《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Twenty One
Thank you to Allpandasruule who said Taylor Swift's song 'Out of the Woods' reminds her of Carter and Lacey.
Dedication: Thank you KnittedMittens for the awesome cover on the side!
"Not for me, I've known for a while I wanted to move and besides it's next year. I just want someone to move with! Would you though? Be interested, that is?"
I leaned back and contemplated her offer. Surprisingly, the whole idea sounded appealing. To get away from here and travel sounds awesome. The thought of being away from Carter literally tore at my heart, but at the same time, time away from him is exactly what I need. I need to know what life is like without him.
"Surprisingly yes?" I said but it came out more of a question.
"Yay!" she exclaimed. I let out a laugh as a foreign feeling of elation rushed through me. The idea of getting away from here was actually amazing. I would love to travel. "I'm going to keep researching and get back to you. We shall discuss this at the school camp this week. Get ready for the best year of your life!"
With that, the line went dead. I placed my phone down and stared at Carter's backyard for a few moments, deep in thought. The rich, blue sky was illuminant, stretching across my vision. This place was beautiful and I shouldn't want to leave it, but I think I have to. Travelling for a year is just what I need. Time for me, myself and I.
With that decision made, I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
A scream of frustration tore from my throat as I threw the Wii controller up into the air. Carter laughed beside me, shaking his head. I folded my arms across my chest and began glaring at the wall opposite me.
"How is it possible you still smash me? You're injured!" I cried out.
Carter and I had always been highly competitive against one another, video games included. A cocky smirk stretched across his face as usual. He rested back, wincing slightly. He clearly finds this a lot more amusing than I do.
"You do realise it's not real tennis?"
"Only strengthens my argument." I scowled. "I'm over this, let's do something else."
"You're such a sore loser."
"Bite me."
As Carter was still cooped inside, again, I volunteered to be his babysitter. I forgot how frustratingly good he is at everything he does. It irks me to no end that he is naturally greater at everything than I am. He was moving a lot better now, but still had quite sore muscles and bruises from the incident.
I clambered to my feet and stretched, feeling the muscles in my back crack. A yawn left my lips as I was ready for another nap. Time sure does go fast when you wake up at lunch. The weather outside was cold, dark and miserable, making it perfect movie and snuggling weather. For me, anyway. The rain never stopped Carter. If anything, he was only keener to surf, claiming the water was 'warmer' or something.
He cleared his throat. "So about this dance."
"Ugh," I said with a groan. I collapsed roughly back onto his bed.
"Well that's not the attitude to have." Carter frowned, quirking an eyebrow at me.
It was coming up to our annual dance at school for the seniors. Every year our school threw an elaborate dance. The themes were always awesome, the music got louder every year and the punch was always spiked ten minutes in. It was a typical high school dance. Of course, I used to not be able to wait until I could go. Mercedes and I used to gab about it all the time. I envisioned myself wearing an elegant, expensive dress with Carter beside me, wrapped in an equally expensive and sleek suit.
We would look perfect together.
Carter and I then had our falling out, ruining my dream. Even now that Carter and I were back in good terms again, the dance wasn't the same. I was dreading it now. Especially since I was on the outs with Mercedes.
"I don't really want to go."
"Why not? You're going to have a hot date?"
"Up yourself much?" I scoffed, shoving him lightly.
"Who said I was talking about me?"
I frowned at him and he laughed. Slowly, he rolled to his side and gingerly propped himself onto his elbow.
"I don't like anyone. I don't have any friends to go shopping with. It's all just crap."
"Alright negative Nelly, that's not correct at all. I was being truthful - you do have a hot date because you're taking me. You have Anna to shop with and trust me, she will help you find something. You have other friends, you just choose not to be social. One good friend is better than having a bunch of fake ones anyway."
I just groaned in response.
"You don't have a choice anyway. I'm taking you whether you like it or not. So you better get yourself organised."
"I hate you."
"No you don't." He laughed, leaning forward. I noticed his automatic cringe as pain flared up his sides. He flicked my nose and leant back, acting as though that didn't hurt.
"You're still in pain."
"It's nothing. Doc said I'll be fine in a few days. I'll be ready and roaring for the camp. You just wait."
