《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 2
"Oh my head" Ann groaned as she and the others started to wake up. The teens were just starting to get a clear vision on things as they looked around to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for.
"Where's David?" Teeders asked.
Just then, David came up out of the water, grabbing onto the ledge while he coughed up some sewer water. Brock and Teeders helped pulled him up, getting Cynthia wet in the process.
"EW GROSS!" The dramatic fashionista cringed.
"Thanks" David said. But something felt very different when they grabbed each others hands.
"Wait a minute, how did we get so small? And why are my hands brown?" Cynthia asked while sounding nervous. The gang quickly realized everything suddenly looked a lot bigger to them now in their surroundings.
The teens looked at their hands to see that they were all light-brown with fur. They all ran over to the water to see their reflections, but it wasn't their humans faces they saw, it was... Rats!
Yes indeed, the gang had turned into rats. Even their items had shrunken down with them to fit their size. At least Kali still had her favorite yellow bandanna tied on her head. Unfortunately for Cynthia her purple dress was soaking wet, covered in sewage waste.
"Kali, I would advise you stop using THAT BLASTED CRYSTAL!" Cynthia yelled at the adventure girl, before she asked having a look around "Where are we?"
"Apparently, in the sewers of Kensington" Teeders answered the question.
"Well... It sure is a lovely day" David said, trying to make the situation sound more appealing.
"WE'RE RATS!... IN THE SEWER!" Cynthia cried out, it was her worst nightmare come true. Cynthia started screaming so loud it echoed through the sewers enough for anyone to hear, causing the rest of the gang to go deaf for a minute.
"KALI CHANGE ME BACK RIGHT NOW!" Cynthia grabbed Kali's shirt collar and shook her violently, making Kali dizzy until Teeders and David restrained Cynthia.
"But I told you since my last adventure, the crystal won't allow us to change back until we have a mission to complete. Besides it doesn't do anything if it isn't glowing" Kali explained, holding out her crystal showing that it wasn't glowing at the moment.
Cynthia started banging her head against the dirty brick wall in frustration. "Kali that stupid crystal of yours has witchcraft written all over it!" Cynthia accused the adventure girl.
"It's not witchcraft!" Kali protested before she explained "Albert and Twilight promised me they were gonna help continue with my training on how to master the crystal's powers"
"When I open my eyes i'm gonna be a home in my luxurious spa room and hot-tub" Cynthia told herself, closing her eyes but it didn't work. Cynthia then started trying to slap herself awake.
"Ok Cindy you're not dreaming. Stop it before you break your luxurious face, it's bad for your complexion" Brock deadpanned.
"Cynthia Angelina Widdlestine the 1st, you'll get through this. The very core of fabric silk and sewing flows within you" The fashionista told herself, before she felt something slimy down her back. She slowly turned her head in hesitation to see a little slug crawling down her back. She screamed.
"GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" Cynthia went crazy, running around when David grabbed the slug and threw it off her.
"I HATE SLUGS!!!" Cynthia cried out all psychotically before she then fainted.
"No! No! No! Cynthia you are not dying on me today! You will not die!" Kali said as she came over to Cynthia's side.
"Cynthia? Cynthia! Cynthia! Cynthia! Stella McCartney is president, you are an American Cynthia!" Kali shouted in Cynthia's face, trying to wake her up.
"Should we give her mouth to mouth?" Brock asked.
"No, No, don't give her mouth to mouth that'll ruin her complexion" said David.
"Yeah she'd never forgive you" Ann added.
"Her complexion is ruined enough as it is already" Teeders told the others while Kali had woken Cynthia up with one slap across her face.
"Oh I can't stand this smell" Cynthia felt like she was gonna throw up.
Kali and Teeders started scouting the area and sewer tunnels. "Hmm, from the looks of it we must've been swept a few miles down west" Teeders informed the others.
"Yeah look, tunnel 221" Kali added by pointing out to the number above the tunnel.
"Great, how are we gonna get home?" David asked.
"Forget that, how are we gonna change back into our human selves?!" Cynthia started freaking out.
"We could just go back" Brock suggested.
"Oh yeah, that's a real smart idea" Cynthia said sarcastically to Brock, knowing they couldn't go back the way they came.
While the gang started arguing, they heard some noises, sounding like stuff you'd hear in a city. "Shh, you guys hear that?" Kali asked as they continued listing.
"Maybe it's a way out" said David.
