《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 6
I felt awful about walking out on Angie like that the other day but I needed to do it for the sake of me and Danielle. Felt like I had this heart burn that just wouldn't go away and it sucked. She was a great girl and she deserved better. The past couple of days , I had spent them with her. We went to the amusement park and watched a movie and I started to remember the reasons I had fallen for her in the first place. Also,it had kept my mind off thinking about Angela for a while.I convinced myself that she was just a forbidden fruit and all I felt for her was pure infatuation. How could I have sincere feelings for a girl I met in a club a week ago?
The only girl I could love had to be Danielle,and only Danielle.Plus Danielle was already used to my crazy lifestyle.She was my ideal girlfriend. I had to forget about Angela and keep my distance.My birthday was soon so I was excited to finally turn 19. I had grown up so fast considering that a few years ago I was auditioning for the X factor at 16 years old. Time flies.
The day had finally come! It was Liam’s birthday today. I had planned out the whole day for us.
In the afternoon his family and close friends came by to our place where I surprised him with a mega huge Batman cake. He looked genuinely surprised and happy. He immediately took a picture with the cake and gave me a huge kiss.
‘’Oh Danielle your amazing! Thank you babe!" He exclaimed, enthusiastically.
‘’Oh thank your sisters too,they helped me with that,’’I added pointing at Ruth and Nicola.
That evening, I took Liam to his favorite club,Funky Buddha,and surprised him with a huge birthday party. All his bandmates were there and all his friends as well. It was crazy fun. There was a lot of paparrazi as we entered the club but that was good so that people could be sure that I was his one and only. The party was insane and the club even brought out their own custom made cake for Liam. It was brilliant. We all sang for him and then the party went on. His mates poured champagne on him at the end of the party and so when we reached home he was soaking wet with champagne. The night had been awesome and it was all because of me. I bet Liam wasn’t thinking of that girl anymore because I was the one that was really meant for him.
I sat with discomposure in the waiting room at the airport with can of soda in my hand. I was thrilled about going to New York,that was something I had only dreamt about, together with meeting Liam Payne of One Direction,and it looked like both dreams had come true.
I pulled out my phone and logged on to my twitter page. I scrolled down my TimeLine,laughing at all the parody accounts I had followed till I saw a particular tweet that changed my mood.
‘’OMG I cant believe Danielle surprised me with this awesome cake and brought down all my friends and family for my birthday! It was amazing! Xx’’
Next to the tweet was a photo of Liam standing next to a huge Batman cake, smiling cheerfully. For some reason I felt as if I had lost,I didn’t understand why,but it felt as if I was losing out.
I was glad that Liam had had an awesome birthday and that Danielle was a good enough girlfriend to throw him a dope party. It was wonderful,but I couldn’t shake off the feeling. I hadn’t even remembered that it was his birthday. I hadn’t seen him since the day he walked out on me,Andy and Zara at the restaurant and after that the only thing I had wondered about was Justin Bieber,New York,Cosmo,and how Zara and Andy were becoming extremely close.
‘’Flight to New York,British Airways Boarding Now,’’ a solemn voice from the speaker.
I stood up,and picked my hand luggage,’’NY here I come!"
I was bored and needed something to do so I started searching for ‘Liam Payne’ on Google. A lot of stuff came out about him,I was glad.
Danielle Peazer throws for boyfriend,Liam Payne,an epic birthday party at a London Club.
ONE DIRECTION NEWS : Liam Payne celebrates 19th birthday party with girlfriend,Danielle,and mates at London Club on Saturday Night
Liam Payne 19th Birthday Party Pics Here!
It felt good reading the articles,I knew that I was back on top again as the ideal girlfriend for Liam.There were numerous pictures of Liam and I entering the club while he held my hand,and some of us inside the club chilling out and having fun.It was great and I was proud.
Suddenly,I heard a knock on the door. I swang the door open to find my mail on the ground. I bent over to pick it up,separating Liam’s from mine then I see the September issue of Cosmopolitan that I had been waiting for.