"Do you really think it's a good idea to go?"
"Yes Lacey," he sighed in exasperation. "We're seniors now. We need to be involved in everything before school is over forever. Stop being so sulky about everything."
"I'm not being sulky!" I retorted indignantly, jutting out my chin.
"You are."
"Fine. I'll go to the stupid camp and the stupid dance."
"Atta' girl," he grinned, ruffling my hair. "Now let's keep playing. We can even do Wii Bowling again if you want."
That was by far my strongest sport. A small smile danced on my lips as he said this. I rolled my eyes and clutched the Wii.
He was going down.
The vine swung back, slapping me directly across the face. I hissed, wincing at the sting of it. Anna glanced back apologetically.
I muttered some disgruntled profanities under my breath as this was the fifth time she had 'accidentally' smacked me in the face. Since her shoulders were shaking every time she turned back around, it was obvious she found my discomfort and annoyance quite entertaining.
We were currently at our annual senior school camp and I was not finding it nearly as fun as I thought it would be. Just kidding, I knew this was going to be torture. I enjoyed the hiking but not the constant battles of peeling leeches from my skin, swatting away mosquitos and getting bitten a million times by ants.
I wiped my brow with the back of my hand, feeling the mixture of sweat and sunscreen smeared across my forehead. We had been walking for about two hours now and I was famished. My stomach was aching with hunger, my eyes stinging from the sweat leaking into them and my muscles were strained.
Anna, who is the most glamorous human being I've ever been around, was obviously enjoying herself more than I am. I think anyone was, really. Her vibrant, red hair was piled messily into a bun on the top of her hair. She had a tight, red singlet on, thick tights and matching red shoes, making her look like she was about to step into a fitness commercial.
Me, on the other hand, was sweating like I had just run a marathon and felt like collapsing on the ground. I was fit and ran a lot, but I wasn't used to the endurance in this humidity. I needed to stop skipping breakfast.
Of course, Carter was leading the group, despite still being sore from his confrontation with his football rivalries. He was injured and was still probably the fittest and strongest of us all. I frowned as I saw him leap elegantly over a large boulder, as everyone else just shouldered around it.
Show off.
I couldn't help be a little annoyed. I wish he would hang back and walk with me. Of course I wanted him to go have fun and be with his friends. However, the whole walking a thousand kilometres (okay, I'm exaggerating a little) might have been a little more bearable if I had him by my side.
After what felt like an eon, we managed to make it to the waterfall. The sound of water rushing and the smell of the spring water had never been so pleasant. The kids we were accompanying whooped with joy, propelling themselves forward in a rush. I laughed as they hastily clambered over the rocks. As we were the seniors, it was our duty to be the 'leaders' of the year sevens (the youngest year in high school). I didn't mind most of them as they were timid and shy about everything, but some were real pains, spreading my already thin patience.
By the time I reached the waterfall, most people were already in the water. My mouth dropped open as Carter was leading a group of adventurous year sevener's up a slippery rock climb, to reach a cliff. It wasn't the dangerous part that had my jaw dropped. It was his tanned, muscly back with water glistening over his skin like marbles. Even the yellowing of his bruises weren't enough to ruin his perfection.
"Stop gawking at your lover and get in the water." Anna scorned me with a playful shove, peeling her clothes off.
I rolled my eyes but obliged, jogging after her. The water was surprisingly cold but refreshing nonetheless. My body sank low, the cool water lapping over my face and through my long, blonde hair. I emerged from the water, slightly breathless. Sounds of crying and cheering could be heard and I glanced up, seeing Carter performing an almighty flip. I cringed, only hoping he wasn't taking it too rough with his injuries. His bruises had begun fading and his body was back to its usual state, somewhat, anyway. His internal injuries must not have been too serious, as he recovered pretty fast. He was clearly taking his new found energy to full advantage.
After paddling in the water for a while, both Anna and I retired to the bank, where we spread out, soaking up what little sun shone through the canopy. I closed my eyes with a sigh. Thankfully, Mercedes had given the trip a miss, obviously thinking hiking while pregnant may not be a fun experience. Not so thankfully, Aiden was here. What's worse? We were all jammed into the same group.
