《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 13
‘’Ang! I have interesting news!’’ Scott said looking glad.
‘’What is it Scott? Spit it!’’ I replied.
‘’Your going to the BAFTA's!’’ A/N: These are Movie awards held in the U.K every year.
‘’What? Why?’’ I asked.
‘’They want you to present an award,’’ He said,bluntly.
Oh My God. That was amazing news.
‘’What? In front of all those people and stars? ‘’ I cried.
I had never been a good public speaker.
‘’Oh don’t worry,you’ll have your boyfriend there for support,you’l be doing it together,’’he answered.
‘’YEEEESSSS!" I exclaimed, "Thank God! Oh that’s going to be fun!! When is it?’’
‘’This Saturday,’’ he replied.
‘’WHAT?I don’t even have a dress!’’ I panicked.
‘’Don’t worry, Julio will figure that out for you,now go! ‘’ he said,sternly.
And off I was.I was excited,I was going to attend an actual awards show,I had only watched those on telly. But to be presenting an award was super mega exciting.To be doing it with my perfect boyfriend was perfect! I couldn’t wait.
‘’When I walk on by,
Girls be looking like damn,he fly.’’
I loved my new ringtone,it didn’t remind me of Liam and it was also a song me and Tom both loved. We were sexy and we definitely knew it.
‘’Heyy babe!’’ I screamed.
‘’Angela,look behind,’’ he said.
I turned around to see my handsome boyfriend standing at the entrance of the Ford Models UK building, his pearly whites in clear view,his eyes glowing with happiness and his left hand holding white roses.My favourite.
‘’OMG! You didn’t even tell me you had already arrived!’’ I screamed,jumping on him.
Everyone inside the building was now staring,others teasing,others smirking,others smiling in admiration.
‘’Aaaaaw’’ the staff bursted.
Tom and I realized that we were kissing passionately in the middle of the hallway.Whooops. He put me down and I went red with embarrassment.
‘’Thanks hehe,’’ Tom announced,and I nudged him gently.
We both laughed and then set off.
Everyone now knew about the relationship. The press didn’t bother us much about It because we had given them what they wanted,the truth. It felt great to be free,to be with a guy that didn’t deny you on national radio,or walked out on you during a date.Tom was that guy,he made me feel like a princess,because he was a sex god to many,and I got to be his goddess.
‘’My agent just told me that WE are going to be presenting an award at the BAFTA awards! How amazing is that?’’ he exclaimed,as we strolled down the busy London street,holding hands tightly.
‘’Yeah,I know right,can't wait! Its going to be soo much fun,’’ I replied enthusiastically.
There was a bit of an uproar and then suddenly we were surrounded by screaming girls.
‘’Can I …Can I ..have a picture Tom? Please,Can I …’’ one of them said,before bursting into tears.
‘’Yeah sure,come over.,’ My boyfriend replied,solemnly.He was too sweet.
‘’Please sign my hand Angie,could you please!’’ another girl burst out.
After taking a couple of pictures and signing some autographs,Tom and I had to leave rowdy crowd,we were running late for our reservation.
I loved my fans. They reminded me of who I was a couple of weeks earlier,before I had met Liam,and Tom,and Justin Bieber,I was one of them. All I wanted to do was meet One Direction,and perhaps take a picture with them,but now? Now I was Tom Daley’s girlfriend,now,I avoided One Direction,now I could text Justin Bieber or many other celebrities with ease. Now,I was a different girl.
‘’Woah, well they were nice,.’’ Tom commented.
‘’Hahah yeah, they almost tore your shirt open,haha.’’ I said.
‘’Are we getting jealous now? Haha.’’ He teased.I just pinched his nose, and then we laughed as we entered the restaurant.
‘’Mr Daley and Miss May, right on time,let me lead you to your table,’’ The host of the Italian restaurant said.
We followed him to a cosy corner table. After sitting and making ourselves comfortable,Tom held both my hands in his,and looked me in the eyes.
‘’How do you like this place? Nice innit?" he murmured,in a soothing seductive voice.
‘’I love it,I’ve lived in London all my life,and I didn’t even know this place hehe,thanks for bringing me here Tom.‘’ I said,leaning over to kiss him.
I gave him a peck on the lips and then he smiled instantly.We let go of eachother when the waiter came by.
‘’Wine?’’ he asked.
‘’No,can we both get ginger ales please.’’ Tom replied solemly.
