《Into The Unkown》Chapter 21


Olivia stood in front of the mirror in Demetri's room. Today is the day she is going back to Forks. She didn't want to. Her and Demetri grew close in the two weeks she was in Volterra. "My Love," Demetri says stepping up behind Olivia. "I don't want to go," Olivia muttered looking into the mirror and staring at Demetri.

"I know, Love, but you need to, your father is getting worried and you are almost finished with school," Demetri says to Olivia who nods. "Maybe we will see each other soon," Demetri says and Olivia frowned as she looks at him. "What do you mean?" Olivia asks. "We heard about a situation happening down in Seattle. We are keeping an eye on it because people have been disappearing for months now," Demetri says and Olivia nods.

"So who will make the decision? I suspect that Alice will be watching Aro," Olivia says and Demetri looked at her confused. "Come with me," Demetri says and picked Olivia up and sped towards the throne room. "Master, Olivia said an interesting thing just now," Demetri says setting Olivia on her feet and walked to stand in front of Aro.

"And what might that be, my dear Demetri?" Aro asks Demetri. "She thinks the Cullen girl, Alice, will be watching your decisions," Demetri says and Aro looked towards Olivia. "Why do you think that, my dear?" Aro asks Olivia.

"I just think that after the chance you gave them to turn Bella, they will be watching to see if you change your mind," Olivia says to Aro who smiled at her. "It seems you are right, my dear. Now, who do you suggest should do the decision making?" Aro asks walking closer to Olivia. Olivia held out her hand for Aro so he could see.


"A wise choice, my dear," Aro says smiling at Olivia. "I think that she can keep the other three in control," Olivia smiled and Aro smiled at her. "I think you are right. Now you need to get ready to catch your plane," Aro says making Olivia's smile disappear. Aro, who was still holding onto Olivia's hand, stared at her. "Everything will be fine. You will see him soon," Aro says and Olivia nods.

Demetri and Olivia made their way back to Demeri's room to get her bags. They took her bags and walked towards the front where a car was waiting for them. Luckily today was an overcast day, meaning Demetri can go with Olivia to the airport.

On their way to the airport, Olivia clung to Demetri. She didn't want to leave. They arrived at the airport and Olivia and Demetri got out of the car. Demetri took Olivia's bags and they walked towards the check-in point. "I don't want to leave," Olivia says wrapping her arms around Demetri's waist. Demetri wrapped his arms around her shoulders after he put her bags down. "I know, and I don't want you to leave but we will see one another and hopefully soon," Demetri says but Olivia just shook her head.

"Will you at least call once a day?" Olivia asks and she felt Demetri nod. "I will. I promise, my love," Demetri says and Olivia pulls away and looks up at him. He looked down at her. Olivia leaned up and kissed him. Demetri kissed her back. Olivia's flight number.

Olivia pulled away and Demetri gave her a kiss on the head before Olivia took her bags and went through the check-in point and through security. She could feel Demetri getting further away as she approached the plane.

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