

It was Monday.

I absolutely hate Mondays. There's no one who wishes to wake up on a Monday morning.

I got up and got ready for school.

Xavier called me last night and explained everything that happened.

I knew it. I had a gut feeling that his mother felt guilty of how she treated her own son.

Xavier told me that he won't forgive her that easily.

And also that she had to earn his trust again.

As for Lucas, Xavier strictly told me to stay the hell away from him.

Because he thinks that Lucas might try to hurt me again.

And well I have to admit I'm not a big fan of him anyway.

I would be more than happy to stay away from him.

I got ready and headed downstairs.

PJ was already waiting for me.

He looked happy. Like really happy.

Where does he get the energy to wake up on a Monday morning and be soo chirpy and happy.

It was mostly because of Lily.


I'm in no mood to go to school today.

Maybe I can convince PJ that I don't want to go today.

"PJ" I called him in a very sweet voice.

He tensed and looked back at me and sighed.

"No you are going school today."

What the hell? How did he know?

"But please I don't wa-" he interrupted me.

"No I don't want to hear anything. You are going and that's final. Now come on let's go. We will pick up some food on the way."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house.

I kept on whining throughout the journey but he paid no attention to me.

So rude.

We reached school and headed straight towards our locker.

Xavier was already waiting for me.

He's such a sweet boyfriend. He treats me so good just like a princess.

Xavier looked up from his phone and saw me coming towards him.


He gave me a huge smile.

I melted at the sight of that.

As soon as I reached my locker he pulled me in a tight embrace.

"I missed you baby" Xavier mumbled.

I chuckled.

"We just saw each other yesterday Xavy."

"I know but I always need you near me. You calm me down." He said.

Awwww. That's so cute.

"Aww now come on let's go or else we will be late for calculus." I said.

He groaned but still pulled away from me.

"Okay let's go and yeah I'm taking you to my house after school. So wait for me after PE" he said.

"Why are we going to your house?" I asked.

"Umm I wanted to talk to Lucas so I need you there with me. That guy gets on my nerves every single time." He said.

I just nodded.

Time flew by and it was already lunch.

We sat down at our regular table and I noticed Bethany wasn't here.

"Guys did anyone see Bethany?" I asked.

Zayn tensed beside me.

What's up with him?

"She said that she won't be joining us for lunch today. To be honest she looked sad. I even asked her what was wrong but she didn't say anything to me." Lily said.

That's weird. Bethany wasn't like this.

"Well I'll go and search for her." I said.

"Wait for me after PE okay princess?" Xavier said.

I nodded.

He pulled me towards him and pecked my lips.

I blushed and waved goodbye to everyone.

Okay. So where could she have gone.

The first place that came to my mind was the bleachers.

So I went out in the ground and yup I was correct.

She was sitting at one of the top seats of the bleachers.

I started making my way towards her and sat down beside her.

She looked so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even acknowledge my presence.


"Hey there" I said pulling her out of her thoughts.

She looked up at me blankly and then realised it was me.

Her eyes were puffy and red.

Was she crying?

"H-hey when did you get here?" She asked.

Her voice was cracking. Something is definitely wrong.

"Just now. Umm are you okay? You don't look so good." I said.

"Oh I am fine. It's just I wasn't able to sleep last night because of my brother so yeah I'm tired." She said.

She was definitely lying. I could tell by looking at her face.

"Come on Bethany I know you. You can talk to me okay? I'm here for you." I said truthfully.

She started sobbing.

"Okay. So it all happened last night. You know that me and Zayn are neighbours and all. Last night our family had a little get together dinner party. So it was in my house. We had dinner and our families catched up and then me and Zayn went upstairs as our family started talking about business and shit."

She paused and then continued.

"So me and Zayn were having a pretty good time. I mean after years he was actually talking to me like we used to when we were kids. Then things started escalating and I don't know how it happened but he kissed me."

She looked at me to see my reaction.

Well my jaw was on the floor. So she must have seen that my reaction was that I was in complete shock.

I knew Bethany had a thing for him but Zayn was a player.

And I didn't know what his intentions are with Bethany.

I mean they used to be best friends back when they were kids.

And then everything stopped.

Zayn stopped talking to her and started being the playboy he is now.

"And then what happened? Did he say anything?" I asked.

Her face paled.

"After we pulled away from our kiss I was the happiest I had ever been. I love him Jackie. And him kissing me is a very big deal. So me being the stupid ass girl, I told him that I loved him." She said.

That was good right? He might have felt the same too because he was the one who initiated that kiss.


Wrong. What Bethany told me after, angered me and I wanted to chop Zayn's balls off.

"He laughed at my face and told me that he would never love a girl like me. He told me that I was ugly." She said.

This time she started crying real bad.

I pulled her in a tight embrace and tried to comfort her.

"How could he even say something like that? That's so low of him." I said.

I wanted to kill Zayn right now.

He can't do this to her. If he thought she is ugly then why in the world would he kiss her?

"I know right. And it hurt Jackie. It still hurts a lot. I love that guy. Is it that difficult for me to find love in this world? First my family and now this. Life is so unfair." She sobbed.

I hugged her till her cries died down.

"Listen to me Bethany. It will be alright. Just have a little faith in yourself. You will find love. It just takes time. You are so pretty that any guy would be lucky to have you. And you have a lot of good friends who are always here to comfort you. And trust me even if no one's by your side, I will always be there. Even if we get into a bad fight or anything" I said.

"Thanks Jackie, you're the best bestfriend ever" she said smiling a little.

Hey! Atleast that's a start.

Now I have to deal with Zayn.

He is so dead.


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