《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 8
Angela’s POV
The video was awesome!My acting was so brilliant! Zara and I screamed up and down for a while before we got tired and sat on her couch. I couldn’t fathom the thought that that video was going to be shown everywhere in the world,and I was in it! I even questioned my existence.
Suddenly I heard my phone ring and reached out and picked it up.
‘’Ang! I just saw you on tv,what the hell? You didn’t even tell us that you were in a Justin Bieber video,that’s crazy! ‘’ My small brother,Nathan,shouted over the phone exasperatedly.Suddenly,he was cut short by another voice.
‘’Angela,when were you planning to tell your own mother that you were a model?’’
‘’Ummm,I'm sorry mum,I just didn’t have-‘’ but before I could finish
‘’You look amazing! So where was the shoot?That doesn’t look like London ,‘’she continued.
‘’New York! I'll come over soon and tell you all about it,I miss you mummy! But I have to go now,I have another call,’’ I cut and accepted the pending call
‘’Yeah,’’ I replied happily.
‘’You..in…Justin…Bieber….video….what the efff is that!’’ Lynn,my friend from school screamed. I knew that she was a big fan of his so I couldn’t blame her.
‘’Thanks,’’ I replied solemnly. ‘’Okay Lynn,I have to go now.’’
I had received 30 texts in between those two phone calls.
You on my television.
Girll,your soo pretty,damnit! Tell JB that you have pretty friends too eh? Xx
OMG I just saw you in the new JB video,this is like the most random thing ever Ang .
High five.
Hey ,how you doin!
I read the texts quickly as they came and it all made me happy but also nervous for some weird reason. Guess I was a bit overwhelmed.
‘’You think that’s bad,wait till you get on twitter.’’Zara said smiling widely as she used her Ipad.
‘’OH SH*T! Lemme log in!’’ I replied.
The trending topics already freaked me out. Going on to check my mentions and I was left in complete utter shock.
Look at @Justinbieber ‘s new video with beautiful @AngelaMay !
I must admit I love this one.Cheers @justinbieber and @angelamay xxx
How do you like the video for #AsLongAsYouLoveMe ? Great fun working with @angelamay . She’s stunning .
Okay okay so all these celebrities had mentioned me incuding millions of other people. I held my breath and checked my profile.
Woah,I got all that from being in a Justin Bieber video. Oh my goodness. I wanted to tweet something but I was lost for words.I cant explain how dazed i was from all that was happening.
‘’Cant believe the video is trending.Glad everyone enjoyed it. I hope we all have a copy of #Believe by @justinbieber ! Cheers!’’ I tweeted anxiously after finally finding the words.
The number of retweets,tweets and subtweets I was receiving was overwhelming. I wasn’t used to it at all. I gave up and just logged out.
‘’This is too much.’’I said glancing over to Zara who was making a cup of hot chocolate.
‘’Your famous Ang, enjoy it.If you don’t like it then there’s only one person you can blame.’’
She didn’t have to finish the sentence for me to know. It was Liam.
I owed him all this,I hadn’t seen him in a while but I needed to call him and thank him for hanging out with me the day I got famous,in a jokingly way of course.’’
Suddenly I received another call, it was Scott so I picked it up immediately.
‘’Superb work Angie! You look amazing! The video is on replay at the office! Congrats ! ‘’
‘’Thanks Scott! I owe it all to you!’’ I replied.
‘’Aaaw,now one more thing,you need a manager now,and I think I know who’s right for you.’’
‘’Who’s that?’’
‘’Umm…me? Haha,so don’t worry,il take care of everything.See you later !’’ he replied and the call ended.
That was weird.But I couldn’t shake off the adrenalin. I was a bit scared to go out in public. I drowned into a deep ocean of thoughts then eventually fell asleep on Zara’s couch.
Danielle’s POV
Liam had found out about Angela being on Cosmo and he had texted me about it too.It made me a little nervous why he was so concerned.
‘’Would you like to tell me why you threw away one of your Cosmo’s for the first time ever?’’ He sent.
‘’Umm..it was a boring issue,’’I replied.
‘’Or was it because Angela was in it?’’ He replied.
I didn’t know what to reply.When I got home I found Andy sitting on the couch watching television.
‘’Where’s Liam?’’I asked politely.
‘’Somewhere in here.. YO LIAM!!!! Your pretty girlfriend is here,'’ he shouted, making me blush slightly.Liam came out of our room and gave me a hug, ignoring that I had leaned in for a kiss.