The talk of our 'love triangle' was still buzzing through everyone at school and the tension was more than obvious when we found out Carter, Aiden, Anna and myself were all partnered in the same group. Luckily there were also some others with us so Aiden could be separated from Carter. No one missed the heated glares between them though. Especially not me.
Eventually, I peeped through my lids and gazed at everyone splashing and playing in the water. Aiden was resting back against a set of rocks, an easy-going smile on his face. My stomach clenched slightly as it always does when I see him. There was so much regret between us.
I dragged my eyes from him and watched Carter fooling around with a few of his friends, loving every second of being back outdoors and adventuring. It baffled me how someone could have so much energy. It was draining just watching him.
Soon enough, we were all toweling off and marching back towards our camp, all eager to grab some food and sit around the fire. The trip back was a lot faster as majority of the trek was downhill. Again, Carter lead the way, with me struggling for breath at the back. My limbs felt heavy, my eyes were sore and I had a head ache accumulating behind my eyes. I was ready for some marshmallows and a nice nap. I lost Anna in the sea of bodies, so I kept to myself mostly and didn't speak much.
Relief flooded through me as we got to the glade where all our tents were set up. I'm not sure how but many of the people ran towards the campsite, still full of energy. I was dragging my feet. Carter dropped back so that he fell in step with me. He reached into his backpack and withdrew a powerade.
"Here, have this." He told me, shoving it into my palm. "It will give you sustenance."
"Thanks," I replied weakly, giving him a wan smile.
"Is my poor baby tired?" He cooed, ruffling my hair.
"Stop it."
He chuckled, wrapping a supportive arm around my shoulders. His warmth felt nice against my cool, clammy skin. I snuggled into him as we slowly made our way back to camp.
"That walk was invigorating, don't you think?" He breathed, tilting his head back slightly at the darkening sky above us.
"Yeah. Thrilling." I deadpanned, brushing loose tendrils of my hair off my face as they had begun to stick to my forehead. "I'm going to shower."
"I'll get some marshmellows ready for you," he grinned, smirking at my lack of enthusiasm about nature. I rolled my eyes and ducked into my tent. I began rummaging through my bag, grabbing all the essentials I needed. It was evident that Anna had already beat me to it and was already heading off to shower.
The showers were extremely disgusting here. The floor was full of grime, the curtains were stained and the walls had mould accumulating across them. It smelled like wet, old clothes that had been locked in a room for too long. Wrinkling my nose, I entered. I could see Anna's toiletry bag on one of the stools outside, along with her signature red towel that she takes everywhere. There was another shower running somewhere around the corner, but I preferred not to go around there, as it was even worse than these ones and the lightbulb had blown. I went to enter the cubicle next to her when she giggled. I paused. Why was she laughing so flirtatiously?
"Stop, you're going to get us caught," she breathed with another teasing laugh. My eyes bulged out of my head as I looked down and saw that another pair of legs was in the shower with her. I quickly turned and exited the shower block, unsure how to feel. I was marching back to my tent when I realised I had dropped my shorts. With an exasperated sigh, I headed back. Just as I was walking in, I ran head first into someone's chest. I stumbled back in surprise.
The person quickly steadied me. I looked up and locked eyes with Aiden. His hair was wet and his chest was glistening with water. His cheeks were flushed red. My stomach fell. No. He couldn't have been the one in there with Anna.
This trip suddenly just got a whole lot worse.
A big thank you to ForeverGeek who wrote a poem reflecting the timeline of Childhood Sweethearts! I love it.
At first we were friends
The best we could be
Stolen kisses following
Wherever we'd go
But then a pain so sharp
Hit me on my birthday
After that special moment
The one I cherished the most
It felt like a punch
But let's face the facts
I could never regret what we had
Then came Aiden
The sweet lover boy
The one that would hold me
My safe place
My refuge
I tried to convince myself I loved him
But 'he' had stolen my breath away
I tried to stay away
Even as my parents left
Tried to keep the hate
Tried to regret
But again that boy made my heart flutter
Then everything tumbled
And it was too much
I picked up the razor and cut
The devil almost stole my life again
And from being alone I was banned
And here I am again
With that strange but awesome boy
Regret, pain and happy
Are a bundle in my life
Here I am again on this roller coaster ride
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