‘’August 30th,well they are early this time,’’I said to myself. The cover of the month was Nicole Scherzingher,I loved her,I almost danced for her once but the show was cancelled. Looking at the side stories,I was shocked to see Angela,that girl Liam was with.
‘’Angela’s Autumn Closet’’ it read,I immediately flipped the magazine open and saw the spread. Unfortunately, she looked breathtakingly gorgeous. But I thought she had said that she wasn’t a model? I guess she had taken her negative publicity in a positive way and bagged herself a job. I couldn’t let Liam see this. I opened the dustbin lid and threw the magazine inside.
Something was up with Liam ,he seemed to be preoccupied with thoughts all the time. Ever since that night at Joey’s party he had been acting differently. He didn’t speak much of his girlfriend like before,he came in early for studio,he didn’t talk much. This was so unlike him. Maybe it was that girl,Angela,who had caused so much stir in his life. Is Liam in love with another woman that isn’t Danielle?
Angela’s POV
New York was beautiful and sunny. After staying at my hotel for the night,the next morning,I made my way to the Ford Models offices in New York. They were all so welcoming and some of the top models there gave me a lot of modeling advice. I had to admit that modeling wasn’t exactly my talent or passion in life,I loved technology and music instead,but I needed the money as well as the satisfaction of being in a Justin Bieber video.
The PR manager at the agency texted me later that day while I was at Starbucks sipping some coffee.
’’Miss May,tomorrow is the first day of shooting,we will pick you up from your hotel at around 7am in the morning,bring all you’ve got. Later!’’
It was actually happening. The hysteria of this whole experience was catching up with me.Nothing could be better at the time. I removed my laptop hoping to get some free wifi and e-mail Zara. I went to my homepage which was Yahoo! Among the top news articles in the website was really interesting for me to read.
Dancer Danielle Peazer throws for boyfriend,Liam Payne,an awesome 19th birthday party at London Club ‘Funky Buddha’ for exclusive PICS click here.
I couldn’t stop my fingers from clicking on it and then I saw several pictures of the party. Liam holding Danielle’s hand as they walked into the club. Liam and Danielle at the lounge. Liam and Andy soaking wet with champagne. Seeing all the pictures only made me remember the night that I met him,similar events had occurred,but this time,he was with Danielle,his perfect girlfriend. He didn’t need someone like me to mess that up. I didn't want to be the intruder in their relationship, no thanks.
I proceeded to e-mail my bestfriend.
’’ZAR! Babe,im gonna get you loads of stuff,im about to hit the mall now. NY is amazing! I'm eating bagles right now,they are soo good! Reply asap! Xx’’
I walked out for the bustling coffee shop and stepped out into the crowded streets of New York. I roamed around entering all the designer shops that I could. I needed a hand carrying around all my shopping bags. Finally I ended up in Times Square. I stood in the middle and had a 360 degree view of the sight that surrounded me. The lights flashed across my eyes,the colourful signs and the sound of speeding traffic. It all mesmerized me and i could feel my pulse quicken due to the pertubation. I had only but dreamt of coming to New York,and yet there I was standing in the city’s life centre. It was an epic moment. I plodded my way back to the hotel,with blisters on my feet from the 6 inch heels I had been wearing. I was indeed exhausted.
The next day came with a bang and I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I prepared myself for my big day,I was going to meet and work with Justin Bieber. My whole world was in complete tumult, I mean it was Justin Bieber, one of the most influencial human beings on the planet. He was a guy that had ignored all the rude comments and hate that he had received, he had risen above it all to become one of the most popular artists in the world and ofcourse, a teenage heart throb. His fan base, the Beliebers were most likely the most zealous of fans out there, and there were millions of them all over the world. This was huge.
‘’Hop in!" the PR manager said when they came to pick me up.
‘’Are you excited?’’ Giorgio, the stylist, asked.
‘’I think that’s an understatement,’’ I said,rolling my eyes at his rhetorical question.
The location for the video shoot was a good thirty minute drive from the central business district. It was a large mansion which had lush gardens and a long ass drive way. I took a deep breath as i beheld the sight. This was where I was going to shoot the music video, Justin Bieber's music video. Stay calm Ang, I thought. I hopped off the car and pushed my hair back as the aubade sun rays hit my skin . Sooner than later,the director sauntered by.
