《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 9
Meanwhile, Kali and the gang were screaming as they had turned back into rats and were shot out from a sewer pipe, arriving back in Ratropolis.
"We made it!" David said. When the gang realized everyone was gathered in front of the town square, watching the World Cup game on the giant TV screen.
"We have to find Roddy and Rita, now!" Kali ordered, leading the gang.
The gang splitted up into teams while looking for Roddy and Rita in the crowd, but couldn't find them. They quickly regrouped.
"I can't find them anywhere" Ann said. "Neither can we" Brock added.
The teens frowned, until they heard the sound of the flood gates opening then turned around and gasped to see Rita tied up, dangling from the overhead pipe in front of the flood gates.
"We need to do something!" the twins began to panic a little.
"What's the plan, Kali?" Teeders asked, since she was the leader.
"I- I... don't know" the adventure girl was too distressed to think of anything. "I'm all out of plans"
"But I'm not" a familiar voice spoke up.
The gang turned around to see their friend approach them. "Cynthia!"
"Listen guys, I made a mistake" Cynthia admitted, looking at her friends before she hung her head and apologized. "I lied to you, and... I'm sorry"
The gang gave her a good long look to see if she truly meant it, until Kali spoke up. "Four weeks without going shopping"
"That's all I wanted to hear" Cynthia agreed to that punishment.
"So, Cynthia, you say you have a plan?" Teeders asked the fashionista.
"Yes" Cynthia nodded, before she explained to the gang what they were going to do.
After the gang had devised their plan, Kali, Cynthia and Teeders would go and help Rita, while David and the twins stayed behind to warn everyone about the incoming flood.
As Kali and Teeders flew up over to the flood gates on their jet-packs while carrying Cynthia, they spotted Roddy floating up on a balloon over to Rita to untangle her from the ropes.
"Rita! Roddy!" Cynthia called out to them.
"Cynthia!" The two real rats smiled, happy to see her and the others.
"Rita, Roddy, this is all my fault" Cynthia told them. "I'm so sorry. I just-"
"Cynthia, do you think we can talk about this after you guys rescue me?" Rita asked, showing that she was tangled up for the moment.
"Of course" Cynthia nodded in agreement. "There's no time!" Teeders added.
"When that whistle blows and everyone Up Top goes to the toilet it's gonna flush away the whole city!" Roddy explained, as he had just finished untying Rita.
"I know, and my family are all down there!" Rita replied in worry.
"We've got to warn everyone" Kali told the gang.
The five started to make their way back down to the city. But unfortunately, The Toad and his hench-rats had spotted them, and fired a staple gun at them to pop the balloon.
"Oh, dear" Roddy and Cynthia sighed.
Roddy and Rita went flying around and around, with Kali, Cynthia and Teeders following after them, until they all finally landed right in front of The Toad and his posse and were quickly grabbed by the hench-rats.
"So, you thought you could make a fool of The Toad, eh?" The Toad came up asking the five rats, before the balloon landed on him, which scared the amphibian.
"You don't need us for that" Kali commented with a smirk, while the others snickered.
"Good one" Rita told the tomboy.
"Oh, you think you're all so clever, don't you? Well, I'll be the one laughing when every last revolting rat is flushed away!" The Toad proclaimed.
"Pfft, yeah right" Teeders merely scoffed, rolling her eyes.
The Toad slightly glared at her before continuing. "For I shall repopulate the city... with these!"
The Toad then pulled down on a rope which pulled back the curtains, revealing to be a swarm of tadpoles, making everyone, even the hench-rats cringe in disgust.
"My question is, who would have kids with this lunatic?" Teeders whispered to Kali and she nodded back in agreement.
"You treacherous amphibian! You tricked me!" Cynthia glared at The Toad. "We made a deal that if I helped you get the cable back, you promised me you'd only wipe out the entire rat population"
This caused everyone else to gasp in shock, specifically Roddy and Rita.
"Cynthia..." Roddy and Rita looked to the fashionista, feeling a bit hurt and betrayed."Is this true?"
Cynthia hung her head, looking too ashamed to say anything for the moment before The Toad answered for her, laughing sinisterly. "But of course. If it wasn't for your little friend here, my plan never would've been achieved at this very moment"
"What was I thinking?" Cynthia said to herself shamefully. She hated frogs/toads more than she hated rats.
