《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Talking


I frustratingly graded Kaminari's paper. This boy needs serious tutoring. I see Todoroki enter and look up at him.

"Well this is interesting. What are you doing here, Todoroki?" I ask him.

He responds with a completely unexpected answer.

"I know who the traitor is." I raised my eyebrow. I was also shocked. Did he really know who the traitor is?

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." He tells me. Todoroki isn't one to lie so I have no reason not to believe him.

"Who is it?"

"Mina Ashido." Jeez he's so formal.

Mina? Why the hell would Ashido work with the league?

"Do you know why?" I ask him. He looks at me blankly.

"No. But Bakugou does. He told me."

"And how does he know."

"I don't know. He just told me it was her."

"How do you know Bakugou isn't lying?" I ask. It could be absolutely anyone so we have to be sure.

"I can assure you he isn't. I can go get him now if you want me too." He offers.

"Sure why not."

He nods and leaves the classroom. I go back to grading Kaminari's paper. I luckily finish it before Todoroki comes back. I go on to grading Ashido's paper. Her grades have been dropping, slowly, recently but that's not evidence of any foul play.

When I finish hers Todoroki walks back in with Bakugou, who looks like he just woke up from a 12 hour nap. I know because it's what I look like after waking up from a 12 hour nap.

I stay silent as Bakugou quietly yells at Todoroki. Most of their conversation just goes in one ear and out the other.

"Well. Are you gonna tell me how Mina Ashido is the mole?" They look at me and then back at each other. Have they been getting along? Maybe I should lock Bakugou and Midoriya in a room then. See how that goes.

"I know for a fact it's Mina," Bakugou starts, "Because she attacked me yesterday when we were at a carnival."

"What does that prove?"

"She isn't Mina. It's Toga from the league of villains."

"If we brought her here maybe we can prove it."

I thought for a second. I'd have to discuss it with the other teachers and see what to do from there if they were being honest.

"Okay. I'll discuss with the pro heroes and teachers what to do. You guys go back to the dorms. Keep an eye on Toga."

The two nodded and left the room, arguing. Immediately I called Nezu for an emergency meeting.


All the teachers met in less than ten minutes.

"So what is this meeting for, Aizawa." Midnight questioned.

"I got information on who the possible traitor could be."

"And where did you get this information?" Nezu asked in his usual too happy to be happy tone.

"From two students. Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto."

"And what did they say?" Mic joined the conversation.

"That it was someone in Class 1A. Their fellow classmate, Mina Ashido. They say it's Toga in disguise."

"And how do they know?" Midnight asked. Ugh too many questions.

"When we let a few students leave campus to go to that carnival. Bakugou was attacked. I told the two to just go back to the dorms and keep an eye on Toga."

"That rises a lot of questions." Nezu drank some tea.

"Exactly. Like where's the real Mina Ashido?"

"The league is most likely keeping her somewhere. So Toga can get to her easily." I tell them. It's at least what I assume.

"We need to find where they're keeping her and we need to keep Toga under control here." Midnight says.

"So then we must create plan." Nezu smiled.

We probably spent more than two hours discussing the plan and what exactly we were going to do. Sadly the plan involved some of my students. And I was the one who had to tell them the plan in class. I'm too tired for this.

I go back to grading papers, uninterrupted. When I'm done I go to sleep for the day. Tomorrow and the day after are going to be stressful.

I woke up earlier than usual which sucks. I still want to sleep. I can't sleep in class because this time I have to teach and keep an eye on Toga. What a pain.

I arrive in the classroom earlier than expected. No one is in class yet, except for Iida, who was too into the book Mic assigned them for English. I sighed and walked out. I need some coffee. I walking into the teachers lounge where Nezu is there sipping his tea.

"How do you think your students will take it?" He asked.

"Shocked, at first. But I know how they are. They'll get angry at the league and no doubt a group of them will go for Mina despite my best efforts of telling them not too." I made my coffee in the coffee maker.

"Yes. The troublemakers of U.A." Nezu laughed. I gave a small smile back. They may be troublemaking little brats but I like all of them. Except for Mineta, maybe. My coffee finishes and I drink half before Nezu leaves and it's just me. I said it once I'll say it again, this is gonna be stressful.


