《mr lover man (zdh)》17


"this is it today's the day!" zach said excitedly coming into the kitchen and snaking his arms around my waist "yes it is love" i said smiling to zach as he kissed my shoulder. today was the release of the boys new album it was huge for them and i couldn't be more proud they deserve all the love and they deserve to also tour again i want wait to see them perform on stage.

i broke out of my daze when my 7 month old puppy started peeing right on the dinning room floor "toby no!!" me and zach yelled in unison the puppy came over to us excitedly thinking he did something good causing us to both chuckle. zach cleaned it up while i gave toby some love

"love i have a few interviews today can u watch coby and toby for a few hours?" zach asked coming and putting his hands back around my waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck "of course" i said giving him a peck on the lips i turned to toby who was sitting right by our feet with a rope in his mouth. i grabbed it and he started tugging and we found for a little but while zach got ready.

he came back in some doc martens but the ones with no laces some black ripped jeans and a red button up that was undone a bit. "you look hot" i said causing him to laugh and sit down next to me grabbing the toy from my hand. i kissed his cheek before running upstairs to get ready.

i took a shower and did my hair so it looked natural then i put on some brown patch jeans and a white bandeau top and my mocha retro Jordan one's. i put on some mascara and lipgloss before heading downstairs to see zach sitting on the barstool. he looked me up and down before walking over to me

"now you look hot" he said with a smirk grabbing my waist and leaning in for a kiss. i pulled away and laughed at him as he pulled away with some lipgloss residue on his lips. he looked at me confused as i wiped it off his lips causing him to laugh too

"ready to head over?" zach asked and i nodded putting toby into his harness and clipping on his leash as we head out the door. we walked all the way down the block to daniel's house knocking on the door which opened almost immediately


i was sitting on the side watching the boys do their second interview of the day. toby was being a little but too crazy so i was holding him by his harness while coby and toby played.

"so boys how's the love lives going?" the lady in the zoom call asked. "well-" zach started saying before abruptly getting interrupted but toby chasing coby and i quickly ran after him catching him causing everyone to look at me "s-sorry" i managed to get out. everyone started laughing hysterically while i relaxed and laughed with them.

"i'm actually dating toby" jack said as seriously as possible. on cue toby tan up to jack smothering him in kisses "hey babe not on camera" jack said causing everyone to laugh "ugh yea get a room" corbyn said in one of his joking voices "you guys seem like one big happy family" the interviewer said smiling in awe we all looked at each other smiling

"yea that's because we definitely are" jonah said smiling "anyways back to the question!! love life? guys fill me in" nobody knew corbyn broke up with Christina so he stayed quiet but jack answered first immediately "yea toby who Zach's girlfriend is currently stealing away from me" he said with a pout causing everyone to laugh "yea and i'm dating the lovely ivory he said looking at me and smiling causing everyone to let out a collection of "awes" and me and zach to laugh. i sat back down and listened to the rest of the interview

when it ended daniel stood on his couch and put his fist in the air "WHOS READY TO PARTY" everyone cheered and we all went downstairs to the decorated kitchen and backyard "alright boy oh and ivory. all of u go get tested now" the boys manager said causing us all to groan i grabbed zach 's hand in a panic as he knew i hated these.

everyone got it done before me and then they came to me. daniel held my legs down while zach hugged me so i wouldn't move my arms. i know childish right but hey i fucking hated something going in my brain. i flinched when they put it in my nose causing the boys to hold on to me tighter.

when they took the swab out i sighed in relief causing the boys to chuckle.


30 minutes later. the boys families, and their friends like Kian, Jc, Oscar, Crawford, basically that whole crew showed up and the party started. the boys previous music was playing as we all were drinking having fun zach and i were sitting on the couch with kian and jc across from us

i was a little zoned out when all of the sudden i heard "yea do you know that ivory destroyed jonah in shotgunning" kian and bc sat up in shock "no way" jc said laughing at jonah as he came in and sat on the couch confused kian joined him saying "yo you got beat by ivory there's no way" the boys and i were cracking up while jonah rolled his eyes "it was one time i bet if we went now i would beat u" jonah said trying to sound tuff

i finished the rest of my white claw grabbing two more and handing one to jonah "oh you're on" i said standing up and walking over to the grass so we wouldn't make a mess "bet" jonah said standing up. the three others and a few other people i didn't know well tagged along

"you ready" i asked jonah he nodded "3....2....1!" the small crowd cheered as i cracked open the can finishing it in seconds and jonah finishing a few seconds after me. at first the small crowd stood there in shock but moment later they were roaring cheering me on and i just crossed my arms jokingly and laughed "love you jonah" i said putting my arms out for a hug but he denied it causing me to roll my eyes and laughed before we hugged it out

after that kian and bc wanted a chance....then zach .....then daniel. let's just say i had a little but too much fun.

it was about ten pm so i decided to sober up before the release grabbing two slices of pizza and sitting next to zach who was now talking to daniel "hey love" he said kissing my cheek as i shoved a bite of my pizza in my mouth making him laugh as they continue the convo

finally it was 11:59. everyone was tipsy but alert at this moment. "GUY 10 SECONDS" jonah yelled causing everyone to run inside. "3...2...1" everyone cheered and i kissed zach. it was much more passionate that usually causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. i hugged all the other boys before they made everyone quiet down. the five stood on a table with a drink in their hand

"we would like to thank everyone here tonight" jonah said causing a small cheer "yes this album is out baby it's the first album that we've written and produced by ourselves" daniel said proud of himself since he really put in the most work "our record company didn't believe us but look at us now rocking the world and being able to write the music we want to write and it's all thanks to you guys" corbyn said smiling "thanks to you guys out amazing families" jack said pointing to his family before he continuing to talk "and ivory of course we wouldn't be where we are and we can't thank you enough" "now we all hope you enjoy our new album..." zach said leading up to the grand finale of their speech "THE GOOD TIMES AND THE BAD ONES" the five yelled causing everyone to cheer as loud as they can.

zach came over to me kissing me before we walked over to his family "ivory!" Reese screamed running into my arms and i picked her up and twirled her around causing her to laugh "hey Reese's pieces" i said putting her down "hey Ry-ry" i said ruffling his hair before he hugged me. "hey ivy" he said before stepping away so i could say hi to myta and josh.

the rest of the night was filled with laugher, music, and fun with family and friends. i couldn't be more proud of the boys and i couldn't be more happy for them being a part of my life. it genuinely brought me joy

this was it

this was happiness


i'm thinking about ending this soon i have no more inspiration but i'm gonna do a time jump and i have an idea hehe. hope you guys liked this chapter because the last three have been realll fillers

also p.s i do not spell check these and low cases are intended:)

w.c: 1585

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