《Our Little Moon》Chapter 33 - new bestfriend
1 year passed and it feels like just yesterday everything was just simple, especially to the De Luca brothers. Who would've thoughts that despite their cold-looking facade, hides a loving, sweet and caring attitudes towards their 6-year old sister. That there's nothing in this world that they will not do for her, that even the moon that literally her name will be hers if she asks.
"Ari I am afraid, what if they don't like me?" Luna asked. Her eyes stared at Ares with hint of nervous since he's the one that will drop her at her new school.
"Who wouldn't like someone like you? You're the sweetest and most kindnest soul I've ever known. Don't worry so much because all your classmates will like you. I promise." Ares answers in sweet tone that quite help her to ease the nervousness that she's feeling right now.
Zues couldn't drop her because he has an early session of therapy for his leg that hopefully will allow him to walk again.
Yes! There's a great chance that he could able to walk, specially if his motivation was his chidren that encourage him of not losing hope, specially Luna that wanted him to be present in the near future for all her school gatherings.
"Thank you Ari."
"You're definitely welcome Bambina, but remember what I told you before, stay away with boys, alright?"
"Yes Ari because boys have coories." She replied proudly that caused him to smirk. That even he's a grown man, he believes that boys should be very far from her sister.
"Right, and don't forget to finish all the food that Diony prepared for you." Luna just nod her head because her eyes were fascinated at the new scenario in front of her eyes.
Her school.
Her eyes even caught some kids that have been accompanied by their parents, and immediately sadness filled her heart as she remember her mommy and daddy, but she abruptly kicked those thoughts because she has Ari that will do that for her.
"I will come with you baby, even Mommy Diana wasn't here just remember that I am always have time for you. Daddy may come too but let us give him more time, alright baby?"
"Yes Ari, and thank you." She smile sweetly that made him relax because he knew what's going on inside her sister's mind.
His car came to stop in front of the school's entrance and immediately parked his car. Ares swiftly came out of his car and help her sister to get out of the car as well. Luna look around first before she placed her tiny hand to Ares as they start to walk towards the school. And because of Ares' undeniable sex appeal, even the mothers that gathered together couldn't stop themselves to let out a low squeal and biting their lower lip when Ares walk in front of them.
In Ares mind, he couldn't stop himself to smirk and ignored them by looking straight towards their destination.
"Hi, good morning, this is my baby sister- Artemis De Luca. It's her first day today." Ares stated while looking the at the middle aged woman that immediately brighten her face upon seeing Luna who looked so worried when she saw the room full of kids.
'Luna don't be scared, be brave.' She told mentally to herself while tighten her grip on her brother's hand. Ares looked down at her and patted her hair.
"Bambina, this is Mrs. Smith, she will help you to know more things. And inside the room are all your classmates and you don't have to be worried because they will love you, I swear no one could resist you." Ares said to her in comforting tone, once she's ready to enter the room, Ares kissed her forhead and gave her a warm hug, while Luna pressed her face to his neck and inhaled his scent.
"I will come back later to get you, alright? I love you so much, Bambina."
"I love you too Bubba." She replied before Mrs. Smith ushered her to the classroom full of kids of her age. Ares couldn't stop not to stare at his sister. If only he could stay but he can't as he has some work to do.
"Lucas, don't leave your sight away from my sister, okay? And call me anytime if there's a problem." Ares told him. He's one of his trusted men that will look after his baby sister while in school, because for him taking precautions is better than cure.
"Luna, you can take your seat." Mrs. Smith told her while pointing her hand at the vacant chair. She walk in quick pace to the chair with her lunch bag on her left hand while her trolley bag at the other. Once she was settled her eyes scan the area and notice a girl that stared at her already. She looks at her in friendly manner that's why Luna waved her hand and smile at the girl. She was shocked at her actions but didn't forget to wave back and smile at her too. Luna realized that no one was sitting beside her and for that she took all her things and walk towards her.
"Hi, I'm Artemis Selene, but call me Luna, can I sit beside you? If you like?" She asked politely because for her, what if she wanted to be alone?
"Hello, I am Isabelle, and call me Belle. And yes you can, I wouldn't mind that." She replied happily because for Isabelle no one likes to sit beside her, and she knew why.
Because her family was not rich compare to her classmate that mostly child of millionaires. She's lucky because her father works in the office of the school, giving her the privilege to attend that prestigious school.
Soon, the class starts and the two seems like enjoying their company. Luna would allow her to borrow her crayons and her pencil too that has a nice designs because the Hades and Apollo will never settle for less specially for their little moon.
