《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 9
I had received numerous texts and calls from my friends and family. They were all so excited to see me on telly and especially on that show. Twitter was exploding with tweets about Tom and I. I had received over 50,000 followers just after the show aired. I bet they were all Tom Daley fans.
‘’Check this pic out,Tom Daley checking Angela May out.’.
‘’That was a great episode of the Jonathan Ross show,so great that Tom and Angela were there.’’
‘’Tom Daley tap thaaat now!!’’
‘’Angela May,forget Liam,look at Tom Daley’s gorgeous face.’’
‘’How could Liam Payne not go out with this girl?’’
‘’Tom Daley looking fiiinnnee!!’’
I giggled reading the tweets. All in all it had been an awesome night. And then I remembered. Zara! I hadn’t talked to her in 2 days! I typed in her number and pressed dial.
‘’Zar! Babe! I've missed you soo much.’’
‘’Yeah whatever.’’
‘’Umm Zar,whats going on?’’
‘’You know what? Just go back to your celeb friends now,you don’t care about me anymore.’’
‘’Wait ! Zar!-‘’ and she hang up.
What was going on with Zara? I knew her well,she wasn’t the type to act like that. I picked up my purse and left for her apartment. I had to talk to her.
Minutes later.
‘’Zar! Please open,its me! We need to talk!’’ I shouted while knocking the door.
A minute later just as I was about to turn and leave,she opened the door slowly. Her eyes were swollen and her eye bags puffy.
‘’Zar,oh my goodness ,what happened?’' I said with concern evident in my voice.I held her hand and dragged her to the couch,eager to hear her predicament so that I could help her.
‘’Here,look,’’ She mumbled,pointing to the laptop on the coffee table.It was a picture of Andy making out with a blonde girl,the background was definitely Funky Buddha.Then she burst out crying again,she lay her head on my shoulder.
‘’Oh No Zar,don’t worry! Please don’t be like this,I hate seeing you this miserable,don’t worry about him,there other guys out there for you.’’ I said, trying to console my heartbroken bestfriend.
‘’I just, I .. I was beginning to actually like him,you know,like ,a lot and then..this is what happens?’’ she mumbled,sobbing after every word.
‘’Don’t be like that. Be strong Zara Hamilton,I know you liked him,but first,he was probably wasted when this happened and also,Boys Suck.So babe,you have to get it together.Cmon! your beautiful,intelligent,he doesn’t even deserve you.’’
‘’Thanks,that made me feel better,’’ she said,wiping off her tears.
‘’We need a break man,see,your coming with me to Plymouth! Lets forget about this place for a while yeah?’’
‘’Plymouth? Why you going all the way there?’’
‘’Oh, umm Tom Daley invited me,so you coming or what?’’ I asked.
‘Is that even a question? Hell yes! I wouldn’t miss Tom freaking Daley for the world! He’s hot! I saw him complimenting you on telly today hmm!!’’ She said,nudging me little bit.Finally,she was back to normal.
‘’Haha,hes so sweet,and polite and everything! Cant wait for you to meet him and his mates! They are all so cool!’’
We screamed a little for a while then got some icecream and watched ‘Borat’again. It was hilarious! I was happy that she wasn’t depressed anymore. I needed some bff time.
Arriving at the train station in Wolverhampton,I was exhausted. I got out and hauled for a cab immediately before anyone noticed me.Danielle had been texting me but I didn’t feel like replying. I needed time alone.
I was happy to be back home again,I really missed the place.It hadn’t changed much since the last time I was there.9 months ago,I was busy with the One Direction US tour and work in the studio that I hadn’t visited my family in a long while. I missed my sisters immensely,couldn’t wait to give them a surprise visit.
The cab pulled up in front of my childhood home and I walked out and pressed on the door bell.My heart was beating with expectancy to see my mother or father.The door opened noisily and then my mom stood there,staring back at me with awe!
‘’Is that my Liam? Oh my God! Liam,son! I've missed you so much! I cant believe you’re here! Come in here!’’ She said,as she embraced me tightly in her arms.She stroked my hair as I walked in,joy in her eyes.
‘’I've missed you so much mom,you have no idea,I'm so glad to be back here! Where’s dad?’’I remarked.
‘’Geoff! Your son is here!Liam is here,can you believe it! ‘’ She shouted.Seconds later my dad drifted into the room and gave me a tight hug then a pat on the back.
‘’Liam,so glad to see you son! Took you long enough to come visit? Hows London?’’
‘’Oh London is just fine,not better than home though.’’ I said. We all laughed together and then we sat at the living room.We talked about everything and then my mom prepared my favorite food.Then the kitchen door swang open and a voice was singing loudly.
‘’Baby,you light up my world like nobody else,the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,’’ I chuckled at the farmiliar voice.
‘’She’s a fan,’’ my dad joked,and we all laughed in accord.It was my sister Ruth. As soon as she saw me,her eyes widened with excitement.
‘’Liam! OMG!What a surprise! ‘’ She exclaimed,while coming over to hug me.
‘’Missed you sis,hows it going?’’
