《mr lover man (zdh)》4


"hey you should come to the after party tonight" he stated quietly jonah chimed in "yea you guys really should" we looked at each other and agreed me and zach exchanged snaps before Caden sighed realizing his flight was in two hours "ivy wait i cant go my fight i gotta leave in like ten" i sighed looking up at him really upset "hey if you want ivory your still more the. welcome to come we can give you a lift too" jonah stated. "you should go don't be sad" Caden said putting a hand in my shoulder "fine i'll go but i'm walking you out" i said punching him "cool just meet us out back in like half an hour" zach stated.

we said our goodbyes to everyone and they proceeded to talk to fans. me and Caden walked out and we sat on the curb waiting for our uber. "please stay" i said quietly" fiddling with my fingers "you know i cant but i'll be back before you know it" i put my head on his shoulder and as the two cars arrived we hugged each other really tight "i love you ivy" he stated muffling his head into my shoulder "i love you C" i stated hugging him tight. we got in and went our separate ways.

i ended up by a big bus and got out i sat down and looked at my lock screen if him and i sadly as we were already texting how much we miss each other. i put my head in my knees holding back tears when all of the sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder. i looked up to see daniel "you all good?" i nodded and smiled getting up "she's coming to the party guys" zach said excited "aww sick!" corbyn stated getting on the bus.

we all got on as i looked around to see bunk beds and a living room the size of a bathroom "how long are you guys living here for?" last day we get to go back home right now that's where the party is " jonah smiled as they all sat down "do you have a bathroom"? i asked politely thanking them when they showed me where. i fixed myself up a little bit and stepped out to only bump into zach almost falling "i'm so sorry" we both stated at the same time laughing immediately after the boys all started at us with smirks as i blushed and quickly sat back down on the couch. zach followed behind me


"lemme tell you when i bought those tickets i didn't think i would end up well here" they all laughed and agreed with me. we got to the house and i asked them if they needed help they all said no but i felt like i needed to so i grabbed a duffel bag and started helping i walked out the bus with the bag and all of the sudden someone grabbed it "i got it you don't need to help" zach said laughing but i insisted.

we got to the house and they started setting up drinks on the island and putting lights everywhere "your house is gorgeous" i stated looking around in awe "my apartment looks like shit compared to this" they all laughed "i bet your friends love your apartment" jack stated "nope i don't have friends here at least for now i just moved here like two weeks ago" i stated shrugging my shoulders sitting on a bar stool "welp now you have five" daniel smiled sitting next to me

"so tell me how's mr.goodman i didn't know you sing" he said facing me "well he's an ass and i don't really sing anymore i just help around now i print sheet music and clean his office like his slave but hey not anymore now i'm out of that hell hole" i giggled "wow it really got that bad" daniel chuckled as i nodded.

everyone just kept talking and next thing you know the house is flooded with people and everyone's having so much fun. all the boys were with each other and i didn't feel like intruding so i sat on the couch. then i felt my phone buzz to see Caden calling i quickly ran upstairs and found one room available i shut the door and "Caden!" i stated answering he was on the plane "i'm about to leave i wanted to see how you were and just let you know" he said smiling into the phone "i miss you " i said as my smile slowly faded we spoke for a few then his flight had to take off so we said our goodbyes. i wish he haden's called me because now i was extremely upset i sat there looking down at my phone again realizing that i'm not gonna see him every day anymore.


some would say i'm over exaggerating but others would realize it's a big deal. that's when i saw someone swing open the door and shut it behind them quickly....zach "hey what are you doing in my room?" he questioned politely "i'm so sorry i'll go it was just a little bit too loud i said getting up quickly "no no stay i came here for the same exact reason you did" he said smiling sitting on the bed. i went and say next to him "you really miss him huh" he said looking down at me "it sucks he's like my brother we've never been apart that's all" i said playing it off "it's okay if ever need anyone i'm here. how bout i give you my number" he said smiling i shredded and he handed me his phone so i could put my number in. i figured he might not remember me tomorrow so i don't really know if he will remember me. i don't know if anyone will ever remember me trauma gets to you like that.

"hey so tell me about urself ivory ..." "green" i stated laughing "well i'm from Oregon and i'm 18 years old i decided to come here to attend chapman with a full ride i'm an only child and i use to live with my dad and we'll Caden is my cousin and he lived around the corner from each other. he's an only child too and our dads are brothers." "what about your mom?"

i sighed and looked down at the small bird tattoo on my hand "she passed a few months ago" "oh- i'm so sorry i shouldn't have brought it-" he rambled before i stopped him "no no don't you didn't know it's fine" i said chuckling

"what about you zach ..." "ha ha herron i'm 18 as well and i'm from dallas i joined a band at 16 and i've basically traveled the world i have a sister Reese and a brother Ryan and my mom and dad and the two of them still live in dallas." i smiled in awe about him having siblings "your probably an amazing brother" i smiled at him "eh i try" he said sarcastically as i elbowed him "ouch" he said elbowing me back "ouch!" i said laughing and our laugher died down.

"i think i'm gonna head home it's getting really late but hey you better text me " i said standing up he grabbed my hand quickly "wait! let me give you a ride" he stated "did you drink.." he sat there silently "it's okay i'll get an uber but thank you zach " "any time ivory green" he smiled and i smiled too we hugged and i said my goodbyes before i headed out walking a little before getting my uber home. i stepped into my condo to reveal a bed frame sting in my bedroom. i sighed and saw the note on the bed

"hey ivy! i love you and i know you'll hate me for this but you need it i'll see you so love you-C"

finally tears rolled down my cheeks as i also revealed two hoodies i sighed and wiped of my make up and put on a hoodie and some

shorts. i went to the kitchen and took some medication and headed to bed....boy what a day


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