《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 8
"We made it!" Roddy and Rita both said, before the gang of teens crashed into them and they all rolled out of the chimney, up into a twisted pile, covered in soot.
"Ow!" Roddy said. "Well, I've had softer landings" Rita stated.
"Okay, who's hand is that!" Cynthia growled aggressively before realizing "Oh it's mine" she smiled sheepishly.
The gang then untangled themselves while Roddy looked around, he couldn't believe it. "We did it. I'm home".
"The crew of the Jammy Dodger survives! Ha Ha!" Roddy and the teens cheered in victory.
"Yep" Rita sighed.
"Rita?" The gang looked to the street rat, seeing she was sad as she just shrugged her shoulders at them.
"Oh, of course, i'm such an idiot" Roddy realized "The Dodger".
The teens then felt bad for Rita that she had lost the Jammy Dodger forever.
"Wasn't your fault Rod" Rita said. "Quite the adventure though".
"It sure was" Teeders sighed, now that it was just about over and that they would have to leave soon.
"Rita i'm so sorry" Roddy frowned to the street rat before remembering something. "But I think I might be able to cheer you up".
The gang of teens looked at each other wondering what Roddy meant before they remembered exactly.
Roddy then brought Rita over to a big box, filled with jewels. Kali and her gang were rather impressed. "Ta-da! As promised, the Kensington jewels".
"A genuine star-cut ruby" Roddy presented a red ruby to the street rat.
"It's just beautiful" Rita was in awe.
"It sure is" The twins added. "But what if it breaks?" David asked Roddy.
"Best part" Roddy started before he lightly hit the ruby against the box "Unbreakable". He then handed it to Rita.
"I don't know what to say" Rita was speechless.
"Do you think it will be enough, to take care of your family?" Roddy and the teens asked Rita. She nodded yes with an approved smile.
"Well, we're really happy for you" Teeders said to the street scavenger rat.
"And maybe this could be the Jammy Dodger mark 2" Roddy pulled out another green ruby, offering Rita to take that one too.
Rita then hugged Roddy, she didn't know how else to thank him.
The gang of teens smiled at them, when a small piece of Kali's crystal then fell off. It was flashing the color red and it was covered in tiny shards.
"Oops, look like you lost a piece to your crystal there Kali" Rita said to the tomboy rat, noticing the small piece of her crystal fall off.
"Hmm?" Kali picked up the small crystal piece and looked at it. It was so small she could hold it in between her fingers.
"I've never seen a piece to the crystal like this before" the adventure girl noticed how it was glowing.
"Us either" the twins also said while looking with their sister.
This whole thing strangely started to make Cynthia feel agitated and sweaty.
"Actually Rita, you can keep this" Kali handed Rita the small odd piece of her crystal and placed it in Rita's hand.
"Really?" Rita asked Kali, a little unsure. "Are you sure?"
"Consider it a thank you for all your help" Kali smiled to the street rat, even though it wasn't much.
"Yeah" Cynthia added, before chuckling nervously to herself.
"Oh Kali, Cynthia, all of you, thank you!" Rita hugged the teens in a big group hug.
It was a big emotional moment, especially for Cynthia as she realized something and oddly felt wrong about something she did.
"Well... I suppose this is it" Rita told the gang with a sigh, as it was time for her to leave.
"Thanks, for the lift" Roddy said to Rita. "Yeah, thanks" Cynthia even said.
"You're welcome" Rita said before she was about to leave, but stopped.
"Roddy? I don't suppose, you have time to give me a quick tour?" she asked.
"Of course" Roddy said.
"I'd love to meet your family" Rita smiled to Roddy. Roddy then smiled nervously and Kali's gang already seemed to know why.
Roddy soon took the gang on a tour of his house, driving around in a little toy car. But it appeared no on else was around.
"Wouldn't you know it? All out, every one of them" Roddy told the gang when they spotted something interesting while driving past an open room.
"Wait! Wait, wait, wait" Rita told Roddy, jumping out of the car with the teens to get a closer look.
"What is that?" Rita asked.
"Oh, that?" Roddy said while coming over. "That's my master bedroom".
"Uh, hate to tell you this Roddy, but that's a cage" David replied.
"No, no! It's not actually" Roddy told the gang.
"Then what's with all the locks and bars?" Teeders asked, seeing if the upper-class rat had an explanation for that.
"That's my... home security system" Roddy replied. But Rita and the teens were obviously not fooled by that and all gave a serious look to Roddy.
"Roddy. You're all alone up here... aren't you?" Rita said softly to him.
Before Roddy could answer, everyone heard a sudden shout.
"Who's that?" Rita and the others asked Roddy, curiously.
"That would be... my brother!" Roddy answered.
Just then, a fat rat in a England soccer team t-shirt came in, going nuts over the World Cup final, with two hamsters who were dressed up like butlers follow behind him. They reminded Cynthia of her own personal butler, Reginald.