Isabelle can't believe that she found a nice and kind friend like Luna. She knew that she's rich because of her things compare to her normal one, but despite that she's act like normal kid unlike the other that look at her like a dirt. Her father wanted her to study there because of the education that will give to her and also because of the benefits but if he only knew her situation.
Time passed so quickly and now they bring out their lunch to eat. Isabelle felt so shy because she has only a piece of cupcake and slice apple and juice while Luna seems like her food is a perfection.
Luna's food are sandwiches that looks so tasty, chocolate brownies, strawberries and grapes. Isabelle look down because she feels pity for herself but she immediately kicked those thoughts knowing that she's still blessed for eating three times a day and having a roof over her head.
"This is for you Belle and what ever I have from now own I am willing to share it with you because you're my best friend now. Here eat this sandwich, my Bubba Diony prepared it and he cooked best." Isabelle eyes lift up and even she's so shy, she couldn't find a words to refuse as she cannot let her down. Who will ignore her kind features? She thought to herself.
"Thank you. My Dad couldn't cook in the morning because he has work." Belle replied before biting the sandwich. Her eyes glint with happiness because she's correct, the sandwich was so delicious.
"Hmmm—— this is so good Luna, tell your Bubba that his sandwich is the best." She told Luna who beamed with joy knowing that she loves it.
"Yes I will do that—- so, Belle tell me about yourself, because as my bestfriend I should atleast know you right?" She asked, Belle seems reluctant because anything about her was not interesting but she couldn't explain why she felf so relax with her.
"I have a big brother—— his name is Isaac but my mother took him, leaving me and my Daddy. I have no idea why they left. But my Daddy said that when I grow up I will understand, and I respect that because I love him so much as he loves me too." Isabelle answered. Luna felt so guilty because it hurts that your mother left you along with your brother.
"What about you Luna?"
"Well my Mommy left me too but she's with angels above sky. I have 5 brothers and I love them so much, while my Daddy is the greatest father in the world." She told Belle and both of them giggles at each other because they both love their father to the moon and back.
"Hey, why are you being friendly with her. Didn't you know that she's not rich, you should stay away from her." A girl with blond hair and blue eyes told them in snarky manner, that they didn't noticed as they were both engrossed talking witn each other. Isabelle looked at her lap because what she said was true, she's not rich and Luna shouldn't befriend her. But Luna noticed Isabelle's reaction and she didn't like it.
"What is your name?" Luna asked in polite manner. The girl smile first before opening her mouth.
"I'm Natasha and parents owns Hotels and restaurants across the country." The girl bragged that made Luna rolled her eyes mentally.
"Hello Natasha, well first I would be happy if you won't say anything bad towards my bestfriend, Isabelle. Second, I think richness shouldn't be the basis of whom you'd like to be friend with. I like Isabelle and I am happy to be her bestfriend and that's what matters to me." She replied before looking at Isabelle and smile. Isabelle return the gestures and avoid Natasha's glare that she's shooting to her.
"Do you have anything to say Natasha?" Luna asked. Natasha didn't answer but gave her a scornful look before walking away. Luna and Isabelle let out a deep sigh of relief because as much as possible having no enemies is better than having one.
"You shouldn't believe whatever she said Belle, okay? And as I said before no one will stop me from being your friend." Luna told her in comforting tone.
"Thank you Luna, and me too, from now on we're best of friends." She replied with genuine smile displayed on her face as they continue their conversation from where they stop before.
Soon, class end—- time to go home, and Luna couldn't stop herself to feel so excited because she has a lot of things to tell to her Daddy and brothers.
"Luna that's my Daddy." Isabelle pointing to a 34-year old man that has eyeglass and wearing office clothes. He smile at Isabelle before he gave her a killer hug that brought smile to Luna's face, seeing how happy her bestfriend is.
"Daddy, I'd like you to meet my bestfriend—- Artemis Selene De Luca, but you can call her Luna, right Luna" Isabelle happily said while her father couldn't believe that the youngest billionaire across the country is staring at him, right now. And he couldn't believe also that his daughter called her as her bestfriend.
"Hi Ms. de Luca—- I am her father, Nathan Williams and I hope you had a nice day with my Isabelle here." He introduce himself and hope that she's not a snobby-spoiled-brat-type of kid like the other rich kids that studied at that school.
"Oh! Hello Sir, please call me Luna and yes I do have a great day with Isabelle." Nathan's eyes glint with happiness because he knew that no one would like to be friend with his kid because of their living status. And the way Luna looked at Isabelle it seems like she's true with her words.
