《One Thing - A Liam Payne Fan Fiction》Chapter 5
Angie's POV
The cab guy had driven for about twenty minutes and I was beginning to wonder how far this restaurant was and what was Zara doing in this side of the city when she found it?
I came out and saw the sign written ’’China Plate’’ glowing in red at the entrance of the restaurant.I found a table and sat down. Zara was nowhere to be seen so I texted her immediately.
’’Bitch! Where are you? I'm at the restaurant! Hurry up! Xx’’
While I was waiting for Zara I went online and started tweeting.I saw a whole lot of mentions from many of Liam’s fans.
Directioners love Angela May.
Your so gorgeous,Liam should be dating you
Are you sure your not a model?
If I was Liam ,i'd tap that
The tweets always made me happy, overjoyed in fact.Suddenly,a waiter came by.
’’Miss,would you like to give me your order?’’
‘’Umm,just get me a ginger ale,thank you," I said. I was not the typical neurotic freak but where the heck was Zara? She’s never late for her own plans or for anyone’s for that matter.He brought the drink and I took a sip,it was chilled,perfect to cool my nerves down. Then I felt a cold breeze brush my skin, my eyes narrowed and I looked up. The door was open and standing there was Liam.
Yes,the super hot, super famous guy from One Direction, who I've always had a crush on,and who I met at a club in London,but the same one who embarrassed me on national radio. BBC for Pete’s sake.It was him. I didn’t know what to feel. My mind was filled with spiteful thoughts,my stomach with a million butterflies. He stared at me,looking uneasy for a while then sauntered towards me.
‘’Ummm Hey,’’ he said, apprehensively.
‘’Hello,’’ I replied, with a set smile and continuing to sip my ginger ale.
‘’I'm sorry,but I had to do this. I told Zara to lead you here,for me.’’
I just lifted my eyes, realizing how stupid I had been yet again. Why did he like playing games with me like this? He might be the country's teen heartthrob but that didn't give him a free pass to toy around with any girl he wanted, not especially me.
‘’Listen,I’m really sorry for everything that’s happened in the past few days. I shoudn't have dragged you into this hectic life and more so,I shouldn’t have talked about you like that on the radio.,I feel awful..if I could take back what I said I –‘’
I cut him off.
‘’Whatever,do I look like I care if your sorry?My life is ruined cause of you and theres nothing much you can do,so please just go," I said, timourously.
‘’Ang,please,I'm not going to leave you here knowing your still mad at me.Please,just let me make it up to you.Your a wonderful person,you don’t deserve any of this,’’ he pleaded.
‘’What kind of person do you think I am Liam?Even if you gave me everything I wanted in the world,it wouldn’t change the fact that to the whole world now thinks,I'm some man stealing whore.Cause that’s what I look like now,and you made it worse on radio.So please Liam,this is pointless.I don’t have to see you again and you don’t have to see me again,because we mean nothing to eachother at all. Hopefully, all the drama will fade away if that works out. Meanwhile, you go back to living your superstar life,and I go back to being the same old Angela hopefully if my twitter followers start reducing.’’
There was a short silence and I looked up at him. The meek expression on his face changed abruptly and suddenly we both burst into laughter.After a long laugh,he sat opposite me at the table.
‘’Wait,so do you forgive me?’’ He enquired.
‘’ I cant hold a grudge.’’
‘’Awesome,’’…..’"umm waiter,can we order now please?’’ He continued smiling.
‘’Wait,what are you doing?’’ I asked.
‘’Well I think I owe you at least your favorite kind of food right? Chinese?’’ He said.
He remembered. How could he have remembered such small details of our conversation? Wait,that’s cause he was stone sober that night. That made sense. We ordered and we chatted away for hours . He made me laugh like a lunatic. He was so excited,almost as if he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t mad at him. And when he smiled his whole face lit up, giving me goosebumps.After dinner,he paid and walked me to my cab.
