《The Innocent Salvatore (Niklaus, Elijah and Kol)》Chapter 23


Angel awoke to rapid knocking at her door, snapping her eyes open her hands instantly go to her stomach. Looking around the room it's darker than usual so it must be sometime around the middle of the night. She had no clock in her room so there was no way for her to know for sure. Although after being here for so long, you pick up a few tricks.

Before Angel can even get out of her bed, the door opens quickly to a worried Bonnie standing at the door. As soon as the door is opened, it's like the sound is finally released for the first time. Bonnie must have put some sort of spell on the room so she couldn't hear anything outside of it.

"We are leaving now. There is no time to explain, we have to go." Bonnie rushes out in a tone that leaves no time for argument. Grabbing Angel's hand, Angel is pulled from her bed and to her feet.

"Bonnie?" Angel whispers out, her vision spinning from getting up too fast. Without another thought to anything Angel said, Bonnie, drags Angel out of the room and into the prison-like hallway outside of it.

Angel barely has any time to look around before she is pulled into another hallway, one that this time she doesn't recognize. It looks more homey, more like something a normal person would live in. Not a prison where you would keep someone. Angel tries to drag her feet back, which you would think would work given the fact she's a one-hundred something pound pregnant women, although it did almost nothing to stop Bonnie from pulling her further along.

Before Angel as a chance to blink, she is pulled through another door. This time she's in a bedroom, Bonnie's hand still has a tight grip on her forearm. Looking around, Angel tries to look around the room further. Trying to figure out where she was. The room itself was dark, she could barely see a few feet in front of her. If there was a window in the room, there must have been dark curtains covering because she couldn't see it.


"Bonnie, where are we?" Angel asks, worried about what was going on. She still couldn't see a clock to help her figure out what time it was, although she still had the feeling it was some time between 1-3 A.M.

"Be quiet." Bonnie mumbles, trying to focus on the task at hand. Angel tries to protest, although before she can she hears the door creak behind her. Turning around, Angel realizes Bonnies didn't have a grip on her arm anymore. Hearing a set of familiar footsteps Angel watches as an even more familiar person steps forward.


"Mr. Mikaelsons, there is someone here to see you." A young woman asks, walking into the study where the 3 Mikaelsons sat drinking in their own despair.

"Who is it?" Kol replies to her rather rudely, although in his defense he had taken the loss of his mate the hardest.

"A-a Ms. Bennett, Sir." The women stutters out nervously, she had been compelled to stay put and not leave the property. Although, everything else was her own 'free will', her own fear basically.

"Send her in," Elijah replies before anyone else can. A quick nod is the only response he is given before the young blond scurries away.

"Brother, what are you thinking? We have bigger things to do than worry about talking to the young Bennett witch." Niklaus replies angrily, his temper was beginning to wear thin. He had been trying to act civil to his brother for the sake of them still needing to find their missing mate. But, that small amount of patience, was now wearing thin.

"Think Niklaus, this Bennett was one of Elena's friends. She is here for one of two reasons. Firstly, she is here to attempt to kill us to help one of Elena's plans. That of which, she would fail. Secondly, she has information. Which no matter the price, I will pay as long as we get our mate and hopefully the child back safely." Elijah tells his brothers, strangely calm for a man in his circumstances.

"I for once, agree with Elijah." Kol agrees, trying to act similarly to Elijah in a way. It was either that or turning off his emotions or as close as he could get to that. The second option of which, he was very close.


The vampires are interrupted from their 'argument' by a knock at the door. Before they could say 'come in' the door is opened. They watch as their blond 'assistant' walking in, followed by the familiar witch.

"Bonnie, what do we owe the displeasure?" Kol says cockily, he couldn't help himself. It was even worth the slight glare from Elijah.

"I have a way for you to get your mate back, although I'm going to need your help and a lot of it," Bonnie tells them in a tone that holds almost no doubt or fear.

"And tells us, young witch, what stops us from just touching the information out of you?" Niklaus smirks, speeding off of his chair and right next to Bonnie before continuing. "You've already made it clear that you know where our mate is. And there is nothing to stop us from getting her after that." He finishes.

"It won't be that easy, you don't know what Elena is capable of," Bonnie says smugly. Stopping for a moment before continuing. "She may not be the smartest, but she is Petrova at heart. She is a master at manipulation. You wouldn't believe the people she got on her side, and you wouldn't believe how loyal they are." She finishes with an angry huff, she was trying to do the right thing. Although, she could tell it was going to be difficult with them.

"Why would you choose to help us, after all, you hate us. And you're best friends with Elena, it's more likely this is a ploy than anything." Kol responds, his eyes narrowing in anger. He had always been an untrusting person.

"You can believe what you wish, I need your help if you want to see Angel again. Well... alive at least." Cocky. That's what Bonnie was at that moment. She knew they would do anything to see their mate alive. She wants Angel alive as well, so it was a win-win for her.

"What is it that you need Ms. Benett?" Elijah asks, stopping his brothers from speaking any further. He needed his mate back soon, and he was willing to do anything to get that.

"The Vampires that Elena has gotten to help her are old and powerful, and there's only one way to get your mate out safely and keep her safe from them," Bonnie tells them calmly, she wanted to be careful not to give out too much information. If she did, they might try something themselves and that wouldn't go well in their favour.

"Elaborate," Niklaus states not in the mood for her aversions.

"I need your help, well, more specifically Elijahs." At these words, Bonnie's face began to grow into a more solemn expression. "Elijah, you need to die." As soon as those words left her mouth, the air around her froze. Before she knew it, her back was against a wall and a hand was blocking her airways.

"What did you just say to me?" Elijah demands, he was not one to lose his temper often. But the past few months have been a very stressful time for him and his patience was beginning to wear thin.

It's like at the moment, Bonnie's powers had frozen like an unknown force had pushed them behind a wall. Making them unable for her to use.

"I-If you d-die," Bonnie chokes out, causing Elijah to loosen his grip just enough for her to speak. "Your sire line dies as well, and that might be the only way for you to get Angel back." Bonnie finishes, trying to get as much air into his lungs as possible.

Before any of the Mikaelsons can respond to her, a pair of heels clicking interrupts them causing them to all turn and face the source of the sound.

"They agree to your terms." She answers, speeding to stand in the middle of the room. "In other matters, why did no one tell me my daughter was kidnapped?"

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