《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 25


Chapter 25:Meant to be?

"No we're not gonna forget about what happened,in fact we're gonna talk about it." Mr Garner spoke,walking to the door and closing it.

"There's nothing to talk about."I snapped. Why can't he just stop all of this,why can't he just leave me the hell alone?

"Charlene we kissed,more than once."

he started walking to where I was seated. This is not gonna end so well,especially if he gets closer.

"So? It was a mistake..." I retorded.

"Mistakes don't happen twice... I know that there's more to this. Why can't I get you out of my mind,why do I feel like I need to be with you all the time,and the dreams,why am I always having this dreams about you...now I want to know,do you feel what I feel?" he asked,boring into my eyes as he got nearer and nearer to where I was seated.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I looked away from his eyes.

"Then why do you always react the way you do if you claim you don't know what I'm talking about. I mean,you always kiss me back,you didn't report me to Mr Bould,you always avoid my eyes,like now you are."

"What the fuck do you want me to say? Huh..."I snapped getting up from my chair,my voice getting louder.

Why was I getting angry? Was it because I'm confronted by the truth?

"I want you to say whatever that you want to say. You never say anything to me Charlene,how do you think that makes me feel."He was now yelling at me,while I paced around the room.

"I'm gonna go home." I said,snatching my books from the table.

He grabbed me by my arm,turned me around so that I was staring into his deep blue eyes.

"Let me go."I said calmly,the effect his touch had on me was undefinable,it calmed me down instantly.


"Not until you talk to me."he removed his hand from my arm.

"What exactly do you want me to say...for god sake you're a married man." My eyes were threatening to spill out the tears I was holding back,but I managed to stop them.

"Married men don't go around kissing other woman,do they? I just want you to tell me how you feel about all this.Is that too much to ask for?"He looked defeated and I felt realy bad that I was making him feel that way.

"I just...I-IK" I failed to spit out whatever it was that I was thinking,I then looke down.

His hand came up to my chin and he lifted my face,making me stare into his eyes.

"Charlene just tell me how you feel,anything,I just want to know how you feel about everything." there was a hint of exasperation in his voice that caused me to feel sorry for him,in a very affectionate way.

"This is how I feel about everything..."

I moved closer to him,boring into his intoxicating eyes and then,I crashed my lips against his,he was startled for a second and I was afraid that he might push me away,but he didn't.

Instead he wrapped his amazing hands around my waist tighter than I had expected and started dominating the kiss. It was like we were both hungry for it.

I pushed my body closer into his,wanting to feel him closer to me. I wraaped my arms around his neck,pulling him to my lips even more closer.

The kiss was fiery and full of passion,his lips felt so right against mine. They moved in sync like they were made for each other...wait,of course his lips were made for mine.

The kiss deepened and our tongues started exploring each other's mouths,massaging each other so smooth and gently. I couldn't hold back a moan which escaped from my throat,he was a realy good kisser.


We pulled apart,breathing heavily. He kissed my jaw line,slowly moving to my neck,sucking slightly when I tilted my head to the side.

Again,I moaned. What's up with me and my moaning today?

I felt his hands get under my top,sending this tingly feeling to my spine.

My hands moved to his chest and I undid two of his buttons as he kept kissing my neck,rubbing his hands all over my back under my top.

I heard him moan a little when my hands started tracing his now bare chest. Damn,the guy was realy sexy...

His lips found mine again and this time,the kiss was slow and so intoxicating. His lips were realy juicy and soft,they tasted like cherry.

I smiled into the kiss and he stopped kissing. He just stared into my eyes,his thumb stroking my bottom lip. My hands were still on his chest and his other hand was still on my hips under my top.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling even though was getting a little embarrased from his stare.

I could feel my cheeks heat up,I looked down to avoid his eyes. He quickly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. When I did, I saw him smiling.

My heart was pounding loudly in my chest,his smile just made everything seem alright.

He stroked my cheek,keeping the smile on his face.

I think I'm falling for him.

He cleared his throat,removing his hand from my waist. I tried removing mine from his chest,but he grabbed them before I could,placing them back.

"I think you should button my shirt." he smirked.

If I'm not mistaken,I'd say he enjoy making me blush.

I had no choice as he was looking at me expectedly. I tried my best not to show my nervousness as I buttoned his shirt,staring into his beautiful eyes.

''Are you always this shy?'' he asked,keeping his sexy smirk on. I guess around him I'm a bit shy,but I'd never admit that so I shook my head.

He chuckled a little,making me shudder a little from his sexiness.

''I'll remember to remind you that once you start getting confident around me.''He said stroking my cheek.

being with him like that was the most amazing thing ever. It felt so right and perfect. For a second I wiahed Julia didn't exist.

We stared into each other's eyes and I felt our connection deepen,like he was suddenly agreeing to be mine. Maybe after this he'll realise that we were meant to be.

He gave me a peck on the lips,''We should go,it's late.'' he spoke.

I pursed my lips together and nodded. He went over to his table and grabbed his bag while I did the same.

He looked at me as I walked to the front of the class,examining my every move. ''You're...uhm...'' he stopped to clear his throat. ''You-'' he paused again,I gave him my 'what' look.

''You're sexy.'' he said it so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

My cheeks turned blood-red on the spot,but I pretended to have not heard him. So I spoke for the first time after the kiss.

''What?'' I couldn't keep myself from smiling. Gosh I'm so nervous around him,my voice was trembling.

''You're beautiful Charlene,you're sexy and so mysterious...I want to know you better.''he said smiling.

I had to say something,''And you Jonathan,are special'' I spoke and his face lit up.

''You should call me by my name more often.'' he replied.

I just shrugged,''Come on,let me take you home.'' he said.

As I was walking to the door,I felt his hands around my waist.

Oh my...he was walking beside me with his hand on my waist. It was magic. Pure magic.

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