《Is this now the end ? | NCT Jaehyun FF》🤍EPISODE 12🤍


When Johnny was calling Jaehyun , he picked up the phone .

*At the Phone*

Jaehyun : Hello ?

Johnny : Hey Bro , it's been a while since we did something like going outside or something.

Jaehyun : Yea you're right but why out of nowwhere ?

Johnny : why not ? I just want to hang out with my best friend and I would be happy if you bring Y/n with you

Jaehyun : Uhm why ? We can just hang out together .

Johnny : dude , you know I don't have that good relationship to her after what happend , and I just want the old friendship relationship back .

Jaehyun : Uhm , okay ... so where are we going to meet ?

Johnny : lets go for a Americano at C/N

Jaehyun : okay so see you Tomorrow .

*Phone Call end*

Jaehyun told you after Johnny hang up what he wanted . So you two decided to go to meet him . But Jaehyun had to go first to the meeting to speak with him alone and you will join a little later .

So Jaehyun went to the location and went into the shop . He saw Johnny sitting inside . Jaehyun sat infront of him and said „Hey bro" Johnny said Hi back and asked then „Where is Y/n ?"

„She will join us later . She has some meetings with other things . So how are you ?" Jaehyun asked .

„I'm fine and you ?" Johnny responded.

„Yeah Same , uhm I'm gonna order something I will be back in a second" Jaehyun said while he stand up to order himself a Americano .

When Jaehyun came back , they continued talking . „So how's it going with Y/n ?" Johnny asked very curious.

„Oh very Good ... and how's your Love life going ?" Jaehyun asked back .

„Uhm ... it could be better ... Oh see there is Y/n" Johnny Said while he looked in your direction .

„Oh hey baaabe" Jaehyun Said while he hugged you . Johnny also came up to you and you two hugged , you let him hug you , but you felt really uncomfortable while hugging him . You sat then beside Jaehyun and hold his hand . Johnny saw that and he became ... kind of sad ?


But you didn't mind .

„So from where are you Coming ?" Johnny asked you . „I had a meeting with some stuff nothing important haha" you answered . Johnny nodded and you ordered yourself also a Americano .

Then Johnny started to ask you „So ... Y/n are you free next week ?"

„Uhm yeah why ?" you said .

„I wanted to take you out . But as friends of course ." Johnny said . You looked at Jaehyun who already regret this to come here to met up with him .

„Uhm Johnny , I don't know haha." you responded .

„Cmon Y/n , I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry about it . But please give me a second chance , I mean don't tell me that you already forgot that we two were best friends in the past." Johnny said while he was pouting .

„Of Course I did not forgot that , but what you've done was not good at all and how you said , it's past ." you said .

You gave Jaehyun while looking in his eyes a sign that you want to leave .

So Jaehyun Said then „So Bro , I think me and Y/n have to leave now ."

„Dude no , please stay , my goal was actually just to apologize to Y/n ... and that she will give me a second chance as her best friend Johnny" Johnny said .

„Johnny , I don't know ... give me some time to think . Okay ?" you Said .

„Okay so bye then ... you have all the Time you Need ." Johnny Said while he waved at you and Jaehyun .

Jaehyun was pissed . You could tell that he wasn't happy when you two got in the car to drive back to your place .

When you two arrived at your place , you asked Jaehyun while hugging him from behind „what's wrong baby ?"


Jaehyun lightly pushed you away and said . „Y/n Are you kidding me ? You really want to think about to give him a second chance ? He's maybe the person who's stalking you."

„Yea I am aware of that , but Baby . What if he's not the one ? And I cant forget the times when he comforted me when we broke up . I'm really thankful for the things he did to me exept for that one thing .... when he cheated on me." you said .

„Y/n Look , exactly that's the problem , he fucking cheated on you and lets be honest , if I've cheated on you , you wouldn't even listen to me or even look at me when I'm begging for a second chance . So how dare you to put that idea even in your mind to give him a second chance ?" Jaehyun said angry .

„Maybe you're right ..." you said, while you realize that you've done a mistake .

You started to get sad and Jaehyun noticed that . He came up to you then and hugged you and kissed you on your forehead and then he said „Baby, don't be sad , I'm sorry that I was angry at you , but you also need to understand my situation . My future wife wants to give her ex boyfriend a second chance . I mean of course it's just in a friendship way , but you need to understand my point of view."

You nodded and apologized .

When you two went in the evening to sleep , you really had a lot of thoughts in your mind . You thought that on the one side , Jaehyun was right about it because you had to understand his point of view and the other way round , you would feel the same if you would be in this situation like him , but on the other side you can't forget how Johnny was to you before you two got a couple . It wasn't a easy decision for you . You decided to talk to Jungwoo about it . So you two met up at the next day in a bubble tea shop where you two always spend time together .

At the bubble tea shop you saw Jungwoo sitting inside , so you went up to him and sat infront of him .


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