《He's my MATE... HELL NO!!!》Chapter 25: Battle of 2 hearts {Part 1}


O.o finally! i finally uploaded!

The wait is over people, OVER!

Hope you like it.

Chapter 25: Battle of two hearts {Part 1}

Lexy's POV

"May the best mate win."

Jonathas's words keep popping in my mind. A challenge, no... they are on war now. Leaf and Jonathas are both doing everything to have me. Making me more confused and worried of who i should choose!

Right now, I'm in my room with Lee soundly asleep next to me. It's 12 in the afternoon and Lee would always have a nap time. I smiled looking at him, fixing his hair as some dropped on his forehead. i slowly got up and looked at Lee who was still asleep. i went out of the room and closed the door gently. as i walk down the stairs i could hear the laughter of my pack from the kitchen, i went in just to see them having a good time. I joined the fun just to get my head out of things.

Leaf's POV

I went in Lexy's pack house and went in, looking for my gorgeous mate. i entered the kitchen and saw her having a great time with her pack. i didnt want to ruin this happiness. i silently walked away and walked toward Oliver's room. i was about to knock when the door opened and Cameron came out with her messy and some of her lipstick was smudged.

"Oh... um, is Oliver there?" i asked and she nodded.

She blushed a little bit and left. Huh, never thought Oliver had it in him. i went in and there, he was laying down only wearing boxers. i cleared my throat making him look at me.

"Oh, hey Leaf." he smiled.

"Hey Oliver," i smiled back as i closed the door.

"So, what brongs you here?" he asked sitting down.

"I know this might sound funny but... Can you give me any advices on how i can get Lexy back?" i asked shyly.

Then, he started laughing.

"hahaha... you... hahaha... are wi... hahha...whipped dude!" he laughed.

"I'm serious Oliver, i love her."

he stopped laughing which took a while.

"Okay. Actually Leaf, you dont have to do anything. My sister loves you and i know it."

"I know but i can assure it right? look, i just want to make sure Lexy's all mine." i said possessively.

"Why not, recall memories? you know, the first date you had? Lexy will love them."

Of course! i haven't i thought of that?! Great, now that i have a plan, i'm ganna make my preparations.

I said bye to Oliver and ran out, calling Tyron. Taking my plan into action.

Jonathas's POV

i'm in my office, i've been in here for more than 5 hours thinking of ways i could have Lexy in my arms and still. Nothing. i finally gave up and i decided to call one of Lexy's friend. i grabbed the telephone and called Kace.

it rang for 3 times and she finally pick up.

"Hello." She spoke.

"Um... hi, it's Jonathas." i spoke.

"Oh, Hi Jonathas."

"Listen, since you're Lexy's best friend... can i ask for your help?" i asked shyly.

She went silent for a while and finally answered.

"Okay. I'm only doing this because I want Lee to know his real father and i'm routing for you."



"So, i want to-"

"Not on the phone. We can meet, i can tell you everything about Lexy later."

"I'm coming there or..."

"I'll be there. Give me 10 minutes." she said and hung up.

At least i have someone i can ask about what Lexy likes and dislikes.

Kace's POV (---------------->)

I hung up on Jonathas and quickly fixed my appearance. i went out and looked for my baby, Lance. We've known each other since we were in dippers. He was the all mature, brotherly type in our group and i was the party girl... well, since i've been having a lot of relationships with other guys but just holding hands and kisses, no intense things. anyways, it was when Lance turner 16 when he started to get possessive and protective. whenever a guy would approach me, it's either he would pull me or he would growl at the guy. I was pissed at him pushing guys away from me. We were shouting at each other when he suddenly blurted out that i was his mate so i should only be his.

I know, it doesn't sound like another romantic meeting. But, i learned to love him, and my 16th birthday came and we did the mating ceremony. I wore his mark and i'm proud of it.

Going back, i saw Lance sitting on the couch watching TV. I approached him, i was about to tap his shoulder when in a blink of an eye, i was sitting on his comfortable lap, his head on my neck and arms around my waist.

"Where are you going baby doll?" he asked placing butterfly kisses on my neck.

"Remember the bet we made with Steve and Hillary? Well, i'm going to meet Jonathas, and i hope you would accompany me." i smiled at him.

Yup, we made a bet. The bet is; it's either Leaf or Jonathas will make the first move on Lexy. The price is 20 bucks. And i'm routing for Jonathas, why? i dont know, i just thought it would be fun routing for someone else, other than Leaf.

"of course i'll come, My money's on Jonathas remember?" he smiled and we stood up walking out.

Jonathas's POV

I waited in my office for Kace hopping she would help me. then, someone knocked on the door;

"Come in." i said and the door opened, Kace came in with Lance behind her.

He closed the door and they sat down on the chair. i gave Kace a questioned look as i looked at Lance. Did she come here to let Lance beat me up?

"I didnt, i wont let him beat you up... yet that is." she smiled.

"How did you-"

"It's my talent, i can read minds." she smiled.

and my mouth just turned to 'O'.

"So, can you help me?" i asked.

"that's why we're here genius." Lance chuckled.

"Lance, be nice." Kace said rolling her eyes.

"So, how can i make her choose me?"

"Simple, all you need to do is do the things she like." Kace smiled.


"Like pick nicks, she loves them. write her a poem she loves poetry and give her a rose everyday." Kace smiled.