‘’Yeah! I can’t get tired of this video!’’ Andy suddenly remarked. It drew both Liam and my attention to the tv screen where I saw Angela. I was taken aback. She was in a Justin Bieber video. How did that even happen?
‘’Well,I don’t like it,please change the channel,’’ Liam replied before walking away to the kitchen.
‘’Now now,’’ Andy said,jokingly.
‘’That girl really used you to get what she wanted now didn’t she?’’ I said,looking over at Liam to see his reaction.
He shrugged but didn’t answer. What was happening? Liam had changed so much but I didn’t know why. I didn’t like it at all,and it all started when he met that good for nothing,Angela.
I wasn’t going to let her ruin my relationship with Liam.
I felt bad that I had been avoiding Danielle,but it was much better than pretending to be happy around her when something was really disturbing me. Ever since that music video came out I couldn’t stop thinking about Angela. I felt as if I had really messed things up with her and that there was no way to fix it,but then again I asked myself why it even mattered,I had Danielle,I had an awesome life before her,she was actually the cause of all this drama in my life but I couldn’t shake off the desire to see her again. To speak to her and see the glitter in her eyes when she laughed.. To smell her natural scent on my shirt,to hold her hand. I wanted to tell her something,I just didn’t know what or how. And I wanted to be within her vicinity.I just didn’t know why.
Everyone was smiling at me and others winking and congratulating me when I got back to the agency the next morning.
‘’Nice work’’
‘’Yeahh you did it.High five!’’
All the comments were being made about me,it really boosted my confidence so I entered Scott’s office ready for whatever challenge he had prepared for me.
‘’Angie! Glad your early,I want you to see this. Its your schedule.You have a lot of bookings soon so I put them all down for you,also umm..’'
I was too excited to let him finish.
‘’Thanks Scott,this is awesome! ‘’
‘’Yeah,that’s what I do! Hehe! Oh and also,this Friday your going to the London Metropolitan Studios ..’’
‘’Why?’’I asked,a little nervously.
‘’You are going to be on the Jonathan Ross show.They really want you on the show.’’he added.
‘’What?!They are going to interview me? About what? How I got famous cause of a stupid rumor then all of a sudden landed a modeling job thereafter and starred in a Justin Bieber video?No Scott, I'm not worth this’
‘’Seems like you are,your going to be there together with Tom Daley,Rita Ora and Colin Farrell’
‘WHAT? That’s crazy.’I shouted.
It was crazy. I was going to be in the same show as an Olympic Diver,A Singing Sensation and a Hollywood actor? I had barely finished my degree and I had just modeled in a music video! I couldn’t understand what the hype was about. Was it still about Liam? I didn’t want to answer any more questions about him.
Was it about Justin Bieber? Aaargh,everything was moving too fast. A week ago I was watching the Jonathan Ross show on my couch at home,laughing at his hilarious jokes and now,I was going to be a part of it? The feeling was indescribable.
I could say no more. I walked out of his office,thoughts blurred and then walked all the way to Starbucks and ordered for a capuchino. I just sat there,drinking the warm liquid,while thinking,’’What the hell did I get myself into.’’
I arrived at the London Metro Studios in the early afternoon that Friday. ‘’Oh great,you’re here!’’a bald man wearing glasses implored,approaching me.
‘’Umm yeah,’’ I replied.
‘’Follow me,lets go meet Jonathan,’’ he continued.
‘’Oh and by the way,im Chester,the director of the JR show,’’
‘’Oh brilliant! Nice to meet you,’’ I said,shaking his hand.
A few minutes later a middle aged,brown haired man came out of the dressing room looking very exhausted.
‘OMG Its Jonathan Ross’ was all I could think of.
’Angela Angela Angela! So glad you could make it to the show,you really are prettier in person eh?’’ he mused.
‘’Uh..dont mention it! I love this show anyway,real honour.Thanks for inviting me.Your hilarious’ I said,overjoyed.
‘’Taping is going to start soon,the make up artists and waiting for you in that room dear,although you really don’t need it hehe’’ Chester said,giggling and pointing to a room at the corner.
I made my way to the room and sat down uneasily in one of the arm chairs. I looked at myself in the mirror.
‘’Who is that girl?’' I mumbled to myself before being interrupted by a bang on the door.
