《Set Apart》Chapter 25~


"Okay but what if I fall off the stage?"

"Cris it's two feet off the ground. I think you'll live." Shawn as been trying to help me get up on the stage for the past 15 minutes.

"Is anybody from school here?" I looked around nervously.

"Nope. I made sure that this place was out of the area code so you didn't have to worry about anybody from school showing up."

I looked up at him. "Shawn i'm nervous."

"Hey, these are just a bunch of strangers. Even if you mess up, which i'm sure you won't, you're probably never gonna see these people again. As far as they're concerned you're the girl that's currently saving their ears after this chick with a voice of a banshee." I giggled as he pointed to the girl on stage right now. She wasn't doing too hot. "You're probably the only one here who's got any talent. And if it gets to be too much, just remember Cory, Topanga, and I will be in the front row the whole time cheering you on."

"Thanks Shawn."

"No problem." He side hugged me and went to the front row with Cory and Topanga.

I looked through the list of songs they had and I found one that was perfect. "Dj, tell the band to play this song next." I pointed at track 23 and he nodded his head.

"Thank God because we need to get that screaming chick off the stage right now."

The girl finished her song and just as she was about to ask the dj for another one, he kicked her off the stage and whispered to the band for a minute. He walked off the stage and helped me onto the stage. "Good luck honey." I walked to the front and center of the stage where the mic stand was and looked at Shawn. He mouthed 'you got this' to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


These people don't know you.

It's just Cory, Shawn, and Topanga.

You got this.

I nodded to the band to let them know I was ready to start and put my hands on the mic.

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Cristina started singing the first lines as the guitarist started playing.

People were already cheering her on and she visibly started to look more confident as the guitar part in the beginning progressed.

She twirled her finger in the air as she sang that line and Shawn started smiling when he saw she was starting to have fun with being on stage.

She took the mic of the stand and leaned into the crowd a bit while still holding the mic stand with her other hand.

She finished the first chorus as she took out her ponytail and started whipping her hair around. Shawn didn't think he could've smiled any wider. He loved seeing her like this.

She walked away from the mic stand and started dancing along to the music a bit.

Just before she sang the chorus again she started jumping to the rhythm of the drums for the build up.

She started clapping along to the drum beat and got the crowd clapping along with her. She was a natural at this.

She hit the note perfectly and the crowd cheered her on. She moved the hair out of her face and started to sing the chorus again.

She stopped head banging and jumping and walked slowly to the mic stand to put the mic back on it.

The song ended and she smiled as the crowd cheered. She felt so happy it was almost consuming her, but in the best way.

The dj walked over to her while clapping. "Damn girl, you sure you don't wanna do another song?"

She laughed. "Nah, I think that took out all of my energy for the rest of the night."


"Suit yourself." They high fived each other as she walked off the stage.

As soon as she stepped back into the actual floor, Cory, Topanga, and Shawn ran up to her and took turns hugging her.

"You were amazing!" Topanga shouted.

"You haven't sang like that in so long and look at you, YOU STILL GOT IT!" Cory said.

"I knew you were gonna do great." Shawn picked her up as he hugged her.

She smiled and whispered into his ear. "I probably wouldn't have had the guts to do that if you didn't help me. Thank you Shawn." She tightened her grip and Shawn's heart pounded in his chest. He never wanted to let go.

"Hey I only got you up there. You're the one who blew everyone away." He whispered back. She pulled away from the hug and they all walked back to their table. Shawn missed her arms around him and his around her.

They were chatting up a storm until a tall man in maybe his late 20's wearing a suit came up to them. "Hello, i'm sorry to interrupt but may I borrow your friend for a moment." He pointed at Cristina. They all looked slightly confused but she stood up anyway.


He led her a few feet away from the table. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Joseph Terrence, the owner of the club. I heard you singing earlier and I thought you were amazing."

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes, and the crowd obviously thought so too. So I would like to make you an offer."

"Go on." She crossed her arms and looked at him curiously.

"How would you like to be a regular performer here?"

Her mouth dropped. "Like perform here, every night?" She was shocked.

"No not every night. You look young so I assume you have school. What grade are you in?"

"9th sir."

"Ah, then we will of course have to work around your schedule, but I am willing to be flexible with hours if you are willing to sing with the band. How does 7:30-12 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday sound for you?"

"I don't know I was kinda up there thinking this was a one time thing."

"I'll play you $50 a gig."


He held his hand out and she shook it.

"Great you can start next week so you have time to prep with the band for a set list. See you Friday Ms..." He paused realizing he didn't know her name.

"Cristina, Cristina Carrillo." They smiled at each other and he walked off. She turned back to the group with a huge smile on her face and walked back to the table.

"What did he say? What happened." Topanga asked her.

"He just gave me a job here. I'm gonna be a regular performer."

Their jaws all dropped and they all congratulated her. "I can't believe it, i'm so happy for you." Topanga said.

"What's not to believe she was amazing of course they gave her a job. I'm so proud of you." Shawn looked lovingly at her.

She smiled back at him. "Thanks guys. Tonight will be a night for celebration drinks on me!" They all cheered and spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing.

Shawn was so happy for her, he knew the second she got on the stage, that she belonged there.

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