

Mad was an understatement. I was furious.

I wanted to kill someone.

That would most likely end up being that fucktard.

He was back?

How come I didn't see him this morning.

He is the reason why I'm like this.

He is the reason why I hate everyone.

I hate him so fucking much and to say that he's my twin makes me even more mad.

We are nothing like each other. I always thought twins are the closest to each other. But I guess we are an exception.

When I saw him in the library I was furious.

He was in the same room with my girl.

I just dashed out of the library with Jackie. She looked like she was dying to ask me something and I know what it was so I said "He's my twin brother."

She looked confused for a second then she opened her mouth to ask something else but I beat her to it

"Ya I know we don't look like each other. We aren't identical twins."

She bit her lip and finally said "Why didn't you tell me that you had a brother?"

"Because I didn't want to" I said a little harshly.

She looked down "Okay" she said sadly.

I hated that. I don't want to loose her. She's mine. Only mine.

"I'm sorry princess its just I hate that asshole." Her eyes widened at this.

"But he's your brother."

"I know but we've always had our differences and I don't even intend to resolve them" I said.

"I will tell you all about it when the time's right okay princess?"

She just nodded.

"Anyway why were you with him? Did he do something to you? God did he touch you?" I said getting angry all over again.


I swear to god if he touched her inappropriately I'll kill him.

"Actually I fell off the ladder while taking a book and he caught me in the right time" she said and I was still furious.

He touched what's mine.

"And I thought he genuinely tried to help me but I was getting bad vibes from him" she shivered and I mentally made a note to kill him with my bare hands.

"Listen to me princess. He's a bad guy so you need to stay away from him okay?" I warned her.

"But why Xavier?"

"I can't tell you that right now but I promise I'll tell you soon."

"Okay but for now I'm hungry" she whined.

I chuckled at her " You know you can eat me if you want"

She blushed and looked down.

"Don't hide your face, you look so cute when you blush princess" I said in awe.

She just blushed even more if that's possible.

"Let's just go already" she took my hand and dragged me towards the cafeteria.

I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled.

'I won't let Lucas take Jackie away from me. After a very long time I've found someone who I can blindly trust. So I won't loose her. No matter what.'

She's my salvation and I would do anything to protect her. Especially from a monster like him.


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