‘’Well,see you soon?’’ He asked, looking a bit off edge with himself.
‘’Yeah sure Liam Payne.’’
He smiled broadly.At that moment I remembered what a fan I had been of him,a few weeks earlier I’d totally be going bananas if I had just had dinner with him,but now things were kind of,a little,more or less different.We had an awkward moment before I entered taxi,we didn’t know whether to hug or handshake.
‘’Bye,’’ I said,choosing neither of the two.
Just as I turned to enter the vehicle,I hear his husky voice behind me again.
’’Wait,Angie,umm can I have your number,so that we can umm keep in touch?’’ I couldn’t help but turn red,then I turned to him and took a pen from my purse,then I wrote my number on his hand and added.
’’Call me maybe’’ at the bottom as well.
After that,I entered the cab which drove off hurriedly,I could feel his stare on me as I walked into the cab but I ignored every bit of it. If he wasn’t interested then so wasn’t I.
I couldn’t conquer the insatiable longing of seeing her again. She was so beautiful and she didn’t even have to try. With her I felt like I needed to impress, she was not like any other girl who would fall at my feel for anything. She was so understanding even after I had screwed her life up. She was just so cool. Too cool,and I liked her,I liked her a lot.Suddenly,my phone rang.
‘’Baby,where are you? It's getting late,I'm just worried!" Danielle blurted.
‘’Ummm almost home sweetheart,but don’t wait up,’’ I said.
‘’Okay bear,love you.’’
Those words hit me like wall. She loved me. Danielle loved me for real. But me? Did I love her? Why was I even thinking about it? She had been my girlfriend for two years,I must have loved her.But,why couldn’t I say it back anymore?
I’m not stupid and I knew,It was Angela. She was the one that was confusing me. I had feelings for that girl,and I had jut admitted it,to myself,but not to her,or anyone else. I'm such a coward.
Wow,I cant believe Liam fell for it. I'm still hurt by what he did to me but this is truly the only way I can be even or at least be able to move on.I opened the door to my apartment to find Zara sitting on the couch,her eyes glowing with anticipation.
‘’So how’d it go?’’ she asked.
‘’Not bad,why did you help him anyway?I thought we had a deal,’’ I replied.
‘’Well,for starters,he’s Liam Payne,and I was going to refuse but he seemed so concerned over you,and it made me wonder why.I think he likes you. That’s why I helped him,cause I know your so in love with him,’’she added.
Letting out a mere shrug and throwing my clutch to the floor, I removed my heels and joined her on the love seat.After a while we dozed off watching a movie.
Beep Beep.Beep Beep. I heard the alarm clock. CRAP! I had a photoshoot and I was barely awake.
Minutes later I dashed out of my flat leaving Zara asleep on the couch,my hair was unkempt,my clothes barely on and I had bags under my eyes.Reaching the agency,Scott was waiting for me.’’Right on time,’’ he commented.
‘’Well,we’re leaving for the photo studio in 5 so put yourself together,’’ he continued.
‘’Dammit.’’ I said.
‘’Yeah,he's always like that,’’ A high pitched voice behind me said. I turned around to see a pretty blue eyed blonde standing behind me.
‘’I'm Kylie;’’ she continued.
‘’I'm new to the agency as well,’’ she said,with a warm smile.
’’Cool, I'm Angela,call me Ang,’’
‘’Okay people,lets go!’’ Jane,the coordinator screamed.
The set for the photoshoot was awesome. It was so colourful and young. The make up they put on me was heavy which I was not used to. Then I went and stood in front of the camera. The director shouted ‘’GIVE ME THAT SMILE!’’
So I smiled,and although I was a bit nervous at first,it went well. My years of watching ‘America's Next top model’’ had paid off.
‘’It’s a wrap!’’The photographer exclaimed when my film was over. I was excited to see my best shots but I wasn’t gonna see them till the magazine was out according to Scott. And that made me a tincy bit anxious.
