《Fate of our life (Niall Horan - Completed)》TWENTY THREE


It was like a scene from a movie.

I saw him and then he disappeared right in front of my eyes. Everything was suddenly gone and I couldn't do anything to stop it. All I know is that my heart skipped a beat.

I feel someone holding my hand and it feels so familiar to me that I don't want to move and lose the touch, the connection. Slowly, I open my eyes and see him again. But this time he's not on the other side of the road, standing there with the support of crutches. This time he's sitting next to my bed. I carefully tilt my head up and see that it's not my bed, nor is it my bedroom. I'm in a hospital room, in a hospital bed and he's by my side, holding my hand. His head is resting right next to me on the mattress and our fingers are intertwined. My heart starts to race and I feel tears building up. I ask myself if it's good or bad that he's here now... but judging from the warm feeling that he gives me, it can only be a good. It just has to be a good.

Feeling tears building up, I take a deep breath and cover my mouth with my free hand. I shut my eyes and take deep breaths, thinking that this can only be dream. But when I open my eyes he's still right here, holding my hand, and I begin to cry. I try to be quiet but Niall shoots up and sits up straight on the chair he's sitting on. He looks at me, our fingers still intertwined, and doesn't know how to react for a second. Neither of us know what to say or do. We just look at each other. But then a tear rolls down his cheek and we both smile.

"Can you do me a favour, Niall?" I ask him, sounding weaker than I feel, and he nods.

"Everything." He answers quickly. "I would do everything for you... you know that." He adds and looks down, avoiding my eyes.

"Kiss me." I say, not thinking and not caring in what state our relationship is. Ignoring, that we broke up weeks ago and that the past weeks were the worst weeks of my life. Simply ignoring everything that happened in the past, everything that tore us apart. I just crave his lips more than anything else in the world.

Niall is speechless for a second but then stands up. My heart begins to race. He cups my cheeks and kisses me. I feel all the feelings that I felt when we were together again. All the million and one wonderful and unexplainable feelings that I felt when we would hold hands, talk, laugh, hug and kiss. It feels like my heart is finally getting all it needs again. Him.

"I love you." We both say at the same time when we pull apart.

"I love you so so much, Olivia." Niall mumbles and rests his forehead on mine. "Never leave me again, please." He says and kisses my forehead before wrapping his arms around me. I feel pain rush through my body and flinch. He instantly lets go and carefully lies me back down on the upper part of the hospital bed is tilted up a bit.

"I'm sorry." Niall says and takes my hand in his. He kisses it and sits down on the edge of the bed.


"I'm--" I can't finish my sentence when pain rushes through my body again. I shut my eyes for a second and only dare to open them again once the pain is gone. "I'm fine." I lie and, to my surprise, manage to smile at Niall.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod slightly, also feeling a bit pain when I move my neck. "We-we should get your doctor, just to make sure." Niall says just as the door opens and the doctor comes in. "Perfect timing." Niall mumbles and stands up.

"Mr. Horan, still here?" The doctor asks and Niall nod. "Well... Ms.Hemmings, wonderful to see you awake." He smiles and takes the clipboard that hangs on the end of the bed. "Only small injuries." He mumbles and then puts it back again. "Do you know what happened?" He asks me and I shake my head no.

"Well, you had an accident, Ms.Hemmings... A-A car hit you as you were about to walk over the street. Your friend here..." He pats Niall's shoulder before he continues. "Reacted very quickly and ran over to you, despite the fact that his knee is recovering. We got it all on civilians cameras and I must admit, such fast reacting is very impressive. He-He just ran off with his crutches and stopped everything around you. He held you in his arms and screamed for help until a nurse came. That's pretty impressive for someone on crutches, you know?" The doctor asks and I look at Niall, seeing him blush. "The car didn't hit you very hard but it was hard enough to knock you out and throw you onto the ground. If your friend here, hadn't been so quick, internal bleeding would have started and who knows what your health state would be now... Really, we only had to put bandages around you and give you pain killers, which by the way you are going to take in three times a day - one extra if the pain is really getting to much. The nurse will tell you everything in detail when you get out tomorrow and I'll check on you later tonight and um... YES! Before I forget, Dr. Hilton will come by later." The young doctor, who probably just finished his first year as a doctor, smiles at me and then at Niall.

"Thank you doctor." I say and look up at Niall. His face is so pale, it looks like he's the one who was just in an accident.

"I'll come by before dinner." The doctor says and leaves the room.

"Are you alright?" I ask Niall as soon as the door closes.

"Yes." He says and shakes his head, blinking quickly. "Yes." He repeats and takes a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he just nods.

"I-I just had the accident play in my head again... but I'm fine. I'm fine when I'm with you." Niall smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you so much, Niall. You saved my life." I say with a smile. No words can describe how thankful I actually am. He saved me. He forgot about his knee and just rushed off to save me.

I know that it sounds cheesy, but he's my hero.

