《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Twenty
Thank you TheGreatBigWorld who suggested "Everything You Are" by Ed Sheeran reminds her of Carter. :)
Dedication: Nemo2202 for the amazing jacket cover on the side! Thank you!
Not wanting to stick around, I kept moving. I rounded the corner and froze. Mercedes' mother was there. With Aiden.
"You're sure?" Aiden asked slowly. "Absolutely positive?"
"Yes." she said, her tone indicating she was annoyed. Her voice was clipped and professional, like always. "The non-invasive Prenatal Paternity test is the most accurate process to test who the father is. I've researched it, it is 99.9% accurate."
"God," he choked out, rubbing a hand through his hair. "What a mess."
Her eyes bulged as she stared at him incredulously. "A mess!? Are you the one carrying a child in your stomach? Is it your daughter who fell pregnant at the age of seventeen? You're just an immature boy. You're not fit to be a father."
With that verbal slap in the face, she spun on her heel and marched away from him. My heart felt like it had dropped into my stomach. This could not be happening.
Mercedes emerged from the room, wandering over to Aiden. She had one hand on her stomach, as the other reached to grab his hand.
"I told you," she murmured quietly, squeezing his hand with her own. "You're the father."
Well if that verbal revelation isn't enough to send me back a year in counselling, I don't know what will.
My mouth had become dry as I saw Mercedes clutching Aiden's hand, her other gently resting over her unborn baby.
The baby who apparently belongs to my ex-boyfriend.
I felt utterly and completely disorientated, unable to decipher one thought from another. Backing up, I quickly exited the hall. I leant against the wall, my stomach churning uncomfortably. I gripped at my sides feeling starkly empty.
Shoving my fist into my mouth, I pushed from the wall and strode the other way. Tears burned at my eyes and I felt bile rise in the back of my throat. For him to be the father... the timing... he would have been with me.
We would have been together.
The tears flowed openly down my face before I could stop them. I ignored the curious stares of people around me and the disturbing smell of antiseptic. I wanted nothing more than to just curl up in a ball and forget everything.
Karma was kicking me straight in the face. I cheated on Aiden with Carter, only fair he cheats on me with my best friend. Both the boys in my life, with her... I dropped to my knees, unable to stop the vomit from coming up my throat. A nurse ran towards me, asking me a series of questions. I clambered to my feet, hastily wiping my chin with the back of my hand.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I kept repeated, trying to force myself to believe my own words. Pushing away from her, I staggered towards the exit, feeling indescribably sick.
The next few hours were a complete blur. Even to this point in time, I can't remember how I managed to successfully get home. Currently, I was lying in a pool of icy cold water, the shower raining down over my skin. I sat, feeling miserable, the fierce coldness of the water successfully making me feel numb.
I had made the decision to remain calm until Aiden talks to me. I think, even after everything, he will have the decency to speak to me about this. He would have to before I "found out" through rumours and whatnot, right? My head hung forward and I pressed my face against my drawn up, bare thighs.
Slowly, I got to my feet and twisted the knob as I stepped out, absently towelling myself off. I dressed in a daze, going down the stairs. Mum was perched on the lounge, watching T.V. She had a mug beside her and an opened packet of fruit-nut chocolate.
"Mum," I croaked out. Instantly, her eyes snapped to mine. "You told me to tell you if I felt like cutting again."
Her mouth fell open. She clambered to her feet, her face reflecting a look of complete shock and terror. I raised my hands in a peace-like gesture.
"I don't want to kill myself, that has never been my intention. I just feel crap."
"What's happened?" she asked me urgently, her hands fluttering over my body like unwanted flies. I groaned, lightly pushing her away.
"Don't. Please just listen. I'm not going to do anything drastic, I promise. I just need someone to talk to."
"Okay," she said slowly, backing away from me as if I were mere seconds away from exploding. She sat back down rigidly. "What do you need to talk about?"
So I told her. I told her everything that has happened from my sixteenth birthday until now. She didn't interrupt which I was thankful for. The words tumbled out of my mouth and it felt so refreshing. Sure, I had told this story to my counsellor on countless occasions, but it was different telling someone so real and constant in my life. Dr Marez is real, obviously, but she isn't my mother. She will never play the role my mother does.