After a long day,I went home and jumped into bed, then covered my legs with the sheets before hearing my phone vibrate.
Hey Beautiful. The text read.I wondered who it was,before replying,’’ Thanks but who is this?’’
A reply came almost instantly.It's Batman.
That’s when it hit me.Who else was as obsessed with Batman as Liam Payne?
Liam,I know its you,
Whats going on?
I replied.
Ahhh you blew my cover,
Nothing's up,I just missed you,can we meet up again soon?xx
He sounded needy.
Umm sure,I guess..but what about the paparrazi? I replied.
Umm how about I come over to your place then? He responded.
R u sure? Okay fine,tomorrow at 6pm then,
ps: I cant cook .I replied enthusiastically.
I put down my phone and took a deep breath. Part of me still couldn’t believe that I had just texted Liam Payne! I lay down on my pillow,shut my eyes and left for a land of slumber.
Liam had been acting really different of late. He always came home late and we rarely even talked because of our busy schedules. I needed to spend some time with my boyfriend,if only I could get him under the same roof as me. Oh I give up. I was still putting together his sick birthday party with help from his sisters,Ruth and Nicola. I really hope he likes it.
At least the whole mistress hype thing was over and now he could focus on me. His true girlfriend.
I read the address that Angela had sent me and entered my car, hoping to reach there on time.
‘’Liaam!" Danielle shrieked,just before I drove off.
‘’Where you off too?’' She continued.
‘Umm..just going to Andy’s for a while..don't wait up," I lied,then speeded off before she could say a word.
Driving away I saw her standing on the drive way looking disturbed. Guilt overcame me and I couldn’t help but feel bad that I was lying to her,I just needed some space. I needed to hear a different opinion,a different voice,and that was Angie’s.
Reaching the apartment complex,I parked my car outside and run up two flghts of stairs before arriving at Apartment 14. I knocked on the door gently then put my hands in my pockets and lingered outside,waiting for her to answer.
She opened the door with a cheeky smile on her face.She looked beautiful even though she just wore black jeggings and a ‘I LOVE LONDON’ jamper.Yes,I knew what jeggings were. I had two sisters.She let me in and already I felt at home. Her place was decent and neat for a college girl.
‘’So what do you have in mind,Mr Payne?'’ She asked from the kitchen.
‘’I really don’t know,I’ll let the lady decide."
‘’Here! Lets see if you can beat me at FIFA!’’ I teased him.
‘’Oh it's on like donkey kong." He grabbed the pad from my hand. I quickly put the console on and we started playing. He was really good so it was quite competitive.We shouted and teased eachother. The laughter didn’t stop. We were having so much fun.
I know it's weird but whenever he nudged me or pushed me,my heart began jumped out of my chest. I couldn’t help it. I enjoyed every second we spent together,maybe I had actually fallen for Liam.
Wow. She was really good at FIFA. The only other person who ever beat me was Andy or Harry. I was impressed. This girl had it all,the looks,the brains,the charm,the personality...she made me feel so inferior even though I was the very successful band member of One Direction. I liked her,there was no point of denying it. She drove me crazy.
‘’Woah,you’re such a tough cookie!’ I exclaimed after winning a game of FIFA.
‘’Your not so bad yourself,damn,I'm hungry now,want to grab a bite downstairs?"
‘’Sure,lets go!’’
We went downstairs to the Lebanese restaurant,I was hungry as hell.
‘'Oi! Mates! Over here!’’ I heard a voice ahead of me.
Looking over I see Andy sitting at the corner with Zara, Angie’s friend. What were they doing here? I glanced at Angela who was also surprised then we walked over to their table.
‘’What are y’all doing here?’' Angie asked,beating me to it.
‘’Nothing,just catching up. How about y’all join us? Huh? Double date?’’..Andy replied,pulling out a chair for me to sit on. Suddenly I was mesmerized.Something about the words ‘Double Date’ hit me.What was I doing? I had a girlfriend. Danielle Peazer. A beautiful dancer. She didn’t deserve this,any of this.