The Toad was soon talking with his many tadpole offspring, until it quickly turned into an argument about them all wanting puppies.
While The Toad was distracted, Kali came over to the hench-rats. "Why are you helping this psycho?" The tomboy asked the hench-rats, but they merely blinked at her with their eyebrows raised.
"Don't you understand what's happening?" Kali explained to the hench-rats. "Once The Toad gets what he wants, he'll get rid of you?"
"Yeah, we're all the same species here" Teeders added. "Why should we be against each other?"
"Pfft, and why should we believe you?" Spike glared at them. "You're just kids"
"Because... If we team up together, we can save everyone. And maybe people will start seeing you more than what they think you are. Maybe even a hero" Kali told the hench-rats, in like one of those heroic speeches.
"I hate to admit it, but she has a point there, Spike" Whitey spoke up.
The hench-rats all thought for moment. It's true they had been bad their whole lives and have only worked for The Toad. But maybe it was time for some change.
"We need to get downstairs and pull out that cable" Roddy whispered to the others.
"How?" Rita asked, seeming it was hopeless. "It's impossible" Teeders added.
Cynthia then noticed the liquid nitrogen tank, remembering something from earlier.
"England is wining. Anything's possible!" Cynthia told Rita, before suddenly pulling out the ice tube and busting it open. This greatly surprised Kali and Teeders that Cynthia was actually taking charge of the situation.
Ice was flying everywhere, as all the hench-rats slipped and fell off the building. The Toad turned to see what was going on.
"Come on!" Roddy said, taking Rita's hand and heading down to the control room.
"You fools, grab them!" The Toad called out.
"Top floor, lingerie, housewares and certain doom!" Le Frog and his team of martial arts ninja frogs suddenly appeared in front of the gang.
"I'VE JUST ABOUT HAD ENOUGH OF YOU FROGS!" Cynthia glared as she picked up the hose and helped Rita freeze them all.
"Do I have to do everything myself?!" The Toad growled at the rats and stormed over to them.
"Fighting's not really my thing, i'm more into fashion... BUT I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS IF YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!" Cynthia threatened the amphibian she feared, while defending Roddy and Rita and actual calling them her friends.
But Kali and Teeders both grabbed Cynthia by the arm, pulling her along in retreat as they ran with Roddy and Rita out onto the overhead pipe. But The Toad jumped out onto the pipe, landing in front of the gang and trapping them. As if things couldn't get any worse, the gang suddenly heard a whistle blow.
"There goes the whistle for half time. We're gonna take a break, but we'll be back in a few minutes" the announcer for the game on the TV said.
"You're too late to do anything!" The Toad told the rats. "You and your kind are finished!"
But that's when the gang looked down near The Toad's feet and noticed on the pipe it was leaking liquid nitrogen.
"Oh, yeah? Well, come and get us then, you warty windbag!" Rita taunted the haughty amphibian.
The Toad growled at her and stepped forward, when his foot pressed down on the pipe some liquid nitrogen leaked out and froze his foot. The gang smirked at that, until they suddenly heard the sound of toilets flushing.
"Oh, no!" Rita gasped.
Everyone looked to the opening of the flood gates and it's tunnels then noticed some slugs down below, screaming and running for their lives (very slowly).
"The gate, back this way!" Roddy led the others. "Come on!"
The gang started to head back towards the control room, until The Toad lashed out his tongue and grabbed a hold of Rita.
"Rita!" Roddy and the others cried out.
"If I'm going, you're all coming with me!" The Toad said, before Rita kicked him in the face.
"Just go, guys!" Rita told them not to worry about her.
Kali and Teeders managed to get back over to safety, and now needed to get downstairs to take out the cable. Le Frog was called out to deal with Roddy, making Cynthia the only one left who wasn't trapped. The Toad lashed his tongue out again, missing but caused for Cynthia to nearly fall off the pipe and down below to her death.
"Cynthia, you gotta stop this!" Teeders called out, since it was up to her now.
"I can't!" Cynthia cried out back, since she was a lady and this was against her will.
"You got to! If you don't, we all die and The Toad will win!" Kali called out.
Cynthia then realized, she wasn't about to let the population be run by toads which she absolutely hated more than anything.
