《Set Apart》Chapter 26~


(I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 1K reads. I honestly was just writing this because I was bored. I didn't know people were gonna like it that much so thank you.)

"I got up there and just started singing. I was so scared at first, but Shawn helped me get over it. Thank God"

"Damn I wish I was there." Derek told me.

"I know, I wish you were there too. But that's not even the best part. After I got off the stage the manager came to talk to me and gave me a job there. You are now looking at the lead singer for the band at Soda Pop n' Hop."

"Babe! That's amazing!" He kissed me and we both smiled through the kiss.

Just then Cory, Topanga, and Shawn came to the table and sat down with us. "Guys I was just telling Derek about what happened Friday night."

"Yeah, and Shawn, she told me you were a big help with getting her on stage."

"Yeah, well, she's my best friend, and I knew she was gonna do great so I helped push her out of her comfort zone a bit." He said nonchalantly as he shoved his sandwich into his mouth.

"Speaking of preforming, don't you have to practice with the band tomorrow so you guys can make a setlist for the weekend."

"Shoot, thanks for reminding me Topanga. I almost forgot."

Derek looked over at me kinda sad. "But you said tomorrow we were gonna go see a movie and get some ice cream."

"Derek i'm sorry but that was the only day the rest of the band was free and we need to practice."

"Okay fine, what time do you think you will be done by?"

"8ish, why?"

"Because maybe after I could come over."

Shawn chuckles. "Good luck trying to sneak past her dad. It took me years to finally get past that man."

"He's right. My dad is very hard to sneak by."

"Well then why don't I just walk through the door and properly introduce myself."

My eyes widened and I tried looking as calm as possible. "What?"

"Why don't I finally meet your parents. I mean we've been together for about a month and a half now I think it's time. Plus you never really talk about your mom so i'd love to meet her."

"My mom...right." I paused and looked back down at my food.

Shawn and Cory gave me a weird look. "Cris can we talk to you for a second?" Shawn got up and pulled me away from the table.

"Well since we're already away form the table, sure."


"Cris." Shawn looked at me seriously. "You haven't told him about your parents?"

"Having the 'my parents are divorced' talk isn't exactly on the list cute movie date conversation starters."

"You've known him for a month and a half how could this not have come up?" Cory asked me.

"He's talked about his parents before, but normally I just try to avoid the topic or just say something about my dad and move on. I love my stepmom but that whole situation is just kind of a downer."

Shawn puts his hands on my arms and looks me straight in the eyes. "Listen I know it's not an easy talk to have, but if he's your boyfriend and you really like him then you should be honest with him. I mean you're always talking about how much you love honesty after all."

I take a deep breath and groan. "Why is it that you chose right now to be right about something?"

"Hey I can't be wrong all the time." He joked.

I gave him and Cory and side hug and we all went back to the table.

I looked over at Derek. "Ya know what, you should meet my parents. How's tonight at 6? You can go home and do whatever for a while I tell them you're coming over and help my dad make a nice dinner."

His eyes widened. "Tonight?! I've had no time to prepare! I gotta get flowers for your mom, figure out what to say to your dad, get something nice for your sister—I GOTTA GO!" He grabbed his backpack and sped off.

Everyone looked back at me and I couldn't help but laugh. Which then made everyone else go into a fit of laughter as well. We all calmed down and finished the rest of our lunch.

Well, better enjoy my life before 6 comes around.

I hear the front door shut. Great my dad's home. I put the tray filled with vegetarian lasagna in the oven and go to greet him at the door.

I see him put his bag down and I open my arms to give him a hug. "Hey dad."

"Hey sweetie." He says hugging me back. "That smells like lasagna, what's the special occasion?"

"Here come sit." I sat him down at the dining table where my step mom and sister were already sitting.

"I'm scared to know what this is about."

"Don't be. It's nothing bad. I just invited my boyfriend over for dinner." I said this super fast and rushed to the kitchen to check on the food and my dad followed me there.