We were just cool like that, ordering ginger ales in a romantic sultry environment. As long as we were together,even if it was McDonald’s we would still act the same,we had chemistry.
We chatted for a while and then took come pictures.
‘’Here’s @AngelaMay making me eat calamari for the first time xxx It was disgusting lol’’ he tweeted,with a picture of me indeed holding out a fork with calamari on it for him to bite and him not looking keen to eat it.
‘’I fucking hate that bitch! Hmph!!’’
‘’You two are just perfect.’’
‘’So glad she ended up with you Tom and not Liam. Hes mine.’’
‘’Haha,hilarious you guys,really cute as well.’’
‘’She’s the perfect girlfriend for you.’’
‘’Looking hot guys,I love you both !!! xx’’
The replys were interesting and I we laughed as I read them out for Tom.Suddenly a tall handsome gentleman interrupted us.
‘’Tom Daley! Congratulations on your bronze medal,you truly deserved it mate!’’
Oh my,Ashley Cole,the footballer who played for my favorite football team,Chelsea, was standing next to our table,talking to Tom. (A/N: Football is known as Soccer in the U.S.A)
‘’Oh thanks,man,you’re a great footie player! Nice to meet you!’’ Tom replied,energetically.
Then he turned to me.
‘’This must be the most sought for model in town,you’re even more beautiful in person,Miss May!’’ he continued.
My legs numbed.
‘’Haha,thanks.Nice to meet you! Did I tell how much of a Chelsea fan I am? Goodluck this season! Haha, ‘’ I said,ecstatically.
‘’Oh that’s awesome,come to Stamford Bridge and watch us some time,cool? Okay,I gotta run,how about a group photo?’’ he said.
He came between me and Tom and then one of the waiters took the photo with Ashley’s phone.
‘’See you later,have a great night!’’Ashley remarked,before leaving the restaurant in a rush.
Oh well,that was fun.
‘’So how do you feel about meeting the guy that married and then cheated on your childhood crush?’’ I teased Tom,almost bursting into laughter. He’s celebrity obsession had been Cheryl Cole for so many years.
‘’I saw that coming haha he’s a pretty decent guy isn’t he? So unfortunate that Cheryl fell for him though haha’’ he replied. We continued to talk for about another hour and then we went back to my new place,(Yes,I had purchased a new pad,I figured that I could afford to live in a better location,I shared the Condo with Zara) to watch a movie. It had been a great night.
Zara and Andy had also gone out,yes,they had reconciled and actually started a relationship. I was so happy for her.She had texted me that she would sleep over at his place so I had the house for the night. Me and Tom could have some privacy.
‘’Oh look,he’s already uploaded it!’’ Tom said,using his twitter.
‘’Look who I bumped into tonight. Awesome pair :)’’ Ashley Cole had tweeted,with the picture of him and us at the restaurant.
I dozed off on Tom’s chest that night.It was certainly more comfy than my bed.
All these pictures of Tom and Angela on twitter were really annoying, I logged out immediately.
We were now back in London and off to rehearse for the BAFTA's that were going to be next day,we were perfoming.Danielle had been acting really weird since I came back.I didn’t really understand why but I didn’t bother to ask.
Andy seemed happy,he and Zara were now officially together,I was happy for him.It seemed every couple around me was happy,Louis and Eleanor,Zayn and Perrie,Andy and Zara,Tom and Angela even Niall and Nandos. It sucked.
I wanted to be that happy again,but I just couldn’t feel it with Danielle anymore. She had never been the jealous type but of late she was always interrogating me and making me feel like I had done something wrong. If she only knew how much I longed to be with someone else,only that that other person was also taken. Despite all my urges, I had been faithful. Many models,singers,actresses and other gorgeous women flirted with me but I never gave in to their advances,because in spite of everything,I still cared about Danielle.
‘’Woohoo,tomorrow’s gonna be sick!’’ Zayn commented, after we finished rehearsing.
‘’I hope I meet Emma Watson or something!’’ Niall shouted.
‘’’Yeeeaaaah,shes hot,’’ Harry added,nodding his head in approval.I just shook my head as I entered my car and then drove away.
I reached home to find Danielle and Eleanor talking enthusiastically in the living room.
‘’Hey guys,’’ I said,walking in.
‘’Liam! Glad you’re here babe,I need your opinion,what should I where for BAFTAs,this dress or this one?’’ Danielle said,holding two dresses and staring at me for an answer.