‘’Okay is our leading lady here? Oh there she is,’’ he said,noticing my presence.
‘’Hello there, I'm going to be your director today.I know you have no professional acting experience but I also know that you’re a fast learner so I’m glad to be working with you today,Miss May,’’ he said,while shaking my hand gently.
I blushed.’’Thanks.Looking forward to this actually,’’ I said,realizing for the first time,how British my accent was.
‘’Now come,lets get you in hair and make up.GIORGIO! Come,take our beautiful girl to hair and make up. Remember my instructions,’’ he said,then glancing at his watch.
‘’Oh,seems like our leading man is late again.These stars,you have to get used to them haha.’’
I laughed at his statement as I walked away,Giorgio pulling my hand as he led me to the group of make up artists that were waiting for me. For a second I was scared, I hoped that I would still look like Angela after their work was done.
I couldn’t shake off the feeling. Something was bothering me but I didn’t know what it was. Being home alone sucked. I felt like calling Andy over but I remembered that he had gone out with Zara. Danielle was in Sheffield dancing for a Cheryl Cole concert. Zayn had gone to visit his family in Bradford. Harry and Niall were all the way in Manchester. Louis was on a date with his girlfriend ,Eleanor. But where was the one person I wanted to spend time with? I had no idea. I hadn’t heard a word from Angela ever since that day I walked out on her. It kind of bugged me,well,it really bugged me but what could I expect? I had been a down right jerk to her , yet again. Then my phone vibrated and I received a text.
Dude, I'm here in London.How about we meet up,it's been a while.
The text was from Tom,a diver for Team GB in the London Olympics. I had met him after the Closing Ceremony of the games,he was a cool guy.
Cool mate.How about Club Serenity at 8? I replied.
Sweet. He replied almost immediately.
At least I wasn’t going to spend the night alone,I thought.
I was all the way in Sheffield dancing for Cheryl Cole. I missed my Liam immensely and as soon as I got time,I texted him to see how he was doing. He replied almost twenty minutes later without the usual x’s and o’s, well that's weird.
Nothing much hun,just going to meet Tom Daley at Serenity now.
Oh tell him I said hi and that he owes me a diving lesson,ey? I miss you. I replied ,enthusiastically.
No reply.
‘’And we’re on in 10 minutes! C'mon girls to the stage!’’ I heard the coordinator's voice behind me. threw my phone in my bag pack and joined the other dancers,trying not to worry about Liam.
‘’You have beautiful eyes,’’the make up artist Joanna said as she put the finishing touches on my face. They had straightened my hair and I looked quite fabolous. I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the mirror. I never thought I could ever look this pretty.My ego must have been having a ball.
‘’Okay now let's get you dressed,follow me,’’ Giorgio instructed. I followed him between all the clothes racks and then in the midst of all the clothes I bumped into someone.
‘’You must be my leading girl,’’ he said, in a rugged morning voice.
I was still not over the fact that Justin Bieber was standing right in front of me,but I couldn’t be a nutcase in front of him, no, I had to maintain the remaining composure I had. This was not an easy task considering he scent was already intoxicating me and he was looking quite resplendent that morning. Luckily I had a lot of experience bumping into internationally acclaimed superstars and I didn’t freak out too much.
‘’I guess so,’’I replied,stroking my curls with anxiety.
‘’Justin! Over here! C'mon your late already!’ Came a voice from the other side.
‘’Looking forward to working with you,I think you look spectacular,’’ he added.
Noone had ever used that word on me before,Spectacular. I was definitely not used to the vocabulary spoken here.
I turned back to find Giorgio already returning with my outfit for the shoot.
‘’Here,wear this! I think that’s teenagy enough haha,’' he joked,and then we both giggled before I headed to the dressing room.