‘’Oh hey,I'm Meg,il be doing you make up.Richard is coming to fix your hair up a bit though. Your gorgeous,’’ she explained.
‘’Ha! Thanks!’’
She had applied foundation under my eyes,eye shadow and mascara on my eyes and blush before suddenly the door swang open and I heard footsteps approaching. I couldn’t turn my head so I waited till the person sat right next to me and I saw his face on his mirror which was next to mine.
It was Tom Daley. Olympic bronze medallist in the 10m platform diving event. I was a big fan of his.I watched him when he won his bronze medal. What an inspiration,and he was fitter in person. A million girls all over the world would kill to be where I am right now.
‘’Hi,I'm Tom,you must be Angela ,’’ he said turning to look at me.
I was shocked to silence.Meg finished up on my make up and moved aside.
‘’Yeah,Oh my! Tom Daley,your amazing by the way.’’ I blurted.
‘’Thanks.Are you as excited to be here as I am?’’ He asked.
‘’I'm overwhelmed,almost cant believe it haha,’’ I replied.
We talked for a few minutes and then Meg began doing his make up. Yes,his makeup.While my hair was being done,I stared into his mirror again to watch him while he was texting on his iPhone.
So hot. I thought to myself. I knew how much teenage girls all over were obsessed with the guy,that was sitting right next to me.The feeling was absurd and yet gravely overwhelming.
When my hair was done,Tom and I had a two minute convo before Chester peeped in and called us on to the set.Outside the set I was able to meet Rita Ora whose bright red lipstick was noticeable from a distance and Colin Farrell who looked pretty sharp. We all chatted for a bit before being led on to the set by the assistant director.
Tom went up first and he was interviewed about his whole Olympic experience thing and then Jonathan Ross called me up next.
‘’I understand your only 18 years old,Tom.Its great how you got to achieve so much at your age.’’ I heard Jonathan say.
‘’Speaking of another 18 year old,who has really blown us away this couple of weeks with her outstanding beauty and determination,Angela May!’ He shouted and then I was signaled to walk in the set.
I went and sat directly next to Tom,who was looking fit wearing a Burberry t-shirt,black blazer and pants.He looked even hotter with clothes on,I was too used to seeing him in speedos alone.
‘’So how do you feel to be here?’’he asked solemnly.
‘’Oh completely amazing,I always watch this show,to be here is an amazing feeling really.’’ I replied,a bit short of breath. All the cameras made me a little anxious at first but Tom being next to me,made it all better.Jonathan asked me a bunch of questions about how I was studying Software Engineering and modeling as well. Somehow they had found out about my music blog as well,so he mentioned it as well. Generally the interview started off pretty well,up until he asked the question I didn’t want to answer.
‘’Ofcourse,the first time you got into the limelight is because you were rumored to be dating Liam Payne,of One Direction,when he in fact has a girl friend. How was it like to be in that situation?’’
‘’It wasn’t much of a bother to me at first,but then it got to a point when names like ‘whore’ and ’mistress’ were being pinned on me and It got a little offensive so I'm just glad that Liam was able to clear the whole thing up.’’
‘’So you met him at a club right?’'
‘Yes’ I replied stenly.
‘’The pictures that were taken really looked pretty suggestive. Cause from where im seeing really,the hand holding,the cuddling,Are you sure nothing else is going on between you two?’he finally enquired staring directly into my eyes.
It took me some time to answer. I glanced at the photos of Liam and I which had been projected on the big screen. It was true,they did look suggestive.I didn’t want to lie in front of all those viewers but also the truth wasn’t necessary as well.
‘’Nothing. We just hanged out that night,and that was it. We had fun at the party and then it was over.No big deal’’I said,trying to convince the solemn faced talk show host. Meanwhile,Tom’s gaze had been fixed on me the whole time. I tried to ignore it because of all the cameras focused on me.
‘’So your just friends,do you still keep in touch with Liam or that was the last time you saw him?’’ oh this man was killing me.
‘’Umm, we talk occasionally but that’s as far as it goes really. I mean,he has a girlfriend,and im happily single so..yeah,’’ I said,before realizing the impact of those words.
‘’I just saw Tom smiling when you said that.’’ Jonathan mentioned while laughing.
‘’Well..what can I say.Im sure I’m not the only glad one.’’Tom replied giggling.And then Jonathan turned back to me.
‘’And what about the fans? I mean the ‘Directioners’,since now you have your own fans,how did they react to all the rumors?’’
