《Our Little Moon》Chapter 7 - what's the reason?


"Princess would you like some music?" Eros ask, when the four of them were heading back after Ares called them that Artemis should be home. He's so worried about her or maybe because he just miss his little sister?

"Yes, please." She replied politely that earned smile from them. They are thankful that their sister was so polite and innocent, quite their opposite.

"Eros, she's a child." Hades reminds him, because he knew what kind of music he has on his phone. Eros squint his eyes to him before he plays the music.

Hades and Apollo sighed in relief when the song 'Show yourself' played and to Luna's delight. She really loves that song as she sing-along with correct lyrics and in tune that make all the boys look at her in astonishment.

🎶I've never felt so certain🎵

🎵All my life I've been torn🎶

🎶But I'm here for a reason🎵

🎵Could it be the reason I was born?🎵

They just listened to her, never open their mouth to interrupt as she keep singing and poured all her heart into it. It touches their heart and couldn't believe that their little sister can sing with so much passion.

But their eyes filled with so much worries when her eyes started to brim with tears.

🎶Come, my darling, homeward bound🎶

🎶I am found🎶

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Apollo asked while hugging her tenderly, and because Hades was the one who's driving the car, he just settled to look at her in rear-view mirror, but couldn't help but feel so worried to her.

Eros stops the music abruptly because he thought, it's the caused of her sadness.

"Because t-that song w-was mine and my Mommy's favorite s-song. And when I've heard E-Elsa's mommy's voice, I remembered my M-Mommy and I miss her too much. She used to s-sing that s-song to me before I s-sleep, when I'm in b-bath and when I'm s-sad." She explained before crying so hard on Apollo's chest. The three de Luca boys were also heartbroken seeing her crying like that.

Apollo kissed her head and stroke her back to calm her down.

"My Moon, don't be sad. Mommy didn't really left you, she just went to heaven together with angels, but you know what? She's still looking at you from there. Her love for you will never go, why? Because she is there, she will always stay there." He said before pointing his finger to her heart. Luna listened to her brother while looking at him so intently.

"And you're not alone, we will never leave you and we'll always here for you. We love you so much that we will do anything just to make you happy. So can you give us your pretty smile, please?" Apollo said. Eros and Hades nodded their head in angreement which makes her face produced the sweetest smile.


"That's my little girl." Hades says with smile on his lips. Eros kissed her forehead and said how much he loves her, which she acknowledged wholeheartedly.

When they came back from the mall, Luna was still sleeping and for that Apollo brought her to his room because her room was being renovated to make it a room entitled for a Princess like her.

And that was the reason why Ares can't come with them to shop. Her room will be ready hopefully in few days but for the meantime, she will stay to any of her brother's room.

"How is she?" Diony asked Apollo.

"She's fine, so much energy specially when we went to the toy-store. She was so happy when I bought her a teddy bear that she will call Mr. Choco because she named him after me, and you know why? because she said that I am the sweetest brother of her." He said with proud smirk that makes Dionysus slap the back of his head for bragging it out loud.

"Are you sure about that? Just wait, when me and her have our moment, she will say then that I'm the best brother in the world." Diony replied, that he didn't notice the arrival of Ares with a frown face.

"What's happening here?"

"Nothing. Just we're challenging each other who will win the best brother of the world for Luna." Diony states.

"Hmm, well that would be me." He said before checking the sleeping girl on Apollo's bed. He kissed her forehead softly before he walks away, ignoring his two brothers who burst out laughing at their big brother's statement. They can't believe that their olderst brother will say that. They shook their head and thinking that he's totally becoming soft, but only for their little Luna.

Morning comes and the De Luca brothers were all sitting inside of Ares's Office, except Apollo and Luna who were still sleeping on his bedroom.

Ares open the white envelop and read the result. His face stared at the result for long time before he looks at his brothers who held serious faces. You cannot actually tell if they are happy, excited or nervous.

The room was so quiet that you can hear a pindrop.

Until Eros break the ice.


"She's ours. She's indeed a De Luca." Ares announced and handed the paper to his brothers. Their smile never falter because nobody can take their sister away from them.

"So what now?" Hades asked.

He is referring about the Mafia. Ares let out a deep sigh before he speaks again.


"We have a lot of enemies and she will be their target to get on us. We will double our security and updates our men's data every week but inform no one about this, understood? Our enemies may pretend to be one ot our men and we cannot allow them to do that and win." He said in stern voice.

"Yes Capo." They all said in unison.

"What about her school?" Eros asked thinking that she is 5 and should be in school.

"I think it's better for her to be homeschooled for the meantime." Dionysus suggested, Ares tapped his fingers on the desk because he's having a mental debate; he wants her to go to actual school to meet someone or have friends of her age, but the other part of him saying that it's not safe. Yet. And until they solve their issues with their enemies, it's better for her to stay at home.

"I agree with Dionysus. We cannot take the risk with regards with her. She needs to be protected at all cost, even I put 20 men outside her room, I will do that." He says in conviction. The over-protective-brother instinct inside of him is kicking and he can't control it.

"I agree." Eros and Hades said in unison.

"Good." Ares says before telling them that they can leave and do what he told them to do.

Diony stays because Ares has something to say on him.

"Is there a problem?" Diony asked.

"I've got some information about her Mother. First she's orphaned. After she reached 18, she moved out from her adopted parents and live by herself. Like she cut-off everything from them, which I have no idea why. Then, after few years she met her husband Jake Johnson and married at the age of 26. Their marriage became sour when she had miscarriage not once but three times that her husband decided to divorce her, she was 32. And after 2 years, she met our father and that is how Luna created." Ares states while Diony chuckle at his last sentence.

"So what's the matter?" Diony raised his brow ar Ares.

"The problem is, it seems like she's hiding when she was alive."

"Elaborate Ares."

"When they were living on their old city, she had a nice job. She's getting a good salary, doesn't have enemies or problem with anyone. So why all of the sudden, they will left that kind of living?... Second, her death was not actually caused by cardiac arrest. They found traces of poison on her blood, causing her heart to slow down same like heart failure. It means someone killed her.... But what making me confused right now is, where was Artemis during that time." Ares stated while looking to his brother.

"So do you think she knew something?"

"She might be or she may not, I'm not sure, but what if?" Ares asked rhetorically.

"Can we ask her? I mean, I know it's sound cruel because she's still mourning but can we do that?" Diony said with hint of concern.

"I will do that. And yes we can but let us give her more time. The twins and Apollo informed me about her breakdown on the car, she was really hurt by her sudden death and I don't want to add more stress. We have to make her happy and show her how much we love her so that when she thought of her mom, she wouldn't get hurt that much." Diony nodded his head in agreement.

"And if someone was tailing on them before, we have to know who they are." Ares added.

"Did you check her adopted parents?" Diony asked again. And Ares's eyes flashed under the light of his room.

"That is a great question Dionysus. Because according to her records, her adopted parents when she was 5-10 years old were all existing, like true people. But on her 11-18 years, the name of her adopted parents never existed, it's faked, like it's been forged."

Diony's eyebrow are pulled together by Ares revelation.

"Do you think, she's the one who forged it?"

"Maybe and she might has a damn reason to do it, which we need to know for Artemis's sake." Ares said.

Then his mind went back to the time when Artemis called him over the phone to pick her up.

When her mother died.

Why would her mother instructed her to call him instead of emergency hotline?

It's seems odd.

And there's a f*cking reason behind this.

And he f*cking needs to know it as soon as possible.

Because, he will not let anyone take or hurt his little sister.

Their Little Luna.

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