"Look, Jonathas. I'm ganna talk to you man on man. If you want Lexy do something she wouldn't expect you to do, for example. When Kace and i were not yet together i actually took her shopping. a word of advice, if you take a girl shopping, make sure you have enough money with you. Believe me, it was horrible she made me wear cloths i dont even like but seeing your mate smile makes it all go away." Lance smiled as he looked at Kace with such love.


"aww." Kace smiled holding his hand.

"It's not that i dont like to see you happy or anything but can we go back to Lexy, i really need your help. Any other advice?"

"fine. I prefer you announce your love for her in public or if you cant, i know this might sound crazy but... give her a star." Lance chuckled at the last part he said.

"A star?" i asked.

What the heck.... Am i existing in a world where the guy has to give the girl the moon and a star?

"Lexy likes stars okay. I dont know why but she kind of does. She said she felt as if stars connects her to someone." Kace smiled.

Joshua's POV

"Lexy likes stars okay. I dont know why but she kind of does. She said she felt as if stars connects her to someone." Kace smiled.

As soon as i heard her say those words, a smile appeared on my lips. She remembers; I knew it, Lexy is Alexandria.

~*~ Flash Back ~*~

"Lucian, where are you taking me?" Alexandria asked as i held her hand, leading her in the forest.

"Patience love," I smiled and we continued to walk.

It's been a while since i've been alone with my mate, there's a lot of rogue problems happening around keeping me busy. But tonight, i will spend it with my mate and our unborn son. Yup, she's one month pregnant and we keep debating about what's his name going to be.

We finally reached our destination, it was located near a cliff, where i set up a small pick nick.i stopped and looked at my beautiful mate's face, as i expected; she was happy. I let her sit down on the mat as i pulled out a basket containing her favorite food; pasta, vegetable salad and red wine.

"Since when did you became so sweet?" She asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Since i haven't spend so much time with you." i smiled kissing her cheek.

"What's the news about rouges?" she asked.

"You dont have to worry about that, Felix (my beta) and i can handle it."

"Lucian, i'm their Luna. It's my job to know if the pack is safe or not."

"All you need to do is rest, relax and take care of our little pup." i smiled kissing her stomach.

"Be good to mommy okay little guy?" i smiled talking to my son.

"Joshua." Alexandria spoke as i looked at her.

"His name will be Joshua."

"Okay. Joshua Mavry." I smiled lightly placing my hand on her stomach.

"Lucian, look." she pointed up the sky. "A shooting star."

"What about it?"

I asked and she gave me the are-you-kidding-me look.


"Mom told me that when you make a wish on a shooting star, it would come true."


She nodded and closed her eyes; stayed silent for a while then opened those pretty eyes again.

"What did you wish for?" i asked.

"I'm not telling."

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because if i tell you, it wont come true."

"What if i tell you i'll get you a star?" i smiled and she chuckled.

"You cant catch a star."

"Watch," i smiled and acted as if i actually caught a star.

I showed her my palm and she gasped as she saw the silver star shaped neck lace on my palm.

"It's one of a kind. I personally designed it. look at the back."

She held it on her hand and turned it around.

"L+A= 4 Ever." she reed.

"And ever." i smiled and kissed her lightly.

"I guess mom was right, my wish did come true." she smiled and i understood.

I smiled sweetly at her and gave her another kiss, under the dark sky, with shooting stars above us. There, our wishes came true.

~*~ End of Flash ~*~

Now i know what we'll do to get our mate back.

'Hey Jonathas.' i called.


'I have a plan.'

'Does it involve violence?'

'NO! I promise, it's great. i can assure Alex-Lexy will be ours and will be loved.' i assured him

'Ok. What is it?'

Look out Leaf, You cant keep this bad boy away from his mate.

Leaf's POV

"Everything's ready Alpha." Tyron smiled.


"The stage is done, there's a bouquet of red roses, the table is set, there's red wine, foods done and the ring is done and payed." he smiled.

"Good, be sure every thing and every one is ready for what i've plan. I'll be coming shortly with Lexy later but first; i need to find an appropriate outfit for this afternoon."

I grabbed a towel and went in the bathroom, preparing myself for this afternoon.

Jonathas's POV

After Kace and Lance left, i listened to Joshua's idea. Wow, i'll admit, i was actually amazed by his idea. Maybe it will work.

'What do you mean maybe? of course it will work. think Positive.' Joshua commented.

He's right.

I immediately called Luke and told him to fix a few things. Tonight, i will have my mate. I was about to open the door when I heard footsteps fading. I opened the door and looked around but no one was there. I pushed it away and went in my room, taking a shower.

Lexy's POV

That night....

I've spent the entire afternoon with my pack and got to know some of Oliver's pack members. They were really friendly especially Noah. Lee came down and joined the fun catching up with his uncle Oliver. The fun ended as we need to go to sleep, Lee fell asleep playing with Oliver and the guys, Oliver tucked him in and here, i sat on the couch.

I was about to go to bed when i heard a knock on the door, 2 different knocks actually. I opened the door and to my surprise, Jonathas and Leaf were there.They were both wearing casual cloths and smiles on their face as they saw me.

Something inside me tells me i'm not ganna like what their ganna say, and i was right.

"Lexy, go out with me." both said in chorus.

Why? why on the same night?


Who will she choose?

What do they have in mind for the night?

Who will win the bet Kace and the others made?

Will something ruin the night or will it go smoothly?

I wont upload until i reach my goals;


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