To say that the shoot had been fantastic would be a major understatement. I had some close ups alone and I had to act like a rebellious daughter who runs off with her boyfriend after her dad refuses to accept their relationship. It was fun but most of all,Justin was really sweet. It had been an honour working with him. We had to act like we were in love and all,and really I didn’t find that much of a challenge.There was this scene when our faces were meant to touch but we weren’t supposed to kiss. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and it was sending tingles down my spine. I must be the luckiest girl in the world right now. My heart was humping like a series of earthquakes the whole time.I was tempted to sing along to his song on many occasions but I had to remember that I was on camera. Overalll it had been an exhilirating experience and the clothes they made me wear were quite the fit. I was overjoyed that they had let me keep them.
‘’Okay that’s a wrap people!’’ The director shouted,signaling for a cut.
Justin and I continued to stare into eachother’s eyes though. There was something so wonderful about them.No wonder Selena Gomez had fallen for him. The corners of his mouth gently curved into a seductive little smile, making my knees go weak. He's Justin fucking Bieber. If he says Canada and the North Pole are continents, Canada and the North Pole are fucking continents.This boy really had the world at his feet didn't he?The sound of applause is what made us stop. It had been accomplished.
I had starred in a Justin Bieber video. I overheard the director telling Justin’s manager that the video could be released in 3 days after it had been edited. I was delighted but that was topped when .Justin and I exchanged numbers and he said that he would keep in touch the next time he was in London. That was super!
It had been a great night with Tom Daley and his mates. It was nice catching up with the lad before he went back to Plymouth. I returned home and dozed off on the couch. I woke up at the break of dawn and lazily lifted my legs trying to move from the couch,to my bed so as to continue sleeping when suddenly I hit something.
‘’Ouch,’’ I winced,while rubbing my eyes,trying to see what I had knocked down. It was the garbage bin.Luckily it only had papers and to my surprise ,one of Danielle’s favourite magazines,Cosmopolitan. She never threw her copies away. She kept a collection of them in a huge box.I picked it up to look at the month of the issue.
‘’September 2012? This is this month’s issue,why would she throw it away,’’ I mumbled to myself.Suddenly I could see more clearly and I rubbed my eyes again in astonishment by seeing a thumbnail of Angela on the cover.
‘’What? Angela’s Autumn Closet? But she’s not a model?’’ I asked myself. I opened the page of the spread and flipped through the pages as I stared at the breathtaking photos of her. I felt like a thirteen year old who wanted to pin them up on my wall so that I could stare at her beauty whenever I came home from school.
I had this feeling that I couldn’t escape her,and that the more distance I tried to put between us,it would matter,because she was part of my life now.
I spent my last few hours in New York taking pictures of all the sites and visiting all the beautiful attractions. The people at Ford Models New York had been so wonderful,I almost didn’t want to leave.
My cab arrived and I jumped it,giving one last glance at New York.I was on my way back to London,not knowing what to expect,apart from a new Justin Bieber video with me in it.
I arrived at Heathrow later that day to find Zara waiting to pick me up.
‘’Ang! OMG I missed you,its only been like 3 days but I've honestly missed you. Woah,lets get to your place fast! You must tell me everything! ‘’ She exclaimed while hugging me so tight that I could hardly respirate.
‘’Haha,it was amazing Zar, I'm still buzzing,the vid is out in 2 days man! This is crazy! Yeah,lets go, I'm burned out,’’ I said,before hauling for a cab.Later on in my flat,I told Zara about everything. How the shoot had gone,Justin Bieber and New York. She was typically thrilled for me.
The next day, I stayed at home feeling very lazy after the few hectic days I had had earlier. I only came out of bed when the mailman knocked on my door.
I found a statement of account from the bank. Seemed like the modeling was paying off,I could afford to buy my dream car,a Jeep,but I wasn’t going to rush into that.Then I got a text from Scott.
Hear your back in London town! Take a few couple of days off! Cant wait to see the video.
I smiled with satisfaction. I wasn’t ready to be in front of a camera any time soon. I was about to go under my sheets again when I received yet another text.
I thought you said you weren’t a model.It was from Liam. I honestly didn’t know what to reply for the first couple of minutes. I just stared at the words and wondered if he really deserved an explanation after how he had been acting lately.
When I first met you I wasn’t one. I replied straightforwardly. Not caring about the reply I was going to receive,I covered myself with the warm bed covers and fell into a deep slumber.
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