《Into The Unkown》Prologue


"Mom, where's Livy?" A young Bella asked Renee. Renee frowned and looked towards Bella. She then glanced around the park where her two daughters were playing. "I thought she was with you," Renee answered but Bella just shook her head. "She said she was coming to you," Bella answered and that set Renee in a panic.

She took a hold of Bella's hand as they started to look for Olivia. "Olivia!" Renee called as they walked between all the children. The mothers who were in the park looked towards Renee as she called out Olivia's name. "Ma'am, is everything okay?" A mother asked approaching Renee.

"I can't find my little girl," Renee said still looking around. "What does she look like?" The woman asks. "She has strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a blue dress with black tights and black shoes," Renee said and the mother nodded.

"Don't worry we will help you look. We will find her," The mother said and Renee nodded. She would have smiled at the woman's help but she was too nervous about Olivia. The mother started to look for Olivia, and soon a few more mothers joined in.

"Mommy!" A small voice screamed and Renee turned around. There stood Olivia, holding a small teddy bear that she had not had with her before. "Olivia!" Renee and Bella said and rushed towards Olivia. Renee hugged Olivia. She pulled away and started to look for any wounds.

"Where were you?" Renee asked the six-year-old. "I made a friend and he gave me this bear. He said that it would protect me before he led me back here," Olivia said holding the bear out so her mother could see it. Olivia smiled up at her mother. "Where is this friend?" Renee asked calmly as she looked around the park for a strange man.


"He had to leave. He said he had to take care of the bad people that tried to take me," Olivia said and hugged the bear to her chest. Renee looked at Olivia in shock. "Olivia. Did someone try to take you?" Renee asked and Olivia nodded. "She had red hair, like mine. She kept saying that she was my mommy, but I told her that she wasn't," Olivia said and Renee instantly knew who the woman was.

It was, in fact, Olivia's biological mother. Olivia was adopted at a few weeks old. Her biological mother was sent to a rehab. She had a few addictions and the court took Olivia away from her. "You're safe now darling. Let's get you home. Lucy is coming for a visit," Renee said smiling sadly at Olivia. Lucy is Olivia's social worker, meaning she keeps track of Olivia and every few months she comes to check in on how Olivia was doing.

Olivia smiled. She loved Lucy. Lucy always brought Olivia candies or bears. Renee took hold of Bella and Olivia's hands and led them towards the car. Bella a seven-year-old girl is not aware that Olivia is adopted, she thinks that Olivia is her real sister and that is how Renee would like to keep it.

They entered the house and Renee sent Bella and Olivia to play in their rooms. Renee walked towards the phone and dialled Charlie Swan's number. "Renee," Charlie answered the phone. Usually, when Renee called him it is because Olivia wants to speak to him. "Olivia's mother tried to kidnap her today," Renee said getting straight to the point. "What?!" Charlie exclaimed into the phone. "Is she all right? Is Livy safe?" Charlie asked concerned.

"She's safe. She says that someone saved her. A man by the sounds of it, he gave her a stuffed animal saying it would protect her," Renee said rubbing her forehead. "I just wanted to inform you before Lucy gets here. She is going to call the rehab where Karen should bee in, and she will most likely call the police to get a warrant," Renee said and Charlie hummed on the other side of the phone.


Renee hanged the phone up after Charlie said goodbye. She made her way to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. She could hear Bella and Olivia laughing upstairs. The front door opened and Phil walked in. "Good afternoon, darling," Phil smiled as he kissed Renee on the cheek. "Hi," Renee smiled back at him. "Lucy will be here in a few moments, can you make sure that Olivia and Bella are neat. I'll clean up the living room," Renee looked at Phil who nodded.

An hour later, Olivia sat next to Lucy on the couch, with her stuffed animal on her lap. "So tell me about this little guy," Lucy says to Olivia. Olivia smiled and held the animal out to Lucy. "His name is Demmy," Olivia answered still smiling. "And where did you get him?" Lucy asked, already knowing the story but she wanted to hear it from Olivia.

"My friend gave him to me. He saved me from the red-haired woman that tried to take me. He gave me Demmy and said that Demmy would protect me against anything," Olivia said and hugged the animal to her chest. "Can you tell me what this new friend looks like?" Lucy asked and Olivia nodded.

"He had red eyes," Olivia said and Lucy looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, but Olivia being six, wouldn't be much help in giving an answer. Olivia just smiled and repeated her answer, he had red eyes. That was all she told them about her friend.

"I think it would be safer for Olivia to grow up with Charlie. He is the chief of police and he can protect her from the man and her biological mother," Lucy said later that night when Olivia fell asleep on the couch, still clutching the stuffed animal. Charlie was in the eyes of the law, Olivia's adoptive father. His name stands on the certificate, so if Lucy suggested it, it was going to happen whether Renee wanted it to happen or not.

+A month later+

Olivia sat on the plane next to Lucy. She had just said goodbye to Renee by the gates. Bella was sent to school since Renee didn't want her in the busy airport. "Are we going to Daddy?" Olivia asked turning to look at Lucy. "We are. You're going to stay with him for a while," Lucy said smiling down at Olivia who smiled. She clutched the stuffed animal to her chest as she felt the plane rise.

Over the last month they had tried to take the animal away from her but every time they did, Olivia refused to eat or drink anything until she had the animal back. Lucy let out a sigh as she watches Olivia drift off to sleep in her seat.

This is all to give Olivia a better life. Away from her biological mother. To keep her safe and Charlie would be the best bet to keep Olivia safe. A small town where everyone almost knows everyone and they can look out for Olivia.

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