ares and Diony gave her their sweetest smile.
"I am glad you came here today Belle. We are very happy when we learned that my little sister found her new bestfriend." Ares told her that touched Isabelle's heart, that she looks at Luna's direction first before she gave her a sweet hug.
"And I'm grateful too because Luna is the sweetest and kindest heart of all." Belle replied to Ares that boys couldn't stop themselves to utter 'awww' for the sweet words that she said about their babysister. Diony kissed Luna's forehead before he settled himself on the empty couch and fixed his eyes at the paused movie.
Ares lay too at the empty seat before Eros gave him some pizza slice and asked Hades to play again the film. Ares and Diony have frown face because they can't believe that there is lizard thag could talk and have some magic. Luna told them that his name is Mushu and corrected them that he's not a lizard but a great dragon, that add more crease to their already wrinkled forehead.
The room fell again in silence when Mulan planned to save the emperor after she convinced them that his life is in danger. And not long after, all of them chuckles when her comrades dress up a women instead of her disguising herself as a guy. It was quite comical because of how much fun Chien-Po, Ling, and Yao seem to be having saving the day in dresses and makeup.
And finally when Mulan defeated Shan Yu with the help of Mushu, the girls couldn't containe their happiness and claps their hands and bounce on their seats.
"I love Mulan." Luna muttered because for her, Mulan's bravery was beyond that even she's a girl, she didn't allow it to stop herself to stand against her enemies.
"Me too." Isabelle mumbled in agreement with what she said.
They boys on the other hand, just smirk while amusement shines on their faces, seeing that the girls had fun watching the movie. Though their faces immediately turned serious when the two have their eyes brimmed with tears and that was when Mulan finally returns home and see again her father, who was really happy to have her back.
"Baby, please don't cry." Zues tried to console her because seeing her with tears was like tearing his heart into pieces. Isabelle wipe her own tears quickly, because she's shy to be called a crying baby but Eros comforted her by wiping her tears and said that it's okay to cry because he cried too at that scene.
"Sorry Daddy but I can't help it. It's like the day when we saw each other again and I really knows how it felt to be with your love once again." Luna told Zues before burrying her face to his chest. All the boys got their eyes teary and begged their father to make her feel good because they all couldn't stand seeing her cry.
"Sssshhhhh, I love you so much baby and I will never leave you again." Zues whispered to her ear while peppering her with soft kisses. Luna soon relaxed at his calming gestures and apologized to her Bubbas for making them worried a while ago.
"It's okay baby, they all understand. Anyway I think both of you need to go to bed, so let's go?" Zues asked and the girls hold each other's hand as they walk out of the movie room towards her bedroom, leaving the boys in complete daze.
Once they reached her room, the girls rushed to her bathroom to brush their teeth before going to her bed. The two said to each other that today was really great and agreed that they will do it again.
After that, Zues tucked them in before telling them to have a sweet good night sleep. After another kissed at her forehead, Zues turned off their light and slowly get out from her room, before nodding his head at her another bodyguard named Michael, that post outside her room.
The boys wanted to come at her room but Zues stop them saying that they were both asleep and to their dismay.
"Don't whine and leave the girls alone." Zues warned before he proceeds to his room. The boys have no other option but to get back to their own room as it's also time to get some rest. But not for Diony and Ares who are both in relationship as they need to call their special one first before going to sleep.
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