《Into The Unkown》Chapter 13


Olivia stood in the kitchen. Her phone pressed against her ear. "Yes, Alexander I got the car, your man didn't drive off with it," Olivia says smiling. "I'm just making sure. You never know," Came Alexander's replay and Olivia just laughed. "Charlie had a talk with him first, I think it scared him," Olivia says and Alexander let out a laugh.

"How's Lucy?" Olivia asks as she walked towards the table with her coffee in hand. "She's fine, she misses you but she understands that you have school and that you can't come to visit," Alexander says. Over the last few months, Olivia has been talking to Alexander and Lucy a lot. Lucy kept insisting that Olivia should come to visit. But with school, it has been hard.

"I know, but once I have a holiday off I will come and visit you. Like over December month, for Christmas," Olivia suggested and she could hear Lucy in the background screaming. "Lucy agrees to that idea," Alexander laughs over the phone and Olivia also laughed.

"Well, I will talk to Charlie and I will let you know," Olivia says and Alexander hummed in agreement. "I have a meeting I need to get to, but I will call you sometime in the week," Alexander says and Olivia nods. "All right, enjoy the meeting," Olivia says and Alexander hangs up the phone.

Charlie came down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. "How did Bella react to the presents?" Olivia asks as she took a sip of her coffee. Today is Bella's eighteenth birthday, not that Bella was happy about it. Bella is against getting older. "Not really well, I told her that I saw grey hair forming and she panicked," Charlie says with a laugh and Olivia shook her head as a smile formed.


"What did you expect, Bella has this thing about growing older," Olivia says and Charlie nods. "What do you want to do for your birthday in a few weeks?" Charlie asks and Olivia looked at him over the edge of her cup. She slowly lowered it and looked at Charlie.

"Well, I decided to go do some shopping with Jessica and Angela, I just need to talk to them about it," Olivia says and Charlie nods. "Are you going to take Bella?" Charlie asks and Olivia stared at him. "I will if she wants to," Olivia answers and Charlie nods.

Olivia said goodbye to Charlie as she made her way towards her Jeep that arrived late yesterday afternoon. Olivia got into the Jeep and drove to school. She could feel people looking at her as she parked the Jeep next to Mike's car. "Livy!" Mike exclaimed and rushed towards her. Well more like her car.

"Where did you find this beauty?" Mike asks as he strokes the car. "Um, my dad, Matthew, bought it for me and yesterday afternoon one of Alexander's men dropped it off for me," Olivia says and Mike nods. "I'll see you guys later, I have to talk to Mrs Mavis," Olivia says and the others nod.

Olivia entered the art class and saw Mrs Mavis behind her table. In the back of the classroom, Mrs Mavis hanged some of the painting that she fell in love with and Olivia's paint is one of those. "Morning, Mrs Mavis," Olivia greeted and took out the project papers that she finished over the weekend.

"Olivia, how are you?" Mrs Mavis asks. "I've been good. I finished the project. I know we were supposed to do it in class but I decided to do it over the weekend," Olivia says and Mrs Mavis smiled at her. "It's fine, you just need to do something in class to keep you busy," Mrs Mavis says and Olivia nods.


"I will," Olivia says. "See you later," Olivia says and walked out of the classroom towards her first class. The day continued on and before Olivia knew it was Lunchtime. She walked towards the table where her friends sat. Bella was with the Cullens as usual. She's been sitting either them or sometimes just Edward, she hardly ever sit with Olivia and the others.

"So Ange, Jess, I was thinking that we go shopping next week," Olivia says as she sat down next to Mike. "Yeah, totally," Jessica and Angela agreed while smiling. "So when are you going to tell us about that guy in your painting?" Angela asks raising her eyebrow at Olivia.

"When the time is right," Olivia smiled at them and Jessica and Angela just laughed. Suddenly Olivia's phone rang. She dug it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Alexander.

"Alex, you are aware of the fact that I am at school, right?" Olivia asks not bothering to greet him. "My Love, that is an extraordinary way to greet someone," A male voice says and Olivia froze. She instantly knew it was him. "How?" Olivia asks as she stood up, her friends watched as she walked outside.

"I wanted to hear your voice. Alexander said I could borrow his phone," He says and Olivia smiles. "Are you going to tell me your name?" Olivia asks as she took a seat on one of the benches outside. "My name is Demetri," And Olivia smiled, instantly like the sound of his name.

"Demetri," Olivia tested it and she could hear him growl on the other end. "Darling, I wish I could see you, but as fate has it, it is not time yet," Demetri says and Olivia looked down at the table. "And when will it be time?" Olivia questions him.

"I have a feeling that it will be soon. I can't wait to see you, darling," Demetri says and Olivia smiles. "I really want to see you and not just in my dreams," Olivia says and Demetri chuckled on the other end. "For now it will have to stay dreams, my love, but I promise it won't be for long," Demetri says and Olivia was about to say something back when she heard someone call his name on the other end.

"My love, it is time for me to go, but we will talk again," Demetri says and Olivia nods. "Do you promise?" Olivia ask. "I promise, my love," Demetri says before he hangs up the phone. Olivia pulls the phone away from her ear and sat there looking at it. She talked to him, and not just in a dream on the phone and now she can't get the sound of his voice out of her head.

She wanted to see him. Badly.

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