"Ok Luna, and please call me Nathan."
Soon, Lucas approached Luna and informed her that her Bubba Ares is coming to pick her. And not long after, a black Sports car stop abruptly and reveal Ares with stoic face but immediately soften when he saw her baby sister with sweetest smile directly at him.
"Bubba!" She squealed while jumping on her feet.
"Hello my Bambina, ready to go home?" He asked but before they could go, Luna and Isabelle introduces their brother and father to each other and after that both of them walk towards his car.
"I know the meaning of that smile, and I am happy for that baby." Ares said while his eyes were shifting from his sister and to the road.
"I am so happy because I made a bestfriend today. She's nice Ari and I cannot wait to tell everyone my experience at school specially to Daddy." Ares smile never falter, and because he wanted also to be home, he drives so fast but careful for Luna's safety.
After few minutes, they reached their home that Luna asked Ares to unbuckle her quickly so that she could run inside their mansion.
"Be careful Bambina, I don't want you to get hurt." He warned because he knew that he cannot stop her from running. Luna ignored his warning because she's always been careful.
"Daddy! Diony! Hady! Poly! And Rosy! I am here now!" She blurted out and went straight to the kitchen, and from then she saw her Daddy reading a newspaper with black coffee, with Hades and Apollo sitting with plates full of food in front of them. Their attention fixed in an instant to their Luna.
"How's my favorite daughter? I missed you so much." Zues askes as he kissed him on her cheeks before placing her on his lap. The twins approached her too and gave her sweet kiss on her forehead before returning to their seat.
"I am you only daughter Daddy. And I missed you too." Luna replied before she told them what happened to her at the school except the scene between her and Natasha.
"That's so nice of you darling. And I am happy to know this bestfriend of yours." Zues told her cheerfully. He's so ecstatic knowing his daughter was so happy that she found her bestfriend of her age.
"Really Dad? Can I invite her to play with me?" All of them answered Yes before Ares, Diony and Eros walk in.
"Where's my little Luna?" Diony asked pretending that he didn't notice her. Luna covered her mouth to suppress her giggles and to their amusement.
"I am here, silly Diony." She replied before she tried to hide herself from him. Zues wrapped his arms around her tiny body to hide her from his son. Eros tickles her side that earned them a loud giggles from her.
"Ro—- Rosy s-stop." She told him while asking her father for help. Zues looked at Eros in stern manner but Eros knew that he won't do anything because deep inside the oldman loves to hear her soft giggles.
"I missed you Luna, can you give Rosy some kiss please." Eros told her, Diony said the same and Luna can't allow the sadness in their eyes and motioned for them to take her from his Daddy and to Zues disappointment.
"I missed you too Rosy." She replied before kissing his cheek. Once he's satisfied, Diony took her and kissed his forehead while saying how he missed her so much.
"I missed you too Diony and by the way we loved the foods that you prepared, thank you Bubba." She said before kissing his nose. She told her about Isabelle and all of them were happy specially that she's a girl and not a boy.
Later that evening, Delilah came to visit and joined them on their dinner. Ares couldn't stop himself to show affection to his girlfriend—— yes, you heard it right, Delilah is indeed his girlfriend and they were officially in relationship for three months now.
Delilah gave her precious yes to him after he showed how much he loves her and proved that by being so patient and respectful towards her decisions. Her brother, Gerard don't have a problem with that but gave Ares a brother-talk.
"Jade I got new bestfriend and her name is Isabelle, I'm gonna invite her to come and hope you meet her too." Luna told her and to Delilah's delight because she also wanted to meet her. From the way Luna smile and talk about her, she knew that she's nice and a good kid.
"I would love that Luna. Tell me when she will come so that I will make myself free and be with you and her." Delilah replied before she glanced at Ares who has smirk on his face. She knew that he's listening that's why she tried to lower her voice.
After few hours, Zues told her Luna that it's time for bedtime and asked his son to pick her up and bring to his room.
Since he came back, Luna prefered to sleep on his room and to his son's dismay.
"I'm so happy about your first day at school. Though I'm so for not taking you there and come to pick you, but I pinky promise that I will do by tomorrow." Zues told her after tucking her in and grabbed the children's book that he's going to read for her. Luna told him that she understood and there's nothing to worry about it. He kissed her forehead because she's so mature for her age.
As he starts to read the story, Luna listened with so much enthusiasm until she started to doze off. When Zues was done, his eyes fixed to his sleeping child and whispered to her ear how much he loves her before he kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her body and it didn't take time before he drifted off with smile on his face.
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