《He's My Mate And An Alpha's Son》Chapter 17


May's P.O.V

When we arrived at the mall I dragged Aidan to the book shop. I walked around the large shop looking at all the shelves and shelves of book. This has been and will always be my favourite book shop in the mall.

I came upon a shelf of Kathy Reichs book and picked one out.

I took it to the counter and spoke to the old woman at the counter.

"Marilyn. How are you?" I ask talking to the wide smiling old lady.

"May dear. I'm great. Even better seeing you!" She says smiling at me. A dimple appearing on her left cheek. "Ahh I see you have found another book. Finished the other one already. Not that that would surprise me" she says chuckling.

I blush and say. "Yep, finished it already."

I feel Aidan stepping closer to me.

"And who is this?" Marilyn says looking over my shoulder at Aidan.

"Marilyn this is my mate Aidan, Aidan this is a family friend." I say while pulling Aidan to stand beside me.

Now to you it might sound like I just told a human about mates. But that's not it.

Marilyn, like me and Aidan, is a werewolf. She is married to her mate Arthur.

"Pleasure to meet you" Aidan says holding out his hand to her.

"Oh stop now with the formalities" she says walking around the counter and hugging him. The hug is brief but sweet and they both come out grinning.

I smile and Marilyn walks back around the counter.

"Now May dear. Take this home and tell me when you finish" he says handing me the book.

"But Marilyn. I haven't payed for it" I say taking out my walet.

"No I insist you take it. I always loved watching you read. You always smile when you do." She says.


"And your mate can have one too. But only if you agree to sit on the couches and read for a while."

"I guess we can." I say.

I grab Aidan's hand and pull him back to the shelves so he can pick one.

He picks out one of the Lee Childs books.

I then pull him over to the large leather comfy couch in the corner. I kick off my jandals and put my feet up on the couch.

Aidan lifts up my feet and sits down. Placing them on his lap and opening his book.

I smile, open my book and start reading.

I hear a click and look up to see Marilyn has snapped a picture of us on her Polaroid camera.

"Marilyn what are you doing?" I ask.

"Oh I just have something planned and I need photos of you and having your mate in them make them even better!" She says smiling.

"Um ok?" I say but look down at my book and keep reading anyway.

"Oh and could you do something romantic for me to take a picture of?" She asks.

"Why don't we just take some nice photos for you and then give the camera back later before we leave?" I ask.

"Oh that would be great" she says handing me the camera and retreating back to her spot on the other side of the room at the counter.

By this time Aidan has put down his book and looking interested at me.

"Take some nice photos with me?" I ask him.

He takes the camera from me and turns it around to face us.

I smile and kiss him on the cheek while he snaps the photo smiling too. We take another with him doing this to me then he pulls me on to his lap and we smile brightly at the camera.


Aidan then takes some of me and I take some of him. One him reading a book and the other of him smiling at the camera.

I set the photos in the draw of a table to form. Then we both go back to reading.

2 hours later we return the camera and Polaroids to Marilyn while saying that we could invite her for dinner one night with the family.

We decide just to head back home for a movie.


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