‘’Well actually most of them were every nice,and supportive. I'm a directioner myself so they were really happy for me I guess. Like OMG YOU MET LIAM kinda thing yeah’’ I added.
We all laughed.
‘’Well,its been great having you two amazing 18 year olds here,thank you very much for coming through,Tom and Angela,and I wish you goodluck with your future endeavours,’’ he said.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
After our interview,Tom and I returned to the dressing room and talked about the whole experience. He was so funny and polite. He really was a perfect lad.He was smart,talented,hot.What more do you need?
‘’Hey,im going to eat fajitas with a couple of my diving friends,want to come?’’ He asked,as we exchanged numbers before he took a photo of me and him with his phone.
‘’Yeah sure.’’ I wasn’t about to miss the chance of hanging out with him he was pretty cool,besides,I had nothing to do for the rest of the night waiting for the show to be aired at 10pm.
We went to the Mexican restaurant and ate together with other Team GB divers that I had always wanted to meet.Chris Mears,Tonia Couch and Jack Laugher. We chatted and talked and took photos. Those guys were awesome! I hadn’t even remembered to update Zara on all that was happening. I felt so bad about it. I asked Tom for an autograph for her. He did it immediately.After dinner, it was 9:02 pm and as I took a ride back home I tweeted.
Catch me on the Jonathan Ross show at 10pm y’all
I scrolled down my timeline and saw that Tom had tweeted the same thing only he had also uploaded pictures of him,Rita Ora and I.
‘’Backstage at the Jonathan Ross show with @AngelaMay x’’ he tweeted,together with a cute pic of me and him making a funny face.
The retweets and replies were numerous.
Aaaaw,y’all are so cute together.
Both of you,perfection.
Haha,funny guys.
You guys should date #nicely
Aaargh this girl gets all the hot ones
What a whore,now your going for Tom? Tsk tsk
Tom then followed me on twitter and I instantly followed him back. Jack and Chris posted the photos of the dinner. It had been a fun day. Suddenly I received a text message.
‘’You looked amazing today,fun chilling out,we should do it together sometime,maybe you can come down to Plymouth?’’ It was Tom.How awesome was that?
‘’Yeah definitely,I've always wanted to go down there xx’ I replied hastily.
‘’Cool,il call you later then xx ‘’
A smile forcefully etched on my face as I read his last text,Tom was really a sweet guy.It would be great to know him better plus he was really really really hot.
Liam’s POV
It had been a long day. We had perfomed at a gig at Hyde Park and the turn out was insane. I really loved our fans,they were all so dedicated,if I could meet each one of them I would.
I lay on the sofa and logged on to twitter to see the fans feedback on the show. The first thing I see on my timeline is pictures of Tom and Angela. That was seriously random so I loaded Tom’s profile and read his tweets.
‘’Had so much at the Jonathan Ross show today with @AngelaMay and @RitaOra ! Catch the show at 10pm tonight ! xx “)’
What? Angie was going to be on the JR show? Oh no. I wondered what they asked her and how she might have answered. But she was smart so I was sure she knew how to handle the tough questions.It was 9.50pm and there were 10 more minutes till the show started. I simply couldn’t miss it.
Danielle’s POV
I reached home to find Liam sitting on the couch,using his phone.
‘’Hey babe!" I said.
‘’Oh hey!’' he replied dully.
‘’Watchu upto tonight?'' I said leaning in to peck his cheek.
‘’Waiting for the Jonathan Ross show to start,’’
‘’Oh yeah,I heard that Tom is gonna be in it! Cool lets watch!’’ I said,excitedly.
I sat next to him,hoping he would cuddle me in his arms like he used to. He was still using his phone. Suddenly the theme music was played and the show started. Liam’s head shot up. He looked nervous.I didn’t bother to ask him,I knew all about his random moods.
‘’Oh Tom,he looks sharp!’ I commented as the show went on.
‘’Speaking of another 18 year old,who has really blown us away this couple of weeks with her outstanding beauty and determination,Angela May!’
I was numbed with shock. What the hell was that girl doing on television again? I saw Liam fidgeting as he watched the show,I guess he was as shocked as I was.
Jonathan Ross was asking her all kinds of questions,I was glad that she made it clear that she wasn’t interested in Liam.
’’What a desperate bitch,’’ I said,standing up.
‘’Don't be rude Danielle,’’ Liam said,standing up as well,after the show was over.
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