《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》5.No Offense Agent Carter


Walking down the long and wide hallways, Steve gave curt nods to everyone he saw. They returned the favor of course but added extras. Saying things from "good afternoon" to "captain this" or "captain that".

"I know it isn't really my place to say but Mr. Rogers, Isn't that kind of rude?" Vex asked, coming to his side and looking up at him. Looking down at her, Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "They said good afternoon and you don't say anything back, isn't that rude? Or is that just how it's done in America?"

Steve thought about it for a moment and shook his head. "No, it's not rude. Someone says good afternoon and you nod, then you go on with your-"

"But you didn't nod," Vex cut him off, frowning.

"Yes I did," Steve countered, still looking down at her.

Vex shook her head, disagreeing. "You nodded and then they said good afternoon. You didn't reply to them they replied to you," she told him.

"See, that's a conversation," Steve pointed out, making a right turn.

"No, it's rude. They said good afternoon, you should say the same thing back," Vex shot back, not confused anymore.

"That is-"

"Captain Rogers," a woman greeted, unknowingly cutting Steve off. She had medium length blonde hair and soft brown eyes. She stood, along with two other agents, in front of a door with no windows.

Her eyes narrowed slightly and suddenly became accusing as she stared at Vex. The action was short-lived but Vex still caught it.

"Agent Carter," Steve replied, giving her a small nod.

"Is this where Natasha is?" Vex asked, her French accent becoming more prominent as she was irritated at the moment. She did not like the way Agent Carter was staring at her and was starting to get angry.


"Yes," Steve replied, turning his attention back to the brunette.

"Okay, well once everyone leaves and let's us pass, I can get started and have Natasha back to normal," Vex announced, giving Steve a small smile.

Just as he went to say something, Agent Carter cut him off. "We are required to stay here at all times. So if you want to go in there, we're not going anywhere." There was a small smirk on her face and Vex narrowed her eyes.

"Well, Natasha is about three hours from being declared brain dead so unless you want the same problem, I suggest you leave," Vex snapped, her eyes glowing purple.

Agent Carter flinched back slightly and slowly reached for her gun. Vex laughed slightly as her eyes returned to their normal color.

"You couldn't kill me even if you tried," she said, walking past her and entering the infirmary.

Steve followed soon after and the agents all left, leaving them alone with Natasha. Vex's gaze landed on Steve for a quick second before she turned her attention to Natasha. She frowned when she saw the state the Avenger was in. Natasha was pale, paler than usually. Her eyes were closed but it looked as if they were bruised up.

Steve watched Vex, studying her emotions and facial expressions. The brunette pushed the stray bangs out of Natasha's face gently and placed a hand on her forehead, closing her own eyes.

She opened her eyes after about five minutes and let out a large breath of air. There was still a faint purple glow in her eyes but it went away slowly.

"How are you going to save her?" Steve asked, crossing his arms over his large chest.

"I am going to use paradox manipulation," Vex replied smoothly.


Steve made a face. It was obvious he didn't know what that meant but he didn't want to ask. Vex noticed his confusion and added on to her answer.

"Paradox manipulation is the ability to ignore all of the rules of logic, common sense, and even reality," Vex said, answering his unasked question.

He nodded in understanding and gestured for Vex to continue. "It's pretty scary if you actually think about it. Everything that's been proven and displayed multiple times could be reversed or changed with a single thought," she added.

"So what's your gift?" Steve asked hesitantly.

"It's not a gift Mr. Rogers," Vex pointed out, frowning. "But your abilities on the other hand..."

"What can you do?" Steve questioned again, ignoring the last part of her comment easily.

"I can manipulate or create chaos," Vex replied shrugging as she turned her attention back to Natasha.

"That's it?" Steve asked, pursing his lips. He honestly thought there would be more.

"There is much more than that Mr. Rogers," Vex said, smiling politely as she looked at him again. "There are many sub-powers of chaos manipulation."

"Give me an example," Steve ordered, nodding his head in her direction.

"Apocalyptic force manipulation for starters. I could destroy an entire city in seconds or start an early apocalypse," she stated. "Then there's reality warping...you're a smart man I'm sure you know what that is."

Steve nodded, showing that he did understand. "So, have you ever been approached by any villains? You know, asking if they wanted you to join them?"

"Yes, though I don't know how they had heard of me," Vex answered. "SHIELD was probably the leading cause of that."

"SHIELD ruined you life," Steve said, adding on to what she couldn't.

Vex nodded. "I couldn't even control my gift...I still can't. But SHIELD wanted to use it, manipulate it so they could be better. You know what they asked me during my first visit?"

Steve shook his head and Vex chuckled dryly as she continued. "They asked me if I could somehow use my chaos to make weapons. Ones that couldn't be matched by the enemy. Is that all they ever care about, weapons?"

"It seems that way ma'am," Steve sighed, answering honestly.

"There it is!" Vex exclaimed, grinning. "There's the old man...no offense."

Steve laughed slightly at her words. "None taken Miss, none taken," he said.

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