The gang followed the sounds and saw light up ahead coming from a tunnel. As they entered they had to cover their eyes for a moment due to a bright light. Once they came out of the tunnel the teens jaws dropped open. They couldn't believe their eyes, what they saw in front of them was a rat-sized city resembling London right here in the sewers.
"I think i'm gonna faint" Cynthia said, now knowing that rats have been living like humans right underneath their society all this time.
"Don't you dare!" David warned her, rather annoyed how Cynthia always had to be over-dramatic about everything she despised.
The gang started wandering around the rat-sized city in Awe, impressed at how the rats were thriving here.
"Wow, it's like the rat version of London" Teeders remarked.
"Rattopia!" The twins said.
"I think you mean Ratropolis" Kali corrected them, now remembering how Nick and Fetcher told her about this place during one of her visits.
The gang then bumped into this fat rat who was oddly wearing toast for clothes. "It's coming!" He proclaimed.
"What?"-David "Where?"-Brock
"When?"-Teeders "Why?"-Ann
"How?"-Kali "Who?"-Cynthia
"What's coming?!" The six friends said all together.
"The great flood, those floodgates won't hold forever you know!" The crazy bread prophet rat said before he ran off shouting "We're doomed!".
This left the gang confused. "The great flood?" Ann said.
"What do you think he meant by that?" Brock asked. The gang just shrugged their shoulders.
"We gotta figure out a way to get home" Teeders then changed the subject back to what was important.
"Oh isn't there anyway who can please help us get home?! ANYBODY AT ALL!" Cynthia cried out before she ran into an indulged rat wearing a tux, and she fell to the ground.
"Oh, i'm terribly sorry" This upper-class rat in the tux apologized after he bumped into Cynthia.
"Oh it's fine, the only real harm that's been done was to my precious dress" Cynthia claimed, after her dress got another rip into it.
"What?" The rat in the tux was confused.
"Sorry about her, she gets a little loopy when she hasn't had her pedicure" Kali told the pampered looking rat while messing with Cynthia a little.
"I do not!" Cynthia pouted like a little kid, before Kali continued.
"You're not from around here either are you?" Kali told the upper-class rat in the tux.
"How'd you know?" He asked Kali.
"Just a hunch" Kali shrugged her shoulders before she introduced herself and her gang.
"I'm Kali. These are my siblings Brock and Ann, and these are my friends Teeders, David, and that's Cynthia, she's the upper-class fashionista Nutso of our gang" Kali told the rat in the tux, while continuing to tease Cynthia.
"Hey!" Cynthia narrowed her eyes at Kali.
"The name's Rodrick St James, but you can all call me Roddy" The upper-class rat in the tux held out his hand, offering to shake.
"Well it's nice to meet a fellow upper-class man who-" Cynthia shook hands with Roddy but paused for a moment.
"Aw, ulgh when was the last time you bathed? You smell like a wet dog who threw up a pork dinner in a sweaty locker room then ate it again" Cynthia started to gag. "Kali, Kali get that pointy stick over there and just put me out of my misery"
"Drama queen" Ann grumbled to the others while they all rolled their eyes at their over dramatic friend.
"Forgive her, the only smell she's used to is the silk from her dresses" Teeders told Roddy about Cynthia.
"Nah she's right, I do smell. I was kicked out of my home and flushed down my own toilet" Roddy explained to the group of teens.
"That's terrible" Ann said, before she and Brock asked Roddy "You're from up top too?".
"Yes, and i'm trying to get back home" Roddy told them.
"What a coincidence, we're trying to get back home ourselves" Teeders said.
Just then the gang bumped into a rat, strongly resembling a pirate who overheard their conversation. "So, you're trying to get Up Top me heartys?" The pirate rat asked the group of outsiders.
"Yes sir" Kali replied. "Do you know how to get there?" Ann asked.
"There's one person 'round here might be able to help you. Might" The pirate rat explained.
"Really?" Roddy asked hopefully.
"Shady customer. The captain of the Jammy Dodger. If you can find it" The pirate rat told them.
"I know where it is!" A goldfish that was lying on the pirate's table said. "WAH!" Cynthia freaked out for a second since that goldfish looked dead a second ago.
The gang were soon taken to the back of a dark alleyway, where they saw that a boat was docked in the corner. "And remember, the name of the boat's the Jammy Dodger" the gang heard the pirate rat's voice echo in their heads.
"Uh, thanks for bringing us this far" said David.