‘’I think you’d look pretty in both,’’ I replied,walking past her to the kitchen.
‘’I still vote strapless,’’ Eleanor added.
Danielle just stood there,motionless.‘’Strapless it is then!’’ she said,walking away to the bedroom.
‘’Soo excited about the performance?’’ Eleanor asked.
‘’Kinda nervous actually,I’m starting the song so I have to be good,’’ I replied,before taking a sip of soda.
‘’Y’all will do great,as always!’’ she replied,patting my back.
‘’Thanks,’’ I replied.
I had to wake up early the next morning and head to the venue. Me and the boys joked around a bit before actually rehearsing and preparing for our first BAFTA's performance. Meanwhile,we were hoping that our fans were voting for us to win at least one MTV Video Music Award,at the upcoming awards which were going to be held at the LA Staples Center. The tension was rising and the competition was stiff.
The hours flew and soon we had to get dressed and groomed up for the red carpet.
At around 6.30pm,celebrities and other famous personalities began streaming in to the red carpet. We took dozens of pictures with our screaming fans at the sidelines.
While we were still posing for pictures and getting interviewed by various reporters on the red carpet,a black limousine drove by which captured my attention. Then I realized the others were also staring at the car,making bets.
‘’Brad Pitt,’’ Niall said,confidently.
‘’No I'm telling you,its Jude Law!’’ Louis Tomlinson argued.
This went on for a while until finally the door of the vehicle was opened and there came out Tom Daley,dressed in a balck tuxedo looking as sharp as ever. He was smiling like a Chesire cat,and then he turned back and held his arm out. A hand from inside the car grabbed it and then Angela gracefully came out of the limousine.
‘’You all lose! Its Liam’s wonder woman’’ Zayn said coolly.
She looked amazing. I hadn’t seen her for so long,I had forgotten how flawless her skin was,and how her perfectly white teeth would glow everytime she smiled. But it wasn’t me that was making her smile this time,it was him. She was wearing a white long strapless dress,it was simple but perfect. Her natural glow was enough and she didn’t need as much make up as some of the other celebrities had put.
Our eyes met and I froze.
The eye contact lasted this time,I couldn’t resist looking into her hypnotizing eyes. Suddenly Tom called her and eyes left mine.They took pictures and signed autographs. I was feeling extremely jealous.I probably deserved it. I walked away and followed the boys into the arena.
The first part of the show flew and soon it was time for the ‘’Best Soap Opera’’ award to be given out. Tom and Angela walked out onto the stage smiling and looking as bright as ever. I couldn’t help but fidget in discomfort. Danielle who was sitting next to me also fidgeted in her seat when she saw them.
‘’And the winner of Best Primetime Soap Opera is..!’’ her voice was like music to my ears.
‘’CORONATION STREET!’’ They both exclaimed.
I couldn’t take it,seeing those two. Niall took a short glance at me,he could tell I wasn’t comfortable.Then it was time for our performance. The nerves kicked in when we were backstage. Even if I couldn’t have her,I still had my voice and my music. I took a deep breath.
‘’And now,perfoming ‘’Gotta be you’’,One Direction!!!!!!!!’’ Robert Pattinson announced.
We took off to the stage and as the music started I was consumed in the energy from the crowd of screaming girls around me.
Girl I see it in your eyes,your disappointed,
Cause im the foolish one that you anointed with your heart,
I tore it apart,
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence,
And no woman in the world deserves this,but here I am,
Asking you for one more chance...
I sang heartily,trying not to focus my eyes on the girl whom those words were meant for.My heart was now beating like a tom tom.
‘Its gotta be you,oh,
Only you’’ we concluded,before the audience attacked us with applause.
‘’Thank you! ‘’ I said,glancing at Angela,who was looking away from me but clapping. I could tell she was uneasy.
Backstage we were all glad that it was over.
‘’Great intro man,you killed it!’’ Louis screamed.
‘’Thanks!’’ I murmured.
The whole awards show had been immensely disturbing for me.Seeing Liam brought back so many emotions I thought that I had locked up in a casket forever.
He looked so handsome. He had a new hair cut. I loved it. His hair was now shorter,and he looked more mature,sexier. No Angela,focus on the Olympic diver your sitting next to,he’s way more fit.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off him and half the time I could feel his gaze fixed on me.Oh this guy,he was driving me crazy. I had a perfect guy sitting right next to me but the only thing running through my mind was Liam James Payne.
