《mr lover man (zdh)》16


(4 months later)

july 17th,2020.

today was my birthday

but most importantly it was 2 years since i lost my mom. it broke me to pieces. it wasn't something i liked talking about. any time it was brought up i cried. i haven't celebrated my birthday since either. i don't wanna celebrate on a day that's meant for grief

i woke up to toby licking my face. he was now getting pretty big. he always cuddles with me and zach because he literally is the biggest baby ever. i stood up and slipped into some biker shorts and a baggy t-shirt and walked outside

covid is almost over. they said two more weeks and the vaccine will kick in and people won't have to wear masks or stay locked up in hell everyone will be free and life will be normal. i physically can't wait.

i came back to see zach with a cupcake in his hand and a candle lit up. i took off to ya leash and walked over to him smiling as we lightly sand happy birthday "happy birthday dear ivoryyyyyy, happy birthday to you" he finished and i looked at him in awe "make a wish love" he said before i shut my eyes and grabbed his hand making a wish. i opened my eyes and blew out the candle. zach jumped up and down cheering and i just laughed at his goofiness before giving him a kiss

"thank you but what happened to not celebrating my birthday" i said giving him a 'wtf are you planning' look as he laughed "i know i know but come on just something small. ya know me you and the boys that's it" he said shrugging his shoulders "hey! don't forget toby and coby" i said pointing a finger in his face "wait so we can" he said getting excited i nodded as he handed me my cupcake and called the boys excitedly.


not gonna lie....it was a fire ass cupcake

zach came running back in but this time with a small gift box in his hand i gave him a look and he could already tell the words coming out of my mouth "i said-" "i know i know no gifts but you know me, i couldn't resist" he said handing me the box as we sat on the couch

i opened the box to reveal a small ring it was a thin band with a butterfly cutout meshed into the band. i looked at him in awe "that's not even the best part" zach said lifting up his hand to reveal a thick silver band with a butterfly cut out of it. my eyes started to water just because the fact that zach would do this was so cute "it's a promise ring....because i promise i'm gonna be here no matter what. i never leaving" he said.

"i-i love you" he said for the first time. i stood in shock before kissing him and pulling away "i love you too Herron" he smiled from ear to ear tackling me in a hug as we both laughed. i know i haven't been with this boy for too long but living with him and spending every waking moment with him because of covid had to be the best gift for the both of us. it made us closer and stronger and i'm so grateful for it

for the rest of the morning me and zach goofed around and played with toby before heading to jonah and corbyn's house to celebrate my birthday even though i didn't want to at all the boys all needed a little but of light right now since they've been so worked up on making their new album and with covid i think that we all just needed a little bit of almost a break from life


when we knocked on the door the door opened making us nervous. we walked in turning on the light to reveal the 4 boys and coby all in party hats with decorations all around "SURPRISE" the screamed causing me to be shocked as they all cheered.

i thanked all of them and told them they didn't have to but they said they insisted "so zach how was the gift giving" daniel said wiggling his eye brows everyone looking at us intensely "she said it back assholes" the four boys cheered while me and zach laughed.

the whole night was filled with fun, laughter, alcohol, and two crazy dogs.

"someone shot gun with me right now" jonah said standing up and grabbing a mango white claw.

no body stood up "cmon bro we all know you gonna win" corbyn said rolling his eyes. "i do it" i said standing up and grabbing one as well. all the boys looked at me in shock daniel chuckling in the background. "what you don't think i could do it" i said rolling my eyes before bitting into the bottom of the can forming a hole. "oh your on" jonah said repeating my actions.

the boys counted down as me and jonah looked at each other intensely "3....2.....1.....GO GO GO" as soon as the count down ended i cracked open the can chugging the drink in almost three seconds before dropping it. jonah dropping his a few seconds later as i stood there waiting for him. he dropped the can to reveal. the four boys by the fire pit with their jaws dropped to the floor and me standing there with a smirk "t-there's not way" jonah scoffed picking up my can to reveal it completely empty.

"NO FUCKING WAY" jack screamed causing all the boys to stand up and cheer me on as jonah just stood there in shock. "no one has been able to beat jonah in the last 2 1/2 years!" daniel yelled in school as we all started laughing "what can i say i'm just to good" i said shrugging my shoulders before putting my hand up in front of jonah "good game" i said before he rolled his eyes and did the hand shake.

"i'm victorious!!!!" i yelled with my hand in the air as we all cheered. the rest of the night was filled with games and gift giving before we all headed back. it was something a all needed. not just the freedom... the break from the world


this chapter makes me happy because this is what i want rn. a break from the world so i'm thinking about calling this book quits at a whopping 30 chapters because i have a concept i'm writing rn and i rly like it

w.c: 1118

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