‘’Oh totally boring,you know,my life isn’t as fun as yours! Thanks for the Zayn Malik autographed shirt you sent me! I wear it to bed haha.’’
‘’Haha,i'll make sure he gets to know that.’’
We talked and joked around for a bit,just like the old times.It was really great to be back home.
After Zara and I had finished packing and were set to go,I texted Tom.
We are on our way to the train station,we’l be there in 2 hours,see you later! xx!
I got a reply a few minutes later.
Awesome,cant wait! We are gonna have so much fun,youl love it here! Xx
And then I got more excited.
The train ride was long but Zara and I didn’t run out of stuff to talk about. Soon we arrived at Plymouth and then got a cab to take us to our hotel. I took a long nap before waking up to find Zara staring outside the window keenly.
‘’Oh your awake! Get dressed! Lets check this place out!’’
A few minutes later,I was dressed and we took a stroll down the street checking out the city. It was decent and peaceful and then my phone vibrated violently in my pocket.
‘’Okay,hope you got some rest,meet us at Le Vermont restaurant for dinner at 7.30pm.Eager to meet your friend as well,see you later! x’’
I showed Zara the text and she jumped up in excitement.
‘’So what are we waiting for,lets go get ready! This is Tom Daley,we are talking about.’’ She proclaimed,increasing her pace as we walked back to the hotel.
We went back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. We wore our dinner dresses and high heels making no mistake,we looked hot. Entering the cab,i gave the driver directions and then we set off. My heart was racing with anxiety.It was sure to be a fun night. We arrived at the restaurant,and upon entering I immediately noticed Tom and Chris at a corner table. They were seated with another girl,whom,I couldn’t recognize. We walked up to them hastily and greeted them.
‘’Oh great you made it,Wow,you guys look phenomenal!’’ he exclaimed while kissing my cheek.
‘’Haha thanks,glad to be here.Oh and this is my bestfriend,Zara!’’ I said.
‘’Nice to meet you beautiful.’’ Tom said,before kissing her cheek as well.Zara instantly turned pink.It was hilarious.
‘’You know Chris yeah?and this is Brooke.’’ Tom added,as we sat down.
‘’Hey!’’ Zara and I said,almost in unison to Brooke.
We talked for a while after ordering drinks and Zara and I said how cool Plymouth was.
‘’Wait till I take you guys to the beach tomorrow,’’ Tom said solemnly. It was so much fun,hanging out with him.
‘’Guess we should order now.’’ Chris said,looking up to spot a waiter.
One noticed us and came by.We ordered our meals and then continued with our conversation.
‘’I mean seriously,doesn’t it bother you that a million people worldwide are watching you dive,in those speedos?haha,’’’ I teased Tom.
He continued to defend himself and the laughter seemed to be never ending. Our food came and we enjoyed every bite of it. Then for desert, turned out Tom and I were both in love with icecream.Later we ordered more drinks and just chatted away. I could listen to Tom speaking the whole night long,he’s voice was so soothing and his Plymouth accent evident. We were all really crazy so the jokes we cracked were seriously humorous. We even began attracting attention from people sitting near us. It had been an epic night,and come to think of it.It was only my first night in Plymouth,there was more of this to come.
We walked out of the restaurant together after dinner,the whole lot of us was still laughing and giggling at something Zara had said earlier.
‘’She’s so funny,I cant stop laughing,’’ Tom said, coming right next to me.
‘’Yeah I know,shes crazy! Oh tonight was so much fun !’’ I replied.He put his hand around my back over to my arm. It felt nice and warm to be so close to him.
‘’I know right? Looking forward to tomorrow! I'll show you how we get down in Plymouth haha,’’ he added,smiling.
‘’Oh yeah? Cant wait then,Pleeease wear speedos for me!’’ I said,jokingly.
‘’Hahaha,is that supposed to be a dare? Challenge accepted then,’’ he mused,looking at me.
‘’Right,i'll see you tomorrow then Tom! Lets see what Plymouth has to offer! ‘’ I said,leaning over for a hug. He compressed me in his muscular arms making me feel weak.I rested there for a while before hearing Zara’s distant voice
‘’Our ride is here,Ang! Lets go!’’
‘’See you later babe,’’ he said,before letting go of me. He watched me enter the car and then he walked away to his friends.
‘’WHAT A NIGHT!’’ Zara exclaimed,removing her heels.
‘’Absolutly epic. I love those guys!’’ I remarked,slouching on the car seat.
'‘And Tom is so so so so gorgeous! I think he likes you, hes been checking you out!’’Zara mentioned
‘’Hahaha are you serious? How do you manage to notice all this stuff?’’
‘’Just what I do’’ she said,and we giggled the whole way back.Upon entering our hotel room,we both fell on our beds and dozed off till morning.
Danielle’s POV
I hated everything that was going on.Liam was away in Wolverhampton and I was really bored. I sat on the couch at home with a tub of icecream watching Eastenders when I heard the doorbell. ‘’Who could this be?’’ I murmured to myself.
Swinging the door open I see the tall,curly haired,green eyed member of One Direction,Harry Styles.
