《Our Little Moon》Chapter 23 - she's not dead



After an hour, Ares and his team went to their rendezvouz to meet up with Derek and his team to plan the attack to save his father.

Meanwhile, Eros asked Delilah if she's hungry. Delilah said she isn't but when her stomach growled, Eros asked her to go to their kitchen and ask Mr. Hugo for some food while he's going to give Luna a quick shower.

He doesn't know her yet, but he like her already because Luna is so fond of her.

While looking for the kitchen, Delilah accidentally bumped into someone,

and that someone is none other than—Samantha.

"You B*tch! Are you blind? Can't you see where you're going to?" Samantha lashed out. Delilah cringed at the name she just called her and lower her gaze. She didn't open her mouth because she knew the consequences if she talk back. And that makes Samantha's anger rose up.

"Such a useless thing! Remove yourself from my sight before I slap you." She told her while Delilah didn't have second thoughts and run in haste, away from her.

Soon Delilah saw a girl wearing a uniform and ask her where the kitchen is.

"Hi, I am D-Delilah, may I know w-where the kitchen is? Uhm E-Eros—- he said to look for Mr. H-Hugo for f-food." She said and hope that this girl will help her. And to her relief, she gave her a smile, asking her to follow.

"Hello Mr. Hugo—- I am Delilah and Eros told me to ask you for food, uhm for me." She said while trying her best not to stutter.

"Ofcourse sweetheart, what do you want to eat?" Mr. Hugo asks with a sweetest smile on his face. Delilah blush because of the name that he used to call her.

And nobody called her like that.

"Anything will do." She simply replied because she is not also familiar with food.

She only eat bread and egg and rotten fruits. She's lucky if she gets cheese or fresh fruit.

"Ok, you can wait at the dining table and I will bring it to you." She thanked him before she make a beeline to the dining room, which is only opposite of the kitchen and that was so helpful for her because she's afraid to be lost from this huge place.

While sitting quietly at the dining table, Samantha surprised her as she walk in. When she saw her again, her eyes narrowed but soon throw smirk at her.

"Hey you, tell to the chef to make food for me, and make it fast then bring it to my room."

"I-I am s-sorry but I d-don't know your n-name and your room." Delilah replied.


"Fine it's Samantha and Ares girlfriend. I am staying at one of the guest room. Ask one of the maids where it is so you won't get lost, stupid." She said in annoyance before turning her back away from her.

She quickly went to the kitchen and told Mr. Hugo about Samantha's request. A girl name Lucy approached Delilah and told that she will bring the food instead of her, but Delilah refuse because she's afraid that she might tell Ares about her disobedience.

"Thank you Mr. Hugo, Lucy." She said before going to Samantha's room. She knocked few times before she shouts to her to come in.

"Why you're so late B*tch? Put it down on the table and removed this dirty bedsheet and replace with new one." She ordered.

Delilah wanted to get out so she quickly do what she told and start to remove the sheet.

But whatever her eyes's caught make her so confuse.

A blood stain.

A fresh blood stain on the bed sheet.

She frowned at the sight because she knew that Ares' is having a child, so if she's his girlfriend, why she's bleeding?

Why she's in period? Pregnant woman won't get period for months, right? She asked herself

And if ever she had a miscarriage why she can walk? atleast she needs some rest, right? And does Ares even knew about this?

These are all questions starting to hurt her brain.

She surreptitiously look around and found boxes of feminine napkin and tampon on her bed sidetable and she guessed that maybe her assumptions was correct that she might be on her period.

"Hey bitch, throw that bed sheet okay? And bring here in an instant the new one." She nods her head before she get out hastily from her room.

Being with her in a room is like being with her master Jack— the girl version of him and it's giving her a not-so-good-feeling.

She went first to see Lucy and ask where is the laundry room to get the new sheet. Lucy told her where it is, and when she went there she quickly drop the sheets on the floor to take the new one, but all of the sudden, Lucy call and told her that Eros and Delilah were looking for her.