Finally, I was at the end. A sigh escaped me as a surprising surge of relief filtered through my body. She reached forward, hesitantly at first and engulfed me in a bear hug.
"I must be the most oblivious parent in the world."
"No, you're just a realistic one." I pointed out. "You're busy, I've been busy. I haven't spoken to you like I should have."
"I want you to tell me things. I want to be involved in your life. I'm not too busy for you, Lacey. I had no idea..." she trailed off, her eyes slightly watery.
I shrugged pragmatically. "It's in the past."
"Mercedes and Aiden?" she asked quietly, still shocked. "Who would have picked it..."
"I know." I muttered distastefully. "This is one giant mess."
"Don't get yourself down about it, as hard as that is going to be. Clearly Mercedes is someone you don't want in your life. With Aiden, I think you deserve to give him the chance to explain. Despite this predicament, I still think he is a good guy who really loves you. Let him explain before we jump aboard the 'I hate Aiden' train, okay? As for Carter, I think he is trying very hard to make things right with you. But all in all, you need to do what is best for you."
"But deciding what is best for me is the hardest part."
"It will work out." she said, giving me a small smile. "You'll see."
"When?" I asked with a groan.
"God will give you a sign."
"I hope it's a clear one."
I swivelled my eyes to the T.V and reclined back, wanting to spend some quality time with mum. A loud knock echoed through the hallway and mum got to her feet. I reached over to the chocolate and broke of a couple of squares. I had just popped it into my mouth when I heard footsteps stop at the entry in to the lounge room.
"Lacey," was all mum said.
Turning, I stared back curiously and my stomach clenched.
I leaned back into my pillows, my body slowly sinking into them. He was perched at the end of my bed awkwardly, not knowing where to look. I folded my arms across my chest.
"You know." he stated.
"I was at the hospital last night. I saw you together. I heard the news when you did."
He exhaled deeply, pinching the skin in between his eyes. "I don't know what to say."
"So when you were comforting me about Carter, you had been with her? Or you were with her?" I asked, sounding a little too cavalier. I tried my hardest to keep my voice firm, so I didn't break down.
"Look, Mercedes and I have been close for a while. But I was with you and I thought she was with a guy named Tom. But apparently that was just a lie so she could get closer to me. It was the day you told me you had been with Carter... I was with her. I was upset and she was there... one thing lead to another. It happened once and hasn't happened since, but yes, it did happen. Do I regret it? Yes, I'm too young to be a father and now I really will never be able to be with you. But I can't change what has happened. I'm going to support her and be the best father I can be. I can only hope that one day, you and I can return to the good friends we once were."
A humourless laugh left my lips as I shook my head incredulously. "Wow. You're no better than Carter. I was wrong about you."
"Either are you."
"You're not better than either of us. All of us have cheated. You had Carter on an unreachable pedestal and that's why it hurt you so much when he came tumbling down from it. But what's worse is that you and I are just as bad. Probably worse, actually." he shrugged nonchalantly, giving me a hard stare. "So you're not the only victim. All of us are. You focus on how much Carter has hurt you but you've hurt him just as much back."
My mouth fell open at his words. His truthful words. We were all as bad and corrupt as each other. I swallowed uneasily, wishing I could increase the distance between us.
"That doesn't justify what you did."
"I know."
"Things aren't going to go back the way they were."
"I know."
I sighed, rubbing my face, feeling weary. "Just go."
His lips parted, as though he was going to say something but changed his mind. He got up and half-turned back, before disappearing through my door. I fell back, letting my blankets swallow me. I didn't feel like crying. I didn't feel like doing anything. Numbly, I stared up at the ceiling, unsure how to feel.
"Are you alright?" Mum asked, her voice soft. From my peripheral vision I knew she was hovering near my door.
"Yeah, just fine and dandy."
"Want to talk about it?"
"I will later, I just want to lay here and pretend I don't exist for a while."
"Why don't we go out? Let's go watch a movie or go out for dinner. Just get out of the house for a while?"
I fell silent for a moment, pondering her suggestion. After a few seconds, I rolled my head to the side.
"Alright. That sounds nice."
Spending time with mum is just what I need.
Last night was pretty cool.
It was so refreshing spending time with mum. Dad came home earlier than we expected so he joined us. We ended up having a family outing and I realised how much I missed us doing things together. When I was first let out of hospital, we played board games and such, but that was because they were scared to leave me alone, not out of spending actual time together.