"Sir! Thank God!" The first hamster cried out in relief as he spotted Roddy.
"We thought you'd never return!" The second hamster added with the same reaction.
Both hamsters seemed relieved Roddy was back, as it looked like they had been through some pretty rough stuff with the fat rat around. The fat rat was equally surprised to see Roddy. The teens could tell they've obviously met before.
"Oh, hello" The fat rat said when Roddy came over with a slight glare at him.
"Rita, everyone, this is... Rupert!" Roddy introduced his assumed brother.
"What?" The fat rat said, confused.
"And these are my butlers, Gilbert and Sullivan" Roddy introduced the hamsters, who he was more friendly around.
"Uh, Hi..." the teens awkwardly greeted Rupert and the two hamster butlers.
"Obviously, there's not a huge family resemblance" Roddy said, coming back over to Rupert. "I rather got the brains and... Well, actually I got the looks too. But we're very close, aren't we, Rupert?"
The gang strangely felt awkward about this, while Rita seemed to recognize Rupert from somewhere.
"Well, how time files when you're having fun" Roddy said before taking Rita's hand. "Still... On with the tour, shall we?".
"Hello Sid" Rita stopped and greeted Rupert, who's real name was Sid.
"Hello Rita" Sid greeted back. "How's your dad?".
"Better, yeah. Thanks for asking" Rita replied.
"Rupert?" Sid started laughing and making fun of Roddy. Saying that how he was all alone for his whole life with only a couple of toy dolls and a wheel to run around in his cage. Much to the teens' displeasure, especially for Cynthia and Teeders who already hated Sid.
"What a loser!" Sid mocked Roddy on his way out, with the hamsters following him.
"I hate him, so much" Teeders said, and Cynthia whispered in agreement "Me too".
"It's OK Roddy" Rita said softly, adjusting his shirt collar. Trying to comfort him, but Roddy pushed her away.
"OK? Look at this place Rita, look at my home. It's a palace!" Roddy said. "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want to. I say that's a little more okay".
"But you're all by yourself up here. Aren't you lonely?" Ann asked the upper-class rat.
"Of course not. This place has everything" Roddy only pretended to boast. "What do I need a family for? What do I need friends for?".
Rita was about to talk Roddy into going back with her, but he interrupted.
"I'm sorry, but if you have everything you need then I really have to get going" Roddy told the street rat. "I have a serious infestation to deal with" he added, referring to Sid.
"I guess i'll say goodbye then... Roddy St James... of Kensington" Rita frowned, and then sadly left the room to go back in the sewers where she belonged.
The gang of teens frowned, even Cynthia, feeling sad that Rita left. But the gang also noticed Roddy really did feel lonely.
"Oh Roddy, why'd you have to make her leave?" Ann frowned.
"It's for the best" Roddy quietly replied, even though he looked sad, which made the teens realize something.
"You like her, don't you?" Teeders then said to Roddy about Rita. But the upper-class society rat felt too proud to admit it or anything.
"Roddy St James. In all my life I've lived the highest of luxury, given the finest of clothes, and been served those tiny little bits of food on one of those silver platters. But without my friends i'd be forlorn" Cynthia told Roddy. Explaining that you could be rich and have it all, but still be lonely without the one thing everyone needs... Companionship.
Roddy only felt upset and then left the room to go deal with Sid. The teens were now alone in the room.
"I can't believe Roddy's too stubborn to admit he's not happy!" Brock groused.
Kali and the gang then looked down as the crystal suddenly started flashing.
"What's happening?" David asked.
There was an aurora of lights, just like before that swirled around the teens as they were slightly lifted off the ground, and then a huge flash. The gang was set back down as they opened their eyes and each looked up to see they had human hands. All the teens went wide-eyed and quickly ran to the nearest mirror to see their reflections. They had turned back into humans again.
"I'm me again! Finally!" Cynthia was overjoyed as she started kissing herself all over, quickly regretting it though as she was filthy.
"Huh? But this doesn't make any sense!" Kali told the gang. Confused for some strange reason.
"But the crystal turned us back, which according to Albert clearly means that our mission is done here" Cynthia said, a bit rudely.
"Kali's got a point, something's not right" Teeders agreed and so did the others. Except Cynthia who crossed her arms, being impatient with the gang.
"Wait a sec!" Kali whispered as the gang could hear Roddy and Sid watching the World Cup final in the other room, listening to something about Halftime.
"Wait, guys! Remember what the Toad said about wanting the master cable for the World Cup finals?" Kali asked and they nodded. "What do you think he meant by that?" the adventure girl continued.
"Hmmm?" the gang all thought for a moment.
"Teeders, David, you're the sports experts, what does Halftime mean?" Brock asked them.
"Well..." Teeders and David thought for a moment.
"Halftime usually mean intermission, you know where everyone takes a break. Usually in stuff like stretching out the body and going to the toilet" Teeders replied.
The gang put all their thoughts together and soon went wide-eyed in shock, realizing something.