"You're welcome" The pirate rat was actually behind them, using a water-bottle to make his voice sound echoy, before he then left.
The gang then slowly walked through the dark alleyway over to the Jammy Dodger boat. "This is so unsatisfyingly creepy" Cynthia seemed scared.
"Oh stop exaggerating, you've been through worse" Teeders told Cynthia.
"Actually nothing could be more worse for me than this" Cynthia said.
As the group got closer to the boat they started hearing creepy sounds. They looked down to see a group of slugs whistling a creepy tune to them and it wasn't helping, specifically for Cynthia.
"Hello?..." said Brock.
"Uh permission to come aboard?" asked Roddy.
"Ahoy there?" David called out as the gang got on board the Jammy Dodger.
The gang seemed a little uneasy about this as it felt like they were being watched. Roddy then felt someone tap on his shoulder, but when he turned around no one was there except for Kali and the others.
"Maybe this was a bad idea" David said, his voice sounding a little shaky. The gang started to leave.
Suddenly from out of nowhere, Roddy was grabbed by a giant robotic hand thing that was being controlled by someone.
"I'll help you Roddy!" Kali said bravely, when she was suddenly tripped by someone. "Hey!" Kali growled, after falling to the ground with a hard thud.
Someone then yanked Brock's tail, he turned around blindsided for a moment before he was then tripped also, along with the others by this fast shadowy figure.
"IT'S THE DEMONS OF THE SEWER! THEY'VE COME FOR US!" Cynthia cried out in horror, about to jump off the boat, but Teeders pulled her back in.
"Sorry we didn't mean to intrude, Mr Captain, Skipper, Thingy" Roddy said to the shadowy figure.
"Hey that's Miss Captain Skipper Thingy to you" the figure came out from the shadows revealing to be a lady street rat with red hair. She then asked the group "What are you doing on my boat?".
"We were told you could help us get home" Ann said.
"Look I've had a really bad day and we need your help. I've been thrown out of my own home and flushed down my own toilet-" Roddy started.
"Yeah thank you too much information, I've got my own problems" The street scavenger lady rat with red hair told the gang.
"Can we at least get your name?" Kali asked her.
"Rita, Rita Malone" the street-smart rat introduced herself to the gang.
"She's around here somewhere" everyone then heard a faint voice in the distance.
"What's that?" The twins asked, before Rita pulled everyone down to the ground. "Stay down, and keep quiet!" She told them before lowering a curtain painted like a brick wall, to hide the Jammy Dodger.
"Why? who are we hiding-" Roddy asked before Rita cupped her hand over his mouth.
"I said quiet!" She hissed at him, before saying "There's rats after me who'd like to kill me".
"Well i'll contain my own amazement" Roddy told Rita before she gave him that look.
"Alright, alright. Quiet as a mouse" Roddy said before accidentally placing his elbow down on a string that was connected to the boat's horn, making a sound so loud it knocked the curtain off the boat.
"Over There!" a voice shouted as another boat appeared, shinning a bright light on the Jammy Dodger. The gang had been spotted.
"You idiot!" Rita growled at Roddy, irritated by him for blowing her cover.
"Sorry about that. Uh, i'll be off then" Roddy said before tripping over a bucket then bumping into Cynthia.
"Hey watch it!" Cynthia snapped before they both ended up falling off the boat and into the water. Kali face-palmed at this.
"Don't let her get away!" the rest of the gang heard someone saying, mentioning Rita.
Cynthia and Roddy popped their heads out of the water when the slugs started screeching at them. "Oh come on!" Cynthia deadpanned.
"Come on Jammy me old mate, don't do this to me!" Rita groaned, trying to start the boat's engine. When suddenly the larger boat rammed into the Jammy Dodger, knocking the gang over.
A bunch of ruffian rats then boarded the Jammy Dodger. Kali and gang manged to help Rita fight them off before they were all seized by a much larger white rat. The big white rat then grabbed Roddy and Cynthia out of the water and kept them in his grasp, along with Rita. While Kali and the rest of the gang were held by the other thug rats.
"Let me go you pink-eyed freak!" Rita kicked the larger white rat in the face.
"I'm upset now" The white rat said before looking at Cynthia which made her scream, looking into his creepy pink eyes.
"Whatever's going on here I assure you i'm not involved, I'm an innocent bystander" Roddy said.