"I'm glad you had a nice time." Carter said, wincing as he moved himself into a more comfortable position on his lounge.
He has been released, obviously. Both Miranda and Matt were out at work so I volunteered to babysit him. He was still very bruised and sore from his encounter with his football rivalries. I cringed at the thought of them. When I close my eyes at night, it's their faces I have been seeing in my mind. It's disturbing, to say the least.
"You okay?" I asked him, worried he was in pain.
"Yeah fine," he waved me off lethargically, his eyes drifting closed.
I settled back into the lounge, hugging my thin cardigan around my body. Carter always liked to have the air-conditioning set to icy cold temperatures for some bizarre reason. I, on the other hand, am the type of person to wear jumpers mid-Summer and sleep with five blankets and a dooner when it's hot.
"You're cold aren't you?" he sighed in annoyance. He had sweat literally forming on his forehead while I'm next to him with goose bumps erupting over my skin.
"It's not unbearable but it is a tad cool."
"Want me to turn it down?"
"It's fine."
I was trying not to get frustrated with the fact that he was. He was really annoyed but I understood why. He is a very active guy. If he's not surfing or out with his mates, he is running, or doing something with his car. Carter's not the type of person to just sit around and watch movies, like I do. So that fact that he's basically immobile right now letting his body recover is infuriating him. Me? I think it's awesome. It gives me an excuse (not that one is necessary) to re-watch Prison Break.
"Is it time for your painkillers yet?" I asked, glancing at my watch.
"Yeah I think so."
I reached forward and unclasped the bottle, tapping it. After washing the pills down with a glass of water, he rested back on the lounge and fell silent. His breathing was deep and even, indicating he was asleep. My phone began vibrating. As silently as possible, I slipped out of the room and slid my thumb across the bottom of my screen.
"Hey Anna, what's up?"
"Random question: What are you doing with your life next year?"
"I'm well thanks, how are you?" I replied back sarcastically with an eye roll.
"Serious man."
"Honestly? I'm not sure. I was thinking of just working while I figured out what my next move is."
"I was hoping you would say that. Would you be interested in travelling? I am looking at flights now and I think I want to move overseas for twelve months. What do you think?"
I furrowed my eyebrows as I plopped down onto the chair behind me. "You want to move away?"
"I want us to move away. Just for a year. Imagine how fun it would be! We get to explore a different culture, get life experience, get away from this place for a while. Come on, say yes!"
A laugh escaped me. "Well this is very sudden!"
"Not for me, I've known for a while I wanted to move and besides it's next year. I just want someone to move with! Would you though? Be interested, that is?"
I leaned back and contemplated her offer. Surprisingly, the whole idea sounded appealing. To get away from here and travel sounds awesome. The thought of being away from Carter literally tore at my heart, but at the same time, time away from him is exactly what I need. I need to know what life is like without him.
"Surprisingly yes?" I said but it came out more of a question.
"Yay!" she exclaimed. I let out a laugh as a foreign feeling of elation rushed through me. The idea of getting away from here was actually amazing. I would love to travel. "I'm going to keep researching and get back to you. We shall discuss this at the school camp this week. Get ready for the best year of your life!"
With that, the line went dead. I placed my phone down and stared at Carter's backyard for a few moments, deep in thought. The rich, blue sky was illuminant, stretching across my vision. This place was beautiful and I shouldn't want to leave it, but I think I have to. Travelling for a year is just what I need. Time for me, myself and I.
With that decision made, I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
What are your thoughts on Lacey travelling? ;)
Thank you to LIzzy_rocks_gurl for sending these in!
She was his beauty
And he was her pain
She was his sunshine
And he was her rain
He tried to save her
But it only sunk their boat
She tried to breathe again
But it was too hard to stay a
She stood in the kitchen on her toes high and tall,
She stretched both her arms hoping not to fall,
She grabbed the large object and held onto it tight,
For she was afraid she might get caught late at night,
With the curves on her skin and the cuts scabbed all over,
She grabbed the blade and lay it on her skin like a clover,
She tried not to cry with all of her pain,
She hoped her parents wouldn't wake with vain,
For the knives were hidden on the top shelf,
Put there by her parents to hide from herself.
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