"That backstabbing, dirty-rotten, AMPHIBIAN!" Cynthia shouted out, narrowing her eyes and ripped off the dangling strips of what was left of her dress that were only getting in her way. This shocked Kali and Teeders to what Cynthia was sacrificing here.
Roddy then noticed the gears that were being used to open the gate and called out to Cynthia. "Cynthia, I have a plan!"
Roddy then pointed out to the gate gears and the pipe, and Cynthia quickly caught on to what he meant. The Toad lashed his tongue out again to try and grab Cynthia, but he missed.
"Stop moving!" The Toad was getting impatient with the fashionista rat.
"Come and get me, you big, slimy airbag!" Cynthia taunted The Toad, making silly faces at him while she got right in front of the gates gears. The Toad growled and lashed his tongue out right at Cynthia.
"Cynthia, look out!" Rita called out to warn her, in worry.
Cynthia ducked just in time, as The Toad's tongue got stuck in the gate gears. As she started to make her way back over to the others, everyone turned in horror to see a giant wave of sewage water coming in.
"Let me go!" Rita tried to get out of The Toad's grasp.
"Goodbye, rat!" The Toad glared at Roddy and threw Rita off the pipe, now falling towards her doom.
"Rita!" Roddy and the others cried out.
Roddy quickly grabbed Le Frog and made him lash his tongue out to stick to the cold pipe and used him to swing down and save Rita. Kali, Cynthia and Teeders cheered to the dramatic rescue.
"Feeling a little tongue-tied?" Roddy teased The Toad, as he and Rita came back up to him.
"Impossible!" The Toad exclaimed.
"Toddle-oo" Rita waved goodbye to The Toad.
Roddy and Rita then swung back around over to safety with the others while they screamed, as the wave came out, just missing them. This caused for the pipe to bust open and break off, spilling liquid nitrogen all over the giant wave of sewer water.
Meanwhile, David and the twins had manged to gather up everyone in town after warning them about the flood and evacuate to higher ground as high and far back as possible. But the wave was still coming right towards them.
"Everybody, get back!" David warned, while the towns rats started to panic.
Cynthia and the rest of the gang all held their breaths and watched, hoping this would work.
"Please work, please work, please work" Roddy begged.
David and the twins huddled together and closed their eyes, as the giant wave of sewage was right on top, until suddenly... the wave stopped. Everyone opened their eyes and looked up to see the wave had been frozen. Everyone started cheering as their city had been saved.
"Look, it's Roddy and Rita and their friends!" one of Rita's siblings pointed out to the roof of the flood gates.
"Good on you, girl!" Mr Malone was proud of his daughter.
"Hooray for Millicent Bystander and his friends!" the pirate rat said.
Everyone in Ratropolis cheered for Roddy and Cynthia saving the day.
"You and Cynthia are both heroes, Roddy" Rita smiled to the former upper-class city rat and he smiled back at her.
"Big deal" Le frog rolled his eyes, before Roddy let him go and he got tangled up with The Toad against the gate gears.
"You wretched vermin! I'll make you all pay for this!" The Toad vowed while sounding numb, because his tongue was tied up in the gears.
"Give it a rest, cousin" Le frog groaned. "And get your kids a puppy"
Teeders and Kali pulled out the cable and destroyed it for good by disintegrating it with Kali's crystal. David and twins then came back up and reunited with the rest of the gang with a group hug. Another mission accomplished.
Cynthia then slowly came over to Roddy and Rita, still looking a little ashamed with her head down. "Roddy... Rita..."
The two rats turned to the teenage fashionista with listening eyes.
"I'm.... Sorry" Cynthia almost whispered, with head down in shame of all that had happened.
"It's okay, Cynthia" Rita placed her hand on Cynthia's shoulder, forgiving her.
"Did you mean it though when you called us... Friends?" Roddy asked.
Cynthia glanced back at the gang who were staring at her.
"Yes" Cynthia looked back to Roddy and Rita while smiling with a nod, admitting it. This made the gang happy, they all hugged as Cynthia had made two new friends. Who just happened to be rats, of all things Cynthia thought! But she was happy.
"Rita..." Roddy started, but he paused for a moment. "...I was wondering, if you do build a Jammy Dodger Mark two...."
"Yeah..." Rita gave him that look with a nod.