‘’I’m not doing this. I love Danielle.’’
I had to leave.I had to go and have dinner with Danielle.
'‘Eish,whats his problem?'’ Zara asked,after Liam had suddenly walked out of the restaurant. He had muttered something before he stormed out. He said he loved Danielle. Hearing those words felt like something had pierced my heart, and although I knew all along at the back of my mind that he was taken, part of me was still hoping that somehow the connection Liam and I had would overcome it all. How stupid.
I watched him leave and wondered if it was something I had done. And what did Danielle have to to do with it anyway? It was his idea for us to meet up anyway so I couldn’t blame myself. He is so dramatic. Guess he needed some space,which I was prepared to give him. I joined Zara and Andy and we chatted away and ate after a very dramatic ending to a good night.
Early morning the next day,I heard the door bell.
Opening the door there was nobody in sight,just a parcel at the entrance of my flat.I took it inside and shut the door.
Opening it I see the September Issue of Cosmo UK with thumbnail of me on the cover. I got excited and called Zara who arrived at my place in a couple of minutes. We screamed and jumped around.
The photos of the spread were breathtaking. Suddenly,my cell phone rang.
’’Hey Ang,I guess you’ve already seen the photos from your shoot,amazing aren’t they? You did a great job,now come over. I have a surprise for you.’’ Scott’s voice boomed over the speaker.
Another surprise? I was amped. As soon as Zara left I got in the shower and then got ready. I had changed up my ward robe a bit,I need to dress like a model according to Scott.
At the agency,I rushed into Scott’s office where I found him sipping a cup of tea
‘Morning’,he said,putting the cup down!
‘You seem to have luck on your side Miss May’’ he said.
‘’What do you mean?’’ I asked,trying not to show my happiness.
‘’Well,I got a call from the manager of a very successful singer yesterday and they want you to be the leading lady in their new music video.’’
‘’What! Which singer?’’ I shouted,jumping from my seat,tears rolling down my face,
‘’Guess!’’ He said then pulled out his iPod to play a song.
‘’If I was your Boyfriend,id never let you go,I could take you places,you aint never been before….’’
As soon as the song started I exploded with emotion. I was crying tears of happiness,disbelief and intense excitement. It was Justin Bieber. I was only 18 years old and I was going to star in a Justin Bieber video? It was too much to hold in. He had like one of the biggest fan bases in the world,he was One Direction’s biggest competition and I was going to be in his new video.
Scott walked over to me while I was on the floor sobbing with tears and bent down.
‘’All they need now is your approva-‘’
‘’YESS!!!!’’ I shrieked in his face.
‘’Fine,then your going to New York in 2 days Baby! Its for his new single,called ‘As long as you love me’ or something,so get ready,I bet there’l be some snogging.’’ He said. The thought of that made me nervous. I had only ever kissed one guy before,when I was 15 and he was my first and last kiss. I was still a virgin but the thought of snogging Justin Bieber was just too overwhelming,but similarly to Liam,he had a girlfriend as well,Selena Gomez so I was hoping that that there was no kissing.
Either way I was ecstatic. I left Scott’s office with a wide smile on my face,seeking attention from the other model’s who walked by. My face was glowing with happiness until I logged on to twitter.
‘’I Love my Amazing Boyfriend, @Real_Liam_Payne’’. Danielle had just tweeted that,but I didn’t let it completely ruin my mood. I already had a fan base seeing my twitter followers had reached 70,034. It was really interesting.
I called Zara and told her of the news.
‘’WHAT THE… GIRL THAT’S JUST….IM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU!!!’’ she shouted over the phone.
The September issue of Cosmo was almost being released to the public and I was super excited,but overall,in 2 days time,I’d be shooting a video as Justin Bieber’s Girlfriend. That was just totally ridiculous!
I loved it.
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