《His Midnight Angel》Chapter 18


(Alexandra's POV)

"Michael I promise we won't be gone long." I said through the phone.

"I know, but why are you bringing Ashley?" Michael said with worry. I knew why though. It wasn't really for me. It was because of Ashley. They might not love each other but their wolves did. It broke my heart. I loved Michael. Honestly if anything I was really hoping that maybe Michael would rej- no! I wouldn't want that pain to go onto anyone. It's hard enough that Jack rejected me for Ashley. Michael doesn't deserve that.

I was packing up for our trip to Minnesota. A knock came from my bedroom door. I opened it expecting to see Ashley, but I was instead greeted by Tom. Tom had been doing really well. Absorbing everything like a sponge. He had grown in size, where he used to be a scrawny, skinny, and a tall little thing. His arms got muscle, he gained in speed, his fighting was impressive. He could hold his own against Jack. He was improving.

"Hello Tom. What's up?" I said,

"I want to go with you guys." He said with determination.

"Michael I'm gonna have to call you back." I said as I hung up on him.

"Why do you want to come with us?" I said concerned. I really didn't want him to come with. What if something happens? He hasn't even met his mate yet.

"To prove myself." He said with the same determination.

"Ummmm I don't really think that's a-" I was cut off by the sound of someone opening the door. I looked over and it was Ashley.

"Oh is he coming with us?" She said dropping her bags.


"Yes" he said

"Good I need someone to carry my bags."


"No! You can carry your own bags" I said in exasperation. "And we're not going to be gone long. Why did you bring so many?"

"One can never have to many clothes."

"Yes you can. Pick clothes for the week and let's go!"

"Please Alex. Somethings there, I know it." He said with determination. "Please as an old friend, do this for me?"

I stared at Tom. He was a handsome man but it was his eyes that were the most mesmerizing feature. They were a dark blue. You don't see that very often because African Americans eyes are usually brown.

"Alright." I sighed defeated. "You two are going to be the death of me!"

I picked up my back and slung it on my shoulder. I took in what everyone was wearing, Tom was wearing a pair of basketball shorts that showed off his tall dark legs. And a t-shirt, that said 'made in Brooklyn'... Funny Tom had never been to Brooklyn before in his life. Ashley was wearing a short skirt and a tight yellow blouse. I looked down at my own clothes and saw denim skinny jeans, black converse, my shirt said 'there's no way you woke up like that' and I was wearing a leather jacket. My long black hair was in a ponytail.

"We are going to Minnesota, one of many frozen tundras and your wearing a skirt? And your wearing shorts?" I dead panned.

"It's probably not that cold!" Said Ashley

"I don't have any jeans that fit me anymore." Said Tom.

"It's the middle of December!" I said exasperated. "Go change. Tom well we'll fix that when we get there we don't have time!" And with that I left the room.



Thanks God we weren't late! I mentally said.

I will never get on a plane with Ashley and Tom again! Ashley wouldn't stop complaining because we weren't in First Class. And Tom had never been on a plane before so he was acting like a scared Pup!

When we finally landed, and got our bags I saw that someone was waiting for us. A man in a black trench coat and dark sunglasses wearing a fedora was holding a sign that had my name on it.

"Guys over here." I said as I started to walk.

"Alexandra Black?" Said the man.


"Follow me."

We followed the man. He took us to a parking lot.

Some hours later we arrived at the pack we were staying at. Tandem Minnesota It was small! The White House looking house with the trees that looked like they had been standing tall for a hundred years.

"Welcome!" Said a cheerful voice.

"Hello Alpha." I said out of respect. I bowed my head, Ashley and Tom following suit.

"Welcome to the Ten Thousand Moon pack. I must say your visit is most unexpected." The alpha was a short man, with no hair. He was African American, and not that bad looking.

"Yes... I apologize about that Alpha." I started cautiously. "I came to check up on the pack."

"Really? Well we are doing well... The rouges have since moved on and now we live in peace."

"And the young? Have you been training them to fight as well?"

"Well I see no reason too. Our security is top notch now. Nothing and I do mean nothing gets passed us."

"Well you really can't be too cautious. My companions and I will teach them a few drills... But first your daughter. Where is she? I would have thought she would have wanted to greet us?"

"Um... I'm sorry to say she's not here..." His sentence dropped of into silence.

"What do you mean 'she's not here'?" I said slowly. They told me their security was top notch. If she wasn't here then we were in some shit. We needed her. Quickly or people were going to die.

"She.. Was taken. We don't know by who. But they took her in the night."

Security top notch my ass!

"Where is her room? Is that the last place you saw her?"

"Yes. Please help us find my daughter."

Tom, who had been quiet. Growled, angrily too.


We followed the alpha to the room. The Alpha stepped aside and let us investigate the room...


*unknown POV)

She has turned me down to many times! Now we will destroy her, at last, my master will finally awaken... And the precious Midnight angel will be no more. I walked over to the cage.

"My pack will find me!"

"Of course they will! That's what we're counting on."


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