《Set Apart》Chapter 7~


The next day at lunch the boys and I were talking about everything like usual when we see Topanga coming up the the table.

"Oh look here comes the future Mrs. Cory Matthews." Shawn teases as Cory puts a comic book over his face to hide himself.

"Hello Cory."

"Cory's not here." He says back to her.

She looked at me and we both nodded at each other. "My sister rented a video tape I thought you might be interested in seeing."

"He left you just missed him." He said pointing in another direction.

"Godzilla goes to college." Corey and Shawn looked at each other and I gave Topanga a thumbs up.

"Woah that's the one where Godzilla scarfs down UCLA." Shawn said as Cory put the comic down.

"When can we borrow it?"

"You can't, it's my sisters tape. I can't let it out of my sight."

"Okay what time should we be over at your house?"

"Our VCR is broken, i'll have to bring it to your house." Damn she's smooth.

"Okay how about 4:00?"

"4 is good for me. That will give me time to get home and get ready." I take it back.

"Get ready?" Cory questioned her.

"I mean get the tape, that's all. Bye." She walked away accidentally leaving her notebook.

"Man she's got a thing for you." Shawn teased him.

"What's going on here? I don't want girls to like me. Why is everything changing?"

Shawn picked up Topanga's notebook. "Hey Topanga forgot her notebook wanna trash it? I got a little macaroni and cheese left."

"Nah, she'll probably think it's some type of love code." Cory said.

I snatched the notebook back from Shawn and flicked him in the head. "And it's rude you idiot."

Cory started running his hands through his hair. "Oh why do I have to be so attractive."

My curiosity got the better of me though and I opened the notebook and started reading the pages aloud to Cory to tease him.

"Aw she drew your name with hers with a heart and little swirly things." He groaned. "Mrs. Matthews."

"Gimme a break."

"Mrs. Topanga Matthews." I kept teasing. "Mrs. Eric Matthews." All of our eyes widened as soon as we realized what I just read. I stood up fast. "OH HELL NO!" As soon as I changed directions to go find Topanga, Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up to keep me from going anywhere.


"Crissy SIT DOWN! You aren't thinking straight. ITS THE ADRENALINE!" Ge screamed as I was kicking around to try and get out of Shawn's grip. I was almost loose.

"COR A LITTLE HELP HERE PLEASE!" Cory stood up and they both managed to get me back in my seat. And after a while I stopped fighting them.

"Okay okay i'm calm now, you all can let go."

The boys looked at each other. "I don't trust it." Cory said and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's give her another minute." Shawn said while getting a better grip on my arm to make sure I don't get up.

"I'm gonna kill her."

Shawn wrapped his arm around my head and put my head to his chest. "Shhhhhhh. There there tiger."

"Okay really guys i'm better now." They both let go of me and went back to their seats. I sat on top of the table and crossed my legs together and started humming. "Ommmmmmmmm"

"Crissy, what the hell are you doing." Shawn asked me.

"Shhh. I'm hoping to find Topanga's soul channel and spiritually strangle it til it dies." I took a deep breath continued. "Ommmmmmm."

Feeny was reading us some story and Cory seemed real into it.

"There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. The Arctic trails have their secret tails that would make your blood run cold. The Northern lights have seen clear sights but the clearest they've seen was that night on the March of Lake Labarge, I cremated Sam Mcgee."

"Cool!" Cory shouted.

"Now Sam Mcgee, was from Tennessee, where the cotton bloom and blows. Why he left his home in the south to roam around the pole, God only knows."


We heard a knock on the door and I saw Eric. "Mr. Feeny? May I come in?"

"Of course."

I looked up at him. "You just can't stay away from me can you Eric?" He chuckled and turned his attention back to Feeny.

"Could I speak to your class?" I noticed when he said this Topanga looked really sad. Did I actually do something when I tried to strangle her? Oops.

"Be my guest." Feeny stepped back and sat down at his desk.


"This better be good Eric. He was about to toast this guy." Cory said.

"So uh..a couple of days ago I pretty much covered the big high school picture, but uh, I left out one little tiny detail." He took a deep breath. "You've all known each other since like, kindergarten. But next year there's gonna be like 9 to 10 other 6th grade classes from different schools making up your seventh grade class and...you're not gonna know all those kids. A lot of them are gonna think differently than you."

"What do you mean." Minkus said.

"Well, do you smoke cigarettes?"

"No." Minkus has a disgusted look on his face.

"Kids in your new school will, a lot of them are gonna try and pressure you into it. Tell you how cool it is to smoke. You wanna be cool don't ya."

"More than you can ever know."

"Maybe you'll smoke."

"I don't think so."

"Why not?" He asked Minkus.

"Because according to the New England Journal Of Medicine, smoking reduces lung capacity, eats the emphysema, and causes heart attacks and lung cancer."

Eric walks over to Topanga and pointed at her. "Well what if she thought it was cool? Then would you smoke?"

"In a heartbeat." He answered quickly.

"Welcome to the world of peer pressure." He points at me. "So Crissy, Cory smokes now, you think it's cool?"

"Cory wouldn't smoke." I said confidently.

"Well let's just say he did. Would you think it's cool?"


"Why not?"

"Because I think it's stupid that he's doing crap like that to his body so young."

"Okay what about drinking?"

"Same thing."


"Still the same. Eric i'm not gonna compromise my beliefs just because one of my friends is doing something he shouldn't be doing"

"What if Shawn joined him."


"You heard me. What if Shawn did it too?"

"He wouldn't."

"What if he did."

Cory cut me off before I could answer. "Hey calm down Eric we're not into that stuff. All we like is baseball and comic books."

"Yeah that's what you like now but that's gonna change. Just like you're changing schools. Just like you're gonna start feeling a lot of new stuff inside you you're not gonna understand."

"How do you know?" He asked his brother.

"Because you're growing up." He glances over at Topanga. "Some of you have already started."

Oh. That's why she's upset. Shit.

The boys and I watch Minkus tear apart paper flowers like the one he made Topanga a few days ago.

"She loves me, she loves me not."

"Look at him." I said feeling sorry for him.

"The love bomb has blown his head off." Shawn said going back to eating his lunch.

"This is big. This love thing. Could kill us if we let it." Cory said point at all if us. "We all should make a deal right now. Let's let everyone else go nuts." He said holding his hands out to both of us so we can shake it.

I rolled my eyes and Shawn and I shake his hands.

"We'll stay the same." He said.


Just then some girl walked up to our table. "Excuse me." We all turned to her. "I'm new here, does anybody know how to get to the principles office." Shawn's expression went all gooey. Oh no he went squish. I hit my head on the table because I know what's about to happen.

Shawn went silent and looked hopeful at Cory. "We have a deal." He responded. Shawn looked back at the girl and then turned his head to Cory again. Cory slapped his other hand onto Shawn's. "We have a deal." He repeated.

"The principal's office." Shawn started to stand up. "I've been there a million times, I know exactly where it is, i'll take you." As he started to walk away Cory tightened his grip on Shawn and started to pull on him arms to try and stop him. I got up as Cory grabbed onto the table and started to drag it with him.


I started to follow them out of the cafeteria as Shawn kept pulling Cory. Idiots.

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