"You don't have to thank me, Olivia. Really." He says and takes my hands before kissing my forehead.


"Who knows that I'm here?" I want to know as I move to the side of the bed, patting the now empty space next to me. Niall moves beside me and carefully puts his arm around my shoulder. He leans back and I rest my head on his upper chest. Niall holds my hand and I stare at our intertwined fingers as he tells me the list.

"Your brother first and then your dad and your mum. And of course, Ally and I think she told Adam because he texted me, asking if you're alright. I said yes and that I would update him as soon as you're awake. Besides that, I told my mum, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn that I'm here with you. And Clair."

"Who's Clair?" I ask, hearing the name coming out of Niall's mouth for the first time. For a moment I think he has a new girlfriend, but then I think He's here with me and calm down again.

"My assistant. The management insisted that I'd get one after the surgery and after..." Niall explains and stops his sentence at once.

"After we broke up." I finish for him and he nods.

"I-I was really... down." Niall says and I look up at him.

"So was I." I say and can't help it but laugh shortly. "We're not good when we're apart, are we?"

"We're not." Niall agrees and kisses my head. "I don't want to be apart form you ever again." He squeezes my hand softly and strokes the back of my hand with his thumb. "You took it off." He mumbles after noticing that I don't wear the ring that he gave me. We look at each other.

"I-I couldn't at look at it after... you know." I say and feel bad for not wearing it each and every day like I wanted to do.

"It's okay." Niall says understanding and gives my hand another soft squeeze. It's a small gesture of affection, yet it means a lot to me.

"I missed you... a lot." I mumble.

"I missed you too, princess, 24/7." Niall chuckles and kisses my temple. His phone vibrates in the pocket of his jeans and he quickly takes it out. I know that I shouldn't look but my eyes automatically lock onto the screen. A text from Clair.

"I'll be right back." Niall says and kisses my temple again before getting off the bed and leaving me alone in the room. I carefully lift the bed sheet and scan my body. It's not as bad as I though it would be when the doctor told me what happened. I have a bandage around my waist and stomach and bruises all over my legs and few on my arms. At least nothing is broken, I think and put my hand on my neck. It slightly hurts and so does my head.

Niall comes back in again and gives me his phone. "It's Ally." He says as he sits down next to me again.

"Hello?" I say into the phone when Niall takes my hand in his. He really missed me and I really missed him. I stroke the back of his hand with my thumb as I listen to my best friend.

"Are you alright? Niall told me what happened. Are you badly hurt? He-He said a car bumped into you or something. Shawn and Ethan are with me right now and we're coming over as soon as Ethan reaches your dad or mum and tells them that you are alright. That's priority, isn't it?." Ally said everything so quick that I heard Shawn telling her to take a breath in between in the background. "Sorry, Olive. You probably have a headache and here I am, rambling non stop." Ally says in her normal speed again and I imagine her blushing.

"It's fine, A. And yes I have a headache but it isn't really strong or anything." I explain to her. Niall sits down on the chair and still holds my hand as he just watches me talk.

"Okay, that's good, I guess. Do you want anything when we come?" She asks.

"Chocolate and my ring please." I say and look at Niall who is now smiling brightly.

"Cravings huh?" Ally says and then I remember that I am pregnant. How did I forget? A baby is in me and I forgot. "Did you tell him?" Ally asks.

"Not yet." I say and Niall gives me a confused look.

"When are you going to tell him?" Ally questions.

"To be honest, I don't know.. I don't even know if I should." I admit and look down to avoid Niall's eyes.

"You have to tell him, you know that." Ally says and I take a deep breath, knowing that she's right. "Better do it now." She adds.

"You're right but..." I say just when the door opens and Dr. Hilton comes in. "But it's too late now anyway. Dr. Hilton just came in." I whispers as Niall and Dr. Hilton greet each other with a handshake. "I'll call you later."

"Okay and good luck." Ally says and I feel like she says it way to often nowadays.

I hang up and put the phone down before I sit up and shake hands with Dr. Hilton.

"Olivia." She smiles at me but it's not the uplifting smile that she had the first time we met or the many times I visited her to get more informations about pregnancy. "How are you feeling?" She asks and I get the bad feeling that something is very wrong. Instinctively, I put my hand on my stomach with the bandage around.

"I'm-I'm feeling alright." I say but don't know how long that feeling is going to last.

"Well, Olivia... I think it might be better if we just talk alone." Dr. Hilton says and looks to me and then to Niall.

"No, he can hear it." I say to her and have a bit of hope in me that it might not be as bad as I think.

"Are you sure?" She asks and I nod. "Well, Olivia... you know what happened. I think your doctor already told you." She says and I nod again. "The car didn't hit you too hard but, I'm afraid, it hit you hard enough to..." She takes a deep breath and I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I already know what's she's going to say next and feel my heart breaking into pieces.

"I'm sorry, Olivia, but you lost your baby."

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