《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 24


Chapter 24:Mute!

"Is that alright with you?" Mr Bould asked,looking at me then at Mr Garner who kept quiet like he wasn't even in the room.

I think I'm gonna die! I thought to myself.

"Charlene." Mr Bould called.

I didn't know what to do,I didn't know what to say,I just became...dumb at once.

This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. And why is he quiet about all this? I thought he'd hate the idea of being alone with me,since he literally hate me,but he just sat there,not saying anything,showing no emotions and just staring at the wall,is this guy sane,does he have any idea what will happen if we keep spending time together? I definitely hate him right now.

"Charlene,are you okay?" the principal snapped.

"I-uh...Luke offered to be my tutor so Mr Garner here won't be needed." I spoke at last.

"Luke has already been assigned to someone else and I think you realy need as much help as you can get with the subject,you failed your test and that's just not good unless you want us to call your mother and see-"

"No,no. It's okay,Mr Garner's fine."

I cut him off,Mr Garner's eyes shifted to me and he seemed...relieved. What?! Did he think I was gonna reject him like he did to me? Well,I was but since I don't want to worry my mom,I just have to do this.

"Good,then it's settled. You'll be having lessons with him every Monday,Wednesday and Friday in the afternoon. Starting today."

"What the-uh..I mean today is friday so why don't we start on Monday?" I almost swore,but I managed to refrain myself but that didn't stop Mr Bould from widening his eyes in shock.


"You'll be starting today and that's not up for discussion. You can go now." Mr Bould commaned.

I looked at him in disbelief then stood up from my chair,rolling my eyes at Mr Garner when he caught my eyes. Damn,this is one badass principal ever,I thought to myself as I walked to the door.And as for that mute,fuck him. I mean how can he just sit there and say nothing,but then again,what was he suppose to say?

I exited the office and went to the restroom,I was not in the mood for class anymore,I thought of going home but then I'd get into more trouble. Gahd,I hate Mr Garner for reporting me,I mean how dare he...I guess he was just doing his job as my teacher.

I wish he could see me as not just one of his students,wait,what am I saying? We can never be together and I should just get used to the idea,although a part of me still believed that He'd come around eventually. *sigh*

I waited for Biology to end and when the bell rang I went and met up with Jess.

"So how did it go?" she asked when we met.

"Bad." I snorted.

"How bad?" she asked.

"Very bad...He's my fucking tutor now."I continued,unable to calm myself.

"Calm down. What do you mean he's your tutor?"

"Apparently I perfomed badly on the test and since I failed Mr Garner will now be tutoring me to improve my perfomance."

"Why him?" Jess looked a bit confused.

"I have no idea,the only thing I know is that I'll be with him this afternoon."

"But today is Friday."

"Tell that to Mr Bould." I said rolling my eyes.


Jess grabbed my hand and stopped me,she then wrapped her arms around me,pulling me into a tight hug. She was realy supportive.

We rushed to our next class which seemed to be rushing or maybe it was because I wasn't looking forward to m last class.


I walked into Mr Garner's class with Luke who was so excited because him and James are going clubbing again this weekend.

Mr Garner was seated on his table with his hands crossed on his chest.

I took my seat next to Luke at the back of the class. I searched my bag for my scrap book but didn't find it. Where on earth is it?

Crap. Mr Garner has it! Now I'm gonna have to pretend to be listening to him.

Class started and Mr Garner spoke,"Alright guys,today will be learning about the rates of chemical reaction..." and he went on and on,not at once looking at me. I kept my eyes on the table all the time,scribbling some notes when I felt like it. I realy wish I had this class with Jess.

After wht seemed like forever the bell finally rang and everybody sprinted out of class. Luke waved goodbye whe I told him I had to stay behind.

When everybody had left,the room fell silent with me and Mr Garner alone.

"Charlene." He called my name and I liked how it came out of his mouth,his voice was little husky,'causing me to shiver a little.

I didn't reply,just kept quiet.

"Thank you."He continued after a long silence.

Again I din't speak,what's wrong with me?

"I know you probably think I'm a bad person but-"

"Stop,Okay! Just stop."I cut him off.

"Look I don't blame you for any of the things that happened,it was not your fault. I just-"I didn't know what else to say,but I was now staring into his eyes intently.

"What exactly is going on?"He looked at me,confused.

"Let's just do Chemistry,forget about everything that happened."

Why did it hurt saying that?


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