"...You wouldn't happen to need a first mate... Would you?" Roddy asked, hopefully.
Rita thought for a moment and then smiled fondly at Roddy.
"Oooohh" Kali's gang knew what this meant for the two.
Right after The Toad's defeat, Cynthia and the gang were helping Roddy and Rita put the finishing touches on the Jammy Dodger 2. England had lost the game due to penalties, but everyone was too happy celebrating the gang's victory, with Rita's family joining them on the boat. Kali and the others noticed Cynthia's dress was now nothing but torn up rags.
"I'm sorry about your dress, Cynthia" said Rita.
"Yeah, Cindy, you're a mess" Teeders added, noticing her highly expensive purple dress was completely destroyed.
"It's okay" Cynthia shrugged her shoulders. "I got a dozen more just like this one in my closet"
"...Even though Gertha had so much more to live for!" The fashionista mumbled to herself, treating her dress like a living soul that had died.
The rest of the gang was shocked at how Cynthia had finally got out of her comfort zone and wasn't afraid to get in messy situations with them now.
"I'm proud of you Cynthia, you finally overcame your fears" Kali placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, smiling proud.
"Who says I'm cured from my stance?" Cynthia asked, suddenly going back into being a obsessed fashion expert who was grossed out by anything that wasn't ladylike. "After this, as soon as we get back home I'm taking a 3 hour shower and I don't care who judges me!"
Kali gang simply smiled and rolled their eyes having the same old Cynthia back, but she'd always be their to help out her friends.
"All right, chaps" Roddy gave the signal to Kali's gang and they saluted to him.
The gang then took off on the new Jammy Dodger 2 boat while everyone danced in celebration. David even attempted to do the worm, but failed miserably after hurting himself.
The gang was happy and smiling as they watched Roddy and Rita dance together. The two were about to kiss, before Rita's grandma almost interrupted. Thankfully, Kali had pulled her back.
"Hey, take a seat Grandma, it's not gonna happen" the tomboy teen told Rita's grandma.
The gang then smiled, seeing Roddy and Rita share their first kiss. Spike and Whitey, who Kali had kinda reformed to good now were watching the whole celebration from the docks.
"Oh, I love a happy ending" Whitey was in tears.
"Ah, you've gone soft!" Spike scoffed his friend. "I like unhappy endings, with lots of violence!"
Suddenly, Spike was hit by a champagne bottle and crashed after the cork burst open and sprayed whine everywhere.
"Ooohh" Kali's gang winced once they saw Spike crash.
"Are you happy now, Spike?" Whitey asked.
Kali's gang smiled and watched Roddy and Rita continue dancing together. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.
"Shall we?" Roddy asked. "Go for it!" Rita said.
And with that, Roddy pressed a button to the turbo jets and the boat took off fast, causing for everyone having to hold onto each other in a row.
"Where are we going?" Rita asked Roddy.
"I have no idea" Roddy replied. "But we're gonna get there really fast!"
As the boat continued on, Kali and the others started to notice the crystal finally flashing with its glow again, which meant that their work here was done and they were about to turn back into humans.
"Well guys, it's best we be hitting the road" Kali informed the gang, including Roddy and Rita.
"Do you have to go now" Roddy asked them, looking a little disappointed.
"Yeah, the party just got started" the twins whined, not wanting to leave.
"Sorry, but we gotta get back home before our families start to worry" Teeders and David told the two REAL rats.
Roddy and Rita frowned, but nodded to them in understanding.
"Just drop us off right here" Kali told Roddy and Rita, pointing out to a nearby sewer ladder that led to the surface streets.
As the Jammy Dodger 2 slowed down and pulled over for a moment by the ladder, Kali's gang, especially Cynthia had become good friends with Roddy and Rita during this adventure and didn't want to depart from them. Roddy and Rita didn't want this either, but they knew their friends had no choice.
"Will we ever see you again?" Roddy and Rita asked the gang of teens, hopefully.
"Count on it" Kali replied with a satisfied smile.
"For sure!" Cynthia and the rest of the gang added, willing to come back any time.
Roddy and Rita came to the gang in one big group hug and said their goodbyes.
After the Jammy Dodger 2 left, the gang started climbing up the ladder while still in their rat forms.
As they were getting closer to the surface, they started to see an aurora of light swirl around them and then a huge bright flash.
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