When I finish my coffee and head to 1A room all the students are there. When they see me enter they sit in their seats. I look at Bakugou and Todoroki, who are looking at Mina/Toga, who is whispering to Uraraka and Hagakure. They aren't subtle.

I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me.

"I have some important details I must share with a few of you after school. Sadly, it's not good news." All their happy faces turned into worried ones, except for a few, I continued,

"The people I need to talk to are Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, and Tsuyu." Iida and Tsuyu were clearly questioning it, Bakugou and Todoroki already knowing what was up were fine. Bakugou having his normal aggressive face and Todoroki his blank one. Though I saw something new in Bakugou's eyes. It wasn't anger. More...fear. Even if it's something I'll discuss it with him.

I finished at that and got to work. At the end of the day everyone left except for the four.

"I'm sure you're all wondering what you're doing." Tsu nodded in response.

"Well we found who the mole is?"

Iida grew tense.

"It's one of your fellow classmates," I paused before continuing, "Mina Ashido."

"What? But- Mina wouldn't-"

"That's because it isn't Mina. It's Himiko Toga. And I realize you fought her at the training camp incident which is why I called you here." She looked shocked and sad. Iida raised his hand, unnecessary.


"Where is the real Mina then?"

"We don't know. We still have to look into that. To do that we need to interview Toga. Which is why you guys are here."

"Tsuyu can help because she knows a little of how Toga fights. Iida is here he has a chance of not getting cut by her knife. He's fast. He can also restrain her. Same with Bakugou and Todoroki," I can tell they're listening intently, "And I would also like to add that Bakugou and Todoroki are the ones who told me about Mina."

"But...how'd you know?" Iida asked.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. He wasn't paying as much attention as everyone else, I could tell.

"She attacked him." Todoroki said. Okay something is definitely up with those two.

"We can discuss this tomorrow before or after class. Maybe lunch. But for now you guys should just keep an eye on her." They all nodded and headed out.

"Bakugou." He looked at me. I gestured for him to come back. He did while the others left.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fuckin alright. Why?" He angrily says. There's little fire in his voice.

"Just asking. Goodbye." He left. Obviously somethings not right. I'll have to keep an eye on him as well.

Damnit. Damnit.

Fucking Aizawa is questioning things now. Why the fuck is this so hard. Fucking shit. This is getting too much. Too many tears, too much throwing up. Little food. And it feels like everything is blurring together. What the fuck.

I walk back to the dorms and see Todoroki talking with Deku, Uraraka, and Iida. The two are probably trying to get the other two to talk about what Aizawa told us. I honestly wasn't listening that much. I already know what's happening.

I press the elevator button and the doors open almost immediately. I step in and click on the floor of my room.

"Hold the door!" I hear someone say as the doors almost close. I hold it open, for the person.

She enters and the doors close. It's Toga, still looking like Mina. If I knew it was her I would have let the doors close.

"Heyyy Katsuki. It's just you and me alone again!" She smiles, letting her facade drop.

"Like back when we took you!" Oh no. Not right now. I'd really like to forget that forever.

"Remember that. With all my knives. I'm sure the cuts have healed by now." She stays smiling the entire time.

"Shiggy told me not to take any of your blood. I really wish I could've taken some. But I'll get it next time."

Next time. I take a deep breath.

"Well there won't be a next time. And I'm going to find Mina. You can count on that." I say confidently. She's clearly surprised by my statement but she smiles nonetheless.

"I'm gonna be so happy when you realize that you're wrong." The elevator doors open and I leave. She waves at me as the doors close. I quickly go into the dorm and break down.

What the hell. That was so dangerous. I've been in worse. Why is this scaring me. Why is this happening. Why! Why?

I go into my room, where I see something on the bed. It's the Pomeranian plush Todoroki won at the carnival. Did he leave it here?

I find a note on the bed.

'Keep him. -Todoroki'

I smile softly. It isn't a big smile but it's something. I lay onto the bed, cuddling the plushie. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I didn't know this at the time, but Todoroki saw me cuddling the damn thing when I was asleep. And he smiled. Slowly closing my bedroom door.

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