’’Hey Danielle,just came by to drop off Liam’s blazer,he left if at the studio before he went to Wolves.’’
‘’Hey Harry Warry! Thanks for that,come in will you?’’ I asked,desperate for some company.
‘’Cool,’’ he replied,walking inside my apartment.
‘’Umm Danielle,is there something wrong?’’ he said,my face shot up. How could he tell?i looked at him,my eyebrows twitching.
‘’It's just that,whenever I see girls eating that much icecream,infront of the telly,watching Eastenders. There's usually a problem,whats up Dani? What's disturbing a pretty girl like you,’’ he said,turning to look at my reaction.
I was rendered speechless. I didn’t know whether to tell him,but I really needed to talk to someone,and he might have just been the best person for it.
‘’It's Liam,’’ I mumbled,walking towards the couch,where he joined me seconds later.
‘’Liam? What did he do this time?’’he questioned,looking concerned.
‘’I don’t know,hes just not been the same ever since……’’ and I continued,pouring out all my emotions and feelings to this guy. I figured that him being on of Liam’s bestfriends,he’d give me some good advice.
Soon an hour had past and Harry and I had talked about everything. He seemed to comprehend the situation very well,and his advice gave me hope as well.
‘’Thanks for this Harry,oh,this is so embarrassing,’’ I said,turning red.
‘’No Danielle,you're just human,and we all have feelings and emotions.Just call me anytime you need to talk,okay? Its going to be alright,your too pretty to be crying,’’ he said,lifting my face so that I could look at his broad encouraging smile. He opened his arms and I fell in,giving him a big hug. Talking to him had really made me feel better about the whole Liam situation.
‘’Let me get you some coffee or something,cool?’’ I asked,standing up stiffly.
‘’Awesome!’’ He replied.
As I stood up I didn’t bother to look where I was stepping and suddenly I stepped on a pillow that slipped and seconds later I was lying in Harry’s arms.
‘’Haha oh my,are you okay?’’ he enquired,almost bursting into laughter.
‘’Thanks to you,’’ I said,staring into his deep emerald green eyes. He was really cute.’’Remember Liam’’ was a thought that crossed my mind at that moment but in the midst of the tension and physical cohesiveness,I found myself kissing Harry.
What the hell are you doing Danielle?
I woke up the next day in my old room, seeing my huge Leona Lewis poster on my wall. She still looked beautiful.
I could smell my mum’s pancakes from the room,so I rubbed my eyes and got out of the bed. Home was so peaceful. I dragged my feet downstairs to join my family in breakfast. Then suddenly a screeching voice greeted me.
’’Liam! Lil bro,Oh my God,look at you! So glad you decided to visit! We’ve missed you so much.’’ It was Nicola,my other sister. My mum had informed her that I was around so she must have dropped by to say hi.
‘’Nicki! You look great! Have you been working out?’’ I asked jokingly.
Soon,the whole family was at the dinner table eating the delicious breakfast my mum had made.
‘’So where’d you leave your beautiful girlfriend?’’ My mum asked,smiling.
‘’Oh her,umm she’s busy in London with her dancing schedule and all so she couldn’t come.’’I said,before the whole room went silent.
‘’No not that one,she means the one in the new Justin Bieber video! The model!’’ Ruth exclaimed.
What? My family too?
‘’Umm I don’t know,’’ I replied honestly playing with my fork. There was a short silence before my mum asked us if we wanted more pancakes and we all refused,already full from the first round.
Later I got dressed and speeded down the stairs,hoping to meet a couple of my Wolverhampton mates in the afternoon.My mum stopped me before I walked out of the door.
‘’Liam,son,please come,sit down.’’
I was surprised but then I followed her to the living room and sat on the couch,next to her.
‘’Whats up mom?’’ I said.
‘’Listen son,is there anything you want to tell me,I noticed how uneasy you got when Ruth mentioned that girl,is everything fine back in London?’’ She asked,hitting the spot.
‘’Mum,’’ I mumbled,lost for words.What could I tell her? That I was doubting my feelings for Danielle cause of a girl that I had met a few weeks ago? That this girl was all I could think about but I had messed up everything with her?
Yes, that’s exactly what I told her.
‘’Its this girl…she’s my world.’’ I murmured, looking away from her.
‘’But your with Danielle and you don’t know if you genuinely like this girl? Right?’’ she hit the spot yet again.
‘’Yeah,exactly,and I've been with Dani for so long,it just doesn’t seem like its worth it but oh my,shes all I think about and I don’t want to hurt Danielle but I don’t know what to think anymore because I messed everything up and she probably thinks I'm a jerk and now shes meeting new guys,Justin Bieber here,Tom Daley there and I just I just…’’
‘’Woah,relax son,you need to calm down,everything is gonna work out.If this girl really likes you like you like her,she’l come through,and as for Danielle,I think you should tell her how you feel and please,don’t stay in a relationship with someone you don’t love,its much better to be alone.Okay?’’ she added.
‘’Yes.Thanks mom,’’ I replied.
‘’Now go off to your friends! Take care!’’ she said.I stood up and walked out of the door.I breathed a sigh of relief.
Finally that was out of my chest.
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