"Ah, so we finally get to meet the boyfriend." He crossed his arms. "Why do you seem so nervous?"


"Because I haven't told him about the stuff with you and mom." His face fell.


"But i'm gonna tell him tonight. He wanted to meet my parents, and Frances you're just as much of a parent as my mom, if not more." She smiled at me. "So, can we just get through tonight as smooth as possible? For me please?" I pleaded with my dad.

"Okay i'll try my best. But if he gets too touchy with you i'll bite his hand off I swear."

I laughed. "Okay dad." I gave him a hug.

God help me.

At exactly 6:00 I hear a knock on the door and I got up to go get it. I open it to see Derek with some flowers.

"Hi." He says nervously.

I smile. "Hey." I go to hug him and give him a cheek kiss.

Frances comes to the door and stands right next to me. "Hi you must be Derek." She goes to shake his hand with a very heart warming smile on her face.

"Yes I am. And these are for you." He holds out the flowers and she takes them.

"Sunflowers are my favorite." She gives him a hug and waves her hand telling him to come in. "Here you two can sit on the couch while I go find a vase for these."

I grab his hand and take him to the couch. Once we sit down my sister walks into the room and sees him.

"Hey C, is this the boyfriend?" She says teasingly.

"Yes, Derek this is my little sister Vicky. Vicky this is Derek."

"Nice to meet you." He holds out his hand for a handshake and she puts her hand in his.

"So how much do you like my sister?"

My eyes widened. "Vicky!"

"No it's okay i'll answer." Derek put his hand on mine. "I like her a lot."

"Good." She turned around and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about that—"

"Don't be." He cut me off. "I'm glad you know the answer now."

I smiled. "Well in that case I really like you too."

Just then my dad came into the room. "Derek this is my dad. Dad this is Derek."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Carrillo."

"I saw you brought my wife flowers. They were nice. But what if we were allergic to pollen did you ever think of that?"

God. I looked over to Derek and he suddenly looked very scared. "Oh sir i'm sorry. If you want me to take them back I can totally—"

"Relax kid i'm just teasing." My dad pats him on the back and starts chuckling. Derek starts laughing out of nervousness and my dad leans in a bit to tell him something. "By the way keep the PDA to a minimum or i'm sticking your hand on the lit stove. Got it?"

"I got it." He said with a voice crack. I was holding back a giggle not gonna lie.

"Good. Then let's eat." My dad let go of Derek and waked us over to the dining table.

I helped my stepmom serve everybody and then sat down to eat. She decided to start the meal with some small talk.

"So Cristina tells us that you've just transferred to John Adams High."

"Yes ma'am I did. I was homeschooled before."

"Oh well then how did you two meet?"

"Well I work at a coffee shop and she came in to get a drink during my shift. I saw her and she seemed very sweet, very beautiful, and funny, so I asked her if she wanted to go out and eat something with me after my shift ended."

"Aw that's so sweet."

"Yes well you two have a very beautiful and charming daughter."

"I wish I could take credit for that." She said.

Derek looked confused. "Huh?"

"Frances is my step mom."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh." He went silent for a minute.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I just wasn't expecting it. But as long as you're happy then i'm happy." I smiled.

"Ew." Vicky said. I kicked her from under the table and heard her mumble an 'ow' under her breath.

We had a bit more small talk and I think they really liked him. It was getting late though and he eventually had to go home.

"Thank you for the wonderful evening but I probably should be getting home now."

"Here i'll walk you out." I got up and followed him out. "Thanks for coming."

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world." He gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Sorry if I sprung the whole stepmom thing on you by the way. I just didn't really know how to tell you."

"It's okay. I can understand why you did it. Plus she's really nice. But if you don't mind me asking what happened to your biological mom?"

"They got divorced when I was really little. She lives about 20 minutes from here so she can still see me from time to time."

"Are you happy with all of this?"

"Yeah I am." I smiled.

"Then i'm happy for you. I'm really glad we did this."

"I'm glad we did this too. Goodnight babe."


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