《Our Little Moon》Chapter 1 - a sister?


After some hard f*cking rough sex, my eyes landed at the woman nakedly sleeping on my bed and I sighed before I order her to get up and leave. She didn't make any move and my blood started to boil.

"I said get out, and don't make me repeat myself." I yelled and shoot her daggers.

Well, what would you expect from a cold-heartless devil in a flesh like me?

The woman who I don't know the name, get up, avoiding my eyes and grab all her clothes on the floor. I could hear her sobbing but I don't care.

Why being so dramatic when she knew from the start who I am. She came to me and offered her body so why she's crying now?

Does she expecting me to be lovey-dovey? That I will cuddle her after sex? Please, spare me with drama. I'm man with sexual needs and free f*ck is always good, so why do relationship.

Once she's done covering herself again, she walks straight to my door and slamming it shut, vigorously.

I smirk at her antics and then removed the dirty sheets and put it on the laundry bag.

After doing that, the plan to get back to my office was interrupted when my phone starts to ring.

The screen displaying an unknown number.

I was little hesitant to take it but part of me urge me to answer it.

"Hello" I say while waiting for the other line to say back.

"Hello." I repeated and cursed mentally towards this caller that wasting my time.

"Uhm, am I speaking to Ares De Luca?" She asks and being shocked because it's a f*cking child was understatement, until I realized that she mentioned clearly my name.

What the hell!

"Bambina, how did you get this number and knew my name?" I say using my stern voice. She's quiet for a while until she speaks again.

"Uhm, I'll answer you later. By the way this is , your little sister." She says straight to the point and without stuttering. Whoever her parents are will be so proud because she sounds so mature and smart even I knew that she's kinda around 3-5 years old.

But the problem is, how come she's my little sister?

This question made my blood boils because my father was dead and my estranged mother was out of our life for a very long time.

So how come that she's my f*cking little sister? As I gripped tightly on my phone and breathe heavily.

I was cut off with my mental debates when I heard her says "Inhale, exhale."

"Are you okay?" She asks as if she's concern about me , but she should know that I'm not fond of playing tricks with kids and decided to end this conversation.


"I'm okay kid, and if this some kind of play of yours, go back to your mother and stop calling me." I reply in a bit harsh tone, letting her know that I'm mad.

"I'm not playing and I'm telling the truth. Believe me. I'm so thirsty and so tired, don't you know?" She whined as I raised my brow.

"So why not ask your parents to get you some water?"

"My Mommy was on the floor and she's dead. That's why I called you because you're my brother like she told me. Can you please come here so that I can drink now?" And as soon as she spoke those words, I felt numb and guilty.

Her mother is dead and if my biological mother is dead, I would know it, so it means she's daughter of my father.

But how can it be? He's dead.

But what if she's telling the truth? What if she's really indeed my little sister? And it doesn't matter if she's only my half sister, we still shared our father's blood and she's .

A blood family.

Her sudden sniffles snap me out of my trance and I feel regrets for talking to her in harsh way earlier.

"Stop cryng. Where do you live?" I ask in gentle way, She hummed first before she mention her address and I realized that her place was so near to our place.

"Okay, go now to your kitchen and get drink but be careful. Wait for me because I'm coming."

"Thank you Ares." She said and before I could say something back, the line was cut off and I cursed again because I was cut off by a f*cking child.

And no one can do that to me. Because I'm

But part of me saying that she's just a child and she's my sister.

Oh! Please Ares stop whining and go there now! I scold to myself.

And without wasting more time, I get out of my room and went straight to the garage like a madman.

When I reached her place, my eyes stared first at the 2-storey building. She's living in the first floor and I have noticed how quiet the place is. I dial her number to inform her that I'm here already.

"I'm here, can you open the door for me?" She said yes and my eyes widened when I saw her for the first time.

She's so freaking tiny but so beautiful. And the first thing that captured my heart was definitely her eyes. She has our father's eyes, as well as me and the twins; Hades and Apollo.


Her hair is healthy red and naturally wavy that reached her lower back. Her heart-shaped face has some visible freckles that scattered on around her nose and under her eyes. She looks like a doll and I felt instantly protective over her.

What the f*ck is happening to me?

"Hi little one, can I come in?" I ask while she nodded her head and show me where was her mother. I felt like my heart was shattered into tiny pieces when I saw her mother lying on the floor.

I put my hand on top of her chest to check if she's still alive and after my hand felt nothing, I let out a deep sigh and face the little girl.

" I will call now the ambulance okay? But while I'm doing that, can you get to your room and take whatever you needed to bring." She nodded again her head and run to her room as fast as she can.

I know it's not the time but she needs to learn to answer me verbally. Well maybe soon but not this time. She's so hurt and absolutely sad as I know the feeling about losing someone too.

I dial the emergency call and report what happened here. By the look on her mother I could say that it was cardiac arrest and I informed them the address.

And once the little girl came back with small backpack and a small trolley, the ambulance came and parked in the front yard and everything takes place fast and smoothly.

"You will not going to worry about your mother okay? I will arrange everything, so you don't have to worry that pretty head of yours." I said before smiling at her. To my surprise she smile back at me too.

"So do you believe me now about what I told you?" She ask and I know what she's referring to.

"Yes, you have his eyes but for legal purposes I need to do some DNA test. Because right at this moment, I'm gonna be your guardian." Her eyes lift up hence her nose scrunch up like she has some question.

"What is DNA test?"

"It's test that examines DNA of person and that is used to identify someone or to show that people are relatives." She hummed like she understood what I just said. She stared at me for very long before she mumbled something that took me off guard.

"You and me have same Blue-Green eyes. And you looked exactly as Daddy. I don't think this test is needed, but if it is really necessary, it's okay. Just please make sure no needles. I'm so scared of it." She told me with scared eyes, and I want to cooe and praise her at the same time because how on earth she can talk like this? Like a very mature one? I think she's much smarter than some of our brothers.

"How old are you? Luna right?"

"I'm 5 years old and yes, you can call me Luna. That's how my parents used to call me, but my full name is ARTEMIS SELENE." And I smirk because she has a name that belongs to Greek Goddess that my father was very fond of, and I don't know why.

She smile at me before she yawned all of the sudden. I can't blame her because it's late, not for me but for a toddler like her.

I knew this because I used to take care of my little brothers when they were young.

Soon the ambulance left the house and we're the only people that's left. I ask her if I can carry her because we really need to go. She mumbled ' yes', so I lifted her tiny body and placed on my hips while I hold her little trolley.

I'm not certain if this house belongs to them, but I will send my person by tomorrow to check out everything.

Meanwhile, after I placed her down carefully at my car, I've realized that I need to buy car seat for her.

"Ari, I'm so hungry." She said while poking her small tummy. My eyes widened in disbelief when she called by a nickname. To be honest, no one is allowed to call me other than my name, because I despise it, I don't like it. But why all of the sudden my heart went over the moon?

"Sure Bambina, just hold on for few minutes and that tummy of yours will be filled with food." I said with smile, and I don't freaking know what spell did she use to me because I'm becoming such B*tch.

"Thank you Ari." After that her eyes look outside the window and I know deep inside that she's thinking about her mother. I know it's hard because I went on that road too, and it's so f*cking sad and hard. And I just hope that she could quickly able to get through this.

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Take care and godbless🌙

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