And because she's so shy to let them wait for her for too long, she took the new sheet and just put the bloody sheet in one of the cabinet.

"Where have you been and why you have new sheets? For whom is that?" Eros asked in soft tone. Delilah looks so fresh from shower and smiling at her.


"It's for Samantha, she asked for new one."

"Give it to Lucy and let her change it for her. You are a guest here and you will not doing that for her." Lucy came and take the new sheet from her hand while Delilah's eyes are filled with fear.

"But she's Ares girlfriend. She will tell Ares that I didn't do her order."

"What you're talking about? Ares has no girlfriend I'm telling you. And I'm really so confuse why she's here anyway." Eros was livid that Samantha was informing Delilah that she's Ares's girl where Ares was denying it to the death.

And before Ares took his leave, he said that Delilah, is their guest that she helped him finding someone that will make them happy again, and before he could ask for more Ares turned his back and walked away from him.

"Did you eat DJ?" Eros asked. She shook his head and before she can talk, Mr. Hugo brought her food and placed it in front of her. And after saying thank you to Mr. Hugo, Eros motioned for her to eat.

Lasagna, garlic bread and fresh orange juice. Her eyes widened because she never had a food like this and it's mouthwatering.

After taking her first bite, Artemis giggles because Delilah moaned because of its scrumptious taste. Eros smile and even he has no idea what she went through, he knew that behind her sweet smile there's a pain hid on it.

"You have to finish all of it Dj and after that I will ask Lucy to give you some clothes before we proceed to the movie room."

"Yes!" Luna fist bumped on the air that made them laugh at her cheerfulness.

At the warehouse, Jack was so furious about Delilah's disappearance. He has no idea where she is and how she managed to get out because for him, she's stupid and won't able to survive the outside world.

But he's so wrong because she began to grow some backbone eversince Zues came to her life.

And because of his ignorance he sent out some of his men to find her and Jack swear to himself that she will get extreme punishment once they found her.

Jack then went to Zues because he knew that he knows where she is. He asked his men to chain him on the pole because he deserves some punishment for teaching Delilah.

"I don't have any idea of what you're talking about, and I don't know where she is." Zues told him because he really have no idea where she is right now.

"Lier! Because of you my daughter got escape!" He lashed out at him. But upon hearing the word 'daughter' Zues went furious because he was never a father to her but abuser, a !

"? How dare you to call her daughter when yourself don't know the meaning of a father. You supposed to love her but you abused her you ! You're an evil and all your men should go to hell for abusing a girl like her! And you have the audacity to call her a daughter! ! and hope that she will never come back in this hellhole." Zues snapped back.

His pent-up-anger exploded because of the devil in the flesh in front of him.

Jack didn't expect this at all and because of this he immediately took his whip and lashed it to Zues' back.




Three cracking sound but Zues didn't even flinch because of his anger. If only he can walk, he could knock out this fucker.

"I should have killed you! Just I didn't because of Violeta's offer. Did you know that we're planning to take down your sons Mafia? But the bitch couldn't even do a simple task. She thought that by killing her adopted sister she will get all the money and become sole heir but the bitch's sister has a child. And because I need more money to take down a mafia like yours I need to make allies with Violeta that's why you're still alive because in the end you will be our leverage. But I can't let you live for long now because once your sons found out, I will be dead." He told him while smiling devilishly.

"YOU'RE LYING! DIANA IS NOT DEAD!" Zues shouts at him. Jack on the other started to lash the whip again and again and again.

But Zues was not in pain because of the whipping but because of the truth that the love of his life was dead, his Diana, His other half.

"Don't worry you're going to be with her but not so soon because I am going to rip your body limb from limb." He said before taking the knife and about to cut him but one of his men came and whisper something to his ear and Jack eyes widened before he hastily get out of the basement leaving Zues alone and covered with blood.

"No no no. She's not dead! My Diana isn't dead! Please god tell me she's not dead—P-please." He cried out before he was succumb by darkness.

Author's note

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Luv you all...😍

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