《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》"I know.."


I stood there, holding the Pomeranian plush in my hand. Idiot. Why would I think he wouldn't run off. He's probably so embarrassed or sad. Maybe both.

What am I doing I can't just stand here all night. I have to go look for him.

I run out towards the direction Bakugou ran in. I try to look for him. I see a few Ash blond's but none of them were Bakugou.

I was at a partially abandoned section of the carnival, laying on the ground. I was wiping the tears from my face and eyes, praying no one I know would find me like this.

I stayed there for what felt like hours, trying not to cry again.

A few people passed me but they said and did nothing. Most of them probably didn't even notice me.

Good. My eyes are probably still red. And just my luck, Mina shows up, eating pink cotton candy.

"Bakugou! What are you doing here?" She asked me, smiling.

"Lost them. Just waiting here for 'em." I mumbling angrily.

"Oh. Want company!" She asked. I just grunted and she walked over to sit by me.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before talking.

"Why not just go look for the two." She suggested.

"I'm fine right here." I told her. She looked up at the night sky.

"So what do you think Izuku and Ochako are doing right now?"

"What?" I looked at her, she was still looking at the sky.

"Izuku and Ochako. Their blood tastes delicious."

"What are you talking about racoon eyes?" I stared at her.

"That's not my name. Or her name."

I was confused. She said their first names, she's talking about blood, and-

She looked at me, smiling creepily.


"I wonder what your blood tastes like." She pulled out a knife.

I stood up and got into a fighting stance.

"Mina?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"It's Toga!" She swung the knife at me, I managed to dodge. I ran out of the partially abandoned place, Toga in hot pursuit. Damn it why was I so slow.

As I'm running I bump into someone, looking up I see it's Todoroki.

"Bakugou there you are," He said, "why are you running?"

"We were playing a little game." I jumped a little at the sound of her voice.

"Oh you guys are kind of close." She laughed.

My breathing was getting heavy. I felt Todoroki's hand grab my arm, he felt I was shaking.

"Bakugou, what's wrong?" Todoroki said to me.

Toga looked at me and smiled. A smile I now saw was fake. She was signaling that if I told him, bad things will happen.

"Nothing." I quickly and quietly say, leaving his grip. "Nothing." I tell him again.

"Okay.." He looks at me and then at Mina, who grins and flashes a cheeky smile.

"Well I'll be on my way. If anyone asks I'm going to get more cotton candy." She walks away.

When she is out of sight I collapse. Falling to the ground on my knees. Not now. I'm in public. I try not to let the tears fall. Not now not now.

Wait. If that isn't Mina. Where's the real Mina. Weren't there people around to see me being chased by a girl with a knife. What if she was hiding it while running and they all thought we were playing. Don't cry.

Don't cry.

"BAKUGOU!" I look up and see Todoroki, I don't know why but he calms me down. He has a worried look on his face.


"Are you okay? What happened. And Don't tell me 'nothing' I know that's a lie." I notice he is holding both my arms. I finally give in.

"I know who the traitor is." I tell him.

He looks at me confused. Worry still in his eyes.


"I can't tell you here. I want to go back to the dorms."

Todoroki nods and takes out his phone. I stand up while he starts texting. I look at him and he tells me, "I sent a message to the others saying we are leaving early."

I nod and we start walking. Before I know it we are at the entrance to the carnival. Then the dorms. Everything flies by as I'm thinking about it. I look at Todoroki occasionally to calm myself down a little.

Before I know it I'm at the door to our dorm. Todoroki opens it and I enter. He enters after me. When I hear the sound of the door close I drop onto the floor and the tears pour out. I don't worry about Todoroki at all. I guess it's because I have more important things to worry out. He comforts me, probably just waiting for me to suck it the fuck up so I can tell him who the traitor is.

"Mina." I choked out.


"The traitor." He stayed silent for a few minutes while. I tried to stop crying and wipe my tears. I was failing miserably.

"What did she do to you?" I sniffed and wiped the tears from my face.

"I-" I couldn't speak.

"It's okay. You can tell me tomorrow." He tells me. I nod.

After what again feels like hours I stop crying.

"Maybe you should get some sleep," He tells me, "You had a stressful day."

I nod and stand up, walking over to my room. Todoroki watches from the door as I lay in bed. I instantly fall asleep.

Bakugou is still asleep at 10am. I leave the dorm room and find Tsu talking to Mina.

Mina waves at me and Tsu smiles. I just wave and leave.

I walk to the school, hopefully he's there. I walk to the classroom and look through the window to see Mr. Aizawa.

He seems to be grading papers, unenthusiastically.

I walk into the classroom. He looks at me.

"Well this is interesting. What are you doing here Todoroki?" He sighed.

"I know who the traitor is."

He raised an eyebrow.

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