《mr lover man (zdh)》3


when we got to the venue the line was out the door but we got vip entrance. we walked down to the pit being one of only a few there. we were dancing around to background me and laughing when Caden got a text "ugh it's mia" i hate mia she's Caden's girlfriend and thinks that i'm the devil but i'm not i'm just...over protective. "please just turn off your phone for the concert i'll do it too" i said and he smiled and turned it off. i followed his actions and people stated to slowly file in "so what do you think there gonna sound like" Caden asked i put my hands on the stage and sighed "i don't know that's why we don't listen to anything before we pick the random show" he laughed and i chuckled with him. then a big stampede came in we were really at the front of the stage now. as the opening act started performing he sang really well i was shocked.

we were jamming out when all of the sudden the artist said "that's it from me thank you!" the crowd cheered and all of the sudden the whole auditorium went black. as the lights turned back on the five boys started to sing as they magically appeared on stage. Caden and i were jamming out when we heard a familiar song "CADEN WAIT" i said turning to him "TAHTS THEM" Caden pointed we were shocked and started to sing that's when zach caught my attention he was the only one i really remember looking up him he looked down at me smiling as he stood in his frozen pose and seconds later his part came up.

Caden slapped me in the arm and i winced looking at him "SIS DID U SEE THAT" i blushed and nodded. and continued to jam out. two hours flew by fast and the show was over just like that. they left the stage and we were told to wait in the pit "ivory you picked a really good one this time" Caden stated i sat down on the pit floor because my legs were in pain from standing for so long. "i know i proud of myself" i said jokingly pushing my hair back as we both laughed we both turned our phones back on and Caden looked at his phone shocked i gave him and odd look when he stated "i got 50 missed calls from mia and 12 from her brother and i don't even know how many texts" i rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone to see welp nothing "i know you hate her but she is my girlfriend" i looked up at him "yea yea i know but hey let's get your mind off of her let's take some instagram pictures" i nodded and smiled already taking some of me sitting on the floor.


i got up and took so as well in some cute poses when all of the sudden the five boys walked in through the side door. "wait ivory quick the lighting just got really good take like three more pics" i posed when all of the sudden two of the band members came up from behind me and posed i was shocked but stood in the pose then i laughed and turned around to see a brunette boy with blazers like mine and a blond wavy haired boy with a fire ass shirt "hello i'm ivory" i state as they went in for hugs "lovely to meet you" the brunette one said "so i know this is odd but you we don't know who you are we actually-" i turned to see Caden talking to another band member "-um scrolled and pick a random concert to attend and well here we are" i smiled and the boys liked shocked " that's actually a sick idea we need to try that one day but any way i'm corbyn" the brunette smiled "and i'm jack! the tall one is jonah, the one with the tooth gap is daniel and the last baby one over there is zach" jack said pointing to each one as he described them. "why do you call zach a baby" i said laughing "well he's 18 we're all 20 or 21 jonah's actually turning 22 soon" corbyn said with jack agreeing by nodding

"welp that makes her a baby she's 18 too i'm Caden" Caden said coming back and shaking the boys hands as they introduce themselves "so are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend" jack question we looked at each other and bursted out into laughter like we always do when people ask "no no no we're cousins" i said still laughing a little . they nodded there heads in realization. then some girls hollers them over "well it was lovely meeting you" they both said in sync then looking at each other weird we all laughed and said our goodbyes heading to the next boy daniel i think


"hey! you again" daniel said pointing to Caden "hey! this is my cousin ivory" he said dabbing up Caden as he went in for a hug "that's a sick name" the cheeky boy stars and i smiled thanking him "ivory do you know me and him went to the same highschool and like knew each other a little bit" Caden said amazed "you went to Oregon high?" daniel nodded and i stood there shocked "did u have mr.goodman" daniel looked at me shocked "yes for music" "me too!" i stated excitedly "bitch" we both mumbled and then bursted out laughing

"you guys are so chill glad you guys picked out concert to come too" we all agreed and said our goodbyes before heading to the tallest boy "hey guys you must me ivory and Caden" we stood there in shock as we didn't know how he knew us "corbyn and jack told us how u ended up here and how you guys were the coolest people here" he whispers as we exchanged hellos and laughed. "so what did you guys think about the music?" me and Caden looked at each other and then back at him before stating a bunch of positive words about there music. "aww i'm glad you guys liked it! wow you guys are really chill" he stated smiling "aww thank you" i stated smiling and high giving him but i had to go on my tippy toes to reach his hand.

we all laughed before the baby of the group joint in on the convo. jonah introduced us and we exchanged hellos Caden and jonah stated a convo while me and zach started one. we spoke about how hard school is and how how it's even harder for him now that he's homes schooled and how we both missed our child hoods. "hey you should come to the after party tonight"...


i suck at this


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