Now of course Kali's gang was strong enough to fight back but they didn't resist, because they wanted to know exactly what was going on here. Just then a huge flash of light came on with a giant creepy shadow looming over the gang.
"Rita, Rita, Rita" The creepy shadowy figure laughed evilly. "You thought you could give us the slip-" a little rat then slipped off his boat and fell in front of them.
"Well she did give you the slip" Kali whispered to the rest of the gang as a joke while they snickered.
"Who have we got here?!" The scrawny little rat (known as Spike) got on his feet and pointed out to Roddy and Kali's gang, specifically Roddy though.
"I believe he said his name was "Millicent Bystander" the large white rat (now known as Whitey) proclaimed. Spike started to laugh "Millicent?".
"Uh actually no-" Roddy started, but was interrupted.
"Now then, where's the ruby Rita?!" Spike said in a threatening tone.
"The boss wants it back!" Whitey added.
"I don't have your stupid ruby" Rita said.
"Okay, are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way!" Spike growled at Rita in a threatening tone.
"I think we should do it the easy way, don't you Spike?" Whitey asked, while Spike seemed disappointed.
"Alright, check the tin" Rita sighed.
"Good girl" Spike said while he went over to open the tin. "See Whitey this is how I do it. Watch and learn my son, watch and- WHOA!" Spike was thrown into the air by a foam snake, which was actually the whole snake in the can prank. Everyone watched as Spike came down, landing in the tin with a SPLAT!
"Was it in there?" Whitey asked. This made Kali's whole gang snicker.
"Right! Rip it up lads!" Spike ordered the other hench-rats to search the boat for the ruby, they would tear up the whole boat if they had to.
"Hey, you get your filthy paws off my stuff!" Rita snapped at two of the hench-rats who were reading her diary.
"It's here somewhere, I can feel it in me guts!" Spike said while the hench-rats continued tearing up the boat, in search for the ruby.
"That'll be last night's curry Spike. I'm the same, I got a bum like a Japanese flag" Whitey said.
"Would you please tell these people i'm not involved with this" Roddy asked Rita.
"Fine. Alright, alright everybody listen up. This gentleman and his associates, they're not from around here. Just look how nicely he and this one are dressed" Rita said, referring to Cynthia.
"Why thank you" Cynthia told Rita.
"And why? Because he's an international jewel thief!" Rita said to the hench-rats about Roddy. "Precisely- What? No!" Roddy said.
"He stole the ruby from me-" Rita started. "No, No, she's lying!-" Roddy said. This led into an argument while Kali's gang just watched in amusement.
"Alright, alright, it's time to bring out... the Persuader" Spike then brought out a nutcracker. Roddy, Rita, and Whitey gasped while Kali's gang just seemed confused.
"Your choice mate, you can talk now or you can talk later. Ain't that right persuader?" Spike asked before making his voice sound high and squeaky while moving the nutcracker's mouth "Yeah, in a much higher voice".
"The Persuader's alive Spike!" Whitey said, frightened.
"Oh give me a break" Kali said with a slight groan.
"You'll be singing like a tea kettle" Spike continued moving the nutcracker's mouth in his squeaky voice.
"Okay, now this is just getting weird" Brock whispered to the others.
"I don't even know her, I don't know anything!" Roddy said, trying to escape Whitey's grasp, when Rita got free for a moment. But Whitey grabbed her tail and pulled her back.
"Careful miss, you'll injure yourself" Whitey told Rita, while picking her up and holding her upside-down. That's when Roddy noticed something in Rita's back pants pocket. Kali and her gang also seemed to notice.
"I know where it is! I know where it is!" Roddy told Spike he knew where the ruby was.
"Come on then, spit it out!" Spike said.
"Don't you dare!" Rita growled at Roddy.
"Look at her bottom. Is it me, or is it oddly shaped?" Roddy told Spike.
"You little snitch" Rita glared at Roddy.
"The booty's in the booty" Whitey did notice something was in Rita's back pants pocket.
"Hey!" Rita was shooked a little by Whitey, when a small red ruby fell out of Rita's pant pocket. Everyone gasped in awe of the ruby while Spike picked it up.
"Oh thanks mate" Spike told Roddy "The boss is gonna be so happy with us".
"You're toast" Rita said to Roddy, looking pretty angry.
Kali and her friends didn't know what they were getting themselves into as Spike and Whitey took them back to their hideout with Roddy and Rita. But Kali had a feeling this was gonna be another real whirlwind adventure for them.
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