《Mine (Z.H)》doce


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-Welcome to my humble home

Niall starred with awe at the big house in front of him, did Zayn lived here? He was worried now, because if he's boyfriend was a millionaire then that meant is parents were millionaires and what if he met them today? he was not prepared, at all. he's under dressed, he wore a plain red dress with a black thin sweater wrapped around his waist and some high top converse. Hes parents were going to thin he was some cheap whore.

-Humble? - he spoke nervously, Zayn wrapped is arms around his waist and kissed him on the neck, Niall guessed it was his way of trying to calm him down. It wasn't working though.

-You don't like it? - he got insecure for a second, he couldn't tell if Niall loved it or hated it. And he wanted to know.

-Do you live here with your parents?- he couldn't live here alone could he?

-i live all by myself, my parents gave me this house and they got another one somewhere else, but you haven't answered my question babe, do you like it?

-um yeah, it's um it's lovely.

All zayn could think about was, what if he only stays with me because he know i have money, because he knows i come from a wealthy family?. But deep down he knew niall want like that, he knew niall liked him for real.

-Great, let's go inside, it's getting chilly out here.


And they walked into the house together for the very first time, and all niall could think about was what if we get married, and we walk trough these doors hand in hand everyday for the rest of our lives? what if we walk through these doors with out kids, and our dog is waiting for us at the door?


-Would you like anything to drink? are you hungry? - and why was he so nervous? his hands were shaking, his knees wanted to give out, he's never had anybody over, this was ll knew to him, but he knew he had to bring niall over, he needed niall to trust him, he wanted niall to know more about him, because he knows he has been a closed shell, and never answers any of niall's questions. he will admit, he is an avoid-er, he avoids confrontation, it's just what he does.

-um, no thank you, i'm good, but if you're hungry, we could make something to eat?

Niall had never seen such a beautiful house like this one, it was huge, the interior decor was amazing, it was modern but had a rustic feel to it, made if feel homey. It fits zayn perfectly. He couldn't believe it when zayn asked him if he wanted to come over, of course he did, but he ever expected zayn to live in such a luxurious place! zayn never showed off money, he never bragged about anything, he was humble and nice.

-i asked if you were hungry, i ate something in school, wtih the guys, but i know you didn't, here i'll make something really quick, ok you need to eat

And how does he know that? not the lunch part, but he knew that zayn knew there was something else there, but he brushed it aside and pretended everything was ok.

-OK, um do you need any help?

-No it's ok Ni, i got it.

-so what are you making?

-butter chicken, is that ok with you? do you eat meat?

-yeah - lie- that's totally fine by me, i didn't know you knew how to cook?

-darling there are a lot of things you don't know about me


And that was the statement of the year, because he knew that was true, he didn't know anything about zayn.

-well we could change that can't we?

-yeah, totally.

And they both got into the kitchen making a meal fro the both of them, and zayn realized that his father was wrong all along, he could find somebody who loved him for who he is and not just for his money, or because his parents were basically legends.

And as they talked and laughed and listened to some music, niall discovered more about zayn, things he ever knew, and he was worried, because he knew that this zayn would be gone tomorrow, and it was a shame because everybody should get to know this zayn.

And he felt himself falling even deeper for the tattooed man.


yo yo yo yo

zayn is the best :)

Also check out my other story is called PRETTY & yes it's ziall.

liz xx

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