When he sang my heart sunk ,his voice was as powerful and beautiful ,as it had always been. He made me feel weak in the knees so I couldn’t stand and walk away. The words were so powerful,oh why did they have to sing ‘’Gotta Be You.’’? I didn’t want his eyes boring into mine,so I looked the other way. It was the most awkward four minutes of my life. I thought that being with Tom would help but seeing Liam just disorganized my whole being.
‘’Babe,are you okay? You’re trembling,’’ Tom said,snapping me out of my daze.
‘’Fine,just fine,babe.’’ I answered,trying to stay calm.
‘’Just feeling a little hot,are you feeling hot?’’ I added,trying to cool myself with my hand.
‘’Nope,actually feeling a bit chilly.Are you sure your okay? Maybe you have a fever?’’ he enquired,putting his hand on my forehead.
‘’I'm fine,finally the show is coming to an end,aargh’’ I said,smiling.
He smiled back, I could tell that he noticed the change in my mood. But he was Tom,the perfect boyfriend,he was patient and understanding,and he knew how to give me space.How could I dare think of another man, when he was sitting right next to me?
Use your head Angela. I thought.
The show was finally over but Liam and I were going to the after party of the awards. I was psyched. I wanted to meet all those famous actors,but something was still disturbing me as much as I had tried to ignore it all night.
Liam didn’t even glance at me when he was perfoming,that was the first time he ever did that. He had been acting so weird all night long,Its like he was totally out of his comfort zone,I thought he was just nervous cause of the performance but then I thought,he wasn’t even that nervous for their performance at the Olympics so it had to be something else.
And then I saw Angela,she looked drop dead gorgeous in her white gown but her biggest accessory,ofcourse being,Tom.
At the after party,Liam,Louis,Eleanor,Zayn,Perrie and I sat chatting at a corner.
‘’I just need some air,I’ll be right back,’’ Liam said,before walking away.
There was an awkward silence then Eleanor gave me a worried look. I didn’t know what was going on with Liam either.
It had just dawned on me that every second that I spent with Dani and away from Angela,made me desire her even more,so I had to get a break from her.I walked out and turned left,knocking a few people as I dodged my way out of the room,and then suddenly I collided with someone.
‘’Oh sorry,I just never look where im going,’’ The farmiliar voice said.
‘’No its my fault,’’ I protested,still holding my head in pain.After recollecting myself I lifted my head and saw the most beautiful woman in the world,Angie.
‘’Liam?’’ she said,in a shaky nervous voice.Her eyes widened,just like they had the first time we met.
‘’Angela.’’ I replied,bewildered by her beauty.We stared at eachother for a while before bursting into a huge laughter.
Why were we laughing? I have no idea. But it was hilarious at the time. I guess it was because it reminded us so much of how we first met.
‘’So how are you doing?’’ I asked,trying to prolong the conversation.
‘’Quite fine,Where’s Danielle?’’ she said,looking around.
‘’Umm she’s in the other room,umm where’s Tom?’’I asked,scratching my neck abit.
‘’Uhh he’s at the bar,’’ she replied.
There was a long awkward silence and I could tell from her body language that she was uncomfortable.
‘’I think I’d better go,Tom must be looking for me,’’ she said,smiling artificially.
Don’t be a sissy,Liam,not this time.She’s here,in front of you,don’t coward out. I thought.
She turned around about to walk away when I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me.
‘’Wait,’’ I begged.
‘’Uhh,’’ she mumbled.
‘’I’ve been meaning to apologize for how I acted,the last time we met, I don’t know how to explain why I acted like that,but..’’
She cut me off.
‘’It's fine Liam,don’t worry about it,’’ she said, a thin smile forming on her lips.
‘’NO ITS NOT FINE!’’ I shouted.A look of surprise dawned on her pretty face,and a couple of the people near us as well.
‘’I’ve been such a jerk to you Angela,i’ve treated you like your completely worthless when your really worth more than what I could ever give you,and I freaked out, okay? I have never met someone this amazing and I didn’t know what to do! And ever since I couldn’t stop wondering in my head what it would have been if,if I just treated you right,like you should be treated,and I feel like such a fool for letting a beautiful,smart,and funny girl like you just slip away like that,and now,I just,I just want to make things right Angela,I want to make it up to you.’’
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