《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》6.Damn Yoga


Steve brought Vex a chair and she gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you Mr. Rogers," she said, sitting down.

Steve nodded and retreated into the corner as Vex closed her eyes. She opened one eye and stared at Steve in confusion. "You are not going to sit?" She questioned.

He shook his head and Vex shrugged. "It's ultimately your choice but this will take a while," she told him.

"I can wait," he shot back quickly, crossing his arms over his chest and broadening his shoulders.

"Suit yourself," Vex said, closing her eyes once more. She took deep breaths, each one becoming more rigid after the next.

Eventually, a purple color seeped out of her hands and she grabbed Natasha's arm. The color spread and appeared on Natasha's arm.

Steve watched in amazement. The color took the form of some sort of parasite and moved around slowly. Eventually, it spread through Natasha's veins. Vex shook slightly and let out a small gasp.

It took a while for it to spread but Steve was soon able to see the purple magic appear on her neck. Vex seemed to be growing paler as Natasha's color returned.

Steve frowned and he slowly walked forward, stopping himself. The purple 'magic' then began to make it's way onto Natasha's face. The entire process was taking a mental and physical toll on Vex, something that Steve took notice of.

"Hey, I don't think you should-"

Before Steve could finish, Natasha's eyes shot open. Vex let out a loud gasp and she let out a sigh of relief when her eyes landed on Natasha.

"What the hell just happened?" Natasha gasped, looking over at Steve.

He didn't answer and instead looked over to an ill-looking Vex. She gave Natasha a faint smile before standing up.


"Why-what are you doing here?" Natasha asked cautiously, taking her blankets off.

"I'm saving you what does it look like?" Vex questioned, trying to stand up. Steve helped her and she gave him a small thank you.

Natasha raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Why did you save me? You're the one who pushed me in the first place?"

"You-it's a long story, Mr. Rogers will explain it later," Vex answered, pushing Steve away from her gently. "I'm fine don't worry."

Walking forward, Vex's legs gave out under her and she fell. Steve caught her before she could hit her head on the tile floors.

"I am fine," she repeated, reassuring him. "I just need to take a minute to regain my energy and strength. It won't take long, I'll leave after that."

"Wait, leave?" Natasha questioned, making her way over to the two. "She's evil."

"It's a long story," Steve and Vex chorused. They shared a look and Vex raised her eyebrow before she looked back at Natasha.

"I made a deal with your team and your Captain agreed," Vex quickly explained, her breaths short and quick. "If I would help you, they'd let me go."

Natasha sent Steve a look and he shrugged, still holding Vex in his arms. "It was a good deal, she's not evil Natasha," he told her, defending the brunette woman.

"Again, it's a long story," Vex said.

"I've got time," Natasha replied smoothly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Vex pondered the thought as she pursed her red painted lips. She shrugged and struggled in Steve's grasp. Sending him a look, he didn't reply. Instead, he stood up, carrying her bridal style.

"Not to be rude but I am an adult Mr. Rogers, I think that I can walk by myself," Vex told him, sighing.


"Well not to be rude but you almost passed out," Steve shot back, sending her a slightly amused look.

Letting out a breath of air, Vex leaned into Steve's chest. "Touché Mr. Rogers, touché," she mumbled.

"So, why did you save me?" Natasha asked, causing the brunette to look over at her.

"I felt bad-"

Natasha snorted. When Steve sent her a look, she scoffed and rolled her eyes in irritation. "Yeah right," she muttered.

"Why else would I make the trip over here Natasha?" Vex questioned, slightly annoyed.

"Because you were trying to save your own ass," Natasha growled. "If you'd save me then you wouldn't have to be scared-"

"I am not scared of anything," Vex cut her off, narrowing her eyes until they were barely visible.

As Natasha went to say something, Vex shushed her. She pushed Steve away softly and stood up on her own, her hard gaze landing on Natasha.

"I saved you because I wanted to. Not because I was scared of your little team!" Vex snapped, her eyes turning purple. "If anything you all should be scared of me! You should be a bit more grateful considering I saved your life, you little brat. I don't know what your problem is with me Natasha but you need to get over it!"

Natasha blinked in shock and Steve's eyes widened considerably. Vex backed away and shook her head, scoffing as she looked Natasha over.

"I don't even know why I waste my time helping ungrateful agents like you," Vex muttered, chuckling dryly. "You'll learn one day Natasha, and when you do, I will be there to say "I told you so"."

With that, Vex walked away, leaving the two Avengers shocked in the hallway. They looked between each other and Steve spoke first.

"Well, you kind of brought it on yourself," he commented, shrugging as be made a 'whatever' face.

He walked off after Vex and Natasha looked on in disbelief. She let out a large breath of air and shook her head, her red locks bouncing. "Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath, running after them.

"Hey hot stuff where you headed, yoga?" Tony questioned, coming face to face with Vex.

She raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? You were just trying to kill me and now you're flirting with me?"

"I wouldn't call it flirting," he mumbled, messing with a screwdriver.

"Fury's on his way up," Clint announced, making his way over to Tony.

He narrowed his eyes at Vex but his gaze softened when he saw Natasha. Clint turned his attention back to Vex and he nodded, causing her to shrug as if it were no big deal.

"Well, that's my cue to leave," Vex announced, giving everyone a small smile. "I shall see you in the future if fate says the same."

They gave her curt nods and watched as a purple aura began to form around her body. She gave them all a quick wave before she was gone in a flash.

In the same moment, Nick Fury appeared and all of the Avengers-excluding Natasha- glared at him.

"I've got some explaining to do," Fury began.

Steve crossed his arms over his chest and spread his legs slightly, his gaze hard. "You're damn right."

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