"The Toad's gonna flush away all of Ratropolis at Halftime!" the gang cried out together, while Cynthia strangely looked nervous as she stood behind them.
"But he'd need the cable from Rita, and he doesn't even know where she is" said Brock.
"Unless..." Kali realized something as she got out her crystal and looked at it again.
Cynthia suddenly felt perturbed and tried to tiptoe away when-
"Cynthia?" she froze and slowly turned to see her friends all looking at her.
"When you got my crystal back from the Toad, there wasn't anything strange about it, was there?" Kali asked, with a look in her eyes wanting some answers.
Cynthia started biting her fingernails, feeling pressured while the gang was all giving her those stares.
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I CONFESS!" Cynthia bawled out in tears while getting down on her knees. She had finally cracked.
"When you guys came back in attempt to rescue me, the Toad agreed to let me go if I allowed him to plant a tiny GPS microchip into Kali's crystal" Cynthia finally admitted, before taking in a deep breath. "That piece of your crystal that you gave to Rita is not actually a part of the crystal... it's a tracking device"
The gang gasped while in shock, figuring out that Cynthia had been working with the Toad this whole time. The other teens immediately got into a fight with Cynthia.
"Cynthia, how could you! After all we've been through! Rita's done nothing but help us, and you go behind our backs just to have an amphibian wipe out the entire rat population!?" Kali was enraged the most, with her face boiling red.
Cynthia looked ashamed, but she didn't want her friends to see her like that, so instead she argued back.
"Well this never would've happen if your stupid crystal hadn't turned us into rats in the first place!" Cynthia started blaming her friend.
The rest of the gang gasped, feeling betrayed, especially Kali.
"Guys, this isn't the time!" David broke them up. "Rita's in danger, everyone's in danger. We gotta go back and save them!"
"You're right David" Kali nodded in agreement. "Come on gang, lets go!"
The teens were about to dash off. But they stop and turned to see Cynthia not following.
"Cynthia?" they asked their friend.
Cynthia had her back turned with her arms crossed, refusing to go back with the gang back into the sewers. "When the crystal changes us back it means our mission is done..." she simply said.
Cynthia was being selfish, and cared to much about herself to help her friends.
"Well... I guess we're not really friends then..." Kali said, with a small tear soon rolling down her cheek.
"Come on Kali, we have to go clean up her mess" Ann glared at Cynthia, before the gang then left the room without her.
Cynthia looked away angry, before she saw a flash in other room, then the shadows of five rats and heard the sound of the toilet flushing.
"Ah, fine!" Cynthia groused. "I don't need them!"
But Cynthia soon frowned, feeling ashamed. Knowing that it was her fault she left the tracking device with Rita, and that she was most likely captured by now. Cynthia then heard the sound of singing as the slugs soon showed up by the window and started singing to her. Before she got annoyed and slammed the window shut on them.
As Cynthia stormed away, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small glow. She looked to see there was something on the ground. It was various little leftover shards from Kali's crystal.
Cynthia gathered them up in her hand and gazed at the tiny bits of shards, thinking hard for a minute. She then soon heard Rita's voice echo in her head about "being friends".
Cynthia then gave a reluctant sigh. "Oh boy... I'm going to regret this"
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Би ер нь дуу хөгжимд их мэдрэг ханддаг хүн л дээ. Тэгээд энд нэг булан гаргасан юм. Энд чухам юу орох нь уу гэтэл хэдэн дууны шүлэг орох шинжтэй. Би дууны ая данд илүүтэй хандтай, чих тавин таашаал авдаг л төрлийн хүн юм л даа. Гэхдээ аливаа нэг дуу надад машид гүн гүнзгий сэтгэгдэл төрүүлбэл шүлгийг нь нэн шохоорхож эхэлдэг. Энэ хэсэгт чухамдаа миний зүрх сэтгэлд хэсэгхэн зай эзлээд одох гадаад хэл дээрх дууг монгол хэлнээ хөрвүүлэн оруулах бяцхан ажил өрнөх юм. Гадаад хэлнээс эх хэл рүүгээ дуу, шүлэг хөрвүүлнэ гэдэг бас ч нарийн мэдрэмж шаардсан ажил гэж бодном. Тэдгээр яруу сайхан мөр шадуудыг шуудхан үгчилж буулгах чухам учир дутагдалтай санагддаг тул аль болох утгачилж, утга санааг өөрийн хэл соёлын өвөрмөц онцлогт дүйцүүлэн орчуулж гэмээ нь яруу байдлаа хадгалсаар байх болов уу. Иймд миний бие онц сонирхолтой, олонд танигдаагүй өвөрмөц шүлгүүдийг аль болох утга дүйцүүлэн, мөн ядмагхан яруу найргийн мэдрэмжээ давс хужрыг нь тааруулах мэт хаялаад чадан ядан уншигч та бүхэнд сонирхуулахаар шулуудлаа. Болгооно уу.
8 174