

I was fuming.

How could Zayn do that to Bethany.

I know they don't talk anymore but she used to be his best friend.

He can't just kiss her and tell her that she's ugly.

That too after she confessed her love for him.

He's a jerk.

He doesn't deserve her at all.

I was heading out to Xavier's car. I told him I was gonna meet him there.

And luckily he was with Zayn.

Oh this is going to be his death day.

I headed straight for him and grabbed his shirt.

Well I tried to look intimidating seeing that my height won't help me at all.

"You jerk! Why would you do that to her?" I yelled at him.

Zayn looked taken aback.

"W-what are you talking about?" He asked.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Why would you do that to Bethany? Why did you kiss her and then insult her like that?" I yelled at him.

Usually I wasn't the type of girl to shout at someone like this but Bethany is my friend.

And I will always stand up for my friends.

"I-I umm listen-n Jackie" I interrupted him "No you listen to me. Stay the hell away from her. You don't deserve her Zayn. She doesn't deserve a playboy like you. She deserves way better. So don't even try to hurt her again. Or else you'll deal with me." I said.

He nodded and looked down.

He was guilty. He should be.

He had no right to treat a girl like that. He better understand that girls aren't toys.

And that he should stop toying girls around.

I didn't even want to see his face.

So I took Xavier's hand and dragged him towards the car.

Xavier looked clueless but he didn't dare to ask me anything.

I was just so angry.


We went to his house and my anger diminished.

He got out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me.

He extended his hand for me to take which I took happily.

"Ready to go princess?" He asked looking down at me.

"Yes Xavy" I chirped.

He looked at me with an amused face.

"No wonder people say girls' mood change in like seconds" he said while laughing lightly.

I glared at him playfully.

"Stop it Xavy" I pouted.

He chuckled and we headed inside his house.

He had told me that Lucas didn't come to school today which made me happy.

Because I don't feel comfortable around him.

What if he tries to hurt me again?

No he won't. Xavier won't let him.

With this thought we went to Xavier's room and he told me to wait there.

He went to check whether Lucas was at home or not.

And he was.

Xavier came back to the room and said "I'm nervous. I am hundred percent sure he won't accept my offer princess."

"Then convince him. We both know that he needs to go to rehab." I said.

From what Xavier has noticed, Lucas has been consuming drugs everyday.

And he was worried for him.

I know that they've had their differences but Xavier was ready to put all that behind and move forward.

But we didn't know whether Lucas wanted the same.

"So come on let's go Xavy" I said pulling myself up from his bed.

He nodded and grabbed my hand.

I know he was nervous but hell I was nervous too.

I don't know what's gonna happen next. But I hope everything turns out alright.

He knocked on Lucas's door.

There was a lot of shuffling heard from the other side.

What was he doing?

The door creaked open and Xavier went inside. I followed him inside.


Lucas was looking outside his window. His back was towards us.

"Lucas I know that you take drugs so please let me help you get away from your stoner friends" Xavier said.

Lucas tensed.

And I didn't forget to notice that Xavier's voice was so stressed.

Even after every sin Lucas has done to Xavier, he was still ready to help him.

I'm so proud of him.

I squeezed his hand and leaned into him.

Lucas didn't even know I was there.

So when he turned around and saw me he was stunned.

But he was calm. So I guess that's a good sign.

"Yeah right. So how are you planning to help me huh?" Lucas asked sarcastically.

I sighed. He was still the same Lucas.

Xavier took a deep breath and said "I will find the best rehab in the country. Just please you have to go to rehab. Or else you will end up dying."

Lucas chuckled darkly.

"Since when did you start caring about me? The last time I checked you were the reason why I tried to kill myself. So don't act like you suddenly care about me because you ain't fooling anyone here."

Xavier shook his head.

"Look I know we've had our differences. But we were kids back then. Fucking kids! Now we both have grown up so we should be mature enough to sort this shit out Lucas. So please trust me for once."

"Please Lucas. You are my twin.and I want us to start over. Let's keep everything behind us and just move forward. But for that you have to agree with me. Please." I've never heard Xavier plead this much ever before.

He really does care about him.

I smiled at that thought.

Lucas groaned.

"You're messing with my head bro. What are you trying to do here? Why are you doing this?" He asked holding his head like he was trying very hard to concentrate.

"We're brothers. I want us to start over fresh. I know that we can keep our past behind us and start working on our relationship Lucas. And I'm doing this because I care for you. " Xavier said.

"All these years all I've done is made your life miserable but you still want to help me?" Lucas asked.

Xavier nodded.

Lucas didn't say anything for the next five minutes and I was sure he was in deep thoughts.

Lucas took a deep breath and said "Okay. Let's start fresh. And I will think about rehab. I need to talk to mom about it." He said.

I was happy for him.

Even though I don't get good vibes from him I know that if he goes to rehab he will become a better person there.

"Okay cool so umm see you later?" Xavier asked scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head in amusement. He's so nervous around his own brother.

While Lucas laughed. "Ya bro later."

We left his room and went to Xavier's room.

"So that went way better than I had imagined." I said.

Xavier looked at me with awe in his eyes.

He looked so happy. And him being so happy makes me happy.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and said "Yes it did princess. Thank you for never leaving my side."

"I won't ever leave your side. No one will. Just have faith in yourself." I said.

I pulled away from him and gave him a sweet smile.

He looked at me for a few seconds before smashing his lips on mine.

I love him. So much.


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